Why are Germany and Austria two seperated countries? They speak the same language, share a similar history and their culture is almost the same.
Why are Germany and Austria two seperated countries? They speak the same language...
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Because Germany is a shitty country full of cucks and rapefugees and we want nothing to do with them.
Deutschland ist Österreich!
Based Austrian!
Plus you have Kaiserschmarrn and the Germans don't.
austria is germany's canada. also ayy lmao
Thats how Mein Kampf starts
Austria is a bad influence.
>implying Austria is better
Two German dynasties that never liked each other. Prussia did not absorb Austria after it defeated it in the Austro-Prussian war. They also did not allow Austria to be part of the German Confederacy that would become the empire; not that Austria would've wanted to anyways. Maybe the Austrians were more susceptive to the idea when Hitler was around. But the state of Germany today ensures that that will never happen. Germany is cucked beyond belief. Austria is based as fuck. The only way it would work is if Austria assumed control and uncucked Germany.
Why are the United States and Canada two seperated countries? They speak the same language, share a similar history and their culture is almost the same.
Why are China and Taiwan two seperated countries? They speak the same language, share a similar history and their culture is almost the same.
Why are England and Pakistan two separated countries? They speak the same language, share a similar history and their culture is almost the same.
Why are North Korea and South Korea two seperated countries? They speak the same language, share a similar history and their culture is almost the same.
Nein, Nein, Nein
Why are Turkey and Germany two seperated countries? They speak the same language, share a similar history and their culture is almost the same.
Top kek. Germany is Austria's neigbouring Libya
No, stop, no.
Why are Vulcan and Romulus two seperated worlds? They speak the same language, share a similar history and their culture is almost the same.
Actually, in Pakistan they give money as presents and spend it on weed.
Cheers Paki.
I get it.
Austria is the historical kingdom of the Hapsburg family. They worked hard to build their empire
Romulans don't have autism
Halts mal du Schluchtenscheißer, ihr habt genau so viel Neger aufgenommen und dann noch diesen Ökocuck gewählt. Schlimmer kann es garnicht mehr werden
Because Canada stayed loyal to the crown in the American revolution
Because the allied powers forbade them from unifying after WW2
Because Taiwan doesn't want to be socialist
Don't you have your wife's boyfriend's cock to wolf down?
Habsburg/Hohenzollern rivalry.
Das Kamerad
Der Ökocuck kann nichts machen als zusehen während wir die redpilledeste Regierung aller Zeiten bekommen. Jealous?
Same reason as Taiwan and China
>he says as hes suckling on Merkels tit
I went to Munich recently and Bavaria is fucking awesome.
Is Vienna the same?
>Scheiße labern, weil keine Argumente
Wahrer Schluchtenscheißer
Erst wenns wirklich soweit ist, vorher wird noch kräftig rumgecuckt und der Negerschwanz verspeist.
Und die Bergjuden die immer so großkotzig rumlabern brauchen mal garnicht die Klappe aufzureißen in ihrem Arabischen Emirat in den Bergen.
>so ashamed of his country that he wont even show his flag
Damn that must suck.
Da klingt jemand sehr getriggered. Ist ok, löst eure eigenen Problem.
Open a history book.
There were 2 german powers in the past : Austria and Prussia.
Austria created a multiethnic empire with the Hungarians while Prussia united all of northern Germany, and then won the competition against Austria to control the south.
Now : the Austrian empire is split between a dozen of nations that make more sense ; old Prussia no longer exist as USSR removed the germans to replace them with russians and poles.
because Southern Germanics are different in thinking in behaviour from North-Eastern. The former understand proportions, they have grace and moderation, while the latter are radical, they have madness in their eyes, they don't know when to stop, they can become hyperactive and are more romantic in their thinking, meaning they value the unconscious and irrational in humans
Why are France, Belgium, and Switzerland seperate countries ? They speak the same language, share a similar history and their culture is almost the same.
>thinks he is a patriot because of showing his flag on an anonymous image board
In Österreich würd ich nicht mal tot überm Zaun hängen, so scheiße ist das, uezs.
Germany and Austria aren't seperated countries.
The "Federal Republic of Germany" and the "Republic of Austria" are artificial constructs created for the sole purpose of keeping our actual state, the German Reich, which is existing to this day (even the supreme court of the federal republic of Germany admitted this several times), unable to act.
It's our ultimate trump card: Everything those two "states" do (Joining the EU, giving "citizenship" to non-europeans etc.) is legally null and void in relation to our German Reich.
We are in this position since May 23rd, 1945.
Why are Serbia and Montenegro two seperated countries? They speak the same language, share the same history and their culture is almost the same.
So Hitler was a Prussian?
Bla, bla. Nobody here wants to united with those naive and arrogant fools. Also, drop the flag.
Because we slipped into two world wars thanks to these fucking retards.
>ihr habt genau so viel Neger
>ihr habt
>so viel Neger
Well, I think Ich verstehe what you are saying
Because Austria was forbidden from joining Germany at the end of the First World War, thus when they finally did join with Germany during the Nazi era union between them was henceforth tainted by associations with the Third Reich.
>They speak the same language
not true
Because of 19th century geopolitics. Austria didn't see the signs of nationalism at the horizon and thought they could hold onto all their balkan territory.
Why are Scotland and Mozambique two separate countries? They speak the same language, share the same history and their culture is almost the same.
Außerdem bevor hier einer von Annektion spricht sollte man den scheiß Bayern mal endlich bei bringen das die zu Deutschland gehören und nicht immer mit ihrem behinderten Freistaat ankommen
austrians are just pissed that they cant shut down germany as they always wanted. They tried in 2 wordl wars to annihialte germany but succeeded only partially.. they send hitler and fight wars against prussia but you know germany is just superior to some mountain monkeys
I don't know desu, but he was clearly supported by brutish Germans, while south-western were skeptical of him. Konrad Adenauer used to say that the Elbe is the border of the West and those other Germans are more savage
The truth is that North-Western peoples, excluding Poles and Lithuanians perhaps, are good only for war, they're warrior types. Those territories, again except Poland-Lithuania, had barely any Renaissance
because the Austrian Staatsvertrag includes an unifying-restraint
I meant North-Eastern people, not North-Western
I would say we did a pretty good job
Hier mal ein Auszug aus dem "Staats"vertrag:
Teil I: Politische und territoriale Bestimmungen
Art. 3: Anerkennung der Unabhängigkeit Österreichs durch Deutschland
Die Alliierten und Assoziierten Mächte werden in den deutschen Friedensvertrag
Bestimmungen aufnehmen, welche die Anerkennung der Souveränität und Unabhängigkeit Österreichs durch Deutschland und den Verzicht Deutschlands auf alle
territorialen und politischen Ansprüche in bezug auf Österreich und österreichisches
Staatsgebiet sichern.
Gibt es bis heute einen solchen Friedensvertrag? Nein.
Hat das Deutsche Reich einer Abtrennung zugestimmt? Nein.
Pretty much this. Also don't forget that Austria and Bavaria are Catholic while Northern Germany is Protestant
>diesen Ökocuck gewählt
Lame duck doesn't even have a party in parliament.
>wir die redpilledeste Regierung aller Zeiten bekommen
A thousand times this.
Germany is still there. and its in the same state as england, rance and also austria with one difference: We lead the eruopean union and we are 4th biggest economy in the world
Why are USA and Mexico two seperated countries? They speak the same language, share a similar history and their culture is almost the same
>Großgermanium never
Yeah, how would like to form such a country anyway?
this time its our turn to make heiliges römische reich deutscher nation great again, our german brothers need help
Sollen wir mit Euch absaufen oder was? Wir sind in der glücklichen Lage dass Bayern es auch alleine kann und es uns nicht bieten lassen müssen uns von nichtsnutzigen Kanakenliebhabern aus NRW und Berlin vorschreiben zu lassen was wir zu wählen haben.
Because Austria doesnt have to share the shame of World War 2.
We dont have a massive province of french speaking fuckboys ruining everything.
our french speakers are in Louisiana and are generally harmless, and identify as Americans.
Bavarians can be pretty cold too from Munich at least.
In some ways they act like Prussians though tey would take that as an insult.