If the majority of high iq women have a higher iq than the majority of high iq men. Doesn't that make women superior to men.
If the majority of high iq women have a higher iq than the majority of high iq men...
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Source for your claim?
That's not how the distribution works. Women cluster around the median, where men are more spread out.
So you have a lot of women with average intelligence, but only a few are stupid or smart.
With men, you have more stupid men and more genius men, but less float around 'average'.
>this desperate to distract people with identity politics
No because nobody gives a shit about averages. There are only a few men truly outside the distribution scale but these few men have a greater impact than millions of others.
Should be mentioned that this difference is very slight though. It matters in the extreme far ranges, but the vast majority of men and women just group around the middle.
>iq 123
>my brain is worthless because of turbo autism
Watch it, leaf. Math is sexist, hateful, and bigoted. I've just reported you to the thought police btw.
If that fat slag put her stinking dirty fucking feet in my face I would punch her arsehole with my cock till it bled.
Start drumming 9/10 of the world's best drummers are turning autistic with high iqs
No, because that's incorrect. Women have a lower mean IQ and a smaller standard deviation for IQ.
They don't. There aren't nearly as many genius women as there are men.
I dont care about the iq of women.
>ankle tattoo
0/10 would not fap to.
Shit bait saged
Womens only posistion is at raising children anyway.
>women have lower mean IQ
studies show they have lower, higher, and the same mean IQ.
Real link instead of some JS redirector bullshit forbes.com
It's really funny. For thousands of years, every civilization always says women should stay home.
Before you say it's because they were old fashioned, how do you know they didn't try it before and realised it wasn't a good idea? They had female warriors back then. Hell Greece used to be faggots. So many of these new ideas were actually tried before.
And also fuck your cuck fetish
yeah i do that already, i also play bass and have a couple synth. doesnt help out much if you cant socialize
Show me one study finding women have higher average IQ than men. You have to *really* torture the data (aka "controlling" for the very thing you are pretending to look for) to even find equality in scores.
More high iq men are into trampling than low iq men
Most people do not even understand basic probability, good luck with explaining this fact to people without being called racist sexist xenophobic
Leftists like to pretend their 'progressive' ideas have never been tried before and should be given a chance but in reality they're just rebranded bad ideas from millennia ago that have led to the downfall of entire civilizations.
>durr show me shit except i wont believe it becuase I've already made up an excuse for why no data that doesn't conform to my expectations on the topic is correct.
lol okay whatever senpai. Lynns study that pol keeps cherry picking constantly is just as distorted as any other metastudy of this nature.
Since you're too lazy to google and actually look up the bare minimum of literacy on the different views of a scientific topic before you yap on about it why don't you click this link
Yes it has your study among others for your point of view.
>inb4 muh jewpedia
click the numbers to get to the studies retard.
So in other words, you cannot name one.
You assume bad faith, and then you ask me to check out 152 references in 152 footnotes and come up with your side of the argument for you.
>You've already made up an excuse
Perhaps I have looked into the matter first and then made up my mind? Inconceivable, I know.
Haha, women's curve reaches higher up, looks like we win again, sweeties ;)
If you don't have a feet fetish you're a degen
It would if this claim was true. But it’s not, so it is irrelevant
I have yet to meet a woman significantly more intelligent that myself. (inb4 hurr durr Einstein LARPer.) And sadly, the ones I've met who were my equals were not what I'd call attractive. Not hideous, but frumpy and heavy.
I have to be very restrained talking to qt3.14s or they think I'm trying to talk down to them. Quite frustrating. Unlike a lot of guys, I really would like a smart girl. I dunno, I guess I'm secure enough to not be threatened by it? Nothing more disappointing than to meet a really hot, sweet girl, actually hit it off with her, then figure out she has the IQ of a geranium.
actually no moron
I expect someone who is my fucking superior in intelligence as you claim, to be able to navigate a document meant to be read by idiots, to find your own god damn study among the listed ones, and see how the document compares it to other studies, and then reading the studies given.
you know, like I would be able to do if you asked me to find studies that support YOUR opinion in that shit.
but nope, too lazy, too stupid, can't even into basic research. why you think you have anything to say on a scientific topic when you don't even know what richard lynn's detractors had to say makes your opinion as worthless as your claim.
>perhaps i have looked into the matter myself
and yet you offer no rebuttle for the critcism, which you would know you'd need to if you did honest research. you just do the Sup Forums thing in buying redpills hook line and sinker, and doing nothing but posting the study over and over again as if its the only one measuring IQ or g factor.
You done played yourself sweed
you maybe dont know it but this makes you sound like some r9k robot
>muh thats why im still single
You are stupid, that's for sure.
Not sure about intelligence, but today more women have university degrees than men.
Why is this the case?
Never been on that board. I've read about it; that crap holds no interest for me.
I actually socialize reasonably well, no problem talking to strangers, no need to be home for Wopner, etc. I just have no interest in pop culture or any of the superficial shit that is required for "get to know you" or "first few dates" small talk, especially with most girls.
I'm probably high functioning Aspergers, but really, I just get bored with normie shit; always have. But, I choose to remain hopeful. I've actually met a couple of genius hotties over the years, but they were all hopelessly tied to total losers, of course trying to "fix" them.
Women are a mess, mostly. And I'm not the slightest bit attracted to anything with a Y chromosome. Such is life.
Who is the girl in the picture? I need to know for research purposes.
>Why is this the case?
Militant feminism and quotas/outreach efforts. Getting a GIRL into COLLEGE is the left's current Holy Grail, even with a 60/40 M/F graduation rate..
considering they do it here
You are probably one of the thousands of losers who browse this board who overestimate your own intelligence.
The truth is that if you have strong professional career, you will meet a lot of women of similar status and they will never be with "losers" as you describe them.
Fact of the matter is, you are the loser.
I made no claim about your intelligence, but at this point I don't think I need to. But I am sure your intelligence towers high above your aptitude for civil discourse.
My claim was this:
>your assertion that the position "women have higher IQ than men on average" is supported by any researchers is questionable, please show me evidence
You then went
>hurr durr moron jewpedia do your research
The Wikipedia page is organised like this:
>2.1 Researchers in favor of males in g factor
>2.2 Researchers in favor of no sex differences or inconclusive consensus
Hmm, interesting, the section "Researchers in favor of females in g factor" is conspicuously absent. It's almost as if the people writing for Wikipedia looked throught the same evidence I did and came to the same conclusions, i.e.
>it seems likely there is a slight male advantage, but if you really unleash one-sided scepticism you can salvage the hypothesis of "inconclusive evidence or no difference".
It has been a joy having once again had the opportunity for a constructive, mutually charitable discussion on this board.
thats what i was trying to say
If you know some professors in administration, it really is heartbreaking. Like they don't actually see students as students but they see walking money bags. Like to the first year, they would say all this wonderful stuff but by the time they reached graduation year, they would be the first to throw them out. Notice how alumni dinners are only to those who became rich and famous. That's what unis think of the students. Truly scum material that's no different from a corporate company.
But females don't like taking risk so they attend anyway since it's the right choice. Too bad they didn't know that getting huge student debt is also the "right choice" lel.
You just pointed out one of the flaws with democracy. Have a BonBon
This is correct. OP is either an idiot, trolling, or both.
I know the feels.
You see, very high IQ correlates with autism/nerdiness, both in males and females (it's just more frequent in males). Very high IQ isn't worth shit on the dating market, either in males or females. Moderately high IQ is though. You don't have to choose between an IQ 145 she-geek and an IQ 85 she-geranium. Aim for the smart and sensible 115-125 range, there are plenty of attractive, feminine women in there.
not only that desu, women, even when they have the same ability, its manifestly different.
i mean, ideally, the higher the better, because it will be passed onto your offspring.if i could find a moderately attractive white woman who was at least 5'6 with a 130 IQ, i would wife her in an instant
Whites have higher iq on average to Blacks. Doesn't that make whites superior to blacks?
You are just saying "If she rates 10/10 in every category I care about I would want to marry her".
You and everyone else, friend. Unless you are literally 10/10 in every respect yourself, you have to manage your expectations or you are no different than pic related.
Tell me, does attempting to make some user feel bad ease your own pain? How sad for you. FYI, it didn't work.
>overestimate your own intelligence.
Nope. Have a lifetime of test scores to prove it, but since anyone can say anything on the internet, no reason to be more specific. Again, such is life.
Quite picky just there
130 IQ = 2% females
5'6" or taller = 20% of females
Moderately attractive = I'd guess 30% of females at most these days
You're looking at 1 in 833 just from this criteria alone.
Only people with no grasp of probability will think that this is a flaw with democracy.
The magic of democracy is that in spite of people's general boorishness, they still come up with sensible decisions in aggregate. It's counterintuitive, I know, but then so is much of statistics.
It works like that in Switzerland, at least, and we're no nation of statistics graduates -- ofc YMMV in places like Nigeria or Pakistan I suppose.
In terms of succeeding in Western society, yes. The fact that observing this gets called "racist"is why blacks are mostly doomed as long as they stay here. The idea of remedial programs and holding them to high standards from childhood has been made verboten. But hey, they stay reliable leftist votes, so there's that.
I forgot to account for the white part. You're now looking at much worse than 1 in every 1000 women now.
Your claim is bogus. The average female may record a .5 IQ higher, so 100 for men, 100.5 for women, Men vastly outperform women at the highest IQs. Above 160, men outnumber women 5 to 1. Above 170, men outnumber women 10 to 1. This is why there are more males at the top of business, politics, law, finance and academia.
>tfw autistic drumming masterrace
Indirect premise. Women have about the same average iq. The difference is that women have less standard deviation. There are less genius and retarded women than men - less outliers
IQ is not the only (or even main) metric of interest here. Probably more important is the penchant for violence.
>If there is an appreciable difference in IQ between whites and blacks, there is a GARGANTUAN difference in propensity for violence or violent crime.
>If blacks were just slightly dim but cooperative on average, society could easily acommodate them and shoulder the additional cost with compassion and good will.
>It's the combination of low IQ with constant chimpouts and sheer cruelty that makes the whole situation so hopeless.
So, there is no glass ceiling.. they are just being lazy shitbags?
>I'm so fucking dumb I cannot read
Debate and division among researchers[edit]
The current literature on sex differences produced inconsistent results depending on the type of testing used.[3][35] Among the researchers who conducted studies on intelligence, many point that there are no sex differences in g (Jensen 1998, Colom, Garcia, Juan-Esponiza & Abad 2000, Colom, Garcia, Juan-Esponiza & Abad 2002, Camarata and Woodcock 2006), some found a difference favoring males (Lynn 1999, Lynn Irwing 2004, 2008) and some found a difference favoring females (Keith, Reynolds, Patel & Ridley 2006 and Reynolds, Keith, Ridley, Patel 2006).[35][36][44]
god why do you people ever talk to anyone, just keep working for the jews and keep your kikebox mouths shut
High IQ isn't a requirement for making me some dinner and cleaning my house...so it really doesn't matter. Sucking dick just takes practice, so women will be fine there.
All excellent and valid points, user. I think that very early educational intervention could help, though. Teach them the importance and benefit to themselves of mastering self-control, as well as overall education, before they hit puberty and the chimpout hormones start raging. Sadly, (((Marxist))) bullshit makes this all but impossible.
That's a loaded question, the unironic answer is that the differences make whites better suited than blacks to thrive in a white society.
The real question is whether blacks are able to thrive at all on their own, all precedents point to them not being able to maintain white standards of civilization by themselves.
Is it moral to oppress them in conforming to our own standards? No, but it is a necessity as long as we are forced on one another.
Even if that were true, intelligence is not the only metric. If women truly were superior, wouldn't they be the ones running the world by now?
can you name me a female chess champ then? Or for that matter a female genius?
>Or for that matter a female genius?
You rang?
women aren't running the show for a very definable reason, regardless of intellectual superiority or inferiority women, just like men, favor male leaders because back in ye old hunter gathering days men hunted more, and becuase they hunted more they got lost and died more, and because of that you found your way more with a male leader than a female one, which is vital to fucking survive. Thus tribes that where matriarchal slowly died not because women were stupid, but because they simply didn't have the spacial ability to compete in a very narrow field.
Top that with us being wholly saddled with extreme long childbearing and its no fucking wonder we didn't run anything for a long ass time. standing upright and having high intelligence seems like an instant recipe for female subserviance.
Iq doesn't equal power.
We have local election soon and I'm voting in an electrician even though I'm far higher educated than him.
You need to know your place and acknowledge that some people are more fit to lead. No woman is fit to lead.
>I'm at 130
>I have turbo add
>I literally have to drink caffeine to calm down
>this choice of wording
you're a woman aren't you?
Its been nbd but lately I've been getting chest pains :(
No, because women are emotionally driven.
If I say yes, then it only further my assertion, right?
no, but it would corroborate my ability to pick out other women
you're putting the cart before the horse on your assertion of being able to lead, men are more able to sway people into being led becuase they are men and have male vocal tones, not because they are better leaders, though they most certainly could be. the challenges and motivations of our people where formed mostly in the hunter gathering days, and what mattered most then was knowing where shit is. These days most politicians don't even know how a map works so I'm positive this male supremacy view on the matter is far removed from our evolutionary propensities.
besides, bugmom is most definitely fit to lead.
What a load of bullshit. You obviously have no idea about what you're talking about.
I won't brag about my IQ, but I know that feel. Try amphetamines and kratom.
Weed in my experience is actually good for creativity and occasionally motivation in that it can make some things more interesting and somewhat easier to focus on, but can easily become a problem in excess, and really isn't good for memory.
Hard to win the genetic lottery twice.
Intelligence is literally the single most important characteristic in a human, because it is what enables us to reason about and control our environment for the better.
Why on earth would any rational person deliberately choose someone statistically likely to have low IQ to make decisions which affect thousands, millions, or billions of people for a government role?
This, incidentally, was one of the primary reasons that the soviet union was such a shithole. After artificially removing classes, suddenly we had peasants, literal farmhands, in office, because of anti-intellectualism.
Of course these people aren't going to know what the fuck they're doing, and be at least as likely to abuse their newfound powers.
Well if u are a high iq woman then u are very fucked and likely will not b in a successful long lasting relationship because u will mostly be dissatisfied with the fact that ur guy might be less smart than you. you will also b less desirable to men because men don't like them smart we like them submissive. In other words you have severly limited ur dating and procreation capabilities. Ur fucked.
>the majority of high iq women have a higher iq than the majority of high iq men.
Am I a brainlet or does this statement not make any sense?
it's ambiguously worded, but it doesn't not make sense. imo
Not if they only have a high scores on the part of the IQ tests that cover buying shoes and making sandwiches.
That might actually be the worst fucking bait I've seen all week.
There is no superior sex. They are just different. Nature experiments with the male variation more than it does for the female. This allows the species to adjust more quickly based on what variations are successful at that moment in time.
It's a joke you silly willy honeydrop.
Pic: Oh muslim, you say? Please come in sir.
Precisely. What's actually important about the differences between the genders is how they compliment each other so damn well. It's (((then))) who want to encourage the gender schism so the goys won't have kids.
Women are meant to raise their kin and be the social glue that holds communities together, while men do all the hard work. Smart men plan the thing, dumb men build the thing, and women organize the festivities for the thing.
Guess what: I'm a woman
I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I’m a Yankee fan and I go to Columbia. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I voted Trump. I fuck based black men exclusively. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligint than most of you in this thread.
Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.
I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day, and you'll beg to be my beta "provider."
It might, if it were true, but it's not because STEM would be ruled by women otherwise, and it's not
Other than a woman standing on my face, neck or genitals I don't see what the problem is. An average woman doesn't weigh enough for it to be all that uncomfortable if she stands on my chest, back or legs. It would feel more like a massage.
Then again, I don't understand the appeal of trampling, I do love massages though.
>high iq women
>high iq
>high iq
>coal burner
Pick one