>Sup Forums hates socialists but loves national socialism
Explain this.
>Sup Forums hates socialists but loves national socialism
Explain this.
Marxist Socialism is a lie, it's a bait and switch. And class is a social construct. Solidarity will never exist beyond ones nation and blood.
Why can't it exist for all humans?
National socialist advocated the private ownership of the means of production, ergo they are not socialist as your buddy Marx defined socialism: The Collective ownership or control of the means of production and distribution of goods.
They did, however, nationalize publicly held companies because they were traded on (((controlled))) stock exchanges.
Peace and understanding can exist, but forcing people with different races and values to occupy the same land will and has ended in bloodshed every time.
pol in general care about preserve the huwhite race before anything and since NS does that, its not frowned upon
Nazism is pretty much current day socialist politics in Europe, except the part about lesser races being replaced by SJW bullshit, but the economic and social policies are very much the same : the rights of the people are restrained always more in favor of an invicible state controlling every aspect of everyone's life.
The "nazis" on Sup Forums are basically just people who are satisifed with their way of life, but just don't want to be living with shitskins anymore. However they still want to lick that boot.
>Nazism is pretty much current day socialist politics in Europe, except the part about lesser races being replaced by SJW bullshit, but the economic and social policies are very much the same
imagine believing this
Its a meme. There are a few /poltards/ attracted to nazi imagery for homoerotic reasons. Everyone else supports free markets.
Theoretically natsoc is redistribution that helps your community
Any other kind of socialism is stealing from you to support your enemies
Fuck that
/poltards/ isn't a thing guy. go back to Sup Forums
Socialism = Abolition of private ownership of the means of production, replaced by state or public ownership
National Socialists are not socialist
Socialism != National Socialism
It's really that simple
Your retarded comment begs to differ.
Socialism doesn't work with multiculturalism.
So it worked in Venezuela, Russia, Vietnam, Cambodia, West Germany, Piland, Cuba... ?
Read about the fall of Babylon and the decline of West and East Rome and draw your own conclusions. Or for a more practical experience, move to Africa without money and try to find work and integrate, means no western companies. Just you and your skill set among a bunch of tribal IQ 70 Humanoids
National socialism is fascism, not socialism
past tense
yes and national facism is the name of my new socialist party
btw, define socialism
>Sup Forums is one person
The Fascist were a political party in Spain and Italy. Basically, they were anti-Communist.
They had no more belief in the law (what fascism means) than Democrats believe in democracy, Libertarians believe in liberty, or Republicans believe in the republic. It's just a name.
Well said, meme flag.
Op is clearly ignorant of human nature.
>incredibly stupid post
>this is a slide thread
Trump is arresting corrupt democrats as we speak
North Korea is called the democratic Republic of Korea, ergo it’s a democracy
i even fucking took the time to add in general for the retarded spergs
Trump is helping to commit war crimes against Yemen and Palestine while y'all distracted by players on stage.
National Socialism is a philosophy, not a system of government.
well my leafy friend, pol seems to love the fantasy or the myth of NAZIM but they sure as hell dont know what nazis were in real life or how the goverment actually worked.
But sadly its hard to find info because everything is heavily politicized.
If you can find info of nazism before the war, those are your best bet to find what they really were.
Nice. Any pics yet, maybe videos of dying sand niggers
Socialism is like a whore anyone can use.
National Socialism is a whore who only you and your bros can use.
Collective ownership of the means of production where workers own the full value of their labour
America became multicultural with immigrant Europeans.
The only differences between soc and natsoc is that natsoc applies fascist patriotism in order to archieve full social support and being this focused to a belicist economy, having the second one more state intervention on every aspect of the nation, which projects national interests (in this case, interests from the hegemonic elite or the leader in control of the powers)
Any form of socialism is retarded
Thanks for proving you are racist retard
>Sup Forums is one person
Sup Forums loves nationalism, but their boner for Hitler is too hard to realize he was the son of a Rothschild and led his country to slaughter. A good socialist, in other words.
If you love your nation. You are a nationalist. If you love your people you are a socialist.
>Explain this.
Shills working hard to push communism in plain form or crypto-communinsm names 'national socialism'.
Only shills "love" national socialism
Socialism communism capitalism. They all murder people. Capitalism been murdering non stop since the end of the civil war.
Who the fuck told you that, retard?
National, Socialism. Still run by pigs.
Your mama
Why? The world is overpopulated, people dying is a good thing, isn't it? Less mouths too feed, more wealth for the individual. Isn't that what socialist stand for? btw, it is pronounced race realist, racist is like calling a Brown skin Nigger
Not all whites are smart, some are easily subverted.
Communism and socialism are modern day bogey man to scare into a illegal war.
>Thanks for proving you are racist
i think youre lost boy
You are a fucking retard.
World isn't overpopulated. World is too poor to pay off debts thanks to capitalism.
this is literally it, fpbp
humans are an ancestor of the primates, our behaviors are not so different, we are not ants or bees, solely collectivist, but we are also not solitary creatures either, we are somewhere in between, individuals who looks out for each other in tribes
Daily reminder that the word and idea of Socialism predates Marx by at least 50 years, so the Marx doesn't have the monopoly on defining the word.
I think truth makes your tears taste sweet
NS is ironically named
Read mein kamph
Ford translation
Evolution never said humans came from apes.
If that's so, aren't nations a social construct too? Isn't any social group literally a social construct? The only thing you really can almost rightly be proud of is your own individual choices. Anything else is mostly out of your control, even sometimes your individual choices. But when constructing a society, social constructs are very useful and necessary.
Your statement is false. I do not believe in socialism. I hate Marxism. I can live with "some" social programs. Not everyone on Pol is a Nazi, some comments are just jokes. Many Nazi comments are Larping, progressives. Fake hate threads trying to separate the based Asians, Latinos, Whites and Blacks.
And even the real neo-Nazis are at leased funny sometimes.
National socialist idea of socialism = your wife and children, even though they don't work or contribute in the same way you, the father, contribute, are still worth being taken care of.
Marxist socialism idea of socialism = someone else's wife and children, including the unemployed father, are worth being taken care of, even though they hate you because of your skin color and feel absolutely no gratitude for the help you give them.
see the difference?
80% of Sup Forums's preceded racism is an edgy meme to burn out the faggots offended by it.
The other 20% like the Nazis, and what they did, not their form of governing.
Socialism and communism sound good. Problem is people who are in charge.
Fuck you auto correct.
Pouring crack cocaine into their neighborhoods was a bit too much.
really makes me think
BOTH National and Marxist socialism are pure evil
Libertarian all the way.
>Sup Forums is one person
Gibs only for married white couples who want to have white children and build a stable white society. The government must protect the Volk from the predatory nature of (((capitalists))) and (((degeneracy))).
Marxist socialism destroys the concept of natural hierarchies in favor of the ill fated pursuit of equity.
National socialism is a blend of individualism and collectivism in which the state and private entities work together towards a shared ingest for their people and nation.
Uncle Adolf said it best.
Social programs have literally nothing to do with Marxism. Marxism is pretty much now just an empty buzz word to describe a certain flavor of thought
as a moderate, I can endorse philosophys and policy that are compatible with this particular definition of it.
Except for this bullshit 'full value' portion. Lions share? Sure. But 'full value' sounds like exploitation, albeit of anyone not in the special 'workers' club, however arbitrarily it is defined.
The society around the workers? "Fuckem, they do nothing for the workers."
The goverment that protects and legalizes their market? "Fuck em, they do nothing for the workers." So on for roads, peace, social services, that sort of thing.
Mostly because a bounded definition of this can, and SHOULD be possible under capitalism, without core systemic change being required, and furthermore it can be easily argued for.
Why exactly, if, say, an airport, or an oil well, or a dairy farm is
a) managed by
b) staffed by
c) used (customed), purchased by, income-funded by
local citizens
should the profits from this (public good/service/asset?) be syphoned off and sent elsewhere?
The money was generated by the community, and spent by the local community.
Why shouldn't they reap the lions share of profit, not the banks?
Also absolutely
Welfare state for all is bad while a welfare state for just their kind is good.
Socialism leads to hell on earth.
If you do not understand that you need to read books of people who lived through it.
Why do they have to keep people inside communists countries. Of and muh.. Sweden
Sweden will collapse because when was designed they used to sterilize criminals, degenerates, the mentally ill. low IQ people From 1934 to 1974, 62,000 Swedes were sterilized as part of a national program grounded in the science of racial biology and carried out by officials who believed they were helping to build a progressive, enlightened welfare state.
Not everyone here hates socialism and the ones that do are either Americans ( retarded ) or who hate Marxist socialism.
Are your relatives and distant relatives social constructs?
Marxist socialism is "economic identitarianism" that denies race, faith, national boundaries, private property, etc. National socialism is "racial nationalism", that denies economic identity, upholds race as the fundamental engine of history, faith as necessary for survival, nationalism, private property, etc.
Polar opposites, lurk moar.
social programs are important. i believe in subsided healthcare and education.
>Sup Forums is one fucking person
Oh my God, when will this fucking meme end?
All they'll say is muh white people.
Yes, everyone on Sup Forums loves the rootless American culture
So cute when burgers think they know everything
>Sup Forums works as a hivemind and everyone thinks the same
the simpler answer is to look at china is a nazi 2.0
The private companies are supeditate to the state no the other way arround .
America is a corporatocrazy
Yes, Pol agrees on everything. TOP KEK.
I really hope the crow story wasn't a larp and actually happened.
Do your own research nigger, kill all the commies
Communism VS Fascism
strong central bank owned by Jews (namely the Rothchilds)
Jews hold most white collar positions of privilege
everyone is equal (as slaves under Jewish hegemony)
Antisemitism is outlawed
authoritarian rule (with lots of purges)
Barter System between nations no central bank
The best for the Job gets the Job (yes even Jews in many instances)
Everyone is equal under the state to flourish
Communism outlawed
authoritarian rule
Take private property (aka the means of production, or factories)
from the individuals that own them and give them to "the state"
(a small number of people in positions of privilege filled through nepotism)
turning the entire country into private property owned by them with the people still
working in factories they don't own and now will never have an opportunity
to own making less than they did before with a lower standard of living. Or
to make it simple basically a return to feudal serfdom only the lords will
now all be Jews instead of natives that basically consider the gentiles subhuman livestock
al the politic that contradict the beneficial of the country as a whole arent welcomed,
The economy is supeditate to the estate so the deslocalization of the companies and inmigration arent part of the model
national socialism of wathever you want to call it is common sense
ITT: "n-no, it's not REAL socialism so it d-d-don't count.."
aka the same thing every socialism loving shit bag says whenever you point out that socialism ALWAYS fails miserably.
Thomas Smith vs Sargon of Akkad Debate
I love buying gifts for my friends and family
Marxist soc
You must buy gifts for everyone around the globe even people you despise
>being unironic natsoc
fascism and libertarians are the only respectable ideologies in this board
Not event that.
>(NS)I want to build a road to my friends house.
>(COM)The government says my friends are on the next continent.
You differentiate naturally between your in-group and out-group. Its not necessarily based on race or ethnicity but in practice an in-group is usually homogenous; if not ethnically, then ideologically/religiously. For whatever reason we think its more noble to kill for an ideological reason to kill for a biological one, frankly as far as I can tell in the twentieth century we killed millions over ideology and millions over biology.
The nice sounding idea behind all universalist ideologies, from Christiniaty to Liberalism to Communism, is that we can basically become one giant "in-group". The problem is you've confused a thing that sounds nice for something thats actually possible. It isn't. There's no technology, no economic system or group of social engineers that can pull off what we platitudinously insist is our goal, a universal humankind. What's possible is for the different groups to recognize their difference and try to coordinate in such a way that fighting is minimized. This is essentially what the "balance of powers" doctrine in the 1800s was all about, until the twin ideologies of socialism and nationalism went completely fucking haywire.
But Fascism = NS retard. Read more.
China is a Kleptocracy controlled by a lawless uber class much as it was 500 years ago, nothing has changed because the culture is incapable to look outside itself.