>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Chinese State Dinner 11/9/17
>Pres Trump meets w/China Premier Li Keqiang 11/9/17
>SoS T-Rex presser in China 11/9/17
>Pres Trump/Pres Xi Press Conference 11/8/17
>Pres Trump/Pres Xi Biz Presser $253Bil Deals 11/8/17
>Pres Trump/Pres Xi Bilateral Meeting 11/8/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Official China Welcome Ceremony 11/8/17
>FLotUS Melania visiting chink lolis 11/8/17
>TrumpTV: A Historic Day 11/8/17
>VP Pence/Gov Abbot @TX Vigil 11/8/17
>Pres Trump shows Xi/Peng video of grandaughter reciting poem 11/8/17
>VP Pence/2nd Lady/AG Sessions arriving in TX 11/8/17
>VP Pence/2nd Lady heading to TX 11/8/17
>DHS Nominee Kirstjen Nielsen confirmation hearing 11/8/17
>Flip making flipflop Trump Action Figure to welcome POTUS 11/8/17
>StateDep Signing of Milenium Challenge Corp w/Rep of CoteD'Ivore 11/8/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania watch some crazy chink opera 11/7/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @The Forbidden City 11/7/17
OP pastebin:
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The author and artist of Thump is posting in this thread.
He is also working on a pro-trump comic
>Blue Wave
Atleast here on page 2 redditors will struggle to find this place.
Trump landing in vietnam any minute now. any streams?
Not even 3 posts in
Checked. I don’t have any
Thank you cosmic Awoo
Don't care for a meme like GDP California needs to bleed. For far too long has California been left unmolested by its own taxes. Plus, after all the stunts they've pulled this year they need a beating.
My finger slipped. At least it wasn't like last night when I accidentally one at somewhere between 30-40.
I hope Trump makes a comment about himself being there more times than Senator Blumenthal.
I thought Trump was cracking down on pedos?
Donald Trump scored an impressive EC victory Nov. 8 after a campaign that revealed deep divisions – by race, gender and education – that were as wide and in some cases wider than in previous elections.
1. Trump won white voters by a margin almost identical to that of Mitt Romney, who lost the popular vote to Barack Obama in 2012.
2. Trump appears likely to lose the popular vote, which would make him only the fifth elected president to do so and still win office.
3. White non-Hispanic voters preferred Trump over Clinton by 21 percentage points (58% to 37%).
4. Romney won whites by 20 percentage points in 2012 (59% to 39%).
5. Trump fared little better among blacks and Hispanics than Romney did four years ago
6. Hillary Clinton did not run as strongly among these core Democratic groups as Obama did in 2012.
7. Clinton held an 80-point advantage among blacks (88% to 8%) compared with Obama’s 87-point edge four years ago (93% to 6%).
8. In 2008, Obama had a 91-point advantage among blacks.
9. Women supported Clinton over Trump by 54% to 42%. This is about the same as the Democratic advantage among women in 2012 (55% Obama vs. 44% Romney) and 2008 (56% Obama vs. 43% McCain).
10. By 53% to 41%, more men supported Trump than Clinton (the 12-point margin is identical to the margin by which women supported Clinton).
>The advantage for Trump among men is larger than the 7-point advantage Romney had in 2012 and much different than in 2008, when men preferred Obama over McCain by a single point.
11. Trump’s performance among men is similar to that of George W. Bush in the 2004 and 2000 elections, where he won men by 11 points in each election.
12. The gender gap in presidential vote preference is among the widest in exit polls dating back to 1972.
>However, it is not dramatically higher than in some other recent elections, including the 2000 contest between Bush and Al Gore.
I'm making a right wing concept album
Exterminating kikes
Driving shitskins out of the country
Fighting against globalism etc
Story of a warrior who is fighting for his homeland and an alchemist who redpills him about the machinations of the elite.
Other Thoughts for songs?
What are you talking about? He's leaving China in 7-8 hours.
I think I'll buy this book
Make a white baby today!
There's just so many of them. You get rid of 100 there's 200 more.
Or says about McCain.
13. In the 2016 election, a wide gap in presidential preferences emerged between those with and without a college degree.
14. College graduates backed Clinton by a 9-point margin (52%-43%), while those without a college degree backed Trump 52%-44%. This is by far the widest gap in support among college graduates and non-college graduates in exit polls dating back to 1980.
15. In 2012, there was hardly any difference between the two groups: College graduates backed Obama over Romney by 50%-48%, and those without a college degree also supported Obama 51%-47%.
16. Among whites, Trump won an overwhelming share of those without a college degree; and among white college graduates – a group that many identified as key for a potential Clinton victory – Trump outperformed Clinton by a narrow 4-point margin.
17. Trump’s margin among whites without a college degree is the largest among any candidate in exit polls since 1980.
>Two-thirds (67%) of non-college whites backed Trump, compared with just 28% who supported Clinton, resulting in a 39-point advantage for Trump among this group.
18. In 2012 and 2008, non-college whites also preferred the Republican over the Democratic candidate but by less one-sided margins (61%-36% and 58%-40%, respectively).
oh, he's just wearing orange because it brings the color out in his eyes?
19. Trump won whites with a college degree 49% to 45%.
>In 2012, Romney won college whites by a somewhat wider margin in 2012 (56%-42%).
>Trump’s advantage among this group is the same as John McCain’s margin in 2008 (51%-47%).
20. Due largely to the dramatic movement among whites with no college degree, the gap between college and non-college whites is wider in 2016 than in any past election dating to 1980.
21. Clinton received a lower share of the vote among young voters (ages 18-29) than Obama received in 2012 or 2008.
22. Young adults preferred Clinton over Trump by a wide 55%-37% margin.
>Obama had a 60%-36% advantage over Romney in 2012 and a 66%-32% advantage over McCain in 2008.
23. Older voters (ages 65 and older) preferred Trump over Clinton 53%-45%.
>This is roughly the same advantage for the Republican candidate as in 2012 when older voters backed Romney over Obama 56%-44%.
24. Clinton performing worse among young voters than Obama, the overall difference between the preferences of the youngest and oldest voters is smaller than it was in both the 2012 and 2008 elections.
you left out the fact he lost the pop vote by 3 million
What are Republicans up to today? Oh.
Nearly two dozen House Republicans are pressing Speaker Paul Ryan to act quickly on legislation protecting some 800,000 young immigrants brought illegally to the United States as children. The lawmakers say efforts to grant such deportation protection would easily pass the House, with dozens of Republicans set to join with Democrats in backing any bill.
"This is a beautiful country. No wonder McCain spend so much time here."
In an otherwise innocuous FBI FOIA FILE Katica located a notice for preservation of documents sent by an FBI special agent to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on August 28th, 2015. What is interesting about the preservation request(s) are the recipients, their attachment to CFIUS(Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States), and the timeline of events surrounding the agent’s notification.
The time-line here is very important as it might change the perception of exactly what the FBI was investigating as it relates to Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. Therefore a backdrop to understand content and context is important.
The discovery by Katica shows that on August 28th, 2015, an FBI special agent sent a notification to preserve records to: •Nuclear Regulatory Commission; •The U.S. Dept. of Treasury; •Office of Director of National Intelligence (ODNI James Clapper); •The National Counter Terrorism Center; and the •U.S. Department of Energy (DoE).
>a pro Trump chink artist posted on this dead water forum.
>not going after the dc pedo rings
If you don't take them down you'll never stop it.
It won't happen. They're just virtue signaling for the CoC.
portubro, I'm still waiting to an answer how does spencer advocate for socialism
Useless fucks, recucklicans are shit.
>hey Mr. Ryan
>why don't you violate the Hastert rule for us to pass immigration amnesty right before mid-terms and primary season
>we'll want some more of that sweet donor money
>nothing bad will happen to the Republican party, we swear
Try not to make it too edgy, Rouse made great music.
Youtube kikes urged this from youtube several times while other RWDS stay up, they obviously fear this song.
they're also trying to limit the tax bill. it's a blood-bath on the markets today
is this some demon possession thing?
The thread archived now but he gave us some great posts.
fucking dumb
> yes there is, but show me when spencer advocates for 100% taxes on anything or even 90% and we will continue our discussion, other than that you are just using "socialist" as a buzzword
Come on Fluffy, read your own damn article.
> Furthermore, most sensible white Americans would fain trade the obnoxiously low tax rates and bad demographics of today’s America for the 90% top tax rates and the favorable demographics of the Eisenhower years.
Literally 90% tax rate. That’s what I said he’s an “pan white country socialist”, a sort of white Nasser.
>Sheriff Randy Brown
Should have been the perp's name.
He made this ULTRA RARE melania.
fuck off Sup Forums x filename-saver
>how does spencer advocate for socialism
literally calls for single payer and supports Tulsi gabbard
Luckily, I've created a thread here Please help me, so I'm not living in a 15% white country when I'm old and being hunted like the South Africans.
I'm trying to get people to call their reps. Both Republicans and Democrats are calling for the amnesty. This is what the donors want
unless we apply political pressure it really is going to happen.
>it ain't me starts playing
It's called "Sorcerer's Son" you fucking retard.
McConnell is willing to tank not just the Republican party, but the economy for the sake of some nevertrumpers that want to keep their gibs and keep pumping the housing market
why so slow today,whats going on?
>Try not to make it too edgy,
then why even make it?
As an artist, why is my goal not to provoke?
One thing people forget about the 90% tax rate was it was the top bracket of a progressive system that very few people ever saw and even fewer paid into.
> I'm trying to get people to call their reps. Both Republicans and Democrats are calling for the amnesty. This is what the donors want
Make two lists. One for congressmen that support it and one for the ones who reject it. Focus on the later so they hold the line.
Also focus on the house, the senate has too many traitors
Holy shit, you are all retarded, it's obvious that the song is "Mark Wahlberg is no silver spoon!"
Kuwait called its citizens to leave Lebanon immediately.
If there isn't a war, they sure as heck are acting like one is being peppered.
dont you understand what it means? it means that some whites would happily live during the Eisenhower years with taxes and demographics from that era. And yeah, Eisehower 90% taxes on the richest are far from taxing everything 90%. Please stop strawmaning.
If spencer is such a socialist then it's easy to prove right?
California’s NAACP is pushing for state lawmakers to support a campaign to remove "The Star Spangled Banner" as the country’s national anthem.
It was also a time where you couldn't move your assets as easily as today
Anyone else notice the resurgence of people posting shareblue links? Sometimes it's right in the OP.
The election in Virginia tells you that white America is dying. For trannies, niggers, and Hispanics to win bigly, and not only that these are openly socialist, anti-American candidates IN A STATE LIKE VIRGINIA tells you America is dead and will be like the worst of Europe in a few years. Voting numbers say that Dems won white women by 22 percent. TWENTY TWO PERCENT. That means white women WANT to have whites killed on the streets.
It's just a loss. Trump has made the left unstoppable. The statues will come down, guns will be taken away, and being white will be made illegal. American history and historical figures will be erased. National holidays and symbols will be erased and replaced with African and Indian ones. There will be white genocide.
Not my point, see the whole reasoning at whose summary is: the higher the tax rate on the output of the means of production the smaller is the difference between that system and outright socialism (in which the rate is 100%)
dont you understand progressive taxation?
Hendrix was a shit
Uh you literally just lied on the internet
Here is the interview he did in september. Truly a based patriot. Proof that Flip descendants are the greatest race.
Delaware Considers Letting Students Decide Race, Gender Without Parents’ Permission
“White boys could soon self-identify as black girls in Delaware.” So begins one of the latest columns of Fox News’ Todd Starnes, reporting on what parents probably wish was fake news. Unfortunately for the families in The First State, reality may soon be optional for kids in Delaware public schools.
Not much, waiting on the senate to release their version of the tax cuts. They’re proposing a delay until 2019
>progressive taxation is socialism
No it isn't.
Putin's suppose to be in Nam too right?
they are having a good time while you jerk off to anime, whos the winner?
Oh Christ,what fucking losers....
>tfw strong independent black girl who don't need no parents consent
Eva stop. Portubro fluffy is literally not real
Yes. There hasn't been this much kvetching about Russian and American sides possibly meeting in Vietnam since the 1960s.
>after allright, it is politicofact
I hope you guys added something along when feeding.
Art for the sake of provocation seems Jewish to me like all the nu-art degeneracy. It should be about spreading beauty, truth and inspriring people. I guess I'm trying to say it shouldn't be a deterrent and should strive to be profound like the artists of old.
It's reported now that the Saudi king will transfer power to his son in coming days.
Something massive might be happening when he grabs power, hence the reason the corruption cleansing happened.
> And yeah, Eisehower 90% taxes on the richest are far from taxing everything 90%. Please stop strawmaning.
> If spencer is such a socialist then it's easy to prove right?
If you notice the exact expression Inused it was > Also: I’m saying this for a long time now, one day Spencer will come out of the closet both in the regular way and as a left leaning libertarian like many of his acolytes.
It seems you are the one strawman if here with a quite literal “delet this” the post.
linking a propaganda website reduces your credibility.
thats how you respond when you cant debate facts? cute
How are the finances, /ptg/?
>10k in savings
>get addicted to amazon prime
>buy 5k worth of music equipment
>savings drops below 5k for the first time in years
I get paid tomorrow, so it will be back up to 7k but still.
>whats going on?
Arabella Kushner sang in Chinese
Trump showed the video to Xi
Oh look journous purposefully making asses of themselves. Bet that will have less likes and retweets.
Why should your goal be to provoke?