Post yfw untermensh
Post yfw untermensh
Stop illegal immigration and deport ALL of them and I guarantee birth rates, marriages, and dating or 'finding a partner' will improve.
Illegal Immigration is genocide.
So when are you going back to Europe?
Disability payments, here I come.
Sweet. KHV here, where do I sign up for my beta bux?
lol wtf we will no have to cure leftards ? how do the imply we should fint them a woman ?
this is for females only :^)
wtf i'm crippled now
Does that mean we're going to get free gibs?
wtf I love gibs now
>tfw browse Sup Forums and bang sluts while trying to change society so women require permission from father before going on a date
This is only for rapefugees
Tsk tsk, pesky westerners and their failing relationships. It's so nice living here and being guaranteed a beautiful wife of any ethnicity and nationality, even while making minimum wage!
I hope Yemen wrecks your shit
>tfw no gf, no beta bux
Will I be recognized as a woman if I identify as one?
bite down the pillow, scream, get drunk, go on
Gibs me women and money
Don't you need to pay for them? How does it work?
I read the article. They're talking about prioritization for in-vitro fertilization. This means that lesbian women/single women who want children have just as much priority as childless cis-het couples. Men don't get pregnant, so prioritizing them doesn't mean anything. The gender neutral language is a ruse and cover. This doesn't benefit you at all /r9k/ so calm down. It's the same shit.
Around the time you go back to /leftypol/ faggot.
>Actually reading the article
>Not just baseless shitposting
Spot the newfag
> Being a trans faggot is not considered a disability.
They recieve money.
> Being unable to find a sexual partner is a disability
They don't give you money.
It's almost like they transformed the definitions in a juvenil tool for "bragging rights".
Being reduced to fuck goats because the rich guys marry 20 girls sure sounds fun!
So many fucked up children are going to be raised by mentaly unstable singel mothers.
“Illegal immigration” is used to replace populations
Their end goal is to destabilize/make everyone poor your country and grow the government
Fucking normies! They can't keep getting away with it!! REEEEEEEEEEe
Nice. I'm a wizard, when do I get my gibs?
>tfw born in the worst possible era to be a non Chad
>tfw normals don't understand just how much being a biological failure utterly rejected at every turn effects your psyche
Trump needs to either give us money or give us government issued gfs otherwise we're going to have a lot more Elliots.
Ummm there is definitely something weird going on... the twisting of truth has hit defcon strangelord
The worst they've ever done was send a missile towards an international airport like a bunch of spineless cowards, but alas, that puny missile was stopped.
Yemenis always half-ass their jobs and have the audacity to ask for a high pay, all while never showering or showing gratitude to those employing them and housing them. That's your country's issue with Romanian gypsies, right?
Give me 1 (one) good reason why I shouldn't hop on welfare to accelerate the collapse of the system.
This makes me want to avoid women altogether...
>> Being a trans faggot is not considered a disability.
>They recieve money.
wtf is this true?
>going from man to man
>34,861 people liked this
Peak degeneracy
>tfw 5'11''
>Tfw 26 years old and only dated girls that asked me out
I'm still terrified to talk to girls I don't know despite being in a few relationships already
If that's not bad idk what is
Underrated post
27 year old virgin here. Can I get like a handicap placard then? Or some hand outs?
That’s fucked up, but the guy sounds like a chuck, he had no real job and only took care of her? The fuck
If getting pregnant is the goal, just go on Voy and find some woman looking for an anonymous sperm donor. You can remain anonymous. Just tell these whores that your name is Steve or something.
How does Sup Forums justify the “hitler dindu nuffin” meme while simultaneously being the exact kind of people he would’ve exterminated?
The ChicANO man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.
Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his white skin. This white
skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the harsh climates of Yucatan, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The glowing white skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal aryan subconscious past.
The ChicANO man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man(an*Mefag dogs)
The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The ChicANO penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the ChicANO man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent IBERIAN seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the ChicANO man impregnates.
In total, the ChicANO man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.
All this is the reason why the ChicANO man is the epitome of masculinity.
Love will do that to you
Why would go 'back to Europe" when my ancestors FOUNDED this country??
This world is so fucked
>Why would go 'back to Europe" when my ancestors FOUNDED this country??
> wtf is this true?
Dude... Seriously?
Most of they health insurance, hormones and dick-cutting operations are covered in most contries.
Heck, even they classes to practice and get a "feminine voice".
Now add all the trans-quotas.
Is a ton of money and resources.
lel it only applies to women
where are my virginshekels, ableist shitlords?!
Yes, Express's use of the word "person" was disingenuous for sure. A "person" does't have in-vitro fertilization done, women do.
So you're saying white bois can't compete?
Who came from Europe. Who came from the Middle east. Who came from Africa. You have shitskin blood in you. We all have.