>hezbollah calling 9/10 of their soldiers back to Lebanon
>Saudi Arabia is calling back all citizens who are staying in Lebanon urgently
Y'all know what that means?
Hezbollah calling 9/10 of their soldiers back to Lebanon
Other urls found in this thread:
>getting excited for a war right next door to your country
more rapefugees for europe
i guess hes one of those poor jews that has nothing of a value to lose
you're going to get burgers involved in this, aren't you?
If that was the case I'd be happy because enemy nations are fighting, but we're the ones who'll be in a war dude. With hezbollah and maybe hammas will join in. And wars are not scary to me whatsoever, our enemies are Arabs ffs, they can't fight for shit. As I said I'll spend a week getting high instead of working and that'd be the end of it. Gonna be fun and funny, hopefully Tel Aviv gets nuked.
Yes Schmuli. Send those tanks back to Lebanon. It won't be like 06 this time I swear
Wow 06 such a defeat, not like the border was quiet for 9 years and hezbollah got nothing out of it. Hint: if we would have lost 06, we wouldn't exist.
A goy can dream...
Get us some footage of the war and the subsequent fuckery if it is indeed "happening"
>recalling citizens means war
No it doesn’t fuckface. Don’t you have a children’s hospital in Gaza to mortar?
That's nice Chaim. Hopefully the U.S. and Canada will stay out of it.
Not if they starve the entire population to death.
That worked so good last time. Not like you got BTFO to shreds kike
Cool flag, my dude.
Time for these mongrels to die for your cause God's chosen. Send them all to eternal hell.
Not war yet but recent movement (south Gaza got blocked by the Egyptians as well btw, supposedly to stop citizens from flooding in, there was a "false positive" siren last week that some say was a cover up, more little things) indicate that something is coming. Might just be power projections but it's about time we have a war anyway. When something actually starts you'll hear about it on the news obviously.
Not till next week lol
See , faggot. I'm not scared of Arabs.
I honestly hope the Saudis BTFO of Israel and launches Holocaust 2.0: electric boogaloo
>arabs cant fight for shit
>has to beg and bribe american politicans into giving them enoguh U.S tax payer money to defend themselves.
>need saudi arabia to continue proxy wars
I hope Iran wins. You bastards doomed the entire region for both us arabs and jews.
Right! A country with an unsupported royal family is going to take on a non-country that has been fought over since 1976 and is not really a country but a summer camp of competing militias.
War against who? I suspect the christians will end up getting reked again. Everybody hates them.
But they are literally working with us, you stupid fucking brit. Next time say Iran, that's the impotent boogeyman of the now fyi.
We got enough tax money ourselves, the money you give us is bribe that goes straight to kike pockets idiot. Not to say that we don't feed each others military industrial complex constantly.
The time has come to incinerate every jew in Israel! Hail Putin, Hail Russia, we will be victorious.
Finally the time has come to face the beast! Death to the devil worshippers!
>the state of british understanding of geopolitics
You guys did this. Thanks for starting another war we will have to be involved in for "freedom" and "democracy."
>midway through the war, they all ally and team up to destroy Israel
Oh as if you won't make a bunch of money selling weapons and conquering resources. Don't pretend like your nation is not interested in it when it's obvious that your last republican president before Trump has cooperated with the perpetrators of 9/11.
YOU are the perpetrators of 9/11
All these wars are fought for oil and Israel. We fight for you, our corporate elite masters. I will never fight another war for you; and yes, Bush did cooperate with 9/11 perpetrators. Israel.
Can't believe I'd agree with a Democrat on this site, but you're right, and I'll stand by you against them for doing it.
We will repay you for the genocide on Christians called Communism you snake.
Yes, it's time for G-d's Chosen and their Gulf Arab allies to finally finish off the last refuge of Chr*stians in the Middle East! Greater Israel soon :^)
This whole thing is ridiculous. The Saudis will be lucky to keep control of their own country never mind start all these wars. They would probably lose to Yemen.
We have to cut the cord with Israel if they want to start wars they are on their own.
Look at his flag, they are the eternal.
The coming Shia horde will feast on the entrails of your Kike children. You have no idea what is coming. Enjoy the rest of your time on earth.
>Middle Eastern state Saudi Arabia will declare war on Middle Eastern state Qatar
>leftists will still blame United States president Donald Trump
LOL goes to show how ignorant you are. I'm Russian, MY OWN FAMILY got hurt by communism.
Jesus how weak do you have to be to blame all your wars and tragedies on a 70 years old state. Pathetic lol, AS IF America ever fought a war that wasn't beneficial to them. You are the number one genocidal imperialist on this earth.
lets do this...
You forget Israels greatest ally.
I see no problem glassing the Levant. Oil and minerals can be extracted in nuclear wastelands and it will finally stop goat raping pedophiles meddling with pipelines. Muslim genocide worldwide will be a reality Mohamed. Oh, and who cares about several thousands dying in the west through sand niggers chimping out. It will just further legitimate the genocide. well memed mudslimes
They are chosen by a snake who whispers in their ear that they'll gain wealth and power by deceiving and murdering people.
I'm glad that Saudis openly show by fighting with Israel that they are devil worshippers themselves, for those who weren't convinced yet by their pet ISIS.
Before the end when they see that they have lost everything in life they will finally realise that they were lead on this path by Satan himself.
This is the way of the devil, he can only lead you to death and destruction once he possesses your mind.
He will convince you to escalate and escalate for this or that reason and you'll find your self in constantly deteriorating situations until the only way forward is to jump into a lake of fire.
You can't talk or convince Israeli or Saudi leadership of anything, they are programmed to walk into their doom.
Kek. My cousins are already making ragdolls of your 13 year old daughters and sisters. Keep jerking off to Vietnamese cartoon girls, Hans.
fucking hating it
im 47 im going to get my popcorn and watch you little babies cry to death
Sorry but that's not threatening. I guess Arabs are REALLY good at pretending to be shit at everything because they have me convinced, I'm not scared of them, they can surprise me now and actually accomplish something. That if they can ever be unified, which they couldn't even in the face of le Zionist enemy. Keep talking tough son, watch as your country is slowly convinced that Arabs and Muslims do not have a right to exist.
Let's hope they bamboozle us and nuke israel instead
no sure what you mean. I had one encounter with a "refugee" who played tough. Got a fist to the sternum when he called me a non believer. When he went down I rammed him my knee into the face and reminded him about the 6 million and that animals like him will either become slaves or die. Little soyboy begged for help when he saw the box cutter put in his face, no one cared. So keep you demotivation shit for /r9k/, it doesn't affect real Autrians. btw, those getting raped are mostly turkoids and balkan shit anyway
>hopefully Tel Aviv gets nuked
um-uhhh.. /o-ourjew/?..
Source, Shlomo?
More land for greater Israel
More cultural enrichment for Europe
More money for the international Jewish bourgeoisie