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Wow, some one give her a shekel.
>If you are Jewish and get bullied you win a special civil courage award.
Jesus fuck Germany, some Soviet-tier shit that is.
That's right. Never deal with problems on your own always run right to mom and dad (the state/your boss/the manager/authorities) and you'll get a little treat. Now have fun running off with that weighing down your bindle.
Your paradise is a dystopian hell for everyone else.
Hör damit auf, Penner
Thats straight up some 1984 shit
This shit happens all the time and I still can't convince my friends communism didn't die with the SU
>someone, not my shekels
Jews never change lol.
We should expel the German embassy immediately.
good goys
>if you make your enemies suffer consequences, they win
t. small government american trudeau
An Iron Cross 2nd class for every one of her classmates.
i remember when orwell penned the famous passage in 1984,
"And then he reported the kids making Nazi jokes, which promptly made Big Brother tell them to stop that shit."
Let Orwell's words ring for eternity as a warning against the dangers of telling people to stop fucking with you in school
Make them read Volume II of Marx's Das Kapitalism wherein he lays out his evil communist plan to tell kids to stop bullying each other in school. let me know if you need help finding that passage kek
Big if true.
Wasn't "See something, say something" a policy instated by the Nazis? They encouraged young people to report their friends and family to the Gestapo.
This tattle-tale snitch belongs in a ditch.
Wow, how courageous. She SAID something to someone without taking any risk.
of course it's a female.
>being a snitch to the authorities is now a value to be celebrated
top kek, fuck germany.
>this person is just like the Nazis
>which is why we should kill her
verily, the historical lessons of the Nazis is that disciplining kids for bullying others is a crime against humanity
Let’s fucking raid their twitter with happy merchants and stuff
holy kek
Germany, the only place on earth where you can win a price for not having humor
Must see:
War is unavoidable. Read: archive.4plebs.org
If we want to maximize the chances of a hot war to be avoided, we need to achieve 5 main objectives (in order of priority):
1- Destroy the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley (tech and big-data);
2- Put pressure into and exposing the Soros payed corrupt politicians (list of names here: zerohedge.com
3- Destroy the globalist backed MSM that keeps lying to the normies;
4- Destroy the jew backed entertainment industry that keeps trying to manipulate the normies;
5- Destroy the globalist/commie entrenched grip that has taken over the education system and is using it to fill the ranks of the alt-left with Western naive children.
If we win the war against the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley, we can win easily all other battles because the left has nothing but lies, appeals to emotion, shaming and censorship.
We have the facts and the truth on our side, if we can destroy the censorship, we can easily spread the truth and convert the non-retards to fight against the globalist machine.
Read: archive.is
Watch: www.youtube.com/watch?v=if1bo00_RVo
Why jews make it easy to support Hitler:
Why antifa needs to get done by the authorities:
The Antifa "Professor" who advocates preemptive violence:
Keep uptaded on the storm: dystopiausa.com
Also must read sites:
>get a prize for being a Jew
Gas them, gas them all.
Except they reported the Jews in USSR.
>"win a price"
No shlomo
What THE FUCK, you can't even by a Nazi anymore!1?????
Can you stop being such a Kraft faggot? FFS you are pathetic.
Just that sink in.
But only the ones that were *definitely* wreckers and saboteurs, right comrade?
>With those children, he thought, that wretched woman must lead a life of terror. Another year, two years, and they would be watching her night and day for symptoms of unorthodoxy. Nearly all children nowadays were horrible. What was worst of all was that by means of such organizations as the Spies they were systematically turned into ungovernable little savages, and yet this produced in them no tendency whatever to rebel against the discipline of the Party. On the contrary, they adored the Party and everything connected with it.
Der größte Lump im ganzen Land, ist und bleibt der Denunziant
This one should sting. They hate being called Nazis :)
Good work.
hahaha get rekt krautfag
I hate Germany so much. It has done nothing but watched as my country made mistakes that strangled our economy, never once stepping in to tell us we were making huge mistakes, and then when the time was right, they pounced on us when we were on our knees, and started making us follow even more regulation. This is true for all of Europe. Germany’s government is a snake that jumps on it’s neighbours every time they have something to gain out of it. Yet it still calls itself the leader of the free-world.
Snitches get... awards?
>And thus, the children snitched on their own bullies. What a wretched life of terror they must lead in school, he thought, for all of their bullies would be told to stop fucking with them by their teachers. This unorthodox ungovernable buzzwords Spies Party discipline Big Brother Orwell False Parallel MAGA.
Never forget to read Orwell, for if we do, "we are bound to repeat the same false equivalences"(said by another famous writer that I also claim for my political ideology when taken out of context)
I hope you get stabbed by a pack of Muslims while they rape your nonexistent gf
t. Shlomo Shekelberg
you truly earned that (you)
Literally the "Tattletale Prize".
She needs the shit kicked out of her, then to be gassed on the spot.
this. its like the scene when winston goes to fix the sink at his neighbors house and the boy is shrieking at him and he reveals how children are to be feared the most. they act like spineless little rats and get rewarded by the system. fucking spoopy.
Hooray for the junior spy league
Don't worry some rapeugees will be along shortly for her. It's just a matter of letting nature take it's course.