If colonisation can be justified with strong dominating the weak arguement then whats wrong with muslims dominmating europeans in this age? Don't you think it's pure hypocrisy to outrage on one aggressor and at the same time patting your back for your ancestor's agressive expansionism? Why can't you people choose one thing? European race and civilization owes it's advancement to european colonies and colonialism is the force behind technological advancement and inventions by europeans. What's wrong if your enemy use your tactics?
If colonisation can be justified with strong dominating the weak arguement then whats wrong with muslims dominmating...
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If the Muslims conquer the West, as they are doing, then they will rightly own the West. I'm not angry with them. I'm angry with the West for inviting them in and not fighting back.
If I had my druthers we'd exterminate the incoming Muslims, then destroy them in their homelands, and colonize them.
Something tells me Muslims won't advance technology or human rights in any way.
This, I am pissed because of traitors that prevent the proper defense.
Vlad will rise again.
hint: Crispr
Those numerals and alphabets came from muslim civilizations. You use their inventions everyday without acknowledging and being graceful.Europe only gained traction after plundering of resiurces from rare earths in colonial era. Before that european civilzation was on par with arabs, persian, tur ottomons and nothing special or anything. Even muslims had giant monolithic structures and all. MUSLIMS ONLY LEFT BEHIND BECAUSE YOU WERE BUSY LOOTING OTHER COUNTRIES.
Blind hope is about as helpful as handing the Moslem the knife/sword so that he can kill you/us even quicker.
The invasion is being orchestrated by our own government. We're having to convince our own people that an invasion is even occurring and WHY THEY SHOULD EVEN CARE because they've been so deracinated, atomized, hyperindividualized, and drowned with nihilism. Our own government is gaslighting us. We aren't able to mount an honest defense of our lands because in many places our fathers foolishly gave up our ability to do so to the government that is now betraying us.
This is a betrayal.
>actually spreads bullshit that has been unequivocally discredited
>Doesn't provide any evidence
WEW lad. I'm going to abuse you before I kill you.
>Bunch of syrians migrate to your country
You realise how pathetic you sound when you complain Tell me, why you people get get so defensive and complain when muslims marry white girls?
Do you think your goverment is stopping or forcing your women to mate with your so called "invaders"? Who's stopping you idiots from telling your women to not be a whore? Stop makinng excuse, muslims are weakness of the european race? When your crusaders lost the battle against muslims i'm pretty sure your ancestors must have made up some excuses to hide their weakness of muslim kryptonite.
>I can discredit your arguements which even world scholars agree on because some stromfag discredited it on my imageforum which is an ecochamber itself
It is not justified with Domination of the Weak. Europeans had a very different, "highly" advanced civilization.
And that was hundreds of years ago when few could write. There was rarely and news from the rest of the world. We are a modern world with vast information.
Also you are a bastard for hiding your geographical location.
>Those numerals and alphabets came from muslim civilizations.
And Muslims learned everything from India.
Nice bait you fucking fag.
There was actually a study that came out that pre migrant crisis western European women actually did have a fetish or preference for immigrants but after (2015 cologne rapes and other major events) western European women no longer have that and find migrants can bring a unsercurity to them and their country. Yes, white women fucked this race over for a fetish and then realized what those edgy memester racists we're saying was true. The Slavic man will inherit the world. Ive met a ton of young red pilled white women but I don't understand how anyone can deny they and atheists fucked this race over.
Well said, most people don't consider, I'm not too sure to what degree "white" people have considered this, especially the conservative kind, where people buy into this conservative concept of societal domination and submission, but concurrently complain about what they perceive as a societal domination and submission of a new kind with immigrants that they don't like. Either play to the rules of the game that you subscribe to or don't.
Because our (((governments))) let the Muslims in you stupid faggot
Islam isn't strong either, it's merely patriarchal, which of course means that over time it's going to dominate over European cultures, with their birth rate below replacement level and their societies subsumed by hyper-feminism.
>then whats wrong with muslims dominmating europeans in this age?
It's wrong that we put up with it. They are militarily, economically and politically absolutely nothing. We could eradicate the whole MENA if we wanted but we don't. THat's what's wrong in this age.
That's not true at all nigger
Nothing you say will change the superiority of Europeans. It's a fact. Shill all you want.
>not to be whores
as opposed to a ridiculous level of modesty that turns men into apes the second they see an inch of flesh , yay Islam , lets just treat human beings like a bunch of children forever that cant handle the sight of females
You are right to some extant and truly I would have no problem with an adversary like China taking over the West. What modern China has done is truly remarkable. Going from an agrarian society worst off than some African countries to the current status. Although in order to achieve that, they had to go through a complete restructuring of their society and their social dynamic. The socio-economic results of the Chinese abroad also show that their culture is highly prepared to tackle the 21st century.
Mohammad Abdus Salam, the first Muslim to ever win a Noble prize, traveled extensively during his life to the Muslim world trying to promote scientific research, development and education. What he witnessed is that even though Muslim countries were really opened to technological adoption, they were highly reluctant to pursue the science behind it. As he said, scientific research and development is as much the result on the individual that authors it, as the community/society that enables it.
This is also something which I have witnessed while working at the Silicon Roundabout in London. Even though the city is 15% Muslim, you could barely see any Muslim founders when we were doing networking events, although there was a high representation of Hindus and Chinese people.
My issue here is that Muslim societies and Muslim communities in the West tend to be underachievers and they fail at producing the needed social dynamic to achieve this. This is not only true in the UK, but also in other Western countries. In the UK, both Hindus and Muslims came around the same time and working in the now closed factories, but while the Hindus surges over the decades in terms of wealth, education, employment and other metrics, the Muslims lag behind in truly terrifying ways.
As society becomes even more automated and fewer jobs get created, how is society going to sustain itself with so many people that are already completed incapable of integrating modern society.
>Highly civilized meme
Yeah you were on par with Arabs, Persia, Ottomans and other civilization of that time. They all had written script and books. You only became tech giants after colonialism and also because of Capitalism, gave some credit to you.
>Muslims learnt from india
Yeah nice arguements. Indian shit on streets even in 21s century with below 80 iq. Keep believing lies and live in your eco chamber but i know the truth is deep down in your subconscious. The truth is that your feet trembles and you feel WEAK when you face a muslim. You know that and that's why you faggots spend most of your time here circkejerking and making yourself feel good.
Its sad that you see arguments challenging your world view as baits and instead of reflecting on them you run away and hide it. This is the current state of European"men".
they aren't conquering any more than an avalanche of vagrants showing up to a city building, shitting everywhere and refusing to leave is conquering.
Nothing. We're screwed if we lose this war, and we'll deserve it.
>pure hypocrisy
Not an argument. "Appeal to hypocrisy" is actually a form of the ad hominem fallacy. In other words, it doesn't really matter if something is hypocritical or not. If I drive dunk and then tell you that drunk-driving is bad, then I am a hypocrite. But drunk-driving is still bad, and my argument is still correct regardless of my hypocrisy.
>whats wrong with muslims dominmating europeans in this age?
Well, Muslims haven't shown themselves capable of designing and maintaining advanced modern civilizations without outside (European and East Asian) help, so one big worry would be the general collapse of modern Europe and its demotion to the third-world.
Nothing. My country wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the Muslim invasion. It's what inspired us to rally and make the reconquista.
Their invasion this time will inspire all of Europe to rise again.
Our day will come.
How are muslims stronger!? they literally come to europe as baggers and refugees and use EU liberal laws which is totally different thing
I don't like Muslims and Jews.
There, I said it.
The Muslims aren't dominating anything. They are being let in with open arms by stupid lefists. If this was a hostile situation they would be destroyed easily. It's not the same thing as colonization at all. More like collective suicide
Bull fucking shit.
The West had the repository of Knowledge from ancient times in the Byzantine empire and in Western monasteries ready to spring the dead empire on its successor states, into the most powerful nations on earth.
And start talking about muh Islamic golden age when all they did was read Aristotle.
Lol you're retarded. It's not the same thing. We are letting them in, meanwhile colonization is forced.
>Indian shit on streets even in 21s century with below 80 iq.
Literally over half of Muslims are inbred. Which gives you high risk for diseases and lower IQ. Don't throw rocks from glass houses, dumb mudslime
>Destroyed easily
Like your superior European crusaders by the hands of muslims?
>Those numerals and alphabets came from muslim civilizations.
>easier system of something everyone already had
>greatest achievment
well that hardly seems worth being a backwards inbred barbarian who cant even listen to music, eat certain foods, or relax in anyway but hookah.
Why do they complain when we fight back if we are weak. Clearly we aren't weak so OP BTFO.
We're right because we won. I don't want to take the competition out of the "muslims dominating Europe" fiasco. The basis for anything in life that involves conflict is that it will eventually be resolved. There is always someone giving something up. It's either both sides appease or one gets dominated and forced upon.
Colonization is justified by being good for whites.
Your Right OP there is nothing wrong with Muslims dominating the Eurocucks. I have no sympathy for them they invited these third world Savage rapist into their own Homeland.
A long time ago you actually had to fight tooth and nail to acquire land and subjugate people.
Now all you have to do is jump the border en masse and take all of the jobs. for Europe and U.S.