Sup Forumsacks caught in action

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>It's ok to be white
>white supremacists

Declaring that something is ok is declaring it is superior?

I hope these white supremacist terrorists get caught, they are wreaking havoc on Canada's vibrant and diverse multicultural melting pot

what of it?

>not archiving
kys maplefaggot

Let's be honest here. Is this surprising?

>Toronto jews staking out schools looking to expose and confront IOTBW people

This was inevitable.

This, these racist tiny dick whitebois hate black men because we have huge penises. It is NOT ok to be white. If we are going to come together as a diverse society then white bois need to understand what it is like to be a POC in Amerikkka. "It's ok to be white" is the NOOSE on the neck of a proud black men. Y'all are lynching us out there. No wonder you mad we breeding your women.

This worked too well. They didn't take the bait hook line and sinker...they ate the whole damn pole!

How fucked up do you have to be to think "it's OK to be white" is white supremacy? Unless you think other races are less than OK?

look like Mexicans

they had to cover there faces just to say being white is okay...

wow how racist are they towards whites in canada?

welcome to post secondary and political climates of the west. When I was in uni a decade ago it was pretty bad, now it's worse ten fold.

dem fayrohs used dey big ass afrikan dikks 2 power dem spayce purmids! Dem cumskins seen us flyin from dey caves n lost dey mines!

>melting pot
melting pots are racist, we're mosaic

Shitlibs and communists understand that once white people are allowed to act as a group and cohesive unit again, it's over for them.

That's a staged shot, all of those queers go to the Arts Academy down the street on Queen

Also, since when is "okay" a supremacist statement? Worthless Zionist Cult of demons

I see black power signs all over campus and they are never called out as white supremacists. This isn't even like that it's simply saying it's OK to be white. Fuck this gay earth.


Good luck proving that is racist in front of a defense lawyer. Gonna have to do some incredible mental gymnastics.

That's a terrible picture of me.

At least my back is turned.

Because in their mind white people are racist for being white. It's okay to be a black supremacist because niggers cannot be racist.

Canada is not the US, and Ontario is not even western civilization anymore. The Ontario Human Rights Tribunals will have these people flayed alive and crucified upside down if they find them.

Tbh, it's probably not allowed to attach posters on public property without getting an OK from the city.

The real question is how did 3 people not notice some random person taking pictures of them in a car 2 feet away

>They're this insane
How does no one realise this is exactly what we want them to do, and calling them alt-right posters does not change the writing on them

they brought it on themselves
humans are naturally tribal. it's hard wired into our DNA.

They set about dismantling the nation state with globalism, so what is left for us to identify with? We're defaulting to race. I have more in common with a white German than some "british" nigger in London.

In the current year, yes

>they ate the whole damn pole!
And they're still hungry for more

Stupid Cancucks its just local Antifa posing as White Supremacist as usual , they have been doing this nationwide in Canada .

I'm just surprised it took so long. The posters have been going up for what? Two weeks?

Human Rights Tribunals can't do shit to private citizens IIRC.

You should read the article the guys in their are known white nationalists. This is pretty bad for our operation.

We did. The other guy started yelling at him and calling him a commie faggot and I just left, which is why I'm still unidentified ;^)

LOL Its okay to be white is white supremacy


Two different messages but since KIKES want us to combine the 2. Lets kill em all! Its less than what they deserve!

Why the fuck do you niggers never archive


yeah seriously... they totally did not have any situational awareness of what was going on around them. Especially being so extremely close to them in a VEHICLE

Reminder, these left leaning parasites aren't people. They will endlessly shit out propaganda and group think for thier niggers and normies. Ignore them. They are children who can't think for themselves.

sorry about that I barely ever post here. Next time I will!

Yard sellers and people trying to find lost pets BTFO.

Fuck those people

>implying we aren't all "known white nationalists" in their eyes

No, no its not.

Fuck Toronto and their SJW bullshit. Canada is the most ethnically white country in North America and the multiculturalism ushered in by Trudeau Sr. kickstarted the decline of the country.

No matter what, everything is a false flag, right?

>tfw we will be considered white again

I think at universities its ok. People chalk the sidewalks, put up posters, stickers, etc for clubs/political movements/and just for fun.

apologizes I posted my response at the same time as the other

You have to understand the world that a white self hater lives in. Here is some perspective:

I grew up as a white self hater in a culture full of white self haters. You have to understand something about the mindset.

1. Everything white is guilty of racism. The atonement for this sin is to attack anything pro white and to never question minorities on small issues. These same white people will not surrender any of their own privilege but they will cheer smugly from a distance when other white people are forced to give up privilege or integrate. Hypocrisy is the defining characteristic of the white anti white.

2. The mind set is extremely vulnerable to these questions: "Why don't you walk your own talk on integration? If you say diversity is a strength, shouldn't you lead by example instead of by decree? Why can't you honestly answer either question?"

3. It is not Ok to be white. They can not budge one inch on this issue without having a nervous breakdown or fit of rage. (When I was slowly becoming pro white I was having regular fits of rage about being taught self hatred since I was born.)

4."It's OK to be white," is great because it forces anti whites to come out strongly against it. In their world it is absolutely NOT ok to be white. You don't need to post that flyer because the anti whites will say it out loud for you. They may use other words but the message will be clear to most white people.

How the hell do you get caught

>non-descript clothing
>cover your face
>scope the area you're going to hit for cameras
>know how you're going to leave the area
>change your shoes

They'll always catch you by your shoes, nobody ever thinks to change them.

I've got a question, dumb dumb. Why the FUCK would they false flag people putting up posters when people are already literally putting up posters?

This, u know what it is brother. Our melanoid penises are the origin of dark matter, bringing it into orbit and thus creating singularities. Black people knew this in ancient times. White bois got small dicks as punishment form GOD. This is justice desu lmao

Black lives matter

if anyone can be British what use is being British.




Yeah but the point was to make a statement that couldn't simply be ignored as white nationalist propaganda by normal people.

Is leafland already lost?

Wrong. In Canada, they wield tremendous power and can jail you for thoughtcrime. You can thank both Trudeau Sr and Jr for that.

false flag posters have a little extra content on them

haha kek! you guys are legends!

we will remember you

You're so gay I cuckled...

if Canada is party to the treaty on human rights that can be used to prevail over Canadian anti-white laws.

Did y'all read the article? The people posting the flyers are actual white nationalists

OMFG this speaks so much to my beliefs. Us white people need to check our privilege it's not enough to not be nonracist afterall all white people are racist by birth because of our privilege.
You must take steps to be actively antiracist, one good way is to commit to never having white children. Anyway fellow white people this was a good chat, off to get my hanukkah decorations, starting early this year

They have to say it this way to keep up the ponzi scheme.

white rights are human rights. it is the right to not have racism from the state aimed at your race

Keep it up. Let the media and brain dead liberals chimpout, all they are doing is showing their true colors.

Goddamn these fuckers have ZERO self-awareness.

Obviously what the media is attacking is you white supremacists, your plan is exposed and everyone will know that those posters are intended to create racial tensions no matter how okay the message sounds
nice try though you "generation zyklon" nazi autists

They seem to be pissed that their con game was exposed so thoroughly by such a simple tactic, they have to hunt down everyone they think is involved and ruin them to prevent this sort of thing from ever happening again.

that cant be real

Everything white people do is racist. Don't you know that?

A case of "watcha' doin' Rabbi?"

The problem is they aren't keeping it up and the day is getting closer and closer and the more they try to keep a lid on it. More of them will suffer as God wishes them to! He wants you Kikes to suffer. He wants you Kikes racked over coals. It would be less than what they deserve at this point! They always shit on Gods gifts. It is the way of the Kike until they are all fucking dead and gone!

Try not to get suicide bombed, Frenchy.

of course it is

(((post modernism)))
post-structurlism pretty much says everything is a social construct thats why you can a gorzillion genders because gender is a social construct.

It doesn't matter who they are.
The poster says 'It's okay to be white' not 'whites are superior' or 'niggers get out', if they were actually white nationalists they wouldn't be putting the signs up, or it means they're trying to get people to fuck off with the white hate in every form of media. (which helps their cause immensely)

nice "argument"

They will never sentence you for being white. They will, instead, sentence you for hate speech, for bigotry, for islamophobia, for whatever flavour of the day it is to prevent Europeans from halting and reversing their decline. It’s 100% kafkaesque satire.

Canada is worst than Sweden. Mainstream Society doesn’t even acknowledge there is such a thing as a real Canadian, anymore.

>making a case on behalf of the iotbw signs as not racist, while throwing out the n word

>the plan was intended to create racial tensions
If there were no tensions the posters would be pointless idiot

Yeah exactly. The plan was to actually expose racial tension.

>In short, the purpose of these posters is to publish a message that’s hard to disagree with—that it’s okay to be white—and paint any opposition to the message as an example of media bias against white people.
I find it hilarious how despite being aware of the intention behind these posters, the authors of these articles always choose to take the bait and do exactly what we want them to.

Oh no, what are we going to do!?

Is this bait?

One to the left looks Asian lol HONORARY

Like Kikes writing school books that say whitey is an evil racist and slaver and to have niggers in the same class room with white people's children. In their same cities, towns, nations , and communities. Which niggers have nothing to do with but destroying and corrupting and taking because niggers never had a civilization worth a shit of their own?


Is it anything like that you facist fucking filth. You can't even be half white to say some shit like that! GTFO of civilization. France doesn't need niggers. Niggers need France!



So now that the operation has faced its first major challenge, how will you respond? By giving up? Then the anti whites really are the winners.

Try this instead:

If your propaganda campaign is getting you down or is starting to attract people who you fear more than the anti whites, put a more challenging statement up.

"Hey Professor! Why is your neighborhood so white? Don't you want to lead by example instead of decree? Are you just full of shit when you say "Diversity Is Strength?"

"Why can't you walk your own talk on integration? Are you a liar? Is the diversity too violent or just too ugly? I ask you again, why don't you walk your own talk?"

user, there is a lot you can do if you really believe that white people have a right to white communities and to protect such communities with force. If you don't believe that, you have to go back.

This was simply the same as what my city put up on using tax payers money.

Israelis are Jewish nationalists. Japanese are Japanese nationalists. Why do whites not get the rights that these other groups do not?

We wouldn't happen to know each other, would we user?

oh goy, canada truly is cucked

It exposed the hatred and bigotry of the left so perfectly, when the leftists realized their mask had fallen off during their knee jerk reaction to it, they resolved to destroy anyone involved in posting these.

After years of perfecting our bait here, we unleash it on the normie hordes. Our bait is too good for these people to pass up.

the treaty for human rights holds them to a certain standard though and I don't think that standard would permit prosecution for "it's okay to be white" when there are far more gratuitous pro minority statements Canada doesn't prosecute. doesn't mean there won't be social consequences though or that it would be an expensive legal argument to make.

You're doing gods work user.

>>the plan was intended to create racial tensions
>If there were no tensions the posters would be pointless idiot



Alright there, Maverick, cool it on the afterburners. We can all agree that niggers have to go, but cool it on the rambling schizo rants. You sound like the homeless guy that gets paid to fight off the other homeless from pissing on the entry to a boutique hotel.

This Sheela lady was the person who came up with the 'I am the bridge' campaign. Now she is upset my poster I put up.
Shes a professor at UofS and teaches white people how to feel guilty about the color of their skin.

lol looks like you're the salty snowflakes after all
didn't read your essay btw
did a black guy kiss your waifu or something ? hahaha

That sounds like a threat to me.

>BLM doesn't mean ONLY BLM
>IOTBW means it's ONLY okay to be white

Don't you know the rules the leftist game, user?