Would banning video games encourage men to stop being nu-males?

Would banning video games encourage men to stop being nu-males?

I heard complaining about video games on a mongolian knitting forum does encourage men to stop being nu-males though. Praise Kekistan.

why would you want to do that? soyboys cant, dont and shouldnt breed

Banning would make them play without the net, teaching them they don't have to use video games to work out their issues or waste time on would be far more constructive.

Shadilay maga-pedes!

>Would banning video games encourage men to stop being nu-males?

Ban alcohol and other fat foods. Nu males problems are because of Lower T than average.

Should you stop browsing /aco/? probably.


they would just go to comic books

then you would ban comic books
then would go to movies

then books, radio, playing with rocks, playing with their own dicks

are you going to cut people dicks off to make then not be numales?

No. Compulsory boot camps at age 14 and a diet of only pottage.

Fukkin saved.

Nu-males don't even play vidya. They are too busy working two jobs to pay for all the things the girl they orbit wants in life.

No, youre just going to push them into far more self destructive and degenerate shit. Its how you get groups of young men niggering around stealing and breaking shit because they have no respect for the society, and lack an outlet to channel their dissatisfaction into. Build a society that they would rather interact in then escape from, right now they have no incentive or reason to invest in the political and social climate.

What the fuck is a Nu-Male

This isnt just a soyboy problem, since a majority of nu-males would rsther gossip at a coffee shop than play vidya, there are more righty people playing games.


Bullying will. Bully weaklings everywhere you go. Be a biggest dick possible, while still maintaining easy going persona.
Weaklings will envy you and will change over time if enough people does that.

>Ban alcohol
t. Ahmed Al-Sandniggagie

How about pushing for rewarding good behaviour instead of randomly banning things?
Believe me, too much vidya isn't good for anyone, but some form of games have been with us
for millenia and they are a good source of recreation. Without any form of fun in society you're
just going to create fertile ground for a degeneracy backlash.

Vidya is not causing nu-males, masculinity is just not rewarded in daily life.

Tap Water is the gay Bomb.

Yes. In order to completely save the world in under 1 month, Ban:

>Video Games

And you will see the largest uprising in world history. I am dead serious. Rape-infested refugees? No problem. Immigrants in drug gangs? No problem. But if anyone could ban those things I listed, people would absolutely unite in unyielding rage harnessed into action.

>banning anything, be it vidya, lectures, anime, porn, or alcohol
I would fight and die for my right to enjoy these things, and I would fight and die for my enemy's right to enjoy these things.
I may not agree with what you say, you faggot, but I would fight and die for your right to say that too.

That sounds cucked and ineffective. Encouraging good behavior doesn't do a fucking thing. All research shows that punishment and fear are objectively more powerful and effective than rewards and positivity. It's just a fact. Encouraging people not to rape murder steal etc doesn't do anything. People have to be coerced, they're fucking savages who don't respect others' rights and property. Why do we have police? We should just encourage people to stop committing crimes!

Why do faggots always think the solution to problems is to ban shit?

Much better to try and promote things like restraint, delayed gratification and morality among people. This would not eliminate any problem completely, but also employs 80% less fascism. Sheesh.


are there any good porn video games?

Women die from not getting attention. Let that sink in.

Yes that's why dogs that are beaten to shit are the most well-behaved stable dogs...
> Murder and video games are the same thing

Sengoku Rance is the first that comes to mind, given it's more video game and less porn.
The porn is actually my least favorite part, it's just a solid strategy game.

Unironically yes.

Videogames indirectly encourage degeneracy. All modern activities that pull men away from being productive are tools of the jewish elite to create a race of docile, uncultured, uneducated, and easily manipulated prole class of human men.

Yes, they need to go
I have a Chad friend who is a social autismo, who never ventures outside and has to go to therapy and has only had one GF and is 30 because he is addicted to the electric jew box
Adults who play video games daily need to grow the fuck up.

This thread is so stupid I'm reporting it.

You can't stop us.

where is this from? i need to fap

No. The ban would only cover games (((they))) don't approve.


check aco and vg

that's definitely not what I'm looking for. I sometimes see ads for a game where monster trannies with ridiculously sized dicks were fucking girls.

I wanted to try, but it asked for credit card details.

Hello new friend


Could the Sup Forums censor not be such a pussy? The nude image of a video game character is valid for this thread and only a prude would consider it "porn".

shoop of the day

bonus points for fitting flag


> muh productivity

Just admit that you are contrarian larping shits

I think more often than not videogames turn people right wing instead of left wing.

There are certainly the nu-male players though. Who watch anime all day along and want videogames to be interactive movies instead of something revolved around gameplay.

>credit card details
they're scams, but are those the types of games you're looking for? They're almost all scams.

yes I figured it was a scam, so I stopped at the credit card shit. was just wondering if games like that actually exist so I can download it somewhere (maybe pay a little for it)

Those are women being slothful
Real men get shit done, boy

Banning leftist games would be a great start otherwise games are red pill as fuck.

Dont act like its just a hobby. Past generations played with comic books and watched movies and grew up to be men. Not nu-male faggots.

Final Fantasy XIV is surprisingly redpilled. Despite it being about some guy who goes around killing gods for a living, a lot of the stories center around politics and are applicable to real life.

Numales don't even play games though.

>Would banning video games

Not against this, but wouldn't it lead to the possibility of them getting worse? You can't just ban video games without giving them direction. Don't forget the consumer media has them brain washed, they'd need to have their attention refocused towards more masculine activities.

they play Atari 2600 'ironically'