Holy shit how's it feel Trump has betrayed you.
Holy shit how's it feel Trump has betrayed you
He doesn't blame China because we were stupid enough to agree.
It's our own leaders who failed. Get it?
>take statement out of context
>compare non-contextual statement with previous statements
How to click-bait all forms of political journalism in two simple steps
All Chinese should be ethnically cleansed from the earth
The president is a compulsive liar and a con man, what did you expect
It amazes me how so many people call Trump stupid but can't understand a statement as simple as this one
Why blame China when NeoCons and NeoDems enabled them? China was smart and the U.S. had repeatedly either aided or underestimated them. Is a nation not going to do everything it's allowed to do for its own wealth? What kind of retard are you?
This. The problem is that leftists are low-info.
>I don't blame china for taking advantage of our queer in chief obongo
I don't blame them either.
I don’t blame China either, they were following their own interests.
It’s like blaming Mexicans for coming into our country illegally when it’s the politicians fault for not sending them back, or preventing them in the first place
All in good time. Save whitey first and we may be able to help. If not the mussie niggers are going to take over the whole world for the kikes
Where were you during the entirety of Trump's media career and political rise? He's always said that he doesn't blame them, just how he's always said he doesn't blame companies or individuals for paying as little taxes as possible.
He always said that China was taking advantage of the USA and he repeated this over and over again during the elections. CNN and others are again making a storm out of nothing, pathetic.
>"Trump will start WW3 with China!"
>"Trump is negotiating and smoothing relations with China, betraying you!"
This makes 100% sense. Why would YOU blame China for the US failing to look out for itself and negotiate appropriate trade deals?
Leftshits see what they want to see. Are you forgetting IOTBW is racist?
You guys fail to realize that Nixon was using a relationship with China as leverage against the Russians. The Chinks weren’t stupid, they realized Russia was such bigger threat than we were. What the fuck would we want with China?
Once Nixon opened China up the Rats realized there was half a continent to plunder over there. (Check out just how it is Di Fi got filthy rich). So of course we have been money laundering through China for decades. It must have worked out pretty well for there are a lot of Rats got rich doing it.
Now Trump is threatening to squeeze the money laundering and the Rats are sweating about it.
He said the same thing with Mexico. It's his way of saying that he'll negotiate harder. Whether he gets anywhere is a separate question, but this phrase is hardly controversial.
This is the same thing he has said all along, China is acting in its own interests. The problem is that our government doesn't do the same for us.
wow you know OP, i used to support donald trump, but now seeing that he's resorting to using diplomacy and foreign relations and statesmanship on his trips abroad, i think i'm going to rescind my support for him. thanks for enlightening me bro.
are you really this dumb or are you a shill, OP?
fucking left retards.. You can't blame China for finding way to abuse our stupid rules put in place by stupid assholes who shouldn't have been in charge of the Country in the first place.
It is not, because it is our fault for bending over for the last 30 years.
I don't blame the guy who stole my bike or fucked my wife, he was just being a nigger. President Cuck
I don't blame them for raping US...we were asking for it!
He has said this for over a year, why do liberals insist on lying?
Hes been saying that for years. Fucking idiot leftists.
>American leaders fucked over America by making bad trades with China
>This is China's fault according to liberals
Yeah. That's literally what congress and former presidents have allowed China to do for years. He's saying why should I blame them for doing the obvious in that situation. Staying cuddly with China at this point is to secure their cooperation on NK.
He has said the same thing on the campaing trail. Are libshits actual retards or just horrible propagandists? He repeatedly said at his rallies that he doesn't blame China or Mexico, because our stupid politicians basically invited them to do so.
Sage and hide, some of these threads might be just Aussie trolls, but some are legitimate flooding the board with leftist propaganda for ShareBlue, CTR or whatever godforsaken name these libshit propaganda warfare companies have nowadays.
Last time I checked Hilldawg wasn't president.
Mission Accomplished.
He never blamed China, he blamed globalists for fucking over American interests way before he became President.
Fucking mongs.
Let's take the whole truth about what he said
President Trump Says " I Don't Blame China, I Blame Previous Administrations" On One Sided Trade Deals
He blames BO numbnuts
100% this
>China is at fault for shitty trade deals
>Cant blame china for wanting to have a good deal for them
>These are mutually exclusive stances
You are a dumb abo arnt you? You can say something is someones fault and still be able to say, but i know why they did it.Now go get some maccers after you stop at the servo you fucking nob.
We were betrayed by Clinton, Bush and son, and Onigger. China had a gift laid on their lap at our expense, why wouldnt they take it? Why blame them when idiots in office are to be blamed?
>Holy shit how's it feel Australia has betrayed you.
He was making a joke mong.
Trump was saying "we're the stupid people" regarding bad trade deals at almost every single one of his rallies. These people need to clean the salt out of their ears and listen.
>when the left thinks the right is btfo but doesnt realize the right blames actions and not the results.
>not knowing that trump said this exact same thing several times during his rallies
fuck off shill
>We were betrayed by Clinton, Bush and son,
>Bush and son
This right here.
Gotta keep that junk plentiful and cheap.
He has been saying that kinda stuff since the beginning of his campaign. In fact he even said stuff like respecting Chinas ruthless trade dealings long before he ran while lamenting that something should be done about it.
Liberals are on such a strict diet of fake news that they don’t even know basic shit like this about their President that they spend 16 hours a day whining about.
This. I don't blame them for our dumb politicians letting them do it. They're doing what's best for themselves and their country. How hard is that to understand?
It's not out of context mate.
Trump used to be anti-china and now he pretends to be best buddies with China. that's a 180 flip from his campaign rethoric
He said in a much earlier interview or rally that he would've done the same thing and he had to hand it to them they got away with it.
>Cecilia Vega
Why are pornstars' opinions now considered valid?