Thanks, Common Core!
Thanks, Common Core!
I wonder
Check your privilege, goy. Math is racist, sexist, and classist. It must only be taught to those who identify as wealthy, white males.
You just have to find the area. What's the problem?
It's just 14*5. The two triangles are the same and can be put together to make a square.
>Thanks, Common Core!
This is not common core. That does not change your mental retardation however.
That's easy you moron
>Check your privilege, goy. Math is racist, sexist, and classist. It must only be taught to those who identify as wealthy, white males.
Which is why Baltimore has started a strong "No maff" policy. They just got their yearly checkup, and found at least 7 schools with 0% math proficiency.
I doubt their estimate of 0% just based on the idea that they are poor at math. Id wager a +/- 5%
The fug. 64 = 29 in burger units.
the problem is a triangle can't have a hypotenuse longer than the sum of the other two sides.
16-12 = 4
4 / 2 = 2
5^2 + 2^2 8^2
>it took twelve posts before someone points this out
Further confirming my hypothesis that pol is full of high school failures
All you guys who actually try to answer this are fucking retard
This is not a trapezoid.
A trapezoid with bases of 16 and 12, and legs 8 and 8 AND height 5 doesn't exist (all measures in whatever unit you want)
this, also each variable needs to be to the power of ^2
16-12 = 4
Guys are you legit retarded or being retarded on purpose?
70 area units
>itt: people who didn't notice the lack of a right angle marker
Without an angle marker it is impossible to tell what the area is, so it's safe to assume 5 is a height
math is retardation itself
I got 2,457.6. I multiplied all the sides then divided by height. My school was the first to adopt common core in America. Suck it.
5^2 + 2^2 =/= 8^2
This is the problem.
The bottom of the triangle is sqrt(39), but 12+2*sqrt(39) =/= 16 (which is what it's saying the bottom should add up to)
Height= 7.75
5 is BS
Teacher deserves to be fired for this
the shape is symetrical, so take the right hand side triangle and place it next to the left hand side triangle to form a rectangle... then the area is simply 14 x 5 = 70.
Visualize, motherfuckers
You don't need one.
You can deduce that is both sides have equal length, "8" then the difference between 12 and 16 must be equally distributed to 2 on both sides.
Problem is that 2^2 + 5^2 =/= 8^2 so the 5 is misdrawn, it would have to exist somewhere halfway down the triangle.
If you tried
2^2 + X^2 =/= 8^2 and solved for x you would get x^2 = 60 or 7.74596669241
7.74596669241*2 + 7.74596669241*12 = you answer
But the teacher would mark you off for wrongthink
>trapezoid is apparently symmetrical
>dotted line is apparently vertical
>triangle must be a right triangle
>base is 4 longer than the top
>base of triangles must be 2
>2*2 + 5*5 = 8*8
>4 + 25 = 64
Sage and gay
You are assuming that the triangles lie on a flat plane.
It could work using hyperbolic geometry.
Fucking brainlets
Here’s how a white man does this shit niggers:
Area of the figure is 70 and the IQ of anyone who can’t do this is room temperature or underage.
If they are not right triangles, then when you make them right triangles, the base of each triangle would be 2.
C^2 - A^2 = B^2
8^2 - 2^2 = 7.746^2... The height is 7.746
.5h * b = area of triangle
. 5(7.746) * 2 = 7.746
Area of 2 triangles = 15.87
Area of rectangle = 12*7.746 = 92.95
Total Area = 92.95 + 15.87 = 108.82 when everything is rounded
108.44 using a calculator
I was a bit annoyed by the lack of a right-angle marker on the line labeled 5, but I guess that's gone by the wayside these days as well.
Assuming it's perpendicular to the 12 and 16 sides, I agree the area would be 70.
came to post this. Pol filled with fucking niggers larping as white
It's a trapezoid. A = (a+b)/2*h = 70
The side measured 8 is meant to be ignored, and it is obviously incorrect.
It's a catch question, I don't think it should be in a standard test.
sqrt(8^2-5^2) != 2
I guess they said fuck Pathagaras.
you have a rectangle in the middle:
area is side times side
you have two triangles on the sides
area of one of them is height times base divided by two
two triangles, that means 10 overall, and plus the rectangle you have 60+10=70
you stupid niggers.
>trying to get new job, pay and schedule are excellent
>have to take TABE test first
>pick up practice tests
>i haven't seen this math since high school
>get on internet to study and refresh my mind
>everything is common core, confusing as fuck
>guess i'll stick with a job that will be taken away by automation and go on gibs
the only math I remember from school is basic arithmetic and I never paid attention in algebra 2.
how do I learn algebra and calculus?
it's just rules. learn the rules, you play by the rules.
8 is actually 5 3/8" unless the shape looks like this /_/
if u have 2 triangles u dont need to divide by 2 u stupid jew
a^2 + b^2 = c^2
5^2 + 2^2 = 8^2
khan academy n sheit
oh yea good point mods please delete my post
Triangle = (5*4)/2, 2 triangles =20
Remaining square = 5*12=60
Where you niggers getting 70??
Khan academy dipshit
it sprobably a jew thing that they just ahve the rules memorized so insanely impossible dimensions dont scream at them like it does to people with proper spacially functioning brains
Nevermind, Im retarded
Either the 5 or the 8's are FAKE NEWS.
Pick which one you trust, discard the other(s), and then the problem is easily solvable.
There's no reason to believe that any of the angles given are right angles. The line segment with a length of 5 is excess information anyway, whether it's perpendicular to the segment of length 16 or not.
looks like teh 8 was supposed to be a 10
>Without an angle marker it is impossible to tell what the area is
Entirely incorrect. We're tired of your tricks.
isnt the dashed vertical line the standard convention when giving teh height of an object
no wait its supposed to be something else
unless the 16 is wrong
whoever made this trapizoid is a fuckass
8 should be ~6.25
i specified the way to calculate an area of a triangle:
height times base divided by two
you cum chugging inferior goy.
ya but u have 2 of them so u dont have to divide by two u fuckin jew
i think your supposed to do some gay shit like cut a triangle off and put it on the other side making a rectangle and some shithead teacher fucked up the measurements which is why they're wrong should be a 14 by 5 rectangle when done.
>The absolute state of Sup Forums
Let me guess, you all live in an rural or suburban area?
5* ( ( 12+16) / 2) = 70
70 you moron
This actually. 5 could mean anything
I really doubt elementary school kids deal with non-Euclidean geometry problems
i know i dont have to, you god damn stupid inferior goy, i was specifying
as in "explaining"
the way
to calculate
an area of a triangle
thank u urban master u are wise and kind
what do the 8s mean
u dont need to explain the area of a triangle literally every child knows this, maybe not jewish children i dunno tho
To be clear, if you assume all numbers are correct, then you are led to a contradiction. At least one of them must be changed.
5 is not the height
Did you realize that the trapezoid in OP's problem can not to exist if we assume the meausres were right?
>"jews are uneducated"
even the dumbest antisemites dont claim that. you have reached new levels of stupidity.
There is no way to solve this both algebraically AND geometrically. The problem is not real, it's stupid.
........gee why is it so easy for the elites to rule us?
well u havent met the dumbest antisemite yet jew
so they just decided to put a random line that means nothing in the middle of the shape?
Finally! A guy on Sup Forums who is actually smart!
Explain the straight line going from one base of the trapezoid to the other, you idiot.
You all must be niggers irl.
It's not the point.
Question aims to check if the student fucking knows the damn formula.
Besides, area of a wall is L*l
Could be useful.
>u dont need to explain the area of a triangle literally every child knows this
Then why are so may of the geniuses here struggling with this problem?
>Question aims to check if the student fucking knows the damn formula.
Yes, that is the point/the problem. Apply the formula, pass the test. Don't bother actually looking at the shape and realizing it can't exist.
Teacher may apply a bonus point if the student notes the object can't actually exists.
Nobody knows the context and teacher's goals.
Maybe an exercise to tell to the students: take care with confidence in formulas.
Sup Forums is mostly children, jews and shariablue