If Donald Trump is impeached, Christians will riot in the streets
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As will many others. They know this. And we're not talking antifa numbers either..
>Christcucks will riot for the least Christlike, most degenerate person possible.
This is your brain on Zionism
then stay in your safe space in your parents basement while the adults do the work.
Why? trump is one of the most sinful, unchristian people on Earth
You’re not doing shit but type safely from your Russian troll farm.
It would be a bloodbath. People would be dragged out of their homes and hanged from lampposts.
he just wants everyone to buy a year supply of Bakker Bucket pancake mix
Oh god comrades he’s figured us Russians out we are in high tech comrade lab fuckkkkk!!!!
Okay crypto-commie! I hope you choke on your own vomit.
That isn't really that hard. If two fags live toguether christians riot the street
Generally people don't like a hostile take over of their government
Literally nothing would happen
You've had the government commit treason every single year since 1945 and not 1 person has taken a shot at a politician for being tyrannical despite everyone dearly loving the 2nd amendment. Meanwhile the 4th has gone out the window completely and everyone licks the boots of the fuckers who trashed it
Jim Bakker is still alive?
What about Tammy? Damn, I miss those two loons...
>“Trump is not crazy,” Bakker declared to his audience.
>“They want him to be crazy because they want to impeach him,” he continued. “There is nothing they can impeach him over because this thing with the collusion with Russia they can’t prove, but they want to say this man is crazy. They’re trying to get doctors to say the president is crazy.”
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha Christians in America are nutjobs and Muslim tier
I had a fundamentalist Christian-right friend explain it to me as "He's not one of us, but he'll stand up for us."
No, they'll be at work.
They won't.
t. Christian
DEUS VULT! This would be my best chance to make babies with Faith Goldy. Pic related, it's me.
Your cucked ass won't do anything except bitch and moan about it for the rest of your short-lived life. Might as well end it now dude.
Sounds like your friend is a retard.
Christians are good goyim. They'd never disobey Israel like that
one thing I know to be a fact.
conservashits won't ever riot or protest or do anything. EVER.
you are pussies and everyone knows it.
Jim Bakker is out of jail I guess.
If Trump is impeached, it'll be the bikers who first go to DC en masse, I'm guessing. Then more middle-aged White guys.
Not just Christians
Jim Bakker's entire career has been built on lies. It doesn't surprise me that he'd sell us out to MSM to make us look bad. As per the usual, pieces of shit live forever.
When did Christians become niggers?
Why do Christians support Trump? He lives his life in a way that is against the teachings of Christ.
it'd be entertaining to see whites chimping out for a change
>no politicians have been shot at since 1945
Please go.
Why do I suddenly have an urge to use ((()))?
EVERYONE lives a life of sin. Without sin, we wouldn't need to be Christians.
Because Jim Bakker is an ex-con for defrauding his followers. He'd sell his own mother to globalists for a few shekels.
nobody on Sup Forums or in america will do anything en masse except shit their diapers and scream bloody murder. a few people will go out and shoot up some shit but that's commonplace by now and won't change anything plus Sup Forums will just scream it's a false flag by the now powerful libruls to seize your guns
no they wont lol
But that's true. I like this guy. He speaks the truth.
Lets get this party started.
Damn straight we will.
How did Trump get to be the leader of Christians in America?
Needs some baker's buckets youtubes
all Trump supporters have to do is refuse to work for 2 weeks and every city will riot and kill each other for food.
>h-hey guys... I'm TROLLING you right now! Please reply and be angry!
He's nuts.
In general whites are too comfortable to risk their cushy existence. White are not niggers. It will take a major shock to creature comforts like starvation before anyone heads to the streets.
Witness Venezuela. It took those oil-spics years before they got off their asses. The average amerifat probably has enough portable lard reserve for months of hardship.
tldr: no nigger-style rioting
Jim baker is a parody from one of tim hiedeckers goons.
It wont be nigger style rioting, itll be posses straight up taking specific people out of their homes and killin them in the streets.
The longer trump is pres the worse the outcome will be if he does get impeached.
He won't be impeached, so it won't matter.
I'm not even religious, but it's easy to see why one would believe he has been granted a divine mandate. Christian mythos are full of stories where god makes use of sinners to fulfill his agenda. Trump's rise to power defies explanation to this day. He consistently makes the wrong moves, but wins anyway.
Be white and male and racist
Probably thing will get very bad if they fuck with Trump
I've been saying this since the impeach narrative began. Not Christians specifically but right wingers.
The people who voted for Trump are not going to accept an impeachment especially when the evidence for it is so vague and esoteric, no one would even understand why he is being impeached.
There would be riots in the streets and large scale civil disobedience of they ever try it.
They literally won't do shit
Only imbeciles like him would riot for such a thing.
First, he won't be.
Second, even if he was no we wouldn't. We'd just get president Pence. Hardly worrying.
lol of course trumpfags will believe another conman
> riot
Thats a funny way to saying civil war.
>If Donald Trump is impeached, Christians will riot in the streets
why are eurochristians such pussies compared to yanks
Someone make subtitles for it so this looks like one of those muslim memes
No we wont
Not seeing it.
Unless there are groups with enough wherewithal to gather lists and addresses of political adversaries, conduct surveillance, and carry out hits - its not going to happen.
I dont know of anyone with balls enough to even broach starting such a conversation about collecting a list. Maybe I'm just a middle age guy with normal friends, but I dont see it happening. Tyranny will be accepted because no one fights back. Individuals wont do it, no balls.
I've been witness to decades of chest thumping from gun-owners and I keep telling them similar: gun owners are a paper tiger, they never fight back against laws they perceive as unconstitutional, they just roll over and take it. I predict the same here.
Eastern europe didn't chimp out when communism reared its ugly head there for decades. The only ones who resisted it were literal cave men in fucking afghanistan.
Its not about being christian. It js about being American and there being a usurpation of our constituion, the only thing separating us from the cesspool that is the EU. I would march.
Ya ok fuckboy.
I'm ready and willing to start gunning down leftists at a moments notice
Between all the shit the left has been doing, the church shooting and Rand's assault were the last straw.
bring on the civil war
Baker is still alive?
Check out his buckets videos on YouTube
Jesus was black.
Niger, please.
Riot? Nope, Pence will prevent that.
Nah. You have to show you're not violent babies like the entitled established left
Probably pull an Oklahoma City too
> shill shilling hard
> got that $0.02 though...
Christians won't do shit, American Christianity is garbo and hasn't done shit for the Western world.
You know the quintessential representation of American Christianity is a Christianity stripped of all its culture and symbols and is basically a bare room with a fucking cross on the wall.