Many Republicans are disappointed in Trump amd start missing the good old times. But what do you think Sup Forums?
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Many Republicans are disappointed in Trump amd start missing the good old times. But what do you think Sup Forums?
Thread music video:
Fuck off, pooling shill
I would switch my dick in your ass, get back to your superior at your college, and tell him to kill himself for being a huge faggot
Stop scouting here
I would give my life to see all jews killed
Hi Dem op.
>Many Republicans are disappointed
In congress yes. Trump, not really.
>"good old times"
Right. Bush sucked and paved the way for HNIC.
>But what do you think Sup Forums?
Fuck off shill.
>Zogmaster H. W. Bush's son
>Did nothing but destabilize countries for Israel
Bush and his father will swing from a rope
Bush did nothing wrong. When I was young and naive I thought he was the closest thing I'll see to the anti-christ. But now that I have grown up and truly understand gropolitics, in retrospect he was a pretty good POTUS. Yes, I would switch Trump for Bush because at least Bush knew how to compromise REALISTICALLY (key word) and get things accomplished.
Learn to spell cunt
what are we sliding now? Christ, this is bad
Bush was a ball less wuss. He let the Brown Shirt Media savage him on a daily basis for 8 years. Because “it was beneath the dignity of the office.”
Bush is why we have a President Trump. Trump realized Bush’s mistake from the beginning.
>Be me
>Pretend to be a burger
>Make an obvious troll thread to trigger the 'murican Sup Forumsaks
>Post thread
>Profit (= laugh about triggered burgers' replies with your friends)
Paradise papers, aka, Panama papers 2.0 on steroids
>would you switch out donald trump for the bush crime family, clinton-tier establishment whores
Is this a joke?
He fucked little boys. Just like most of em.
In a second. I'd re-invade Iraq to get rid of Trump.
>would you switch driving a high end sports car down an open highway in exchange for dying slowly in a horrible accident while driving a Prius?
fuck off and sage
they only reason people don't like Trump is because he loves his country and he tells truths which hurt the feelings of children.