that is, combined usa, canada and mexico into one country? would we be so stronk that no other country could ever surpass us?
What would happen if we formed the North American Union?
You can't have Mexico or Quebec in that shit. It'd go full commie overnight.
This is what happened in the Hillary timeline
This is better.
Fuck Mexico. It'd literally ruin it.
we would never have you burgers
hillary clinton would be president
The Mexican Cartel would be able to move freely about NA
socialdemocrat at best relax
I really doubt that was a plan at all
But nafta was a way of making us economically dependant on you, so
Won't happen.
Unless there is a war and everything needs to be built from scratch... then who knows.
This. At least Europe is similar in Human Development Index.
>Combining Mexico
>Spreading narcotrafico influence everywhere in the planet earth forever
>implying we want your niggers, chinks, streetshitters, mudslimes and jews.
Top kek half niggers.
No, if the US wanted to annex your canacuck asses, we’d have you.
total collapse after 1 generation
I want to annex the leafs
don't be jealous because Canada is more based than you
We should gas all the niggers, kikes, and spics and call the result America
We're still thinking like slaves.
When we're don with the Talmudic Cult feeding us human meat through DNA, we won't need countries.
rh negatives only no monkeys
Human DNA Through soy products.... *
See? The demonic possession is real. Stop eating fast foods that are processed
but adding mexico to usa and canada would give us a population of over 486 million
>Mexicans aren't people
from what i gather mexico is pretty cool essentially the foundation of most of our manufacturing, (international drug trade that we capitalize on), its burgerville thats the arse hole of this continent just spewing shitty posts
A dictatorship under US control with an economic system like the EU to lock countries in but with even less white people.
i thought thats what the "UNITED STATES" was already like the malnourished poor prototype form of the EU
lots of mexicans are white
lots of mexicans are from columbus times prob more based than burgerville, spanish have the highest % of rh negative blood line
Canada is just Sweden 2.0 and we would have an even greater influx of (((LEGAL))) beaners flooding across the border.
Though if a NAU was created I might ironically end up buying cheap property in mexico and getting a hot castiza piece of ass .
america has the highest % of KEK LINE
beaners are much cooler than burgers we will have a united americas excluding usa
>The EU seems nice
>let's copy them
>neither Canada nor Mexico want us
Canada and Mexico would join the EU before they joined you amerilard. Especially with Trump as your president.
we would need a better name though because the initials would be NAM which is slang for vietnam here. i propose USNA for united states of north america. we could keep the usa flag but make the stars maple leafs and quetzalcoatls
>Not having a huge wall between the Soon to be Third Mexican Empire™ and Muttland
Heh, no
Lazy Mexkimos.
Seal tacos.
Other than that no change.
Don’t you guys have a shit ton of haitians?
Lazy Mexkimos.
Seal tacos.
Other than that no change from what we have now.
The greatest irony is that Canada needs 1 million immigrants per year, so if you annex us, we win.
We don't want the people, just the minerals.
Justin Trudeau Secretary of State
> A fucking mexican christcuck
The blue wall would be much cheaper than the red wall. Mexico has 31 states, we could add 31 stars and 62 senators.
Please take us daddy
If we kill all the Mexicans and the sand niggers in Canada we could use their land. With the people, it's a net loss. It's better to economically enslave them like current situation.
>not using the capitals
We are, i’m from DF originally
You wouldn't have a choice name fag
God damn et, sorry about upsidedown
>I can clearly ser the nopal (mestizo) in you
we would wipe out the cartels overnight in mexico. they would be pushed back into guatemala
Thanks bro, that means a lot to me
Mexico's culture would still be an East German millstone.
They're being sent to the north border to sneak into muriland, don't you worry those niggers are muricans.
It would be like the US except an even greater disaster. Bigger countries are always worse. The only reason the US is any exception to this rule is because its constitution was written hundreds of years ago back when people were saner.
Nope. Big Pharma and Big government would take over for narcos/cartels and regulate and tax drugs.
Catholicism would work best to unite the countries.
we're already the strongest nation on the planet. anglo confederation is a better idea anyway
yeah but we could have millions of mexicans to add to the army
Good luck getting then past our crcodile infested moat, 30 mile tall wall, and automatic lasergun technology
Or you could just kys
>Wanting an army that uses Ford trucks as their tanks
i would add all the Mexican estados and Canadian provinces to the USA, then watch you struggle how to fit in so many stars
obviously the usa military would form the basis of the army. we would just add the mexicans as enlisted soldiers. we could absorb all the canadian scientists too
it would be leafs to represent the canadian provinces
This is basically fucking globalism, what I'd do is annex northern Mexico and the Yucatan peninsula and then for Canada we'll retake all the land that was given away by treaties.
t. nigger
>A fuking mexican Pagan LARPer
and beans for Estados?
The US would have to pay for all of it.
no not beans, that serpent monster that they worship
you would be coming even closer to a one world economy and one world government
the EU was the first step in their plan, and if america and canada merged their own currency together into one then it is clear that we are too late and have already lost
Why would we want to be joined with Mexico?
That’s like taking a shit in your shoes before putting them on.
there would be no more illegal border crossings and we would have easy access to mexican vacation spots and food
Ahem...Nafta? Read a book, maybe? Failed due to US refusing to underpin Mexico's economy, and Congress refusing the InterCon Highway. Bad idea, Clinton was elected to halt, and sold out within the year. Spare me your (lack of) comprehension of the subject.
it would be one economy, no us vs them shennanigans. one people, under jesus.
Annex America’s hat. Leafs need some MAGA. Leave Mexico out. It belongs in South America.
But the US is already so strong that no country can surpass us.
America has a problem with non whites the last thing it need is more spics and french people.
Also Greenland is in North America
it's not about wanting us... Canada would be easy. Mexico... well we don't want the bug eating spics to be citizens do we?
are there unironic Mexican pagans?
Do you perform human sacrifice?
Is Santa Muerte pagan or not?
>USA hates mexico
>USA hates leafland
>both hate the USA
>both have had wars with the USA
it will never happen, too much divisiveness between our peoples. Hell, even the people of all 3 countries are trying to get rid of NAFTA and other cancer, people don't want one bit of this you globalist scum
Im all for annexing Canada imho. Build the wall though, mexico should be seperate. Different languages, different cultures. Minnesotans are basically Canadians. Fuck the crown, we should annex canada for all the sweet sweet shale oil.
>Sentient Soy
I want this meme to end
Keep Mexico out of it and i'm happy. Although the US has like 40-50 million negros. More than the population of Canada itself.
>Nope. Big Pharma and Big government would take over for narcos/cartels and regulate and tax drugs.
>regulate and tax drugs.
lmfao kk, so the massive blackmarket for painkillers doesn't real
you really have the strengh now you only have to use it
USA gov could easily crush the cartels if they were allowed to operate freely in Mexico
>Drug infested shit hole with politicians unwilling to fix it
>Cold wasteland filled with cucks
Yeah, take them in, you will waste more in welfare for all of them, you do it, and enjoy being run by Democrats for years like it happened to Detroit
You are literally advocating the one world government/new world order
wtf I love furries now?
Go home to Mexico Paco, you don't belong in the US. If you think your own people are so shit you don't want to live in their country, then consider sterilization or suicide.
I urinate in your poutine. more
Is a Mexican sub-human ironically making fun of that there are other sub-humans holding the Norwegian flag/living in Norway?
Or is it unironically?
Looks like the EU flag. The EU was a horrible idea. So is this.