
Neoliberal / Globalist thread! Why are you not following the most successful ideology?

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ayy lmao

because it isn't self sustainable and relies on too many slaves. It fails the moment you have one shitty region taking up any arms and burn down the structural capital and behead the government agents. Neo libs think in Westphalian categories, while we move more and more to pre westphalian paradigms

be eu, have currency for less than 2 decades
was almost destroyed by a country that is 2% of it's GDP
was only saved by printing euro to high heaven

^calling this successful

best retards

also: please come in mulsim
such system, much wow

the aktual eu is in it's infancy, trade deals and iso aren't an ideology
the system isn't even unified


Because we could have united european jingoism instead.

1950s liberalism was about being nice ton non-Whites, **at a distance**.
Also, remember that not all African countries were decolonized at that time.

So far so good. Or was Europe better when everyone killed each other over the most minor territorial gains?

Because it always fails

It is literally the only system that has succeeded

The moment it collapses (and it will collapse) it will bring the whole world with it.

Europe's inbread retarded kings slaughter the strong for centuries to serve their slobbery habsburg jaw tard rage.

yes it was better. Way better. The constant conflict forced individuals to inovate to be able to compete among resources. Europe didn't spawn Israel and the US by being a bunch of circle jerking hippy faggots

>t. the chameleon ideology

You are a fucking cancer

I approve

>globalist cuck lost to the most inept president in American history
>most successful
8/8 gaurenteed replies

Still waiting

post study or don't post at all faggot

Poverty went down thanks to better tech and productivity

The most recent data are all on the World Bank’s website

Neo liberalism, does it only mean free trade or is migration part of the deal ?

So your whole argument is a misleading graph that assumes that poverty can be quantified with money, ignoring, that till the today a big part of the world populations economic exchanges revolve around bartering self produced goods and services, not some petro dollars to buy some fancy blue jeans and HD colour TV and calling it wealth. Keep spreading your ivory tower bullshit ideology. It will not matter when the debt economy eats itself, soldiers become mercenaries and the daughters of intellectuals get raped while daddy bleeds out from a head wound which was inflicted with a stone.

Without centralization the world bank and other kike organizations lose control and power and new liberalism (neo liberalism doesn't exist any more) is kill. Prepare for street muggers, RWDS, corporate armies and religious fanatics challenging the power monopoly of states letting no time to think about muah globalism

>They call themselves liberal (libertarian for Americans) and then they try to control the world with politics and rescue banks and big companies with public money

>most successful

Yeah people have been saying that everything crashes for a long time. Tell me the date stupid.

name anything more successful

>till the today a big part of the world populations economic exchanges revolve around bartering self produced goods and services, not some petro dollars to buy some fancy blue jeans and HD colour TV and calling it wealth
What does that have to do with anything?
>It will not matter when the debt economy eats itself, soldiers become mercenaries and the daughters of intellectuals get raped while daddy bleeds out from a head wound which was inflicted with a stone. Without centralization the world bank and other kike organizations lose control and power and new liberalism (neo liberalism doesn't exist any more) is kill. Prepare for street muggers, RWDS, corporate armies and religious fanatics challenging the power monopoly of states letting no time to think about muah globalism
Ok, any time now. The world sure looks to be on the brink of collapse with people being richer, healtheir, better educated and with greater chance to suceed than ever before in human history. I think it would be safer to bet on a zombie apocalypse.

>name anything more successful

literally ANYTHING ELSE. The economy all over Europe has been tanking ever since the 70s. The EU has no incentive to fix it.

How does pushing more people into an already broken market with around 30% hidden unemployment, and rising, help the economy.
The whole system is reliant on taxes, but who the fuck is going to pay those taxes if no one has any income.

>people have been saying that everything crashes for a long time. Tell me the date stupid.
These people are exactly like a doomsday cult. Still waiting for judgment day for the past thousand years. Marx said capitalism would collapse under the weight of its own inconsistencies. Well, one side has surely collapsed.

Everything is included in the package. A world government with free trade and open borders would be ideal.

No world government.

Descentralized regional blocks.

A very decentralized world government. Call it the UN with better legal powers.

20 years ago.
declining legitimation results in more uncertainty, which leads to more crisis, which leads to building more independent movements working against the central power. Just look at the declining efficiency of local security forces, the need to recruit woman and trans faggots to keep up the impression of security.
>What does it mean
I don't need fancy blue jeans and a HD Colour TV to be not poor compared with some degenerate consumerist.
>any time now.
Already happening faggot. Have at look at France, Spain, the US and of course the middle east and Africa. States fail because they have no answer to individuals and small and medium tribes giving a shit about their paradigms.

>How does pushing more people into an already broken market with around 30% hidden unemployment, and rising, help the economy.
Sure, unfortunately you can't provide any statistical proofs. While Eurostat says that European Economy is growing and unemployment falling. Even Greece has recovered. Italy is next.

>political or economic power in America
I've got some bad news for you, Sancho.

>Just look at the declining efficiency of local security forces, the need to recruit woman and trans faggots to keep up the impression of security.
>using the inclusive policy as a sign of comming economic crisis.

>I don't need fancy blue jeans and a HD Colour TV to be not poor compared with some degenerate consumerist.
Right, that’s why the graph assumes people living below the poverty line.
>Already happening faggot. Have at look at France, Spain, the US and of course the middle east and Africa
What are you talking about? The US is working at full employment, Europe is recuperating well and ready for strucutral reforms, as seen in France. I would think it was a bit worse when it was a bombed wasteland with constant massacres, hyperinflation and populist megalomaniacs running the show during the first half of the 20th century

The economics aren't too bad, but the open borders automatically kills it

Global poverty would be obliterated under open immigration:

>>using the inclusive policy as a sign of comming economic crisis.
More a crisis of public security which can only be solved with more coercive policies degrading state legitimacy even more. Not to forget state critical elements in the security forces themselves. Libtards are practically training their henchman.
>hurdur my understanding of history starts with 1945

>the most successful ideology?

In a similar way gonorrhea is the most successful STD.

Neoliberal globalism exists to keep a few parasitic billionaire wealthy, and that's about it.

Maybe if you want to profit off the destruction of entire countries you *should* be a neoliberal otherwise it's self defeating.

Seems retarded and or false. Either rich countries die under the mass of 3rd worlders looking for gibs or they continue to starve due to a lack of logistical infrastructure allowing the transport of perishable goods (food) into those regions.

>hurdur my understanding of history starts with 1945
It doesn’t. What I’m saying is that Europe has seen far worse not so long ago. If you count all of it, we are pretty much living in a historical Golden Age.

But I actually am an unironic centrist liberal.

>It is literally the only system that has succeeded

You know that pic is from 2015 and Greece didn’t have to do it, right?

>Global poverty would be obliterated under open immigration:

The fact that neoliberals have conned retarded leftists into believing this is as funny as it is sad.

No "moving someone somewhere" doesn't "stop poverty". At most it will help increase housing costs which increases rent, interest rates on mortgages and helps pad the net worth of a few billionaires.

Otherwise no, its doesn't help anyone, mass immigration is a real estate scam as much as it is a scam to lower wages.

>Global poverty
Why should I care about global poverty?

Because I aspire to be more than a tax battery for an elite class. Culture and tradition matter more to me than cheap iphones.

None of those things. Immigration is actually a net positive for the countries receiving them in the long term. The success of third world countries is also not based on how well they can build infrastructure. It’s all about getting rid of extractive institutions.

no we aren't. Private and public debt was never so high, and the attempt to solve it with importing foreign barbarians already broke the neck of several other high civilizations who fell for the debt meme. What you refer to as the golden age was over with the late 60's. What we see today is a mirage that breaks the moment a state in the west has to admit it lost control and can't pay its soldiers and security forces anymore

Credit was extended so that the Greek people are in billions of more dollars in debt so that they can suffer mass unemployment and poverty to ensure a few international bankers who committed mass securities fraud don't lose any money.


It has succeeded at impoverishing the working class while enriching a few parasites in just about every western country.

>Immigration is actually a net positive for the countries receiving them in the long term.
How is sharing a country with more people a net positive?

>More a crisis of public security which can only be solved with more coercive policies degrading state legitimacy even more. Not to forget state critical elements in the security forces themselves. Libtards are practically training their henchman.
So if we hire more cops we are automatically training our henchman? are you sure we are talking about neoliberalism and not some totalitarian societies?

Greece was in debt because it is government was giving away gibs and lying about its debt. It has nothing to do with effectiveness of neoliberalism.

>Greece has recovered.
>Debt keeps growing
>Eurozone still has 90 debt per gdp
>Less than a handfull of countries are actually paying their debts

Even low skilled immigrants tend to increase wages:

Price of labour falls done = economic development. Econ 101, although americans seem to explain world economy through a model with only billionaires and housing, like wages, productivity, taxes, employment don't exist.

>Because I aspire to be more than a tax battery for an elite class. Culture and tradition matter more to me than cheap iphones.
Sure but without economic development there is no culture

>Credit was extended so that the Greek people are in billions of more dollars in debt so that they can suffer mass unemployment and poverty to ensure a few international bankers who committed mass securities fraud don't lose any money.
Sure thats why greece economy is recovering as of late

>It has succeeded at impoverishing the working class while enriching a few parasites in just about every western country.
Working class = e.g. people who want to dig coal when it is not economicly reasonable so they elect populist who will give them gibs for digging coal.

>Credit was extended so that the Greek people are in billions of more dollars in debt
It goes against the laws of physics to try to live above your means. Poor people can’t afford Lamborghinis, but it is still possible for them to work their way up. The problem is that Greece was trying to have an enormously generous welfare state without being able to afford it. Even Syriza understood that once they actually got into power.

with declining birth rates and the import of culturally and genetically foreign elements more cops are needed to keep the neo liberal society going. But where do we take those to keep the tribesman in check. Yeah sure from the tribesman, because universal equality and humans are just resources anyway that can be trained to be neo liberals, don't they. Keep living in your parents dream land, I'll prepare for hybrid warfare. Wonder who will be better off. The domesticated Nigger with the bling in the city or the whitey on the country side with crates of ammunition and knowledge on farming and animal herding.

Debt of pretty much all countries keeps growing. It’s not how much you have, but how much you can afford. Greece couldn’t afford it.
Also, if only a handful countries were paying their debts in the Eurozone you would see people jumping off buildings.

>Price of labour falls done = economic development. Econ 101, although americans seem to explain world economy through a model with only billionaires and housing, like wages, productivity, taxes, employment don't exist.
Procedes to the part were the imigrants come for welfare and don't do any work at all
>Sure but without economic development there is no culture
Only a new world retard with no national identity would say this
>Sure thats why greece economy is recovering as of late
Fake and gay
>Working class = e.g. people who want to dig coal when it is not economicly reasonable so they elect populist who will give them gibs for digging coal
Never had a job in is life, just says people are dumb for not wanting to be exploited and that unemployment is good while shipping their jobs to some gook to work in a sweetshop for niquels

>who will be better off
Honestly, if you actually believe that, it’s going to be everyone else but you.

>Only a new world retard with no national identity would say this
Not completely, but cultural output is directly related to economic progress. Do you think the renaissance could have spawned in the Baltics?

>Also, if only a handful countries were paying their debts in the Eurozone you would see people jumping off buildings

We are not americans, there has been a rise on suicides due to crisis tough
Growth backed by debt is never good no matter how you put it, germans are smart and are among the only ones who pay for it

Do you think there was no culture or folkore before the renaissance?

>Only a new world retard with no national identity would say this
Proove me wrong. Who pays for museums, universities, libraries and archives,

>Fake and gay
Sure, sure whatever you say little edgelord

>Never had a job in is life, just says people are dumb for not wanting to be exploited and that unemployment is good while shipping their jobs to some gook to work in a sweetshop for niquels
well I
> Hur dur capitalism is bad, gibs are good

How's the overleveraging of personal credit going these days? Still need more immigrants to offload debt to keep neo-feudal system going?

Thanks for the wage theft and bureaucracy over the past 40 years. Now fuck off.

>Proove me wrong. Who pays for museums, universities, libraries and archives,
Even commies had those and from time to time they made good movies and scholled geniuses and they didn't have decent grocery stores
>Sure, sure whatever you say little edgelord
Greece is recovering.. so is the debt despite being pardoned twice or thrice
>well I
Muahhhh work for me

>Never even mentioned gibs

>Growth backed by debt is never good no matter how you put it
I’m personally not a fan of debt, but countries are not like people or businesses. Debt is essential for the economy to work.
>Do you think there was no culture or folkore before the renaissance?
Yes, that was just an example. In the same way even prisoners make up songs while they work in mines. The question is that there hasn’t been a time in history when a flourishing of the arts was not accompanied by economic progress. The US didn’t become the world’s modern cultural powerhouse because of tradition or genetics

>museums, universities, libraries and archives,

Oh boy, there is so much more than that to culture, you just dont know it because you are a expensive goym
Normal for people who haven't even developed a language of their own

>I’m personally not a fan of debt, but countries are not like people or businesses. Debt is essential for the economy to work.
Countries are like senpaiílies, and a good housewife never spends more than she earns
>Yes, that was just an example. In the same way even prisoners make up songs while they work in mines. The question is that there hasn’t been a time in history when a flourishing of the arts was not accompanied by economic progress. The US didn’t become the world’s modern cultural powerhouse because of tradition or genetics
Weimar Germany was a financial shit show and they made dozens of differant artistic brands in many differant areas

>Even commies had those and from time to time they made good movies and scholled geniuses and they didn't have decent grocery stores
Man you are prooving yourself wrong, commies had bad consumerism but relatively strong economy to built nuclear bombs and put people in space.
Rich commies = good culture
Poor commies = poor culture
>Oh boy, there is so much more than that to culture, you just dont know it because you are a expensive goym
>Normal for people who haven't even developed a language of their own
Yeah sure coming from a guy who thinks baltic folklor is better than a reinassance

>Countries are like senpaiílies, and a good housewife never spends more than she earns
>Doesn't understand anything in Economics

>Weimar Germany was a financial shit show and they made dozens of differant artistic brands in many differant areas
have you heard about the "Golden Age of Weimar". No? Well i am not surprised

>countries are like families
It’s a quick read

>Neoliberal / Globalist thread! Why are you not following the most successful ideology?
It is the reason why the world is currently crumbling and we are etching closer to war every single day.
Neoliberalism has failed to provide any meaningful identity to people, we all have been reduced to consumers, tiny gears in a gigantic machine every single one utterly replaceable.

The world isn't better because people have more money, it is a fallacy to assume that any kind of wealth is related to happiness.

>It is the reason why the world is currently crumbling and we are etching closer to war every single day.
I thouht it was nationalism that led the world to the bloodiest wars in human history?
>we all have been reduced to consumers
Sorry you feel this way, but that is not true. You are freer to do whatever you want now more than ever before.
>The world isn't better because people have more money
True, it is also a better place because people have health, improving technology, freedom of expression, entertainment and the liberty to do whatever they want with their lives.

>Neoliberalism has failed to provide any meaningful identity to people, we all have been reduced to consumers, tiny gears in a gigantic machine every single one utterly replaceable.
true, neoliberalism gives you an absolute freedom to find any identity you want, but you sit and wait for someone to find it for you

>The world isn't better because people have more money, it is a fallacy to assume that any kind of wealth is related to happiness.
World hunger and poverty are being reduced, but who cares if people in the first world are bored because they don't have to survive everyday anymore

Globalism will kill just as many people as Fascism and Communism has by the end of the 21st century. More importantly, Globalism will inevitably plunge the entire Earth into a Dark Age if it succeeds in its endeavor. And unless God himself intervenes to prevent the Morningstar from victory, this will probably be the end result.

>Man you are prooving yourself wrong, commies had bad consumerism but relatively strong economy to built nuclear bombs and put people in space.
>Rich commies = good culture
>Poor commies = poor culture
They were rich because they had credit or because they had shit ton of resources?
>Yeah sure coming from a guy who thinks baltic folklor is better than a reinassance
You need to improve your reading skills because i never said that (renaissance, coming from the word reborn)

>Spending more than the money you have is good
>States are arbitary and subjective things

>World hunger and poverty are being reduced, but who cares if people in the first world are bored because they don't have to survive everyday anymore

God damn either you are ignorant or a devious liar. Africa is more dependent on the First World aid than ever, all of them are going to starve because they failed to produce a functioning economic system.

Because I'm not a cuck

Nice to finally meet someone who can get visions from the distant future. Still, I think I’ll take my chances since there is absolutely no evidence for what you are saying.

>Globalism will kill just as many people as Fascism and Communism has by the end of the 21st century. More importantly, Globalism will inevitably plunge the entire Earth into a Dark Age if it succeeds in its endeavor. And unless God himself intervenes to prevent the Morningstar from victory, this will probably be the end result.
You don't understand, globalism is God. Embrace it.

>They were rich because they had credit or because they had shit ton of resources?
Who cares? Rich had rich culture, poor had poor culture. >God damn either you are ignorant or a devious liar. Africa is more dependent on the First World aid than ever, all of them are going to starve because they failed to produce a functioning economic system.
yeah Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Rwanda, Senegal, and Tanzania with average 6% economic growth will starve

>Because I'm not a cuck

>have you heard about the "Golden Age of Weimar". No? Well i am not surprised
>2. This was driven by industrial growth, American loans and the restoration of foreign trade and investment.
>Middle class kept strugling
>Farmers kept strugling too
>As soon as the american honey jar got closed everything became a shit show and Hitler got elected

There is no growth based on loans, just subservience

>thouht it was nationalism that led the world to the bloodiest wars in human history

People only voted national socialist because of the crash

>because I’m not a cuck
You’re just a cuck for the losing side



Neocons pretending to hate neoliberals is always funny.


>Who cares? Rich had rich culture, poor had poor culture.

Dont run away
They can have the most un-aesthetic culture of the world, but they still have it
What you say is on pair with comunism of making everything the same because muh refined standards


>There is no growth based on loans
Every economist or investor would beg to differ
>People only voted national socialist because of the crash
Yes, and people were wrong to put their trust on nationalism and populism

You mean African countries the cia attack and forcing them to take on debts African can never payoff.

Thanks, but I like this one better

>Why are you not following the most successful ideology?
m8 i don't know in what world you live but
getting acid attacks
terrorist bombings
run by a truck
taxes to pay welfare for croaches
kids being forced in to adoption to families they don't like
arrenged marriage with cucks
kids being teach about why is good to stuck pencil in your ass instead of teaching how to use that damn pencil to make math and have some decent future
being called racist, biggot, misoginistic, homophobic, transphobic, etc

and all because muh white guilt and muh migration is strength and not to forget islam religion of peace

stupid obvious shtipost and people even reply to this fucking clown what the fuck man

Lol, gave me good laugh. I guess you want globalism.

I find that weird because I think anyone could only want globalism ironically.

>Dont run away
>They can have the most un-aesthetic culture of the world, but they still have it
You are running away. Who cares where they took money if they had it and could buy themself a rich culture. Ok if you want to argue about communist economy we can do it, but it will be hard as you don't understand capitalism 101 and how it works


>Every economist or investor would beg to differ
Exept in Germany were they actually pay those
>Yes, and people were wrong to put their trust on nationalism and populism
How come user?

Pretty sure this is just a big troll thread, but I'm just putting some stuff here if anyone actually wants it.

>I find that weird because I think anyone could only want globalism ironically
Search deep in you heart and you will see that there is a globalist trying to break free