How can the alt-right be so pro Nietzsche when Nietzsche was so virulently opposed to antisemitism (he literally hated antisemites and called them degenerates), nationalism and Christian morality? He also hated nihilism and hedonism (basically Sup Forums)?
How can the alt-right be so pro Nietzsche when Nietzsche was so virulently opposed to antisemitism (he literally hated...
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That's right and Ashkenazi are not Semites and most Zionists are not either.
Arabs and Hasidic Jews are Semites
I'm not.
Kant was, is and will always be my guy.
A Zionist funded website, you Talmudic Cult jews are so stupid and it's because you eat human flesh, you know? It's in all soy-based products
>(he literally hated antisemites and called them degenerates)
this is a meme created by jewish professors. Nietzsche thought slave morality was an invention of the jews.
>Hegel was against socialism, so Marxists aren't allowed to be influenced by him!
Implying their non-Faustian de-Germanized minds can comprehend Nietzsche
And Kant said that humanity is represented by the European Race. Mongrel low T """""humanists"""" BTFO
He liked the jews because they succeed against all odds without realizing that they only do so as a result of their parasitism and can turn tragedy into success via manipulation
>this is a meme created by jewish professors.
>implying being opposed to Christian morality is bad
>Nietzsche was so virulently opposed to antisemitism
Ha, okay. Have a (you) because I'm feeling generous anyway.
Don't forget to use this book as a source too, kiddo.
He also said that jews where a superior race that would rule over the europeans slaves. He was a zionist and the favorite philosopher of the Jews.
Please be bait
Nietzsche was an anti-semite himself though lol, indirectly
He just admired their talent for lies and deceit. He thought women was the highest form of human, for the same reason.
Nietzsche didn't want Jews (or women) to exist. He admired them like you can admire a snake that poisons a large animal and eats it.
Any political movement of any kind that identifies with Nietzsche does not understand him.
kek this leaf can stay.
>Nietzsche was so virulently opposed to antisemitism (
I wish I was trolling, it would be funny
Basically this
90% of the time I see Nietzsche mentioned here I cringe
>I'm not
Then you're not Sup Forums
nietzsche was a stupid idiot
I want you to succeed but when you /thread your own posts it really takes away from their virility
>Any political movement of any kind that identifies with Nietzsche does not understand him.
Basically you're two marxist faggots in college being brainwashed:
A (you) doesn't mean I made it. It means I got it from someone who made it. Lurk more
Marxism is a political movement you fucking idiot. Nietzsche's philosophy is fundamentally individualist and elitist. You can argue a lot about what he means but the idea of a Nietzschean popular movement is absurd.
>opposed to nationalism
This is just revisionism by people who have never read Nietzsche.
Nietzsche is basically the founder of German nationalism.
Basically, while Nietzsche's thought is compelling and strikingly accurate, most of the faggots who post shit about him here haven't read anything he wrote
>Nietzsche is basically the founder of German nationalism.
Man... didn't you learn about the Revolutions of 1848 in American high school?
1- Nietzsche is not even that popular here
2- Only brainlets feel the need to completely embrace every aspect of a particular ideology/philosophy without any critical thinking
Walrustache is nothing but part of the mind control programming meant to make potential dissidents passive via nihilism.
>How can the alt-right be so pro Nietzsche
Because they're idiots who do not realise that Nietzsche would likely be anti "Alt-right"
Nietzsche fucking LOVED jews but Hitler loved Nietzsche?? This doesn't make sense?
Nietzsche also loved minorities, LGBT, women, hated nationalism, hated Germans. Was probably a marxist and globalist too desu.
Nietzsche was the original Germcuck. He'd have a lifetime paid subscription to if he were alive today
I know you didn't make that but it was a picture attached to your post and it's still proper etiquette to let a responder hit it with the /thread.
Canadians on point today. Time to go walk my dog and do some strength training to become LE UBERMENSCH.
Nietzsche isn't popular on here wtf lol. Where did you get that impression.
hi im niet I HATE SEMITES. I HATE ALL FO THESE THINGS. me think u need to read Nietzsche.
>Marxism is a political movement you fucking idiot.
NO it's a cult you fucking brainwashed cult member.
>Nietzsche's philosophy is fundamentally individualist and elitist.
HAHA! It's over your head.
>the idea of a Nietzschean popular movement is absurd.
He specifically speaks about Jews trying to kill of the Aryans through "communialism" before Moses Hess ever invented the meme. He specifically speaks about the death of Western Civilization by the Nihilism and the nu/male "underman". He specifically says if the higher men of society don't "herald the coming of the Overman" then Western Civilization will fall to the "Barbarian swarthy races".
You're a fucking brat college kid spewing opinions fed to you like a child. STFU
My nigga.
The Jews are the most remarkable people in the history of the world, for when they were confronted with the question, to be or not to be, they chose, with perfectly unearthly deliberation, to be at any price: this price involved a radical falsification of all nature, of all naturalness, of all reality, of the whole inner world, as well as of the outer. They put themselves against all those conditions under which, hitherto, a people had been able to live, or had even been permitted to live; out of themselves they evolved an idea which stood in direct opposition to natural conditions—one by one they distorted religion, civilization, morality, history and psychology until each became a contradiction of its natural significance. - F.N from the Anti-Christ
>He specifically speaks about Jews trying to kill of the Aryans through "communialism" before Moses Hess ever invented the meme.
>How can the alt-right be so pro Nietzsche
Because faggots think philsophers are somehow better than men who DO things. War and conquest and building politcal movements come to mind.
If you even bother with phiosophers more recent than the ancient Greeks you are wasting your time, but it's fun fap fodder.
>Nietzsche is not even that popular here
Lurk more newfag
>critical thinking
Marxist meme GTFO... Try constructive reasoning for once in your pathetic life, brainwashing victim.
>Walrustache is nothing but part of the mind control programming meant to make potential dissidents passive via nihilism.
He was the great anti-Nihilist you fucking moron
>Because they're idiots who do not realise that Nietzsche would likely be anti "Alt-right"
Alt-Right is a Spencer meme who is a goverment shill that calls his movement "akin to Bolshivism". Sup Forums is anti-Alt-Right
Has anybody read OP's book? It's pretty good.
Because the true ubermensch rises above nature and humanity. The first step to approaching this is to realize the difference between an aristocratic and democratic mindset. Morality is a tool made by the weak to protect themselves against the strong. God isn't real, and we are all animals constantly struggling and competing. Nietzsche says the meaning in life (overcoming nihilism) comes through perseverance and overcoming struggle. Hitler got that part, but the ubermensch theory applies to individuals, not collectives.
Plus, it would seem empirically that Ashkenazi Jews occupy first place. We will never overcome them by going online. Go to the gym, look for a better job, start a business. Only hire white people at your business. Despise and be cruel to the human herd
a) I'm not a Marxist, I loathe marxists, and yes it is a poltiical movement. It resembles a cult sure, no arguments
b)Nietzsche was so fucking elitist he had to invent a fictional category of human just to find something in humanity he thought was worth valuing. ALl Nietzsche ever does is shit all over his contemporaries. The only people he ever praises are the Romans, and he admits they lost to the Jews in the long run.
C)Popular movemetns are composed exclusively of 'mass-men' or what he would call untermensch. They are led by demagogues who use rhetoric to sway the emotions of the idiotic masses. The average person is incapable of even understanding Nietzsche let alone trying to work towards his ideal of a new type of man.
d)The higher men of society heralding the coming of the Overman is exactly not a popular movement. IT is by definition aristocratic.
>How can the alt-right be so pro Nietzsche
They are not. You draw that parallels yourself, you created a false argument and beating it. Some alt-righters maybe like Nietzsche, some aren't, alt-right isn't based on Nietzsche.
Really? So that's why his works convert people to nihilism? You realize people can say things and do other things? You realize that insulting me and attempting to dehumanize me doesn't magically invalidate my opinion? You realize that no matter what you do for the remainder of your existence, deep in the core of your being, you will know that I was right and you were wrong? You realize that you're part of the problem?
Who do you think lights the fire inside men who are do things?
The average citizen will never have any use from philosophy, it's a waste of time for them. Leaders on the other hand need to think through what they want. Knowing what you want in the grand scheme of things is not obvious to the greatest of men.
Women are not deep, they are not even shallow.
Netscake would have deftly opposed any form of Marxism, but he wasn't a nationalist per se.
Netscake's idea thoughts would be more similar to something from Dune
(true humanism, as opposed to cringeworthy "intersectional humanism")
Women are deep in the only place(s) that matter =P
Nietzsche is not the preeminent thinker of all time?
Yes he dug old testament 'jews' (a God of justice, who told to subdue your enemies!) and hated weak 'morality inversion' jews/christians.
(he though it a sin that Europe pasted the New testament on the old).
Elitist and saw the weakness and wars coming.
Was not nihilistic (gets a bad rap), advocates transcend desires for higher self in service of life.
Life is higher goal than truth.
He's not the philosopher of Sup Forums?
what did he mean by this?
KneeCha was worried that without God people would turn to nihilism. But at the same time, he saw the Judaic tradition of God as a cancer upon all mankind. True to form, without God came Capitalism and Marxism. National Socialism (much moreso than Italian Fascism) was an attempt to return to God, or seek the father. Without true Christianity, there was no way to 'become the son' as Jordan Peterson likes to say, a la going back to Judaic values of slave morality. Hellenic and Nordic traditions are some of the closest examples throughout human history of people 'Seeking the Father' without 'Becoming the Son.' That being said, any movement to arise in today's time would probably have to evolve and adapt to our current understanding of the world (probably some form of psuedo-Secular Gnosticism that still allows for Faith and Prayer.
he lived before democracy was imposed upon Germany and turned jewish economic power and mass media into political tyranny
hacidim are Ashkenazi you fucking dolt
The fact is we are the son not the creator, truth exists and it serves life. Ke$ha was wrong about a lot of things.
He wasn't giving an opinion, he was issuing a statement. That is the case today, empirically speaking
Someone hasn't read good old Fred. His philosophy was all about solving the problem of nihilism, not embracing it
You're a massive brainlet
Many who read his work don't get it. Just like you can't answer the Jewish question until you identify Jewish influence, you can't overcome nihilism until you recognize it. You haven't read Nietzsche though, which is why you have the same opinion as most people on this board
That's so out of context. Nietzsche despised Christianity and considered it (Christianity) perfected Judaism so you do the math.
t. Guy that's read all his works (with the exception of TSZ) multiple times + secondary sources.
>He was the great anti-Nihilist you fucking moron
But that actually could be wrong. I think Evola even criticized Nietzsche for being just an active nihilist due to his rejection of objective purpose.
I like your posts. He also admired the Greeks which gave rise to the Romans.
>hate nationalism
>hate antisemetism
Fucking read the fucking books you shitlord.
He is absolutly right on those topics and you fucker take it out of context and shrink it so your tiny mind can understand it.
And tell me which son of a bitch said that he is nihilist. He should be cadtrated and killed and his whole bloodline raped by christian monks.
>he literally hated antisemites and called them degenerates
hahahah. LIE! you faggit shill
Sorry I missunderstood the nihilism part because I was angry.
He talks about loss of unity in Europe when talking about nationalism.
European unity is simply worth more because Europe as a whole can live together in a context of a EU like thing, even as a political union. Just without kings and emperor.
When he talks about antisemetism he is talking about several things.
The jews were hated because they where a different ethnic living in your neighbourhood.
Its legitimate to want seperation, but they do not culturaly enrich you or something, they lives as merchants and have some positive effects(inb4 good goy, read on).
He also mentions that jews could take over Europe if they wanted to and that they dont plan it yet(his time).
But they are seen as some negative being because of that AND THIS is the problem.
If you think someone is evil, you are a lesser being.
As a higher being, you have your will and the jew does. Thats it, he is equal to you in terms of quality if you understand that.
Your goals may be different and you may have to fight/kill him, but to serve your goals and fight YOUR rightous cause. He does the same.
In order to engage in the re-evaluation of values, you have to destroy that which prevents it user
Nihilism and decadence is a self-defeating proposition, all we are doing is enjoying how wickedly it can be employed
>That's so out of context. Nietzsche despised Christianity and considered it (Christianity) perfected Judaism so you do the math.
There could be a more subtle interpretation. The process by which the slave revolt created new moral values was an exemplification of the will to power. And if I remember correctly, Nietzsche appeared to admire the complexity of the soul which arose out of the slave revolt. So there were aspects of Christianity which he admired in some sense.
>But that actually could be wrong. I think Evola even criticized Nietzsche for being just an active nihilist due to his rejection of objective purpose.
Nietzsche introduced the idea of the affirmation of the eternal recurrence in order to overcome the nihilism which would arise as a result of the death of god.
Nietzsche did praise men like Emerson, Goethe, and Shakespeare in his work. He had a particular affinity for artists.
It isn't out context to the poster to which I responded
He was trying to contextualize Nietzsche anti-anti-antisemitism. The reason for that is his admiration for their willingness to to transcend natural values in order to secure the destiny. To throw away all good in order to survive. If you weren't a stupid soppy cunt, you could have read further.
In that passage he is clearly placing Christianity in the lineage of slave morality as defined by it's resentment to life, which of course originated from the Jew. Never the less F.N did not hate them for this. He even calls them genius a few lines do you mongoloid cum-golom
In order to be able to say Nay to everything representing an ascending evolution of life—that is, to well-being, to power, to beauty, to self-approval—the instincts of ressentiment, here become downright genius, had to invent an other world in which the acceptance of life appeared as the most evil and abominable thing imaginable. Psychologically, the Jews are a people gifted with the very strongest vitality - F.N
t. Guy that dicked down your mom multiple time + secondary bulls
The Übermensch comes from Nietzsche, also:
"It’s impossible to read much contemporary polemic against religion without the impression that for the “new atheists” the world would be a better place if Jewish and Christian monotheism had never existed. If only the world wasn’t plagued by these troublesome God-botherers, they are always lamenting, liberal values would be so much more secure. Awkwardly for these atheists, Nietzsche understood that modern liberalism was a secular incarnation of these religious traditions. As a classical scholar, he recognised that a mystical Greek faith in reason had shaped the cultural matrix from which modern liberalism emerged. Some ancient Stoics defended the ideal of a cosmopolitan society; but this was based in the belief that humans share in the Logos, an immortal principle of rationality that was later absorbed into the conception of God with which we are familiar. Nietzsche was clear that the chief sources of liberalism were in Jewish and Christian theism: that is why he was so bitterly hostile to these religions. He was an atheist in large part because he rejected liberal values."
remember that time nietzsche tried to prove eternal recurrence mathematically and it was so bad that not even he wanted it published?
You simply cannot calculate that. You may not even calculate (meaning accurately simulate) a "simple" effect like turbulence in a fluid. However, you may recognize that turbulence follows a pattern. Chaos theory.
Yes. The passage (and reading of that passage) in the Gay Science isn't dependant on the eternal recurrence being a metaphysical fact.
It's simply the question of, where it to be true, would you affirm life, or would it crush you. This affirmation is the new ideal of life needed to overcome nihilism.
Typo - it should say 'were it to be true'.
>There could be a more subtle interpretation. The process by which the slave revolt created new moral values was an exemplification of the will to power. And if I remember correctly, Nietzsche appeared to admire the complexity of the soul which arose out of the slave revolt. So there were aspects of Christianity which he admired in some sense.
How does any of that change the fact he was an elitist that was entirely against herd morality? Just because he said some nice things about it doesn't change the fact he looked down on Christians and Jews. Jews haven't exactly changed that much. Anyone who has lurked here long enough already knows that.
>Nietzsche introduced the idea of the affirmation of the eternal recurrence in order to overcome the nihilism which would arise as a result of the death of god.
That was a thought experiment.
>Never the less
All those petty insults. Epic! xD You should have quoted the part from the same text where he calls Jews vampires. I guess I'm BTFO and Nietzsche loves Jews now!!!11!!
WTF I'm converting to Judaism to become a Nietzschian
fuck Nietchze and fuck you Voltaire was a better philosopher has hated kikes
VOLTAIRE (Francois Marie Arouet) 18th century French philosopher, writer:
"Why are the Jews hated? It is the inevitable result of their laws; they either have to conquer everybody or be hated by the whole human race..."
"The Jewish nation dares to display an irreconcilable hatred toward all nations, and revolts against all masters; always superstitious, always greedy for the well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous - cringing in misfortune and insolent in prosperity." (Essai sur le Moeurs)
"You seem to me to be the maddest of the lot. The Kaffirs, the Hottentots, and the Negroes of Guinea are much more reasonable and more honest people than your ancestors, the Jews. You have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables in bad conduct and in barbarism. You deserve to be punished, for this is your destiny." (From a letter to a Jew who had written to him, complaining of his 'anti-Semitism.' Examen des Quelques Objections...dans L'Essai sur le Moeurs.)
"You will only find in the Jews an ignorant and barbarous people, who for a long time have joined the most sordid avarice to the most detestable superstition and to the most invincible hatred of all peoples which tolerate and enrich them." ("Juif," Dictionnaire Philosophique)
"I know that there are some Jews in the English colonies. These Marranos go wherever there is money to be made...But whether these circumcised who sell old clothes claim that they are of the tribe of Naphtali or Issachar is not of the slightest importance. They are, simply, the biggest scoundrels who have ever dirtied the face of the earth." (Letter to Jean-Baptiste Nicolas de Lisle de Sales, December 15, 1773. Correspondance. 86:166)
"They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race." (Lettres de Memmius a Ciceron, 1771)
>He had a particular affinity for artists.
That's true. He said good things about Dostoevsky as well. Then again who doesn't
Nietzsche was a Polack and hated Krauts
afraid not
Nietzsche was a faggot
You are assuming you would look down on Vampires. There is a large difference between respect and love as well as to be at odds vs hate/resent. If you weren't raised in a single-mother home I'd wager you would understand that.
You can clearly contend/compete with a group and not hate or resent them.
I'm not interested in hating the Jews because they simple don't have that level of power of my emotional state. However, I'm happy to contend with them for dominance, but I certainly don't hate them.
Petty insults like calling people vampires? Eat a bag of shit.
I think D dog is overrated, of course I only read two of his books and they do make you feel ....grimy in a sense reading them, his nihilism is a bit overwhelming though fascinating to the outside observer. Being a Buddhist it is just to easy to see how wrong nihilists are so it makes it hard to relate to their nihilism, though at the same being a Buddhist practicing awareness it is very easy to be empathetic and understand their thought process and view
The affirmation of that thought experiment is often thought to be Nietzsche's ideal of life in order to overcome nihilism.
I'm not disagreeing with you there. But he was also against moral value systems born out of ressentiment (which the slave revolt was). And he identified anti-semites and nationalists as men of ressentiment.
I'm not. Nietzsche was a loser. An incel NEET who had delusional power fantasies.
Being a NEET is being an aristocrat, kys wagecuck.
Yeah, you're still ignoring the large amount of text where he explicitly states aristocratic contempt for lesser beings, when he points out that the herd would win in the end due to numbers which invalidates your naive idea of competition, his pretty blatant hatred for Jews and their conception of slave morality which has thrust the world into decay, etc.
I wasn't even raised in a single-parent home but I can tell at this point you're grasping at straws and desperate because you don't have real substance for your arguments. But keep raging on le cyber forums. You only prove my point further.
>The affirmation of that thought experiment is often thought to be Nietzsche's ideal of life in order to overcome nihilism.
I know that's what you were getting at. I just don't agree with it. The psychological/neurological roots for man's craving for meaning runs deep and I think a simple thought experiment can't compensate for a more complex weltanschauung. I think Nietzsche knew this too and that's why he intended to start a cult and wrote the quasi-religious text of Thus Spake Zarathustra.
Those numbers confirm so much. He was a weakling too. He should have stuck to philology.
Nietzsche is like by many modern liberals and marxists as well.
>Ashkenazi are not Semites
Yes they are
ah, an unsourced image of bizarre racial theory dots. always a Sup Forums classic
wow. contra wagner. his sister marrying a proto-nazi and then severing his relationship. nice. go back to pretend-reading, internet philosopher.
Genetics is not a bizarre racial theory, kike. All evidence shows the same thing. Just Google "Ashkenazi autosomal DNA" and every study concludes they are sandniggers.
He also hated jewish slave morality and his ideal society was one of conquerors who may have owned slaves. He also thought women were natural slaves.
(He was right though)
Do you actually think his ouvre and nachlass are systamtically coherent?
N's thought shifted throughout his life. BGE and GM are very anti jew, christianity, and commie
What kind of moron would label all West Asians semites
Who called Nietzsche a nihilist? Well, Evola of course; he has a whole book devoted to it Nietzsche's "positive pessimism" or "positive nihilism"
>Really? So that's why his works convert people to nihilism?
He did the opposite. You're a fucking retard who just shills opinion based on some shit he saw on the Jesus network
>Nietzsche was so fucking elitist he had to invent a fictional category of human just to find something in humanity he thought was worth valuing
Fucking leafs. It's called Eugenics.
>ALl Nietzsche ever does is shit all over his contemporaries.
They deserved it
>Popular movemetns are composed exclusively of 'mass-men' or what he would call untermensch.
No they're not. They're composed of individuals, and then the masses come in later and ruin it like the Alt-Right ruined Sup Forums with their CIA faggotry.
>They are led by demagogues who use rhetoric to sway the emotions of the idiotic masses.
More Marxist rhetoric.
>The average person is incapable of even understanding Nietzsche let alone trying to work towards his ideal of a new type of man.
>The higher men of society heralding the coming of the Overman is exactly not a popular movement. IT is by definition aristocratic.
What is science and philosophy. Aristocrates fuck kids and take Jewish loans that we pay for. Higher men are men of the mind.