You burgers are mentally inhibited

You burgers are mentally inhibited

ayy lmao

>muh autism

Month>day>year rolls off the tongue better. People who can make direct eye contact without fidgeting recognize this.

>muh date-writing customs
All our date-writing custom really does is eliminate the need for an extra "of" when reading it aloud
e.g. 9-11-17: "9th of November, 2017"
11-9-17: "November 9th, 2017"
Use your head for once instead of following the "le burgers are le stoopid, Euro masterrace" maymay, you autistic retard

You say it something like November 9, 2017, so it makes sense. Fuck off commie.

happy 9/11 btw

1) it literally doesnt, you just think it does because you've been saying it that way 2) people read the date a thousand times more than they say it now adays and its off the charts obnoxious to read, for example, 11/9/2017 as todays date on US sites and think "wait, this was published 2 months ago and not today? must be old news"

Kek dumb americuck

Happy 9/11 burgers

Western cucks. Year/month/day is superior. Only way of sorting dates by the actual descending date, makes sense as it is biggest, middle, smallest. Computers recognise it.

no, you're the ones who are retarded autists, on top of that you aren't american speakers
so i have a mission for you: start speaking the one true white language, fulltime, and cure yourselves of your yuro-autism

Nah, it just rolls to you because you're too dumb for anything else than what you got used to it, even if the new thing is better in every way.


don't try to reason with nonwhite language speaking autists, they don't know what conversation with a living breathing person in real life is, the only way they could possobly understand is by learning and using the one true white language in the world: american

>says the guy who still measures in stones, pounds, inches, feet, fahrenheit

>I'm wh-white a-american

Anyone that posts about shit like this on Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums is the pinnacle of retardation.

Kek no argument


>t. Macedonia

Happy irrelevance day to you- oh wait, that's every day.

>autism speaks
Seriously, get yourselves checked for aspergers.

H-happy 9/11

This would be a valid complaint if it came from a nation that held any relevance. Unfortunately, nobody cares what happens in Norway. We are the only nation that matters, so the only calendar that matters is ours. Sorry. Put a man on the moon.

>"Americans can't into scienc--"

yurotarded yuroshits irrevocably B.T.FO.

[1-12] months
[1-31] days
[-inf, inf] years


take your globalism measurements and shove them up your ass


>changes every 24h
>changes every 720h
>changes every 26k h

Yeah but then it would be even more logic to say it like in french, '' 9 Novembre '' instead of '' November 9th'', because absolute numbers are smaller to write.

>be macedonia
>slay shitskins from egypt to mesopotamia, persia to the indus valley

>be the jewnited states
>shart in walmart and mcdonalds, texas and mississippi

Year/month/day is the superior format for organization, automatically puts the date into numerical order.
>1. Today is 20171109
>2. Tomorrow will be 20171110

ultimo autismo
>t. military autist

The amerimutt meme has always been a thing but have you guys noticed it's been pushed hard since nov 4th?

Accurate, Air Force

november 9 2017
deal with it fags


The american system is better because it helps you remember the most important numbers. Science shows that you are most likely to remember the first and last numbers and least likely to remember the middle number. The month and year are generally the most important dates, so they should go first and last. There's no reason to sort them by alphabetical order or length of time unless you have autism.

meters > miles tb h

wtf murica, why are you so easy to bait?

YYYYYMMDD is the only correct format. The 5 number format for years is so the system will still be relevant in the 100th century.

>be amerinigger
>rolls of the tongue better, just like 1-4/69ths of an inch


>41 posts
>intentional slide
So, whats being slid?

Bait or not, the American system really is better because it has the most practical usage.

nothing new

It makes sense in english because you say november 9, not 9 november.

go usa

happy reichskritallnacht :)


Kek first of all years do not go to -infinity nor +infinity, second of all, that anyone would use a relative range argument is risiculous, especially with so many ad hoc rules.