>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Chinese State Dinner 11/9/17
>Pres Trump meets w/China Premier Li Keqiang 11/9/17
>SoS T-Rex presser in China 11/9/17
>Pres Trump/Pres Xi Press Conference 11/8/17
>Pres Trump/Pres Xi Biz Presser $253Bil Deals 11/8/17
>Pres Trump/Pres Xi Bilateral Meeting 11/8/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Official China Welcome Ceremony 11/8/17
>FLotUS Melania visiting chink lolis 11/8/17
>TrumpTV: A Historic Day 11/8/17
>VP Pence/Gov Abbot @TX Vigil 11/8/17
>Pres Trump shows Xi/Peng video of grandaughter reciting poem 11/8/17
>VP Pence/2nd Lady/AG Sessions arriving in TX 11/8/17
>VP Pence/2nd Lady heading to TX 11/8/17
>DHS Nominee Kirstjen Nielsen confirmation hearing 11/8/17
>Flip making flipflop Trump Action Figure to welcome POTUS 11/8/17
>StateDep Signing of Milenium Challenge Corp w/Rep of CoteD'Ivore 11/8/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania watch some crazy chink opera 11/7/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @The Forbidden City 11/7/17
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pull it
Anything interesting happen recently?
>tfw no /ptg/ birthday awoos
I don't like us cooperating with China like this. Doesn't our government realize what a threat these people are to the USA's global dominance? We shouldn't be signing business deals with China, we should be taking our manufacutring base back from them. I'm beginning to think that it's impossible.
Guaranteed (((Awoo)))
Are chainsaw mods /k/ approved?
feel free to fuck off back to
>what a threat these people are to the USA's global dominance?
Give in to the hate. Let it consume you like the dumb weenie you are
It’s that first DACA recipient that got “deported”. Actually here is what likely happened.
> well, we’re deporting your ass. Make it easier on yourself and take a bus to Mexico and go on your own terms, it’s better than languishing at our private prisons
DACA dude
> oh, OK. Here I go
Then he got informed about his lower priority and about ICE bluff and said
> you guys deported me, that’s illegal
To which ICE replied
> ¿Que? You left on your own volition pendejo. Enjoy Mexico kek
>leftists truly believe that they will have their BLUE WAVE meme
>after winning in a blue state
What do you want to do, nuke them?
please do not post this racist garbage
ugly hate symbols belong in the trash
Let them breed their false confidence. As long as Republicans pass tax cuts and field far right Trump candidates it's over
Per capita they're not even on the radar. We need China to fuck North Korea so we can rush in and crush them and reunify the Koreas. After that it's business as usual and we can destroy their economy.
If there are any college students here, I think now would be a good time to get a law enforcement degree
Clearly you don’t see what’s going on. This business trip about taking care of North Korea did you not see his speech in South Korea? Donnald rump is convincing china to get rid of North Korea or we will collapse the Chinese economy. He’s getting Japan South Korea and China on board with all this and we are going to take care of North Korea.
We need to step back from being a global dominance until we get our borders and our culture back in order. It will be alright to let China dominate the globe, after all the Chinese are terrible and the entire world will beg us to come back once they've tasted Chinese government bureaucracy.
>he thinks this isn't true
Rake yourself
I did my part, Sup Forums.
I helped make Virginia great again!
I doubt that such a thing even exists. You aren't entitled to residence inn the country and can be deported for literally any reason at all.
>removing USA's ability to use nuclear deterrent
Maximum Retardation: Achieved
Don't be an idiot. If you really want to fuck over China step 1 is demolishing the network of international banks that lend them infinite credit to make war on our middle class. As always our most dangerous enemy is the Jew and those who are his slaves.
What's wrong with it?
>in burgerland you need to study to become an officer
So /ptg/, are you prepared to bow to your Democratic next year? Because if the Republicans continue to do fuckall, then it's game over. How do you plan to prevent what happened in Virginia from happening all over the nation? Once Dems take over the House, it's all over.
What's the sauce on this pic from last thread?
China should be nuked on the basis of saving our environment alone, along with China.
Haha, I get it. The joke is that Obama left the country defenseless in the face of a rising nuclear power with a vendetta against the US.
This gave my a hearty chuckle, thanks fellow burger
t. sandnigger that Obama gave gov't job (welfare) to
(y-you) too.
But what about China?
dont you recognize your fat ugly mom
>see Trump's grand daughter reciting Chinese poetry
Where you live? I'll take the day off tomorrow and come say hi.
/ptg/ is for normal sized women only
I mean India.
Regular cops can get by with just a HS diploma, but more specialized fields definitely need college education
I know you're memeing, but
>leftists really believe that winning in a blue state and winning against Chris Christie is indicative of a Blue Wave
Their false hope will make the salt even sweeter
Your Awoo collection plan has succeeded
Does this mean walls work?
You can already see the effects of the GOP losses on Tuesday playing out. There's a renewed vigor and force to pushes for a clean DACA amnesty, demoralized Democrats have regained confidence, and shaken Republicans are reconsidering their stances on the issue.
a degree makes it easier to move up the chain
Tiffany capotelli
You wish you had a leader this young and hip fags
>you will never be this triggered over a little girl reading poetry
Feels good man.
your education system is shit
next you need a phd to become a burger flipper
The Chinese seem to really respect Trump. Democrats think kissing ass makes people respect them but people respect strenth more.
Only cowardly neo cohens would reconsider anything after losing in a blue state.
have some puchis then
What do dreamers dream
Ill take this bait
You cannot underestimate the undecided voter. These people are not like us. They're sheeple who see CNN in the background and just take what they say at face value, never doing their own research
The presssidensssy, Donald... Give it to me! It isss our birthright!
they dream of free shit and crime
Of electric fences.
Of course not Per capita, there's over a billion of them.
These people are wealthy enough to influence Hollywood into putting pro China propaganda in every film we make.
China has a massive industrial base and an increasingly large middle class. They are what the USA used to be in the 20s and 30s. History is repeating itself, only this time we won't be the ones to benefit from it.
>America wish it had
Just like the last "hip" and "cool" woman, Madame Candidate
Also Democrats don’t care about DACA. The new calls are for gun control and (((think tanks))) like pew research can claim whatever they want it’s not a winning issue especially on a 50 state basis
/ptg/ is for milfs
Reminds me of the NBC commercial where Hillary Clinton was playing electric guitar for a two second clip. When you have to describe somebody is hip or cool they’re using was boring Low energy pieces of shit you’ll ever meet
How the fuck do Swiss cops get trained for their job? Is this why they think it's sane to suppress biographic info on criminals to prevent anyone from noticing niggers and Arabs do all the crime?
>/ptg/ is for milfs
like I don't know that
thats racist
Alright Found the maido for the richfags
girls are for children boys are for pleasure
- Imam on Bachi Bazi
that would make ptg the only non-pedo place on Sup Forums
They do care about DACA. They're threatening to shut down the government by filibustering the December budget extension if DACA isn't passed by the end of the year, and some Republicans are scared. They've seen that the Resistance is real and powerful, and they're afraid of what it means for their reelection chances.
Expect to see many more GOP retirements in the weeks to come. All fleeing the bloodbath.
Hope they push gun control and daca. That would be HUGE republican gains.
Nuke Pyongyang
she's almost as old as the finland poster. what are you going on about
it says plastic i guess they dont throw away that much plastic or something
He looks like that one pic of monkey membrane but with better hair.
Seriously how is this going to inspire anybody to vote for her? She looks old and super low energy. She can barely lift her arms. I’m sure this goes over real well with a 68+ women’s crowd, but no one here is fooled
Two words.
Six letters.
> and shaken Republicans are reconsidering their stances on the issue.
What? With the exception of maybe Sessions back in the days most of republican Senate is for amnesty for DACA recipients. Fourteen of them voted for that “gang of eight” bill that would do just that, eleven of them still at the senate.
Mitch could put that same bill to vote today and it would pass 60-40 at very least with the vote of these senators, all who voted for the original
> Alexander (TN, since 2003)
> Collins (ME, since 1997)
> Corker (TN, since 2007)
> Flake (AZ, since 2013)
> Graham (SC, since 2003)
> Hatch (UT, since 1977)
> Heller (NV, since 2013)
> Hoeven (ND, since 2011)
> McCain (AZ, since 1987)
> Murkowski (AK, since 2002)
> Rubio (FL, since 2011)
Add Ohio’s Portman as the missing 12th vote and there it is. 60 votes.