Seriously Sup Forums, what's wrong with India?
Shitskins set Elephants on fire
I would choose the life of one elephant over that of literally every single Poo in existence.
Fucking shitskinned freaks.
Mate I don't fucking give a shit just show me the liveleak of it, I want to actually see the elephant on fire, not stock photos of the beginning then gets overlapped with a bunch of talking obnoxious cunts ruining the video which is horribly edited and cut to just the few beginning seconds.
Holy shit this! If your gonna show us something gruesome then make sure to include the liveleak of it because goddamnit I want to see it to actually believe it over some stock photo.
Just as bad as those 'suicide' vids where the moment they pull the trigger or kill themselves, the cameras are yanked or jerked away completely obscuring the view of the person killing themselves and to make it worse is when they fall over and LAND ON THE FUCKING CAMERA disrupting the view FUCK!!!
stop calling them indians, they are muslim invaders just like yourself and you fucking know it you dirty sand-ape "tanned german"
>Indian food
>Seriously Sup Forums, what's wrong with India?
Nothing wrong with killing some elephants brutally desu
They can take photos.. I'm suprised about that and you shitskinned cunts asking for videos...
We need to stop trading with these subhumans. We need to rather kill them before they become stronger, just like the chinese.
It's fine. Everything's fine. The elephants are a competing species.
Are you white?
Niggers gonna nig
>tfw went to South Africa and saw elephants and watched them play with each other in their families and have expressions like humans
Elephants are more human than refugees.
They are just being scared away we worship them you absolute retarded cut dicks
>poo; give me urine and dung
>lelephant; no
>poo; fucking bish! set you on fire!
>superpower by 2020
You fucking dumbass what the fuck do you think where your at!?
We don't just take one photo and go full boo hoo emotional twitter facebook fags about it, we fuckinf want to see the full thing and the most fucking blunt reality of it and videos are good plus because qt least you can actually see it happen instead of being told to look at one atock photo and told to hurr durr cry over it because we say so its legit now cry bitch fuck you!
I wonder what our ancestors would say if they knew what we are allowing to happen. They died to prevent this just so we could welcome it with opening arms.
Now I’m mad, why do shitskins have no respect for wildlife? They are the reason so many beautiful exotic animals are nearly extinct.
Why do you care? It's not your country achmed, you don't live there
I wonder, due to all the public shitting do Indians emit fecal rays from their skin? This needs to be studied!
humans breed like insects
need more space to live
space is in elephant territory
elephants get pissed
elephants kill people
people get pissed
The Photo
>Being scared away
>By setting them on fucking fire.
kys, subhuman, and do the world a favour.
Stop reding british media fag. No one would purposefully set elephants on fire.
>Seriously Sup Forums, what's wrong with India?
it's full of Indians
People are bursting cracker near them the BBC is horribly anti Indian due to the paki takeover
but they did
and they are doing it pretty regular as a type of lynchmob
Yeah, but setting an animal on fire is chink tier animal cruelty.
Maybe having a big populations messes with your mind, or maybe it's all the fecal foam in the air.
kek, looks like it had some indian food and then took a shit
>Anti anything this is not British
Um no sweetie x Just admit that your shitskin population are bottom of the barrel savages, even niggers in Africa have better hygiene standards than you supposedly "super power 2020" turds.
>yfw the elephant god murderfucks all the poos because they cant tell the difference between worship and arson
Why do you want to see animals and people dying so much?
Throwing fireworks at an animal is still chink-tier.
My point stands, maybe you and Pakistan would do us a favour and nuke yourselves to shit, literally.
The problem is there are god damn too many indians and they keep coming
if some animal kills some of your folk you would try to put it down too eh?
>BBC is anti indian
indian govt feeds most idiotic news to british media. Its a centuries old propaganda man.
I hope he survives and becomes a man killer stalking the jungle looking for stray poos to stomp and gore.
Thank God, I'm God.........
Don’t be a nigger there is nothing wrong will killing elephants humanely. There is everything wrong with acting like a savage.
wild elephants are a huge threat in rural areas, and they can destroy an year's worth of harvest in an hour, or go rogue and kill a dozen people.
stop pretending that there are no other countries that exterminate or chase away destructive wildlife from human settlements
Subhumans don't care about animals
This is the most reasoned post itt
why do you care so much about some dirty indian poo in the loo elephants
>chasing and shooting at animals for fun
>chasing animals away from farms and human settlements so they won't harm people
The white people in Britain are inbred subhuman chav retards who love nigger and muzzie dick. Maybe you should take a look at your own people first, faggot.
Interesting form of workshop, such culture.
That man is also a massive asshole. Pick another animal to kill, these are running out and they're cool.
wow I thought elephants were made of rubber not wood
yes it is savage cuz you don't belong where elephants live you 20 children having shitter
>hurr I’m big stronk man with gun I kill big animal in small enclosed territory like a pussy
>setting them on fire whenyou could just shoot them
Go back to your convenience store apu
If you don’t eat it. You don’t kill it. Killing predators And large animals for fun is retarded because they literally come to you.
this is weird, most indians i've spoken to are vegetarian or vegan. Maybe they hate animals so fucking much that they'll murder them but refuse to eat them?
lol but no honestly can soemone tell me why they did this?
This. He should be killing hippos instead. Hippos are niggers.
It's just the beta reddit cucks who are whining, everyone on Sup Forums gets it
Indians practice Hinduism dipshit.
Let's start with the fact that their head wobbles like a bobblehead. That shit ain't normal. There is some serious genetic problems with their race.
It didn't shit in the designated shitting street
There are 1,3 Billion Indians, a gang of retarded idiots don't speak for the entire nation.
Yeah, let's forget about the value of husks and other stuff for a while, right.
Sorry polpajeets.
I would enjoy killing this man given the opportunity.
fyi these are all reddit cucks and this is why we hate them here, they're massive annoying libcucked faggots
This has to be shooped holy shit my sides.
So do I. They're Bengali.. their mere existence is a bane of this planet.
Problem is that they're going extinct.
shoot them with what? water pistols? unlike the US, civilians don't have guns here, and if you are in some remote village in the mountains or forests and some pachyderms are fucking around your crops, your only options are machetes, pitchforks, and petrol bombs. i think this was the most logical option.
Elephants should be allowed to kill who they want. People of the world care more about the intelligent and noble elephant than those Indians (or Chinese for that matter). Fact. Tigers too, worldwide.
No I’m just not a savage nigger that kills animals for no reason other than to felate myself to compensate for my micropenis.
Elephants should have more rights then Shitskinners. That's the point.
Wanting to preserve the existance of a cool species for future generations to enjoy = reddit libcuck. Ok then, lord of destruction.
They should be allowed to roam wherever they want and trample anyone in their way. The elephants should have more rights than Indians. Same with tigers and other wildlife.
and photoshopped out is the near literal ton of shit on carpets anyways.
They don't harm elephants and don't set them on fire.
They try to protect their crops from these animals.
You Germans are dumb as Fuck.
As a different kind of shitskin. I approve of this logic.
You are literally the degeneracy that we need to eradicate. Have some fucking standards you disgusting subhuman.
Subhuman inbred whites with no social skills should also be bred with niggers and muzzies out of existence. Oh wait, that's already happening :)
elephants don't forget things like this.
I just realised: how do you kill an elephant? The skull must be thick as fuck, and he rest of the body has too much muscle and fat to hit a vital organ.
I would too, but only because less poos is a total benefit
elephants are gay and liking them is for childish women
I feel the same fag. All humans must kill themselves. This earth belongs to animals except humans. Start with killing your self.
Probably pajeet who made the sign thought "shitting" means "sitting" because we "shit on the toilet" and they "squat on the street".
>Liking elephants is gay
GTFO you dumb cunt. There's nothing wrong with loving majestic intelligent creatures like elephants. I suppose liking whales is also for childish women?
the only vegetarian Indians, afaik, are the Brahmins, who form a tiny majority of all Hindus.
it is against our code to kill or physically anything or touch any carcasses. this was less due to loving animals and more for nerfing the caste so they wouldn't overpower the other castes. then the muslims came and fucked the meta up
you so-called people are with way too much anyway. killing off about 90% of the Indian population would do the world good.
he problem is, if all human kill themselves the Pajeets and the turkroach will inherit the world
You need a big gun. Some of those videos of people being knocked back from recoil are elephant guns.
>suppose liking whales is also for childish women?
Yeah, it is you fucking faggot
What are we allowed to like?
I don't know why I thought the OP image was slightly amusing to look at the elephant calf
>Seriously Sup Forums, what's wrong with India?
The British left.