>Saudi Arabia and Kuwaiti foreign ministry orders its citizens to leave Lebanon ‘immediately’
>tfw Syria is about to be cleaned up another war breaks out
>more refugees
God I love the Atlantic ocean
well time to glass the Levant and stop selling Saudis weapons
Oh shit that's it! That is the start of a real war!
all thanks for US support of kuwait and saudi arabia
use petro-dollar or die
Trump can't let it slide it's a necessary tool for MAGA
CGI will be there to help. Don't worry Goyim we will bring the migrants to europe to keep them safe.
Saudis and israelis are working together on greater israel. trump is the puppet of both, MAGA is MGI (make greater israel)
You can thank the kikes for that. Their Federal Reserve scheme devalued our currency so much that without the "petrodollar" our economy will collapse.
I hate kikes. I hate sand nigger oil sheikhs. The jews sold the soul of this country for the love of money and high finance
The Big Family
Prevent this? why? This is good for US business. Our FMS will increase dramatically. I just bought more US defense stocks last month.
>mfw Trump is going to be remembered as the President who crushed both ISIS and Hezbollah in a single term
He's highhandedly going to wipe out islamic extremism overnight. MAGA!
Just imagine how much more powerful Israel will be after this war is over and their enemies have been eliminated.
>You can thank the kikes for that.
no difference between kikes and american gov.
Yeah. Lucky us.
The kikes own D.C.
You fucking piece of dog shit. Shame on you, advataging yourself at the expense of your White brothers and sisters.
This. Part of me suspects that the whole refugee crisis is America destabilizing Europe to gain economic control of the world.
It's working.
>ww3 happening
Thank god this entire generation of soft, spoiled cunts is going to the meat grinder. Hopefully we bring the women along for the sake of equality.
If that happens, I will go to the US and preach socialism
What the fuck do you think Soros just spent 75% of his net worth on? This happened weeks ago.
Literally spending trillions on sandniggers so China can buy cheap lithium and oil.
Iraq war and Al Qaeda was the best thing that ever happened to Chinese natural resources control.
How damn stupid are you? It would do the exact opposite, while diminishing the secular and far less malignant Shi'a.
ISIS is the proxy for Israel/ Saudi Arabia/ US. They funded by us and in Syria, were even supported (covertly) by our military.
How does exponentially increasing the US debt MAGA (while our infrastructure CONTINUES to go to shit)?
Implying China isn't next to get culturally enriched.
>more refugees
sounds great. i love you merkel!
well they dont test missiles on your farms
>yeah Trump go destroy the mean terrorists of Hezbollah
How the fuck did he crushed ISIS ? That faggot bombed Assad
>more refugees
>sounds great. i love you merkel!
Lemme guess. You're a 48 year old German female. Amirite??
Absolutely this + Checked
Revenge for those Frenchies convincing us that Vietnam would have became a communist state.
More like revenge on the French for creating post modernism and letting it bleed out of art culture.
he bombed some empty warehouse and warned everyone ahead of time you retarded mud
use the fucking catalog you damn slide shill
Hezbollah is going to whip you Joden. They have some very big packages for you. Delivery will be free and no signature required.
The US was bombing the same two abandoned desert villages for years. All for show.