You can only post ITT if you are from the best state in this country.
Texas Thread
>filled with illegals
>slowly turning blue
No thanks faggot. Oklahoma is god tier
>Filled with texans and mexicans
Oklahoma is just budget Texas, stay mad fag
>half the state under the poverty line
>worthless standards of education
>only sustains itself because it happens to sit on top of a shit ton of oil
if the energy sector contracts in texas, the state will basically just be a bigger kentucky.
OP doesn't look much like a steer to me, so that kinda narrows it down.
Out shopping at cavenders today. Feels good.
Highest speed limit in the country so you can get out of there as fast as you can.
>best state in the country
> not just the best country
california pls go home
I don't got any horns so I guess it does
>Hill country growing faster than ever
>Tech industry booming
Yeah ok all we have is oil, without Port Arthur we'd be nothing :^)
I'm a Texan born and raised ;_;
Just picked up some jeans there the other day, they're fucking comfy
>shit roads everywhere
>Nothing but fucking shacks out side of Oklahoma city
>Niggers everywhere
Oh yeah Oklahoma is truly fucking god tier.
what's your political point?
Texans are morons who don't understand the rules?
Once Texas falls you will be next. An unfortunate cycle that will never end.
Longview checking in. Texas post is the best post.
I’m about to spend two months in San Antonio, can’t wait to get the fuck out of California. How’s the weather Texas bros?
Aren't whites a minority in Texas now?
this. plus do ''white hispanics'' consider themselves white or americans?
We consider ourselves american
Everyone here is an American, Vasile
many hispanics in texas are "white" culturally.
It's starting to get cold...and by cold I mean in the 40's.
so... texas will still be voting republican?
Any favorite albums this year? Dallas won the first half of 2017
Thanks bro, can’t wait
thats a big reason why its still republican yes, unironically california transplants are more dangerous than the mexicans in texas
It's dropped to 50 degrees. Now I've developed a minor flu.
The big cities vote liberal, the rural areas vote conservative. But 80% of the state is rural, so Texas is always Republican
> *Only best Waffles can post.
> TFW only waffle
> fixed that for you: Waffles are. The best.
Breakfast tacos
Choose only one for the rest of your life
You must not be from here; We’re Texans first, Americans second
This is accurate. Californians running away from the shithole they've created arrive in Texas and start thinking, wow we should really have more social justice, diversity, and welfare here. Fucking it all up.
You pussies don't even have snow
Winters are the white man season
When is SB4 happening?
do americans have the same joke as norwegians about texas? it's an actual description here which goes "er jo helt texas!", translated to; "that's completely texas". it means out of control, wild, lawless etc.
I remember that Christmas
> We’re Texans first, Americans second
only during disaster times like Hurricane Harvey or church shootings
or when a meme restaurant like Whataburger or Chik-fil-a opens a new store
>You can only post ITT if you are from the best state in this country
California checking in!
>implying OU doesn't suck
Nope not all whatsoever but I like it.
More or less
Texas has more latino business owners than any other state. It's a reason they vote red.
Bush got half the latino vote in texas.
Need a range 936.
Any recommendations?
All the Bushes have also married either Latinas or half-Latinas. Even our current wheelchair governor married a Hispanic woman
Do you have any favorite albums from Norway this year? The Virus album last year was amazing.
Now legit, as another Texan I do have to argue that we were fine taking their money for years. At some point we had to figure these assholes were going to start voting too. It is just like in the national sense, once you start bringing in other cultures you may get more wealth but you trade away your values.
Oh man
I still wonder if the dems will make the same mistake twice and run an unqualified woman who makes fun of people with disabilities against him next time.
Well we actually do have something kinda similar but it's lumped in with a few other states when saying for example "It's like the wild west." I'm pretty sure that's about as close as it gets.
How does it feel to be slowly turning into California?
I'm partial to "y'all may go to hell. I shall go to texas"
Right we have sayings but that's not related to that Norway saying.
Who? Wendy Davis, the abortion lady?
She never had a chance anyway, but she did the best she could. There isn't any point. There will never be a Democrat leader of Texas
We have the same expression. If something is called texas it means it's chaos and maybe violence
44% for Clinton
You mean another leader? Because I thought that one really old bitch was a Democrat.
Lubbock rn
Headed to the panhandle later today
Texas motherfucker
Galveston user here. Fucking spics from California need to fucking go back to hell
Anyone who thinks Texas is great has never been to the shithole that is Houston.
Your state was cool like 30 years ago. Now it's just another spic/democrat stronghold.
Do you go to Colorado to buy weed?
errr I can't remember. Maybe that Democrat lady got elected in 1914 or something.
We call it "the wild west"
No she was governor before Bush
Tejanos ancestors killed many Mexicans to gain freedom from those shitskins.
936 here, getting comfy in this fall weather as I head out for work and then grill tonight with wife.
Santuary cities are banned starting next year.
Chic-fil-a ain't from Texas and you can find them all over the US.
>tfw have had mad phlegm since the wekeend
Crazy how Sunday was so warm here in dallas then it gets cold and I'm constantly having to spit out all this mucus all week.
I dont....leave that to the younger crowd.
Need a range 936.
Any recommendations?
Ann Richards you dumb fuck. 91-95
lol fuck no
80% of Texas Mexicans vote hard left.
Texas is fucked and cucked.
You’re a whole other level of retard. There’s a reason the saying goes “Houston is the asshole of the world” and not “Texas”.
Small ass Corpus Christi here.
Love the Frio river region miss that place
Is that your prediction? I'd just like to know when the hell we can find out. We shouldn't have to wait this long after the governor signs a law.
This is an absolute lie.
The vast majority of Texas Hispanics vote hard left. Texas is done.
>She did the best she could
It was literally the 2nd largest landslide in texas gubernatorial history.
She constantly made fun of him for being paralyzed. In interviews, ads, etc.
She even had the balls to accuse him of being a money grubbing opportunist when it came to him suing over the accident that paralyzed him.
Literally a gay trans latino could have gotten more votes by keeping xir mouth shut than she got.
I wish I was. I'm way down here in Austin. Colorado weed is the only reason I'd envy the panhandle no offense.
Posting from BASED Texas. God I just wish you anons knew how good it feels to be a native Texan.
>inb4 its brown
Nice try, my home town is 80% white.
I’d ask for a source but I know you’re pulling that shit straight out of your ass
No, Oklahoma is where the real men of the frontier ended up, not the rhinestone cowboys in Texas bathhouses.
OP doesn't want anybody to know that most of Texas is poor Mexicans
I know it's a normal fast food chain. Doesn't stop the fatties from going crazy for it
My grandparents used to go down to Corpus Christi each year.
They stopped going because the of the increase in crime and all the cars that kept going south of the border. I know every city in your state and Travel their a lot.
Sure DFW is better than Houston, but honestly not by much.
At least the Tittybars in DFW are still pretty great.
>people still believe Climate change isn't real and caused by humans
Texas does a decent-ish job of assimilating non-texans, and it attracts conservatives from blue states as well, like me
Austin can't keep up with the volume/potency? Seems like not would be pretty comparable.
Them CO prices, eh?
I'm embarrassed. I didn't know that
Thunder gun range off 242 is pretty chill
Treat yourself to some western boots, fellow white man. Wear our culture with pride. Niggers can't pull it off.
>vote hard left
How the fuck could you tell? Virtually nothing hard left makes it to the ballot
Then why do I hear so many people say guys instead of y'all? We should pass a fucking law.
Please, user, I think you meant you're going to Dallas.
I'd just prefer the dependability, variety, etc. At first legalization made it ironically way harder here but I think its evened out now.
Feels like a mold infestation.
936 here
Meadow range archery & gun
It's just outside of nac
I just prefer my favorite strain; any
Whats ya'lls favorite thing to get from Whataburger? My favorite is
>Honey bbq chicken strip sandwich
>Ask for honey butter instead of honey bbq sauce
Everyone I know got sick at some point after Harvey, I'm just now getting over it. If you're anywhere near that shit puddle its probably from that stuff going around.
This is the ideal mens footwear. You may not like it but this is what peak boot performance looks like.
here is a scenario for you, how are the limits of free spech in public there. i mean if you were to talk openly on a cell phone on a main street or to someone in public about rece statistics, or (((their))) plans, how would that influence your life, reputation, the ability of others to serve you at a bar ?
Well don't get me wrong I appreciate it but if Arizona doesn't legalize in exactly one year then Im moving to Vegas. If Arizona legalizes next year then the whole country will federally legal in about 3 or 4 years at most. If they don't then it could be as long as 8 or 10 years.