The absolute state of these spergs.
TRS still busy Jewing the shit out of this meme
God I hate the Phase II faggots trying to piggyback this
It's intentional subversion, the message was too effective and it scared (((them)))
This. It's not supposed to be connected to 'alt right' at all. Fucking alt right faggots too braindead to get a simple concept
one more
They pretty explicitly said NOT to do that on the TRS forums you divide and conquer kike
it's the left false flagging.
it's so easy to make it's ok to be white posters and then also do something like print nazi swastikas in the four corners and then post them all over town.
I don't know why none of you realized this would happen. this is straight from the playbook of the left that they use every time
They aren't too stupid to get it. They get it, they're just so kiked they don't care if they ruin it, because they ruin everything they touch.
>They pretty explicitly said NOT to do that on the TRS forums
After they got raped for trying to adulterate and take credit for the meme, you sodomite shill.
phase II
>tfw richard had a podcast this week where he told people how its 4chans thing and how awesome it was
richard and trs did nothing wrong. Its typical false flag shit
Starts at 50 minutes
>Oy Vey!!! Condemn white identity!!!
Controlled ops know exactly what they are doing. Attaching bullshit to it defeats its purpose.
Fucking alt right faggots ruin everything
It's literally the work of one false flaggot, completely irrelevant.
Well to be fair, every news article has the rules. Almost everyone knows that the rules are
5 words nothing else
Dont vandalize
Dont trespass
Dont dont
And there is no phase 2.
My parents and wife know the rules and know a fake when they see one.
Phase 2 is: It's awesome to be white
>tfw richard had a podcast this week where he told people how its 4chans thing
After getting raped for claiming it as an "alt-right thing". You can repeat this shill meme all you want, it just dumps gasoline on the fire.
They turned it into this years kekistan.
This. And we should try to track him down. So some lunatic can chose with his own free will to eliminate the threat.
Irrelevant until the press got a hold of it.
Why are these alt-right kikes so fucking stupid?
Some loser pink hared chick is trying to spread the razorblades hoax.
Im going to go trick or treating to her house in june or july.
Don Black has said the same thing on Stormfront radio all week. Is this over someone spilling the beans?
nobody raped him. you posting on his twitter timeline isnt "rape"
Didn't that already happen when Milo sold shirts with it?
Who fucking cares? The movement has whined about double standards for years. Do you see anyone here claiming the white student union stunt from two years ago was transformative for them?
/leftypol/ is doing this
why we haven't visited our wrath on /leftypol/ is beyond me
>It's literally the work of one false flaggot
The funny thing is TRS knows they are blatantly ripping off content. Here is the archive from their forum:
And others showing further proof:
Stop trying to gaslight, the cat's out of the bag.
No damage control now.
The shirt had no branding, as far as I could tell.
It's a pretty low effort campaign with quite an impact, it's rather more likely that some nutter is trying to discredit it rather than everything being a big FBI/CIA operation.
>implying there is anything wrong with Kekistan you shareblue faggot
You fags should have put a link to Sup Forums on it first. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Don't be salty they're stealing your thunder kiddos.
Afaik that screen has been going around for over a year now Moarpheus. Probably longer.
>posts year old picture
top kek try harder
get a job and a qt gf moarpheus. you're wasting
So, it's a year old, therefore it's fake?
Is that your argument...?
>its a year old try again haha
Are these the talking points they teach you to use?
these fucking retards
They don't get that 90% of the "alt-right" and "natsocs" here are actually liberals larping and 4% are European mudslimes
who cares
the more white racial consciousness that grows the better, there are worse things than trs trying to piggy back off of this
>talking points
its a fact not a talking point. Got any more mike enoch images? you know EVERYONE on this forum knows you and your bullshit and every time you post it makes your case worse right?
The point is to not having it linked to any right wing source you fucking sperg. Otherwise it's too easy for the media to discredit it.
Fucking stormniggers
what level of subversion are they on?
speak for your self subhuman. the swiss natsoc darkIRC is 15,000 strong now
I'm Moarpheus, actually.
TRS isn't spreading racial consciousness, they're sabotaging it.
They do more for white people than you ever have. Don't even try to lie.
That's also true. A lot of the people act like whites are back on top and this is about how to divide the spoils when in reality it's probably going to take at least 2 decades to get a pro white movement going in the USA. Excluding now because of some personal grudge seems retarded, just do the bare neccessities like banning people who bring swastikas to rallies.
>trs isnt spreading racial conciousness
not to sound like a shill but they break over 100k listens a week to their podcast and its explicitly pro white content
that is actually spreading pro white consciousness despite your zionism nonsense
Yes, I'm sure that discrediting an effective campaign that was aimed at making white identity acceptable to the average idiot will definitely help the white race.
Bunch of morons
I was on 8/pol/ and it seemed to get shilled hard as fuck too. 4/pol/ is way better.
>TRS isn't spreading racial consciousness, they're sabotaging it.
Don't you think blacks are okay and Jews should be assimilated rather than sent to Israel?
No, I'm Moarpheus. That name is copyrighted.
It's not being discredited just because of one instance of some retarded shit on a flyer. It supports white consciousness that's rising because of a whole lot of other things. BLM actually shot cops and they're still fairly popular, mostly because most coloureds actually do hate whitey.
Woah looks like you’re in denial newfriend
>pol is satire
They are a complete disgrace
and it could even be a false flag
hard times
That's where you're wrong, kiddo
a subhuman burger negroid calling me an ahmed. my family has lived in this same geographical location for longer than your kike colony has existed as a country.
Precisely. Kekistan is kind of a roadmap for what all of our best memes will become if we don't figure out what to do about
>meme flag
There is one right now!
It's just as easy to say that all the people who say WN is satire are muds who want to profit off white society.
Easy Ahmed don't get all asplodey
Jews have failed to assimilate for how long and in how many countries?
a literal nigger
Has anyone been to that website?
>not to sound like a shill but they break over 100k listens a week
Over a million now that Spencer invests in them. I don't think pointing out how cucks, pro-fags, and racial hypocrites spreading misinformation to a large audience is "spreading racial consciousness". The joke is that you think you're anything but alt-lite. You're not even really WNs. Is Spencer a WN? Is Enoch, really? One minute you're standing next to natsocs, the next minute you disavow anyone who isn't trying to win mainstream approval by cucking your values.
>Don't you think blacks are okay and Jews should be assimilated rather than sent to Israel?
No dipshit, everyone who thinks you're alt-lite zionist controlled op isn't Moarpheus. Do you really think he's the only one that doesn't like you sodomites?
The alt-right spreads pro-zionism, pro-faggotry, and sabotages White nationalism. You're working for zionist cucks, how can you be so blind to it?
It was inevitable really. Effective and not as if we can copyright it.
Remember, stick to the original message.
>It's not being discredited just because of one instance of some retarded shit on a flyer.
You clearly have no idea how the media machine works. They thrive on this stuff.
Just imagine the head lines: "Online far right Neo Nazi group named blahblah coordinated the "It's okay to be white" campaign. Univesties x, y and z denounce the campaign and plan to introduce white privilege course. Here's why whiteness is inherently evil byt Prof. Ezekiel Rosenblatt"
What do you think the average person will say when they see this? "oh wow nazis say it's ok to be white, then it clearly isnt ok to be white!".
Thanks TRS niggers
Enoch said otherwise.
It's impossible to control stuff like this, don't bother getting butthurt over it. Just move on to something else and always stay ahead of the game. Part of bring decentralized is you can't give orders, you have to always stay in motion.
Really it's time to figure out the next thing to spread racial awareness because the meme-celebs have pretty much co-opted this cuckistan style
it wasn't the altright fags who branded these altright
>The 2nd step is to donate to my patreon
why are burgers so shit and kikey
No, they'll just think better of nazis and worse of everyone else.
natsocs are faggots who worship german dirt because of a false nostalgia they were never a part of. If you live in the continental united states and call yourself a national socialist you are more dumb and autistic than any brony ever was.
The media is losing steam steadily. Yeah some Boomers might get swayed but they'll be dead soon.
Just stay on course, clutching your pearls and falling into a disavowement spiral every time someone you don't like does something is what got us into this situation in the first place. It's classical cuckservatism.
This place has turned into an even greater shithole than it was. The 2016 election brought in massive amounts of retarded rebbitfags.
LARPers are taken seriously every fucking time, whereas before 2016 they'd be laughed out with "muh dad works at nintendo", other than a couple of schizos who'd stick around and eat that shit up.
>The alt-right spreads pro-zionism, pro-faggotry, and sabotages White nationalism.
How can anyone not know this since the 3rd Jimpact?
I thought this was common knowledge now.
Silesia is not dirt.
The massive inflow coupled with FBIAnon being roughly on point was bad for sure.
>3rd jimpact
A podcast from a homosexual furry and a fat pimpled retard whose website failed
Fuck off 8chaim, we all know TRS started this.
So we flushed out and identified the controlled opposition, what're you complaining about?
So lefty faggots are larping as "alt right" in an attempt to subvert the movement. Well, let's get it out there, then. All we need is for ONE of these faggots to get arrested and named, and we'll dox and expose them for being lefty larping false flagging faggots. It WILL happen. The police have been called several times over the original five words.
8chaim has literally never had an original idea.
The most original idea to ever come out of 8chaim was when their autism was coralled by antifa into doxing white nationalists.
fuck of, fag
>natsocs are faggots
I thought the alt-right was just "implicit natsoc" -- or was that just a way to attract useful idiots? Can't you make up your minds what side you're on?
Attacking the messenger doesn't make it less true: alt-right is pro faggotry. TRS has a "fashy faggots" group. They defend Grindr Greggie. "Homosex is not a concern" is your official stance, isn't it?
Pro-degeneracy is race treason.
Back to 8chaim, your kosher antifa daddy is calling you for another operation.
You guys do as you wish. I'm just glad I'm not American, otherwise I'd be pissed off to high hell at you for ruining the campaign
>If you live in the continental united states and call yourself a national socialist you are more dumb and autistic than any brony ever was.
>Oy vey
>Must be low IQ to want socialism for your people without paying for the world to exterminate you
>thinks (((TRS))) is the alt right
neck yourself newfag
>He thinks 8chaim aspergers LARPing is alt right
Shouldn't you shabbos goyim be doxing more guys who actually do stuff? Stop shitting up our board.
I have nothing to do with this (nor am I American), it's just not productive to go into collective screeching every single time something happens. Do you think middle aged people who have to suffer under affirmative action or diversity and react positively to the flyers will be swayed because of some flyers in another place?
What a bunch of fucking retards.
link? or did you photoshop that?