And what should be the criteria?
What does Sup Forums think of Eugenics?
If you die from a kraft single, it's cleaning the gene pool.
Hitler was right.
>If you die from a kraft single, it's cleaning the gene pool
I'm shocked that there was enough material from an actual cow in those processed "cheese" slices to actually kill the kid.
I knew a kid in middle school who had projectile diarrhea tier lactose intolerance, and those prepackaged slices had zero effect on him.
If a peanut kills you, you weren't meant to survive.
All major genetic defects should be aborted by law.
Those with severe allergies deserve to die.
humans shouldnt intervene with natures course with the little amount of knowladge we have.Experiments should be done since testing is the best method of perfecting.However we should ensure that natures stays in its own course uncorrupted by human society as it is now.
parents probably should have told the school he was lactose intolerant or whatever
There is literally nothing wrong with processed cheese
When i staffed camps a couple years ago we had a 12 year old kid drink milk and die even though he knew he was allergic to it.
from disease blankets to cheese
scumbag whites can you stop killing minorities already?
I like certain type of eugenics more than others.
I doubt it was the milk, im lactoce intolerant and dairy was fine until i was about 9.
It needs to happen ASAP.
Lactose intolerance and lactose allergy are very different things.
Intolerance is like your body tried to put it out of you asap so you shit like mad.
Allergy is when your body treats any lactose as poison and it fucks you up in many ways, mostly respiratory.
Do you think he makes her make baboon sounds while fucking?
I think he does.
>Lactose intolerance
He is most likely allergic to milk-protein
Best invention ever, can't wait for the chinks to apply it in mass to make themselves better.
Fitness and Health should be the first criteria (productive people), intelligence the second and beauty the third.
Eugenics is the way forward.
He's a milk racist
he probably has a scat fetish as well
skin + testestorone leves = your high score
There is nothing wrong with eugenics. Too many people are scared of it because they've been brainwashed to think everybody is beautiful and everyone is supposed to be equal.
is that a real game? looks hilarious
I've been an advocate of eugenics for years.
Unfortunately, most people don't know the difference between eugenics and euthanasia so it can be difficult to have a civil discussion on the matter.
Yep is a good one too.
Though you are not supposed to actually play they way that guy was... Though you can.
The name slips my mind but it is a game about a hacker
Global Population Cap: 500,000,000
Eugenics would create a higher overall quality of life for descendants by weeding out nasty diseases and removing certain conditions from the genetic pool (barring mutation) since natural selection is no longer able to keep humanity from overpopulating with highly disruptive diseases/conditions. Also, unacceptable elements like career criminals or junkies should be removed, due to wanton degeneracy and destructive behavior because prison and rehab centers DO NOT WORK NOR HAVE EVER WORKED.
>Incurable communicable diseases
>Disruptive conditions that excessively lower potential quality of life for descendants (midgets, lobster people, people with a sub 70 IQ, people predispositioned to Parkinson's/Schizophrenia/Alzheimer's/Diabetes etc)
>Repeat offender criminals (3 strikes)
>Drug addicts (including nicotine/caffeine abusers)/alcoholics/etc
>Excessive breeders (4 or more total children)
>People who fail competency exams/citizenship exams/fitness exams after their 16th birthday (for the sake of education and giving people a fair shot at proving they deserve to live)
Niggas need to stop burning resources on people who are honestly detrimental towards the advancement of humanity and the condition of our planet. Sterilization and execution would fix a lot of problems that Mother Nature can no longer handle for us. Hell, people should be able to voluntarily opt-in if they can clear a psych eval, 90 day waiting period, and follow up eval to confirm they're competent enough to understand the ramifications of doing so. It's not explicitly a method of cruelty or punishment, it's about making everyones futures brighter with the tools at our disposal.
Excessive kindness, tolerance, and compassion are exactly as bad the extremes of their polar opposites. Treating symptoms without curing the disease just results in relapse.
start the purge on any body with an IQ < 100, except those who worked in skilled labor positions
idk about that, but degrading&raceplay is one of the many benefits of owning a negress breeding sow.
Watch dogs, the game is shit btw.
Black kid gets a grilled cheese sammich COMPED and he thanks them by dying?
What's up with all these new wacky fucking allergies? It's not normal to be allergic to such a vital food group. Airline food tastes like shit because they cater to all the weirdos allergic to nuts and gluten.
> Be me in highschool
> There's this autistic level kid who has a peanut allergy
> I love Reese's Cups, get them everyday from the vending machine
> His mother forces the school to remove them from vending machines
> He's in class and talks shit about Reese's trying to ignore the fact he's trying to cover up the fact it's more that his body will crumble if anywhere near one
> I start shit and deck him in the face, even though I'm a lanky kid he goes down and starts to cry
> Get suspended but his mother tries to charge the assault as a hate crime.... against someone with peanut allergy
I dont regret anything
Take a look at this peanutist over here!