this message is so powerfull. really puts anitsemitism into perspective doesnt it
This message is so powerfull. really puts anitsemitism into perspective doesnt it
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she really lost me with that last sentence
Whatever you say commie. What about that tiny voice in your head that says rich people DO seem to share less?
Really wakes-up the walnuts, doesn't it?
Ha this is taking a big risk because a lot of conservatives believe the latter 2 without recognizing the first one. Thanks for the red pill, bitch.
>jews do seem control a lot
twatter is such a mistake
> Jew tries to use Talmudic Logic, fails.
Even if you think the last two are bullshit (LOL), the first point about Jews is easily verifiable and isn't subject to "well you have to look at it in context/cops by racist" logic frequently used to discredit black crime statistics.
This shit makes me angry. When are we going to start rounding them up again?
Those are literally all correct. She challenged a strawman to a battle of wits and lost...
but arent the last 2 actually true?
Is this cunt being ironic? Because those are all true no matter where you live.
First off we are counter semetic. Second all 3 of these statements are fact
No but this does.
but it's true
Truly they are wide awake
In the same breath these fucking kikes denouce white people without the facts to back up their rhetoric
It takes a special kind of stupid to be a liberal
But... they do, and they are. I don't understand.
E = I
Those are all statistically-backed, objectively true statement.
A very small number of Black people DO seem to commit more crimes.
A very small number of Muslim people DO seem to commit more terrorist acts.
A very small number of Jews DO seem to control a lot of industries/power.
>Kpop >>>> Jpop
>stop acknowledging we are the source of everything wrong in the world, goyim
and they wonder why they are violently ousted from every place they show up
>A very small number of Black people DO seem to commit more crimes.
Bro.. upwards of 50% of black people are highly criminal.
Warming the ovens.. Soon!
>don't fix problems
So when did this mentality truly first pop up in the west?
*elbow* Not now, Hans...
I assume this person was trying to redpill me on Jew hating?
Of course they are. It's all accurate except for the last line but thats because shes a retard.
Good post!
In her world fish live in the desert
None of that is bullshit, it’s statistically accurate.
That doesn’t mean prejudge people. It means the opposite, in fact.
If liberals can’t acknowledge crime statistics, they see a world in which people are punished for nothing, since more crime can’t be responsible for more jailings.
So they rally to stop authorities from enforcing the law, which causes crime rates to spike, a self-fulfilling prophecy.
What is even going on?
Why are they trying to deny they control everyone while at the same time writing cute article about how they do?
Liberal retards that can't recognize basic facts using their falsehoods to verify other falsehoods?
actually, the richest people share more, like bill gates or that jew boy from facebook.
Huh. The last 2 aren't bullshit so I guess the first isn't either. Thanks for the redpill!
Translation: don't follow common sense because I'm fighting for my ethnicity and I don't want you to fight for yours.
So basically she said if you believe A is true, based upon your believing B and C to be true.
Well, B and C are in fact true.
Non are bullshit.
86rd degree taiwanese backgammon on skis
Damn...really got my noggin joggin...
That’s all for publicity and self guilt. It’s easy to do good once you’ve already fucked everyone over that you needed to.
Why can't Jews check their white privilege for a second and realize that their "success" came at the expense of less fortunate Muslims and Blacks who are being robbed of their self-determination to line the top 1%'s pockets? :^)
Instead of the last two she should have picked "College graduates do seem to be more qualified for work" for Sup Forums
>Black people DO seem to commit more crimes
This is false, they don't SEEM to commit more crimes, it proven by statistic upon statistic upon statistic that they do in fact commit more crimes.
I don't even need to start on the muslim one, anyone got that image with the list of all the #Pray4______ instances?
>white privilege
Pick one
But the last two are true and so is the first. into the oven it goes.
Jew Theodore Allen invented the term 'white privilege'.
Always accuse your enemy of what you are doing. The jews are everything leftists accuse whites of and no one is talking about it.
The charge of "anti-Semitism" or "anti-Semitic", aimed at individuals who make basic, easily verifiable factual statements about Jews, Jewish power and influence, the Jewish agenda, and the Jewish state of Israel is simply telling the truth about the Jews, exposing them for all to see. Labelling such truth as Jew hatred or "anti-semitism", is a false charge, a lie, a smear. It's name calling. This is a clever subterfuge to eliminate any criticism of any Jew for any thing. If any Jews happen to be involved in any under-handed or even illegal activities, and someone exposes that activity, that person is branded an “anti-Semite.” It is a convenient way for them to avoid dealing directly with the truth of the issues. So instead, they viciously attack the messenger.
Cognitive dissonance required. Report to reeducation center for wrongthink removal.
This was shown recently in response to the "It's okay to be white" signs. The message itself can't be attacked, so they needed to invent a bogeyman racist and infer racist motives behind the signs. Attacking the messenger is Jew 101.
she is an idiot
all three ARE true
It's not called Anti Semetic -- It's called COUNTER Semetic.
Wait, B and C are true. So that means A is as well? Wtf, I hate jews now. Thanks Sophie!
but all of those things are true
But all those 3 are true..
But what always baffled me is that people take it negatively, when it could be taken as a praise for jews. Not that anyone smart likes jews controlling everything.
All are true.
OP just saying screw statistics, it's horseshit, it's misleading from the truth.
re: terror attacks especially true if you look internationally, not just within the US
This woman has us all wrong. We are counter Semitic, not anti Semitic
But all of those statements are verifiable accurate...... hmmmmm
Strange days when you get red pilled by a Jewish liberal woman
Not really, because black people DO commit more crime, Muslims DO commit more terrorism, and Jews DO control a lot of power.
Shes saying 3 truths and trying to play it off as "d-don't actually believe a-anything like that goy! It's c-crazy to notice those patterns b-ecause their hate facts and b-bad!!"
But the last two are true. The left truly lacks self-awareness.
owned itself hard. what kind of dumb tweet is that.
She played 4D chess on herself.
Even blacks and muslims acknowledge that ghe 1st line is true.
She's taking a really big risk recognizing this, not to mention the people she's trying to argue with recognize the latter two points as fact. Why are Jews panicking when they can simply recognize that the first point is true and use their high IQ and Talmudic logic to point out why it's not bad? For example, pointing out examples of conservative kikes in high positions or the fact that the net gain (to their ends) from the liberal Jewish agenda is turning negative and only has impact in a few countries?
Except for the tiny detail that all 3 of those statements are as true as they possibly can be. How is saying that Jews control a ton of shit antisemitic? I refuse to let fucking liberals say we can’t call things what they are. It’s an objective observation that Jews control a ton of shit. Trying to silence that observation just makes me believe the conspiracy even more to be honest.
Well... I dont know if the 1st on is true but i know that the second and third are true.... Does it mean that first one is true?
think thats the whole point of the tweet truth inside the truth
All three are demonstrably true.
She's just dumb, not /ourguy/.
>but it's true
But kikes, niggers and leftists hate the truth.
That's why kikes killed Lord Jesus.
"I am the truth" - Lord Jesus.
I'll just leave this here.
The Jew cries out in pain as they strike at you.
>tfw you build a strawman out of real body parts
she's right you know
That tiny voice is logic.
If whites are the master race, why do they have so many problems and why do they always blame others for those problems instead of just overcoming the problem?
That's intentional, isn't it? Anyone who would be mad at the Jews would never question the other two statements (well, apart from Muzzies). This has to be targeted at people who believe the latter two but so far not the first one
oh shit. i admit it. this dumb jew cunt just got jews BTFO.
it's not their fault, this is just the subconscious legacy of being enslaved by aliens in egypt
It's funny because most normies in the center and the right KNOW the last two are true. She's just going to make them look suspiciously at the first one now. Sup Forums wins again.
typical amerimutt conception of race
Yep, shot a massive hole in the boat there
Trying to and failing miserably like every retard jew on pola
>you must distrust your own eyes and instincts
>because reasons
My uncle used to say.. A jew will sell you the rope to hang him with.
Whats it like being a retarded jew? Many of them are intelligent but what must life be like for the ones that are stupid as fuck and can't compete with either goyim or their fellow kikes?
Relatively speaking, blacks do commit more crimes because they are living under whites and overthrowing them slowly with sex
>"White people DO seem to have a lot of privilege"
Agree we with everything you said except jews are not white. They hate white people. BTW nice digits!
Topkek, the jew accidentally redpilled twatter users.
But blacks do commit 50% of the murders, respective to their 13% of the total U.S. population.
They commit the most terrorist attacks than anyone, by a large margin.