Spread the word, the hashtags are free finally
Justice for MadleineMccaan
The fight is not over tho, the investigation might still be under threat, but this is a huge win anyway. Spread the awareness so the investigators are protected.
Comet getting investigated by DCMPD
Other urls found in this thread:
Interview with the hacker, you only need to watch first 6 mins but your questions will be answered if you watch the whole thing
if it involves child trafficking at all even a hint of it, cc correspondence to the secret service. any comms between yourself and other agencies, cc it to the SS.
Fuck the huffington post, kek
they tired many places, no luck for months. I dont know what changed that they finally assingned an investigator, but this whole diagram from OP is going to go down the toilet.
Skippy is getting fucked but he wont go down without a fight
SS and other alphabet agencies are compromised. He will need to collaborate with Military Intel, DOJ, and maybe DHS
I got something that might help, tell me what you all think of this.
You have El Paso marked in your image
Its located next to an abandon lot and a bus station with bad reviews and the only good reviews it has are comment less. But you should verify for your self. Also check out the website just google el paso health
but this is where my tin foil hat comes on, because when you check out the street view this semi covers bus station.
Holy crap, great find. Take it to voat guys. Theyll know what to do with it. Im a messanger and i verify claims but i have no means to investigate them directly.
We actually had a some incidences of a man and woman driving around the north east part of town trying to kidnap girls on their ways home from school.
t. Person Living in El Paso
out amber alerts are pretty sketchy too.
Tony Podesta's wife, Heather Podesta is on the Board of the DC Police. Washington DC is an independent state where DC police have special authority, so I find it hard to believe that this will go anywhere as the whole institution is corrupt to the core.
Just look at this guy's face. He's obviously sold his soul to Satan a long time ago, and he's the newly appointed head chief who eats at Comet Pizza.
Fuck, I’m gay for you OP.
This infograph shows what I’ve been saying all year about the (((debunking))).
Alefantis, are you a pedo?
Case closed
T original pizzagate participant
This guy is super woke
The Podesta art collection is what makes it so obvious. You'd have to be pretty retarded to not imagine that Podesta's friends have the same interests. The basement is a red herring and I'm surprised how effective it is.
Yes, we know this already, so she should recuse herself.
But that doesnt mean there arent good people there.
This information should be spread far and wide so they have to take steps and they feel they are being watched by us.
At some point John is going to call to tell them:
>Shut it down
And he is going to hear
>I didnt sign up for this
>Im sorry John, this is out of my hands
They are not going to 'suicide' investigators with the whole world payin attention to this.
spread the word, we need eyeballs on the subject and investigators so they dont 'an hero' themselves in the back of the head.
>so I find it hard to believe that this will go anywhere
I dunno, I have the feeling Jesuits are in full "shut it down" mode and throwing their Jewish banker and pedo pawns to halt all the wokeness before people become woke of them and the black nobility
We are about to reach a critical moment in history. We need to escalate and keep pushing on even further.
Anyone have that photo of Alefantis spotted in the Rothschild gathering? Now I'm starting to remember all this stuff, this guy was close friends with Lynn Rothschild so he could be one himself. Had very similar features too.
Yeah, that's him. For sure. Same smug face.
I'm not entirely convinced. Does look like him, just not sure if they would've invited a bastard child there and there's the fact that this image is 20 or something years old
Does this symbol used by Kevin Spacey's website for his "foundation" indicate anything??
I wouldn't count on it
Why is this being ignored?
Nothing will happen to that dude... Everything is corrupt.
Not with that attitude
Kevin spacey is just a good old fashioned rapist, probably why he was easily sac offices to the mob.
But every allegation that comes out makes it more and more likely to shake out something new.
I would appreciate some actual source on comet pizza being investigated beyond some click for ads video.
Kevin "It's not rape cuz I'm gay, see?" Spacey
they had CP on their servers?
there's witness testimony of it yes but he can't come forward without potentially being incriminated and the people he has tried to talk to have all brushed it off. He claims shortly after he discovered and submitted it a "false flag" was created where a rogue man with an assault rifle shot into comet pizza and hit the server hard drive (deleting any potential evidence).
Why not just delete the drive?
That is correct
He would be 20 in this photo.
if they delete the drive they can restore it
if they replace the drive they will ask why
if they shoot the drive they will be victims of a conspiracy theory
Anybody else not buying this?
>Guy with obvious Jew nose says "It's the Jesuits, not the Jews!"
>Subtly attacks Trump. ("Trump just appointed a Jesuit to head the Federal Reserve!")
>Implies that the mere fact of an investigation being opened means this will legitimately be investigated rather than covered up as LVMPD has been doing.
Jesuit detected
That spacing is highly suspect
yeah great tell everyone so Comet can cover its tracks even more. Nice going retards.
You're just mad Polan cannot into spacing.
It's a trait outsiders have. I see you you jesuit fuck
You're about half a year late for that
>I see you you
>saving thumbnails
Just more proof you are a snake in the grass
>you are a snake in the grass
How did your parents survive Auschwitz?
Labor camp.
Well I didn't detect a sage on your part, so maybe you're just new. I'll give you the benefit of the soubt, just know that I'm watching you
>Rebbit spacing
Relatively new, yes.
Literally who? Chris Cunningham?
Why link this shitty ranting video with no evidence?
>"No alleged victims have come forward"
See? The underage sex slave that was bound to a table in those pictures never went to the media or the police. Debunked.
guess where this was found
Some parking lot
>if they delete the drive they can restore it
Eh, that's not true if they use a decent overwrite program. It just takes longer. Also, if you don't care about maintaining the hardware you can drill holes in it or smash with hammer.
Screen actors guild
Justice for the kids please. Keep at it.
i wanna see more
>He will need to collaborate with Military Intel, DOJ, and maybe DHS
>implying they are not just as kiked
Justice for Maddie
Justice for Eli
Hi Jimmy,
you should probably start disappearing now that your "landlord" has been detained,eh?
But don't worry,you're famous already...
Your story will be a warning for history.
Watching your family legacy burn will be a watershed moment for humanity.
>And it will be YOUR fault.
Your small minded,impulsive sexual deviance brought down a dynasty that should have ruled for another thousand years.
>But you got sloppy.
See you in Virgina at the pig farm,Jimmy.
>Get some sleep while you can.
Normies are too stupid to understand what constitutes refutation. They believe Washington Post writing an article denying it is proof and debunking.
Whoa, just got majorly red-pilled about PizzaGate. They are definitely not talking about pizza here. This is sick, but how can somebody know for sure that it's real? Where can I really learn this information from the very start?
If the hacker happens to be looking at this, consider the possibility that the FBI did take you seriously and are watching you. Maybe they called the cops.
Any Jesuit posting is jidf. This shit is retarded.
Yeah I mean. It's DC
>where's the drive?
>some nigger stole it
Checks out
YouTube "pizzagate for dummies" I gues, I was there Day one, so it's so hard to explain it
Better start cooking some spirits to avoid some conspiracy nutjob policeman from defaming our innocent pizza parlor
I used to believe that too. I suggest you read up on their history. Also false pope cuck Francis is a good confirmation that they're still up to their old tricks. The jesuit red pill in no way is meant to subvert from the Jewish red pill. The Jews are very much responsible for much of the world's misery, but there are other groups at play here as well. I think you'll find it very interesting that Jesuit's origins is mixed up with judaism, the founder Loyola was a marrano, crypto jew and it is likely that to this day the jesuit order is still filled with crypto jews
>Interview with the hacker
Unfortunately, This guy is the one that is going to end up being charged with hacking and posession of cp, before shooting himself twice in the back of the head.
Start with the history of cases that have been investigated/prosecuted
>FINDERS case /Ted gunderson
>Dutroux case
>Savile case
Then overlay the patterns uncovered thru those cases onto the Comet ping pong stuff.
My honest advice?
Don't look into it user
>I posted the original Podesta/Macann connection from Wikileaks
>since then Ive seen enough to change my soul
The reality is so much darker than you could ever don't come back.
>They have child organ harvesting camps in Thailand user.
>They keep kids drugged into paralysis on the floor of a hut and ship them alive...with IV so they don't die...,ducttaped in boxes for rich people's use...fresh liver,fresh kidneys...why wait on a donor wait list?
Pics like that don't leave your head.
>Stick to COD and tendies
I feel empty inside knowing I live in a world that allows this shit to happen.
>be autistic incel
>no drive or ambition
>suffer from depression
>play video games all day
>glued to computer chair
>browse Sup Forums one day
>see a bullshit pizzagate thread
>((((autism intensifies))))
>thinks he's gonna be a hero
>starts believing in photo shopped pictures and minor coincidences
>((((confirmation bias intensifies))))
>joins a discord dedicated to "pizzagate investigation"
>instantly put on a watch list
When will you naive little boys learn? There is no salvation in this life. You spend your free time aimlessly wandering in the dark, well let me help guide through this rabbit hole. This pizzagate phenomenon is nothing more than the incoherent ramblings and fixations of a mentally unstable person. When you feed into this mental illness it will consume you..
bruh, thats Mithras, notice also the Phrygian cap he dons.
initiates will know what Im talking about.
Ah it's you again. No PG thread is complete without the pedo shill
I was well aware of that
What is this?
Podestas house of "Cards"
>internet connection gets slow for a few seconds
>must be coordinated conspiracy by technology companies to silence me
Please tell me that there is something close to a legitimate source on this story.
After having so many people telling me I was paranoid, I would love to shove it down a few throats.
>Please tell me that there is something close to a legitimate source on this story.
here ya go user: