its getting out of hand...
Its getting out of hand
What a shitty video, did you make it?
Yeah, these anti American anti mixed memes are getting out of hand. Mixed people are beautiful and have the best genes, much better than inbred genes
dats rite genetic-whack-a-mole babies are butifel
Sup Forums wins again
The white part of her genes are what you perceive as 'beautiful'. Niggers are homozygously brown eyed whilst you need to be homozygously blue eyed to actually have blue eyes. That means she's at least 75% white. Probably even more.
Now kindly fuck off and take your Mischlinge with you
Das Monstrum
ITT Europoors at it again.
Such jealousy.
Again its only the white side that makes her look attractive, niggers bring nothing to the table
el goblino
reminder to never fuck with Sup Forums
damn that's a sexy orc
Jealous of not having degenerate whores in our country?
how do we solve the Ameriorc problem?
le int army
Success breeds jealousy
you have a giant textile piece displaying a hundred black people raping a hundred white people at the base of the Eiffel Tower.
Don’t fuck with int, one single person might draw ugly pictures of you.
>/int and not Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Did you make that video lmao
Check this stupid faggot's channel
>muttmeme spammer is an underage memer faggot
Imagine my shock.
Le monstre des ténèbres
but i got laid easily when I was in Oporto
Post the Drumpf one
Argentina, decime que se siente
tener en casa a tu papa.
Te juro que aunque pasen los años
nunca nos vamos a olvidar.
Que el Belgrano se hundio,
que el Conqueror te vacuno,
que estás llorando desde las Falklands hasta hoy.
A las islas puedes ver
pero nunca las vas a tener
Y tampoco nunca blanco vas a ser
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, brother? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in WWE Wrestling, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on the Championship Belt, and I have over 300 confirmed takedowns. I am trained in Leg Drop warfare and I’m the top WWE in the entire WWE Wrestling League. You are nothing to me but just another brother. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words brother. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, brother. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of brothers across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, brother. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, brother. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can body slam you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the WWE fake chairs and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little brother. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn brother. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, brother.
I know. Oporto girls have a thing for niggers unfortunally
who is this demon semen
idk,tell me how it feel be a ''white supremacist'' mexitart
How does it feel to be a nigger who thinks he's white?
How does it feel to be obsessed with islands you will never get?
Does it feel good?
Ooga booga malvinas indeed, my gaucho friend.
how does it feel being so butthurt?
Argentinians are superior to Americans
You have a literal Museum of Butthurt. Remember, Diego, I am laughing at you, not with you.
>amerimutt calling someone else not white
At least Americans have a functioning military.
>people still using digital cameras
jesus that movie is old
kek stay mad chicano
I'm not American. I never said I was American. At no point anywhere is there a post identifying me as American.
So stop lying.
This meme was never good.
This isn't a metric of superiority.
It's kind of True. Even argentinians have had a Pope now. God Bless Franciscus Pontifex
t. Shawn De Trayn
Your entire military and nation got cucked by a menopausal old bag.
The world is laughing at you. Your country is literally a joke on the world stage.
Fucking stop, you mutt. You're making our country look bad
Yeah, you're right. Starting wars and getting your shit kicked in by an old woman is the true marker of superiority.
>implying the American military isn't just a jobs program at this point
I'm still not American and you still don't own the Falklands.
On 21 January 2013, Santísima Trinidad suffered a broken valve which resulted in the flooding of six compartments. The flooding was beyond the capacity of the pumps and the crew were evacuated. The ship took on a 50 degree list and sank at the moorings. Decisions are yet to be made on re-floating the vessel. Santísima Trinidad was in poor condition before she sank; the ship had been cannibalized to keep her sister Hercules operational, as the British refused to sell the Argentines spare parts after the Falklands War.
It is said that no large living organism could endure the devastating pressure that the Pacific ocean produces at the bottom of the Mariana trench, since James Cameron visited it some speculated that the truth was being hidden from the common folk, being only some eminences such as the Pope, Trump and Hulk Hogan aware of the dangers that roam freely over there, on this day it has been revealed MUTTAMERICANUS COMMUNIA, a creature so obsessed with race that has confined himself at the darkest place on earth in hopes of developing white skin, the MUTTAMERICANUS COMMUNIA only leaves the deepest point to feed himself and shitpost, scientists all over the world are trying to discover how he's still alive (It's estimated that a thick layer of fat amounts to the 90% of his body, protecting him from the lethal cold and pressure) but most leave in distress after being called "poor", "mutt", "cuck" or simply being told "I could nuke you"
shit meme from a shit board. the only good part was how Sup Forums was written as /int
Isn't that the joke? That both of them are "germans"?
big if true
lol why do you hate us so much?
also, show your real flag faggot
stfu. i am PROUD. mixed master race!!
el americANO jajajajajajaJAJAjaj
Success breeds jealousy.
The modern American
He is Mexicano kek
go back to Somalía
Come on this is more like (us)
Fuck you nigger. Fucking die nigger.
Hi Cono Sur anons, can I move to your country? I'm tired of living in a JEWED country.
on /pol, Europeans get to have their say!
such victories are posted daily
IRL though, they suck USA cock fervently. At least, until the Caliphate is complete, then it will be haram.
this kid has more money from one season of Netsux , than your entire convict-exile clan ever possessed in its pathetic history