>America is a democratic natio-
America is a democratic natio-
It's a representative republic you uneducated nigger
Democratic Republic retard
>leftist education
>Moring uneducated burgers not knowing what a democracy is.
And the PUBLIC has spoken
It's a constitutional republic, you ignorant twat.
It's almost as if the entire political left is ignorant as to how anything in our world works.
>complains about electoral college
>own part uses superdelegates
>rigged own primary
pathetic.. cant even winn with the majority of illegals voting!
>calling other Americans burgers
America needs VOTER ID
"The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy."
“The phoney [sic] electoral college made a laughing stock out of our nation. The loser one!”
>They were full of surprises!
Hillary as a slave-owning plantation master? That's actually pretty accurate.
i fucking miss serb shill,ctr, drumpfkins btfo, landslide and madame president posts
“He [Obama] lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!” (Nov. 6)
most of Hillary votes are from dead people and non US citizens
As almost everyone has pointed out, we’re not a democracy. And we’re barely a constitutional republic, because, if you didn’t know, we DON’T actually vote for the electoral college members in most states.
Technically, popular doesn’t count, as there are faithless electors, but they are pretty rare. The general way is that your state goes whole hog for the winner. For example Candidate A gets 50.00001% of the vote and Candidate B gets 49.99999999% of the vote. A gets 10 electoral college votes and B gets 0. Other states do perportion, so A would get 7 and B would get 5 (for some reason the winner gets an extra two votes???)
illegals from Mexico don't count as voters user...
we're a republic. fuck off and sage, faggot
If they deported those 3,000,000 mexicans from Cali, those numbers would he fixed.
We're a constitutional republic not a democracy. Democracy is the worst form of government there is next to despotism where the deathball of average and below average animals such is yourself get to decide the fate of the country
Why does nobody do this for shit threads?
It works, maybe tards here need a refresher course on what it is
democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding whats for dinner
thats why our founders avoided that shit