zero proficient in maff
13 Baltimore City High Schools, Zero Students Proficient in Math
zero proficient in maff
13 Baltimore City High Schools, Zero Students Proficient in Math
Must be white peoples fault
It's just crazy how shitty they are, they don't just break entire communities, they do it to entire countries. Look at Southern Africa ffs. They migrate in, destroy entire countries, blame whites, then do it all over again. It's basically the reason they have to migrate into Europe, they broke everything else. It's the exact same thing they do to neighborhoods. They're absolutely useless
Maff be wasist
all the universities I go to I see only maybe a small handful of niggers, about 99% of all colleges are all white people and asians
I don't know where your going but blacks make up 12% of the population and 15% of all college students. Though, I doubt they're taking calculus they're more likely in African American Queer poetry classes.
They just make me so mad. I live in a small hispanic/white community outside of town, they built these apartments and just threw gorillas in them, for free, and now we all have to literally fucking babysit them. They stand outside the schools like ghouls until 5 am sometimes, they huddle in circle, do a hunch back, that ''gorilla face''. They completely segregate themselves from everyone, the best way to describe it is they see themselves as children that we're supposed to take care of. There is like maybe 4 ''good ones'' so we have to deal with white liberals saying they're a good thing because like one of them witnessed some human characteristics from one of them once.
My point is Mexican flight exists too, I'm one of them, and a group a negros just utterly destroyed my childhood town within only 2 years.
they aren't 'hard gangsters' they're literally psychopaths who can't even comprehend what they're doing.
That obviously means we need to lower the education standards nationwide. Math is no longer needed since calculators existed. You can’t fail an entire race. The rest of you can learn math on your own time if you think it’s so important.
Im a computer engineering senior at UCONN, which if irc is about 9 percent latino and 6 percent black. In a school of 19324 students that should meen around 1100 blacks and 1700 latinos
Been at school for 4 years now and i have only seen 5 blacks in any of my wngineering classes ans i have only seen 10 other latinos besides myself. In senior design there is only 3-5 latinos, including myself, and as far as i can tell like 2 black kids, everyone else is asian or white
>13 Baltimore City High Schools, Zero Students Proficient in Math
Proof of total systemic failure that no amount of money will fix.
Problems start at home, and THIS is the effect of a few generations of most things going wrong.
Systemic apathy, parents not being parents, administrators doing nothing when knowing something is wrong. DO people know how bad this really is? This is totally reflective of the demographics of the area. I would wager that IF that many places have NO PROFICIENCY in math, that it also extends to the homes and business in the area. Basically this is proof to me that EVERYONE is fucking retarded stupid. Everyone.
Forgot to mention both black kids are not u.s born, there are literally 0 u.s born blacks in my class
>I don't know where your going but blacks make up 12% of the population and 15% of all college students.
Comparing a national average to a regional school is not a good metric. There are more darks in city schools than in rural. That much is true. It averages out in the end.
If only they had mo money for dem programz
and really how many different universities are you going to and actually taking in a good estimate of the student body population? did you go to a college football game ONCE? or do you have a legitimate reason for visiting multiple campuses?
based beaner, would eat tacos with
>Malcolm can't solve for X
This BLM idiot in the blue vest hired and fired all teachers in the Baltimore schools.
They're not retarded stupid, they're just a population of blacks reverting to the mean IQ. This why democracy can only exist in a majority white country.
I honestly feel bad for them, the analogy they always use of "you can't teach a fish to climb trees" is true but they never take it to the logical conclusion. The solution is to remove the fish from the canopies and out it back in the pond where it belongs, not to flood the forrest.
Why dont white people realize we cant stand blacks as much as they do?
For fuck sakes atleast a 1/3 of pol is hispanic i swear
Hearty kek
That is a glimpse at what an african-american run America would look like.
This. Based beanerbro.
thanks for making le 56% meme real, Paco
I want to see an east African IQ distribution. They're average is definitely lower but all based black people seem to come from there. They must have a bump in the upper 10% higher than the rest of Africa.
Btw, most US blacks are central and western.
Man it's total indoctrination for white people to never be racist. I drop race realism redpills constantly on my wife and she agrees with me for the most part but SHE STILL ALWAYS BLAMES their 'culture' as the problem over the racial differences. Like we fucking live and have to deal with nogs constantly, they cause most of the problems in our day to day lives and she still won't accept that there are physiological differences between us.
Wild cats evolved from house cats for about 10000 years and they are completely different. Niggers evolved on their own in subsahara for 60000 years before the reconnection around 700 AD and yet they are the same as us.
Out of curiosity, would you be willing to go back to mexico if we have you U.S land back and formed an armed coalition to remove and execute all cartel members? Can also assist with forcible removal of South and central American undesirable once your government returns to normal.
>Why dont white people realize we cant stand blacks as much as they do?
I recognize it primo, you guys regularly ethnically cleanse niggers from entire communities here in the US.
You're looking at it all wrong.
This is an opportunity to have a bit of fun.
Pick a math fact. Could be 8 + 4. Could be 5 X 7. Now throughout the course of your day fit that in conversation, asking the person what the solution is.
"And five times seven is. . . ."
>the person who has memorized their times tables will say 35 or "five sevens is 35" or something like that
>the person who hasn't may fiddle on their fingers
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35. If you have someone like this, pretend to do the same
>the person who has no fucking clue will nod along when you say ". . .is 18!" or some other incorrect answer
Give it a shot. Don't even bother with millenials since they won't know, but do this with older white people.
If Jeff Probst is impressed that an MIT grad can multiply by six and divide by two in her head, Americans will be impressed with any fucking display of math.
>le 56% meme
>falling for the bait of assmad europoors who could get arrested for typing nigfer into an anonymous image board
Nature over nurture dummy. Studies prove it. Niggers have smaller cranium, thus smaller brain, thus the IQ of a 14 year old human on average.
Thanks common core!
>created to be able to get niggers to into math
>still can’t into math
>white kids suffer as well thanks new retarded system