If you are reading this thread, YOU are the resistance.
If you are reading this thread, YOU are the resistance
No we're not.
Yes we are
speak for yourself here,
this is not re66it,
you fucking reddit spacing faggot.
and buy water filters because estrogens in tap water make you gay
He's already gay
But I hate niggers?
You are one, leaf nigger!
If you think you are the resistance, you are still being controlled by the system. If you think everything you're exposed to isn't part of your conditioning to make you a passive part of the system, you are being controlled by the system. If you don't realize that all things are in a state of quantum entanglement and that each thought subtly reshapes reality, you are being controlled by the system. If you don't realize you are the system, you are being controlled by the system. Open your eyes, observe without bias. Observe the internal and the external. No judgement, no thought. Observe. Observe the observer.
But you are a nigger
This is powerful.
If you are reading this thread, you just lost the game.
i better not catch any of you in bed with a goblin
how can i resist if i was born in a country where i'm forcefully disarmed by the government
if you are reading this you are breathing manually
destroy your government
time to become a free human being
how can i destroy the government without firearms
>they don't think it be like it is but it do
>yfw Alex Jones is John Connor
Get creative
Gasoline is cheap to make bombs out of for example
The names in this document may be related to
Seth Rich, please research their name and
connect them to Seth Rich, he may have been trying to clear his family name
You are slave to Zionist infowars
the controlled resistance