Incels of Sup Forums are always going on about how women are shit at everything and that they ruin the workplace by looking at facebook videos of cats instead of working. I believed all of this until i actually got a job in the real world in an organization that was predominantly female (health care). I was expecting constant bickering and blue haired feminists to yell at me for being a straight white man but i received none of that. Everyone gets a long fine for the most part and the business runs smoothly. So was it just a giant meme fuelded by the hatred that women aren’t aleeping with you? What I’ve noticed is Sup Forums latches on to the extreme outliers of shitty females and pretends this is how they all are, now yes the young ones on social media are typically morons but anyone with a heavy social media presence is not someone who’s going to be very smart anyway. No one here is a hardcore antifa leftist like Sup Forums claims all women are in fact I’ve yet to even hear anyone talk politics.
TLDR. Just because women won’t have sex with ylu doesn’t mean they’re all terrible and useless in the work place
Women hating neckbeards of Sup Forums explain yourselves
Other urls found in this thread:
>I was expecting constant bickering and blue haired feminists to yell at me for being a straight white man but i received none of that
Wait until you do something wrong like leaving the seat up in the loo.
I'm sure that some of these idiots recieved real fucking idiots but you have to understand the confirmation bias that goes on in pol.
Pol is bareft of female presence, so that continues to foster a sense of male aloneness despite many women being on pol, sure not an even ratio, but there are plenty of women here, myself not included, who do agree with pol. how does pol treat these women? by demanding tits
yeah whatever, we're used to this meme lefty or righty. but the point is they refuse to acknowledge that their sexist way of looking at gender here on Sup Forums has an actual outcome; they see anonymous as male so they are constantly alone here. no women exist, and certainly retards will try to present that arguement, but the real behavioral culture is that only men exist on Sup Forums.
Combine this with constant feeds of information on women and it works them up into stir crazy hatred. They cherry pick data on female mental inferiority, and shill on female infedelity without regard to male fidelity, and when confronted outside of pol, many of these people unironically try to assert that #notallpol is against womens rights
despite the massive ammount of common ground and almost 0 decent on the topic here.
You get people who delude themselves into think having no rights, agency, or purpose in life except to be a glorified baby oven from cradle to grave is actually what we want in life, and you'll see people link studies that only go back to the 70s trying to "prove" just that.
historical revisionism on women in the work place abounds and the list goes on and on.
BUT THE POINT OF ALL THIS: is that if pols opinions on women are correct, they are demonstrably evidence against it. their short sighted, click b8able, false equivelancy, and overal delusional behavior, is not compatible with the idea that men are superior, they should be better than this.
Anonymity makes it easy to disregard people even when you both agree.
You thought they would be catty in front of you? Are you a flaming faggot?
Nobody hates women more than they hate themselves.
If you've had an dick before or still have a dick you are a women.
You leftyfags are a bunch of fruitloops larping as revolutionary queeros while hiding behind meme flags.
and that is why women will never crawl their way back up in pols eyes other than as absolute garbage that might be made obedient.
A man on Sup Forums is only allowed to have his own personal experiances of women, but all his political network and support in this world comes from a place where male identity is the default, but also where the people they agree with could be dismissed as the same people they disagree with, from post to post, giving them the unconcious impression that their in group is filled with people who think just like them.
Thankfully, thanks to a kike meme mistake, meme flags are slowly helping to erode this, by attaching posts to a general identity, despite its attempts to divide pol, meme flags are eroding the idea that people under one banner or another cant make a positive impression. it's sad that those sjws didn't incel a woman flag here, I can already imagine salt slowly eroded by good posting.
but despite that, the problem remains for women on pol. and given the enormous political pressure for women legitimizing a kind of politics, I'm not surprised that there is effort being poured in to sabotage any relationship pol could form with women.
Cunts in low level medical positions thinking they've achieved something is hilarious to me.
every time someone posts it, I have to respond with this.
they are angry virgins
>business runs smoothly
>health care
oh OP, how can you be so obtuse
>be woman
>be a big fan of photography and tim burtinish fantastical shit
>be master level in baking, painting, sewing, photography, modeling, and composition
>make mad dosh while still being feminine
>be basically a modern feminist icon
>a bunch of salty feminist sjws on reddit, whom you baked original content for bans you from their /food/ board
>they say the reason is because no woman could be good at all that shit
>it has to be some kind of alt.right psi op
>women aren't allowed to be competent.
That bucket of crabs gets fuller everyday
>I'm not trying to sound like some butthurt overweight girl
It's hard to read between the lines when it's all right there.
the best worst part is this woman has a jaw as wide as mine, so the fact that shes fucking gorgeous and getting all these whores salty only slams the jam that much harder. they could be cute if they just lost weight and stoping being whores but this woman had to get gud and probably worked more in her life to make herself marketable as an artist than any of them have worked to shovel Doritos and pizza in their faces
I work in health care. The lower you go the more the "nurses are angels" ceramic object thing happens. As you go RN up, it fades away pretty quick. It reaches it's apex at the Neurosurgeon-tier. Most times those guys look like they could be anyone. When you are credible you have nothing to prove and it shows.
Same with cattiness and that shit. Low barrier to entry leads to low caliber people. Some are good. Many are emphatically not.
the implications of your statment is that most of the women bitched about in pol post are bitched about because the bitcher is in a low barrier entry position where all the riff raff like themselves and the roastie theyre complaining about gather.
A woman who puts effort into the things she does is considered creepy and impossible to attain. My almonds are sufficiently active.
Femanon here. I personally love the shitstorm that starts every time some poor faggot makes one of these anti women or feminist threads. Gives me a chance to see just how upset I’ve made everyone and chuckle a bit. You think jokes about kitchens or showing tits bother me? It just goes to show how much power any random female holds over you, they can pull your complete attention away from a topic just by having a vagoo.
Sure, you’ll act tough and cynical here, but we all know it’s just a desperate overcompensation for how much of a doormat you are IRL. If you decide to lash out and act a bit sexist now and then, I can’t really complain.
After all, we do pretty much run the show.
Men rely on us, work for us, spend money on us, and buy us houses and cars and clothes, sign prenups that we can turn around and cash in when we feel like ditching them for a younger, cuter piece of ass.
Got a kid with a girl? Don’t fool yourself, it’s HER kid, not yours. Piss her off and she’ll take it and leave your ass, and you can pay her a nice chunk of child support for the rest of your life.
Yep, this is the power we hold over you. So you go ahead and make your rape jokes, really. I still know that when you see me on the streets you’ll be watching, getting hard, and probably crying a tear or two because you know you’ll always be a forever alone faggot
>this ancient b8
nurses are great mostly.
Female mental inferiority is blatant, demonstably so.
I know a secret...
Women have an inferiority complex, just like the niggers do. Nu'Women' are jealous of the white man's position at the top of social hierarchy. /thread
>Female mental inferiority is blatant, demonstably so.
nice source
also I wasn't in that post arguing that women aren't mentally inferior, I'm explaining that pols behavior is exactly what they criticize women for.
lol i cant believe /r/incels was banned
interesting anecdote
i actually believed none of it until i actually got a job in the real world
M8, you're not even trying here bro dude.
That's a fair point
>nice source
Here you go. Pic related.
One that pol is determined to ignore however. Nevermind the inconclusive data sources,
I'm not going to follow someone who claims they are my superior but refuses to act like it.
This is jaded even by my standards.
god its anoying when women babble about nothing its like im back in the fucking office again and a woman just nonsensically rambles until everyone pretends she has made a good point to get her to shut the fuck up
Leftypol your paternal sexism is just so meh, get lost and sort yourself out.
My grandma gave me shit for closing the lid on the toilet when I was visiting her. there is no pleasing them.
>Everyone gets a long fine for the most part and the business runs smoothly.
In other words, you're lying and have never worked with women.
Men make MUCH better nurses and health care professionals on average.
Women choose nursing because they think it's relatively easy, low impact, and pays well with good benefits while giving them daily access to men with high income.
If you pretend not to see this, you're either retarded or full of shit.
its also not a source for the claim
I believe women and men are not meaningfully intellectually superior or inferior to one another on the mean.
That said, there are differences.
I believe in womens rights
but that's just good buisness; wanting rights for your own gender.
have you tried listening to music?
I personally think the best experiment is the one with air traffic control towers. Women are always talking about their great communications skills and ability to multitask. So why not let them prove it?
Here is the experiment. Take an Air Traffic Control Tower in a big city. Only let women go up in that tower for a year, leaving only women in charge to guide airplanes to land and take off. Watch as planes start crashing on a regular basis in that airport. Watch as women rationalise it away and blame the misogynistic pilots and not their own incompetence.
This is perfect. I did live next to a single mother nurse with a mixed son named Ayden. What an awful cunt.
>its also not a source for the claim
Like pottery.
seems like it would be an awful waste of human life if you turned out to be correct.
why not just prove it in a safer way? are you saying men cant come up with a way to prove their superiority in an arena where tens of thousands don't stand a significant chance of unwarrented death?
Use only female pilots as well.
And have it be a large, busy airport.
It'll get more annual crashes and accidents than the rest of the world combined.
Yes thank you for proving my point.
heck, now that I think about it, why not design a study where you tell women theyre a real traffic controller but they're just guiding in virtual planes. that way no one could get hurt.
>herf derf my screen cap and blog link is a scientific study
I was going to respond seriously but then I read "durr you dunt get sex thats why huh"
>heck, now that I think about it, why not design a study where you tell women theyre a real traffic controller but they're just guiding in virtual planes. that way no one could get hurt.
Why would anyone get hurt because women have to take charge of one Air Traffic Control Tower? >>herf derf my screen cap and blog link is a scientific study
"For a species to develop a larger neocortex, the brain must too evolve in size so that it is large enough to support the region. Body size, basal metabolic rate and life history are factors affecting brain evolution and the coevolution of neocortex size and group size.[18] The neocortex increased in size in response to pressures for greater cooperation and competition in early ancestors. With the size increase, there was greater voluntary inhibitory control of social behaviors resulting in increased social harmony"
This right here is why women are retarded. Trying to gender anonymity.
Tits or GTFO
Do you understand the meaning of 'there are no girls on the internet?' It means that cute elf girl you're playing WoW with is actually a guy who makes his money dancing naked at the Auction House. The configuration of your 23rd chromosome has no bearing on your ability to discuss politics online, unless you LET it get in the way. On Sup Forums, everyone is anonymous. No one knows your gender unless you make it known. No one knows your race unless you make it known. And the accepted default is that every user is a faceless, nameless white guy. It's as egalitarian as it gets, as every last post and poster have the exact same treatment.
We ask for tits because your sex has no bearing on discourse, just like you being a camwhore. If you're going to inject your shitty identity politics, at least have the common courtesy to whore yourself for the attention while you're at it, whore.
> I was expecting constant bickering and blue haired feminists to yell at me for being a straight white man but i received none of that.
> Just because women won’t have sex with ylu doesn’t mean they’re all terrible and useless in the work place
Are you sure you're not that butthurt murican femanon who wants to "bash white nerds and geeks because it's her natural duty to '
separate the wheat from the chaff '"? Because the "muh wmynz no hav sex with u lol that must be tha only reason why u would dislike womynss" - strategy makes you look like a female.
thanks for the pill my dude
>took 50 women to do the job of 4-5 men
>are you saying men cant come up with a way to prove their superiority in an arena where tens of thousands don't stand a significant chance of unwarrented death?
It's called a house by the way. But people seem genuinely confused when I explain to them that 3,5 billion women can't build a house. They think it has something to do with women's spatial skills or something. That it only applies to houses and not every single facet of life.
Of course not all women behave according to the the stereotype built by (what i call) "women hate threads" on Sup Forums. But no matter how much you hate it, most here have a real life, too. And we can see everyday what the average woman behaves like. Which - unfortunately- isn't far off from any of the negative stereotypes making the round here.
You are not looking hard enough at that picture if you think women raised that wall.
>why not just prove it in a safer way? are you saying men cant come up with a way to prove their superiority in an arena where tens of thousands don't stand a significant chance of unwarrented death?
Of course the most simple experiment is to ask an all female orchestra with at least 60 musicians to play Beethoven's 5th. 3,5 billion women can't play Beethovens 5th.
>The Afghan Women's Orchestra "Zohra" performs at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland
Ode to Joy indeed.
it already is genderd you moron. just all male.
>Why would anyone get hurt because women have to take charge of one Air Traffic Control Tower?
you already explained why they might get hurt
are you saying the person designing the experiment isn't culpable for the damages of the planes and lives?
its obnoxious that I cant find it, but theres a study that shows womens brains are more efficient per volumne, maybe i'll dig it up later, but I just spent 15 minutes fruitlessly getting passed around by media. I wish there was a button to permanently prune that shit from my search results.
try reading every now and then you preposterous fag
the only way you would not care about my gender is if posting it didn't merit a response.
Cant say I disagree in principle, I only assert that this is no different from out there and that men do just as much stupid shit. women are not "as smart as men" men are "as stupid as women" if you will.
lol 2 men actually working
Learn the rules you fucking newfag.
>its obnoxious that I cant find it, but theres a study that shows womens brains are more efficient per volumne
Of course there is. There is just no experiment to prove it.
"Oldest known building in Australia, a defensive fort used by the survivors of the Batavia shipwreck on West Wallabi Island."
Batavia was a ship of the Dutch East India Company (VOC). It was built in Amsterdam in 1628, and armed with 24 cast-iron cannons and a number of bronze guns. Batavia was shipwrecked on her maiden voyage, "
Let me give you the conclusion.
>The co-chairwoman of Reconciliation Australia, Jackie Huggins, praised the book for debunking the stereotype of Aborigines being part of a primitive age.
>"Aboriginal people were among the first architects in the world in terms of ingenuity in providing shelter and accommodation," Ms Huggins said
Oh god this makes me sad.
>these women are all loathsome
>they work making salaries of $20-40k
How do I know these are medical assistants? Demeanor and attractiveness. Nurses and doctors have higher IQs, are thinner, and a lot more attractive
>they are likely single moms
>or in a two income household
>their children are bereft of proper care and love and attention from their mother
>they are likely missing that from their father as well
>these women are competing for jobs that men would otherwise take
>these women won't negotiate pay or take slight decreases in work environment or location quality to increase pay
>this will further hurt men
>they will never lock down the doctor/pa/lnp boss that they wish would sexually harass them
>unless he is a total cuck
Hey faggots, my name's Joan, and I hate every single one of you... you're all just
& etc.
alright how about we have any competition in literally anything to see who wins
If you are a NEET become a nurse. Males are in way higher demand than females. It only takes a year of school and you can make $30 an hour doing easy work. It's one job that won't be replaced by automation. In one generation we can deny them access to this field.
This fucking copy pasta.
Kek what a hilarious negro.
Neurosurgeons are, in my experience, incredibly nice people on a personal level. I've known quite a few. There's one cutie I need to ask out... those Khazar milkers... but there are definitely some serious douchebags - but douchebags will define the stereotypes of a group as they are the loudest. Hence the stereotype of OB-GYNs as self-glorifying drama queens obsessed with limiting other women's fertility out of spite.
MAs and CNAs and other office staff are intolerable in many ways. It's also very quickly becoming a caste system.
>Doctors: Jews, whites, Indians, Arabs, Asians
>Nurses: whites, white hispanics, Filipinas
>MAs and CNAs: white trash, brown hispanics, mulatto blacks
The culture differences can be nightmarish. I see now why all the dental assistants at my friend's orthodontia practice are teenaged Mormon girls (he's Mormon).
Yup yup yup. And the women who are honest about this are the least annoying.
>my fucking meme, why aren;t you obeying me
If I had the time i'd shower you with chrstine images because your petulance at me not being b8ed into being a camwhore is amusing.
fund it then? we could always use more scientific studies.
Go back to
>Something about your photos makes me feel strangely depressed/inadequate
That's GUILT.
That is your body telling you that it isn't some impossible to obtain status, it's you being a lazy piece of shit that doesn't want to work for anything. Then, when you see another women who has achieved so much by working hard, you feel guilty and want to drag he down to your level so you don't feel bad.
You feel sick because you disgust yourself and hate things that remind you of that.
and this post represents wrath, try telling them this instead of me?
No problem user!
Good to hear, I'm going into Healthcare and I was kinda worried abut nursing culture being all sassy and bitchy ect. Because nursing school certainly is.
I love women, they just dont like me
>it already is genderd you moron. just all male.
It's assumed to be so, and it likely is, but there's also larping and shilling here. How much and to what extent is unknown. This is true for many comments on the internet. Many agendas are served through subterfuge, at least in part.
Third wave Feminism has done a lot to make women hated I think. I'm female. I can't stand feminism and all the man hating it brings. Then these idiots wonder why men won't date them. Last election was my first election. I voted Trump and will vote for him in 2020. I will never be a feminist. I want to get married some day and have a wonderful husband and family of my own.
>how does pol treat these women? by demanding tits
Lmaoooooo how else would we know she's a girl faggot?
Wish there would be more like you. Good luck with your future, user.
holy shit, the fedora guard is absolutely PISSED OFF that people are able to easily see through them and are currently running INTENSE damage control.
3 Doctors and a Nurse
and the black one is the nurse, why am I not suprised
>This femanon is schooling you all.
She represents "one of us" ethically, in female form...and yet still shows the cold,reptilian thinking that keeps women from ever evolving past their own parasitic nature.
>This is how they truly feel.
Every thought,every "emotion" a female pretends to experience is based in FEAR.
Fear of being irrelevant.
Because without a "vagoo",they truly are.
Femanon, sort yourselves out ffs.
>Love isn't a fucking contest.
As a girl I used to be bothered by this, but as time goes on I dont really care anymore, this place is hopeless.
White supremacists and woman haters, somehow some of them still think they're on the right side of the history.
>car insurers literally make women pay less because they are statistically safer drivers
>hurrr if you just put women in charge of a largely automated job it'll be absolute chaos proving women can't do anything
it's not like they entered the work force in droves during ww2 to make up for all the men that were gone
I swear 90% of this board is high schoolers and neet incels. It's easy to have this retarded of an opinion of women if you've never had a job/meaningful interaction with one. Even easier if your only real frame of reference is teenagers/early college degeneracy.
Sup Forums users should be genocided.
> I'm a girl guuuyyysss pay attention to meeeee
is that just a stereotype in your scandinavian shithole country or what?
>this bait just got to Austria
I'm the number one lover of women.
I want them to be happy... in the home.
>sense of male aloneness despite many women being on pol
You WILL be replaced parasite.
>Femanon here...
>As a girl...
Right,right...Because HERE that matters,right?
>Because sexually quantifying your post makes a difference,right?
>Because Female+opinion=relevant itt,right?
The issue fundamentally is this.exact.thinking.
You somehow think just BEING female is special.
Fuqqoutta here.
>Inb4 incel
If I wrote my fucking bio in here you'd never believe me anyway...
i was raised by a single mother bitch
If that's you you look disgusting.
Fresh off the boat, from Reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on reddit by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would like. None of that here. You don't share. You don't like. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you john oliver watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.
This is a good point
I see a man working on the house in the video you daft cunt.
Thanks for the summary, I didn't read your blog post.
This is not a bump-post