Saw another thread on this and it's being slid hard, what's going on Sup Forums?
Jewgle translate
Other urls found in this thread:
Hindu? no problem goyim
here's some Thai
Chinese... starting to see a pattern?
Can you do Persian
Who killed Seth Richard
Clinton Mob hit connection
Chinese here
It's translated into Judea, actually
try at
It literally does retard. It just doesn't give you phonetics. Which are fucking unnecessary for understanding of content.
kek, fucking kike
What are you talking about? It translates from Hewbrew to english....not sure what your point is.
Its almost like they dont want you understanding their language
no transcript for persian either, however its the same as in arabic as you can tell by my pic in OP so its easy to figure out
thats what I'm saying !
>Which are fucking unnecessary
If you go follow duolingo discussions it might be a similar problem they had. duolingo was built by the same engineers and had trouble adding the voice packs for some languages
most likely not, because they have no problem transcrpiting arabic
last bump
Hi JIDF, you are not gonna close this thread. We are going to shitpost all day about this and you can't do anything about it.
bumping because this is being slid to oblivion
bump again
They don't want the Talmud or general Jew Chatter known by the Goyim. Here are some insights into the self hating white mind:
I grew up as a white self hater in a culture full of white self haters. You have to understand something about the mindset.
1. Everything white is guilty of racism. The atonement for this sin is to attack anything pro white and to never question minorities on small issues. These same white people will not surrender any of their own privilege but they will cheer smugly from a distance when other white people are forced to give up privilege or integrate. Hypocrisy is the defining characteristic of the white anti white.
2. The mind set is extremely vulnerable to these questions: "Why don't you walk your own talk on integration? If you say diversity is a strength, shouldn't you lead by example instead of by decree? Why can't you honestly answer either question?"
3. It is not Ok to be white. They can not budge one inch on this issue without having a nervous breakdown or fit of rage. (When I was slowly becoming pro white I was having regular fits of rage about being taught self hatred since I was born.)
4."It's OK to be white," is great because it forces anti whites to come out strongly against it. In their world it is absolutely NOT ok to be white. You don't need to post that flyer because the anti whites will say it out loud for you. They may use other words but the message will be clear to most white people.
good, please help spread the message, make threads and spread the word, so many shit threads on Sup Forums today
Holy fuck, this thread is doing a marathon to the 11th page trying to get archived in record time, mate. It reminds me of one of the threads I made some weeks ago droping a redpill to americans about ANTIFA's "4th of Nov revolution" being a lie and a cover-up to a major happening (which was true). Of course the thread got archived even though there were people bumping it.
The m0ds are onto us.
I now know that in order to defeat the jew we must learn their language ASAP
Can you recap that redpill?
I tried to spread this before like a month ago and same shit happened, it got slid hard and I gave up, we need to spread it like a jew spreads migrants
Gonna help you bump the thread till we reach 1st page.
>Saw another thread on this and it's being slid hard, what's going on Sup Forums?
השועל החום המהיר קופץ מעל הכלבים העצלים
I just used
Seems to work ok.
Let me see If I find the thread archived somewhere.
I just checked and google fucking does translate english to hebrew you dumb cunt.
I think it's even more effective if we make new threads, use my.jpgs if you want
Mission accomplished
Racist google is discriminating against jewish people for not allowing them to translate their language! #anothershoah
really makes you think
there is hibro i n google translate tho
could somebody translate a few passages from the talmud for me?
Phonetics when?
It's in hebrew characters, which makes it impossible to be understandable to any non-hebrew speaker. If you see all of OP's pics in which he translates to other non-latin character languages, there is a latinized version of it below.
and transcripts when?
There are English copies of the Koran, so why aren't there any of the Talmud? Why has nobody published the Talmud in English? How hard could it possibly be?
>If you see all of OP's pics in which he translates to
or try it yourself on google translate, try chinese or any non-latin script language
>ANTIFA's "4th of Nov revolution" being a lie and a cover-up to a major happening (which was true).
What was the happening at least?
Google: oven definition
It's a language only spoken by 8 million people you paranoid fucks
Jewish writings are not for the filthy self teach goyim.
But it does?
What the fuck threads are getting more stupid by the day. Why wasn't this slided?
Also sage.
They want to keep KIKE speak separate obviously because we can use their material against them. They don't like that much. 8)
So what? there are languages spoken by fewer people than that correctly transcripted
But it doesn't ...still how fucking stupid are you to miss the point?
LOL What a fucking shill you are! Good Boyim!
How many people speak Irish? How many texts have you seen in Irish that are not also translated into English?
bump for interest
except it does, fake news
הגויים הם עבדים
Complete fucking retard. No wonder your country is going down the drain.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The exact same result no sound no phonetics but it still translates it.
And the Irish google translate is dog shit
>tá tú ag scar
means you are scoring and it gets the grammar wrong
>21 posts by this id
Nevermind, I thought I was talking to a white person.
It does, but it's called "Yiddish" you stupid fucking goyim.
at least it latinized it
yiddish is not the same as hebrew, its a fucking german hybridization of hebrew, YOU BUSTED FUCKING KIKE
meaning it's closer to being pronounceable than jew runes
Except it is not. Hebrew is a Semitic language (subgroup of Afro-Asiatic languages) like Arabic and Amharic, Yiddish is a German dialect which uses some Hebrew words and even with a very distinctive pronunciation. Why do you comment without knowing shit?
It gets grammar wrong in every language, have you lived under a rock?
it got a worn wrong.
it changed a adjective to a verb
it did a bit more then just get dammer wrong
nobody cares potato nigger, arabic , chinese, hindi , thai etc, they are all transcripted on (((jewgle))) translate
Arab *Mandarin Hindi Thai all have way more speakers then herbrew
Can't find it. Anyway, basically I ranted about strategy and how It was plain obvious that your enemy is not going to do what he says he is going to do, that it was an obvious distraction, etc.
At first I thought it was related to the JFK Files. I failed at the timing, though, because the JFK files were realesed BEFORE 4th of Nov, but I still knew there was something else happening that we didn't get the chance to see because Sup Forums was full of shitposting and retarded "muh commie revolution, are you prepare Sup Forums? lol #MAGA XD" threads.
can you imagine for how long the kikes have been parasiting on the germans for them to evolve a fucking own language within their borders...
But was there a happening?
ok, here's Georgian, 4,3 million native speakers
i know it does, it was not a great example admittedly, but there are other examples that at least somewhat disprove your point, like afrikaans or welsh and other non IE languages that have phonetics
i do however think you're kind of right it the case of other celtic languages, but not about hebrew, there are probably jewish tricks afoot
JIDF is on full force shilling this thread. We are onto something, goys.
At least you are bumping the thread.
>Can't find it. Anyway, basically I ranted about strategy and how It was plain obvious that your enemy is not going to do what he says he is going to do, that it was an obvious distraction, etc.
what do you think they were distracting us from? Rand Paul ?
didn't mean to say afrikaans and welsh were non IE, nor that hebrew was celtic, my phrasing was lazy
care to explain this?
It doesn't tell you it's hebrew in the bottom corner because YOU select the language you translate to and from
So explain the problem so I stop adding shitskin languages to my translator
keep bumping please Shillbergblatt
this is fakenews trying to fool you tards, they are going to meme their reality of your willingness to believe lies so that you'll stop exposing their lies.
(((Google))) is selectively excluding hebrew from transcription into latin as mentioned numerous times in this thread
also less than 10 million native speakers each for norwegian, swedish, and danish; and of course icelandic is spoken by only 300k natively
be a bit more spcific please, what is fake news according to you? this thread or google translate?
We don't want goyim to know what we're talking about them
yeah, but those have latin script, Georgian however does not so potatonigger got BTFO