>be varg
>kill a someone for supposedly plotting to torture him (never proved but Fenris claimed it was true)
>victim of Varg's murder is an actual communist
>same communist was a sami
>same communist-sami poisoned a Polish man who wrote a webzine about their band
>same communist-sami was fat
>Sup Forumsack christians somehow use this agaisnt him to villify him
Be varg
Other urls found in this thread:
why doesn't he just say that then
i like varg, but hes wrong about nearly everything. Still gives me hope though, if he can find an autistic wife and have 6 white children, then i should be able to too.
He made a 3-episode series just talking about the backstory of Eurononymous and why he killed him.
He has said it not only on his channel but in court aswell.
>be varg
>unironically believes that Hitler and Goebbels were not white because they had not the combination of blue eyes blonde hair
>be mad at Meds because his mother got GREEK'D in Cyprus plenty of times after they fled Iraq
>Larping in woods as VIKANGZ
>no job
>leeching relatives money
>leeching like a good parasite the welfare of a foreign country
>said Communist is not a bad thing and support leftist scums instead of the alt-right
>every video is against White Europeans
>but hes wrong about nearly everything
he's wrong on a lot of stuff but it's great to have those kind of people within a """"movement"""" as they will constantly force the ideology to develop it's faults.
>Christianity isn't a tool to cuck whites to the j-
yeah I agree, though he has a wikipedia (basic, shallow) knowledge of the world and jumps to hardlined conclusions. Plus he bases his whole solution to the problems we as a race face on either an ice age or total societal collapse, both of which have small chances of actually happening.
>unironically believes that Hitler and Goebbels were not white because they had not the combination of blue eyes blonde hair
he doesn't
>be mad at Meds because his mother got GREEK'D in Cyprus plenty of times after they fled Iraq
>no job
Why would he get a job if he's self-reliant from Burzum alone?
>leeching relatives money
>claims he's a communist
>get's mad when he uses money he legally inherited from his blood
mate you're the commie
>leeching like a good parasite the welfare of a foreign country
no he doesn't
I've yet to see anyone prove this
he did say that if all whites went on welfare and stopped working the system that is funding our genocide would collapse within a night
>said Communist is not a bad thing and support leftist scums instead of the alt-right
source or get the fuck out
>every video is against White Europeans
no, almost all of his videos are critiques of modern-day movements though, which isn't a bad thing
>or total societal collapse, both of which have small chances of actually happening
Societal collapse is inevitable at the current rate we're going in and that's not a bad thing
we'll never get rid of (((them))) through means of political solution but rather through armed conflict
read Siege written by James Mason my dude.
It's funny how Jesus was referred to as a Rabbi in Mark 14:45, John 1:38, John 20:16
It's also funny how Jesus was from the Messsianic bloodline and thus a descendant of David and Solomon according to the bible.
His mom was catcalled once in Greece, thus he hates all meds. I couldn't believe it when I heard him say it but there's literally nothing else to it. He has a deep seated hatred just because of that one incident. So much he's still talking about it 30 years later.
Self reliant from Burzum when he isn't playing any live gigs? In an age where no one is making money from records? Sure.
>unironically believes that Hitler and Goebbels were not white because they had not the combination of blue eyes blonde hair
he says that things like that are divide and conquer, just that blonde hair blue eyed people are more pure european
>no job
>leeching relatives money
>leeching like a good parasite the welfare of a foreign country
varg gets royalties from his music (which is why he loops his songs in the background of his videos, spotify alone pays him ~$650 a month), plus book and myfrog sales. Hes probably pulling in around $2000/month, not great, but enough to live his simple life without welfare (unless you include healthcare, etc from the government that all french get)
>said Communist is not a bad thing and support leftist scums instead of the alt-right
he said that communist and capitalism have the same end product, a small group of elites seize power and are in charge of the rest, which is true on a long enough timeline (though its true for any system of government, tribes conquer more and more land, become chieftains, then kings, then emperors, etc). He says that leftists are more prepared and redpilled than right wings when it comes to survivalism, which is true. Back in the hippy times, people thought that the nukes were going to fly at anytime, so they partied while they could, after a while of that they began preparing for that nuke by forming communes, living simply, growing their own food, etc. That what he advocates and its mostly hippy leftists that have already achieved it.
>every video is against White Europeans
it is a recurring theme unfortunately, ill give you that
>Societal collapse is inevitable at the current rate
but its not, there are redundancies built on redundancies by a bureaucratic system with the sole goal of continuing itself, it would take an act of god for society to collapse
>he doesn't
He does.He literally claims everyone who has not blonde hair and blue eyes is not white.
Obv you are a newfag.Varg was raised in Iraq because his parents were working there.After they fled Iraq they went to Cyprus.Varg said that in Cyprus Greeks were "harassing" his mother all the time
.Ofcouse that means she was a whore and fucked every Greek dick on the island
>Why would he get a job if he's self-reliant from Burzum alone?
Implying you can support a family with so many kids with a music only 1000 listen and are willing to buy an album(Yes he is making a good music though)
>claims he's a communist
He literally said he supports anarchists and lefties in one of his videos
>leeching like a good parasite the welfare of a foreign country
He does.He is on French welfare because of his kids
>every video is against White Europeans
Literally every video is against White Christians,against Meds etc
retard make your research before you spread shit you cuck
>he says that things like that are divide and conquer, just that blonde hair blue eyed people are more pure european
So you believe him right?I guess then Hitler and Goebbels were mutts because they were not blonde right?
>His mom was catcalled once in Greece
source or gtfo
>thus he hates all meds
he doesn't
check his latest videos
>Self reliant from Burzum when he isn't playing any live gigs?
Are you honestly retarded?
If he was short on cash he would play gigs, go on tours and release more music et.c but now he's got a family and settled down.
>In an age where no one is making money from records?
Burzum was more then just a record, it pioneered black metal which is why he still makes music off it and he's been earning shekels from Burzum ever since it was released, back when lots of money was made off records.
yes, though im blonde haired with blue eyes so im biased
>>source or gtfo
Probably the Iraq video on his channel, don't remember but saw it 2 days ago, fucking kys.
>His mom was catcalled once in Greece
>source or gtfo
ding ding ding newfag detected
>He literally claims everyone who has not blonde hair and blue eyes is not white
>Ofcouse that means she was a whore and fucked every Greek dick on the island
is this what living in America for your entire life does to your worldview.
>Implying you can support a family with so many kids with a music only 1000 listen and are willing to buy an album
he still has the momney he made off Burzum in the 90s and early 2000s and like said he still makes money off it.
>He does.He is on French welfare because of his kids
ok just like every other French parent then
you make it sound like he's on unemployment funds
>Literally every video is against White Christians,against Meds etc
he makes videos against christianity and against the alt right because they lack in ideas.
there's nothing wrong about that.
>He literally said he supports anarchists and lefties in one of his videos
so many claims but no sources
i'd fuck varg's twenty something daughter
>Murdered a communist.
Not even a crime, should be classed as a public service.
Varg is a communist himself lmao.
Varg did nothing wrong!
all of that shit is taken out of context
he hates the left more then he hates the right but he agrees with them on certain things more then he agrees with the right on that same issue like climate change but ultimately, the majority of his beliefs have a right-wing basis.
Varg fanboys can't even lie lmao. He literally said that the left have higher iQ and are not the enemy.
They were both fucked up.
both of those things are true though
>He made a 3-episode series
not watching some snownigger talk for 4 fucking hours out of his van TBQH