>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Chinese State Dinner 11/9/17
>Pres Trump meets w/China Premier Li Keqiang 11/9/17
>SoS T-Rex presser in China 11/9/17
>Pres Trump/Pres Xi Press Conference 11/8/17
>Pres Trump/Pres Xi Biz Presser $253Bil Deals 11/8/17
>Pres Trump/Pres Xi Bilateral Meeting 11/8/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Official China Welcome Ceremony 11/8/17
>FLotUS Melania visiting chink lolis 11/8/17
>TrumpTV: A Historic Day 11/8/17
>VP Pence/Gov Abbot @TX Vigil 11/8/17
>Pres Trump shows Xi/Peng video of grandaughter reciting poem 11/8/17
>VP Pence/2nd Lady/AG Sessions arriving in TX 11/8/17
>VP Pence/2nd Lady heading to TX 11/8/17
>DHS Nominee Kirstjen Nielsen confirmation hearing 11/8/17
>Flip making flipflop Trump Action Figure to welcome POTUS 11/8/17
>StateDep Signing of Milenium Challenge Corp w/Rep of CoteD'Ivore 11/8/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania watch some crazy chink opera 11/7/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @The Forbidden City 11/7/17
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The author and artist of Thump posted in another thread earlier today.
He is also working on a pro-trump comic
Here is his interview he did in September about comic writers, artists and politics.
>believes this
innocent until proven guilty, unlike Tax Haven Malta
Taco tantrum outside of Paul Ryan's office
Why is trump the only person in his administration that doesn't believe Russia hacked the DNC?
>blue Alabama
Never gonna happen
>t. Bamafag
>The legal age of consent in Alabama, then and now, is 16. Under Alabama law in 1979, and today, a person who is at least 19 years old who has sexual contact with someone between 12 and 16 years old has committed sexual abuse in the second degree. Sexual contact is defined as touching of sexual or intimate parts. The crime is a misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail.
She says that after their last encounter, Moore called again, but that she found an excuse to avoid seeing him. She says that at some point during or soon after her meetings with Moore, she told two friends in vague terms that she was seeing an older man.
They sure like bringing these things up after SOL has ran out.
>thinking a democrat can win in a southern state that hasn't went blue in years
And why the fug did she wait so long until he's running for senator to do this?
You can stop now.
>shitting on LE DROOMPF isn't working in their internals
>out come the fraudulent sex allegations from well beyond the statute of limitations
It's all so tiresome.
Will the Democrats flip Alabama?
ah yes, here come the fake leftist sexual misconduct allegations, right on cue now that it's fashionable again
> so every country in the world is socialist by that definition, taxation and public healthcare is socialism?
Depends on the level of taxation. Add to that the fact that the United States reserved to the states the right (or the duty) to take care of the general welfare of their citizens. Why should people in (let’s say) Indiana be forced to share (and pay for) the same healthcare system of California? Why can’t Indiana pay for their own healthcare and California, the sixth largest economy in the world, pay for their own?
Why should the federal government take money in form of taxes and build that behemoth instead of leaving every state to do what they consider the best for their citizen?
I’m not a “taxation is theft” fellow but the difference depends on the scale. Here is an example of what a portuguese pay for our socialist “social security” system:
> 11% social security tax docked out of our paycheck
> 23.75% social security tax paid by the employer (meaning, also out of our paycheck)
It means about 35% of the nominal salary is paid into the social security system and here is the thing: I pay for private health insurance because you couldn’t get me dead inside of the public hospital system.
Just yesterday two people were buried because they died of faking legionella! Legionella, that’s a disease of WWI trenches.
It doesn’t matter if is by outright nationalization of the means of production or by heavy handed taxation to pay for public services: socialism in all forms is a disease that kills everything it touches.
>Leftists rolling out the same rape accusation play the leveled at Trump
>against Moore
>in Alabama
>only bill Clinton's accusers are telling the truth
Christmas is coming early.
>we can get dirt on you but as soon as you talk to someone who's name ends with sky for dirt that's crossing the line.
here come the manufactured sexual abuse allegations like clockwork, i hope it was worth what they paid her to make bullshit claims
(((Bannon))) is a fucking retard who needs to stop.
>She remembers that Moore kissed her, that he took off her pants and shirt, and that he touched her through her bra and underpants. She says that he guided her hand to his underwear and that she yanked her hand back.
>“I wasn’t ready for that — I had never put my hand on a man’s penis, much less an erect one,” Corfman says.
>She remembers thinking, “I don’t want to do this” and “I need to get out of here.” She says that she got dressed and asked Moore to take her home, and that he did.
Too many allegations that turned out to be false have been made in recent history. People won't fall for this.
On record, maybe. No proof was shown of that tho so he’s justified in skepticism
>Women who get raped wait 15 years to bring it up
With what? Gun control? Hating the Southern heritage? My neighbor isn't going to go for that.
I had to shill one more time for Melania.
but what about the 4th turning?
Get out
Prove it :^)
>t. Bamafag
>38 years
Because weaponizing rape accusations worked so well the last time. Moore just needs to lawyer up and demand proofs.
Yeah well Hillary touched my peepee when I was 12.
Prove it didn't happen!!
It's going to be Trump/Gianforte all over again
>"how could people vote for a molester like that!"
>pedo apologist like Milo
lol @ trumpfags
This is what each conservative will have to tolerate to be elected, they better have the same backbone as Trump.
bill clinton was impeached for lying under oath, not for banging a secretary or the rape accusations, justice department doesn't like people lying to them, ever, and if they catch you in a lie they'll grill your ass
It's Alabama. She could get lynched.
>these are legitimate accusations
Here is what the left was setting up with Pedowood accusations.
Right on Time. Maybe Steve Bannon will orchestrate the same trickeroo he put together with Trump before debate #2
Why wouldn’t she bring this up:
At the time
When he ran for Judgeship
At any point he was a sitting judge
While he was running in the primary
Just Jew tricks again, something tells me Moore isn’t gonna take this shit
K, keep me posted.
So that's why they were throwing so much money in... hm.
>Tfw Moore still wins like Trump did.
Sex allegations only work on commie/progressives now. Identity politics comes at you fast. Enjoy that box they put themselves in.
>on record
they've all said the opposite on record, are they all lying to the American people and the world?
It's like a goddamn clockwork. Non-cuck Republicans runs for office, fucking rape allegations just in time for the election.
It happens fucking all the time, but never for dems.
This is the same thing they tried with Trump. I'd deny it and ask for evidence.
At last I truly see. SJW are actually evil and their virtue signalling and progressive talk is to mask their guilty.
Lynching is out of style.
>t. Mississippi
We have to be more civilized about this. Run her over with a fugging pickup truck.
Yea we know collusion is mostly made up and ties back to measly lobbyists
he preemptively said those things already
Only if Moore has the strength to stand against these allegations and media barrage.
Looks like there are two more names to add to the Trump Curse Wall.
Louis CK famously came out against the President in 2016 and told people to vote for literally anybody else.
Roy Moore should have dropped out as soon as Trump did not endorse him.
Tack em up boys
Donald trump is a rapist
>that herpes lip
Maybe we should try making memes for democrats. Who here is willing to claim Nancy Pelosi touched their benis?
>38 fucking years ago
>so they've already decided that 1 year delay is the norm, but now they're looking if its possible to do without delay
>Breitbart knows of this beforehand
>Bannon wasn’t leaking in an attempt to keep Trump in line
lol, so the trump admin are liars
Inb4 Hanoi Jane takes the opportunity to rub salt in an old wound just because #REEEESIST
>Headed to a Federal slam for 3rd illegal re-entry, is my guess.
It's Alabama
how is this big?
>only Trump accusations are real
The ideal world.
> Germanics
> Japanese
> Persians
Bill literally has an illegitimate child
She molested me. I was 12 and naive.
It's big because leftists haven't learned a thing
I'm from NY state. If an (R) got accused here, he would take the abuse and lose all the votes. If a (D) got accused xir would probably say its true and surge in popularity from the commie horde.
Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if she's found dead after moore wins
guys, i'm trying to be social and talk to people despite having social anxiety, but today someone told me i'm borign. I'm trying, pushing my oimits and go out nd talk despite feeling like shit. I'm tired of this, tryng my best and get this...
i'm going to end it all
Where do the Slavs fit in?
Delet this
Putin started to play this game too.
>Just yesterday two people were buried
anecdotal evidence means dick
>Why should people in (let’s say) Indiana be forced to share (and pay for) the same healthcare system of California?
because public healthcare is the cheapest way to give healthcare to people motherfucker, feel free to overpay for privatised healthcare, as a MD I say pay as much as you can. We will gladly swindle you.
>Why should the federal government take money in form of taxes and build that behemoth instead of leaving every state to do what they consider the best for their citizen?
because this is the best way to ensure welfare for your nation. And it's not socialism, its still freemarket but with taxes, so it isn't socialism since means of production aren't denied.
Probably tickled them while saying is this a vagina.
it isn't anything, but shareblue is going to be shilling it hard now, most likely jeff bezos fueled by his amazon gains is going to be buying these allegations against more republicans
Is there proof to the claim tho? The question IIRC was always “do you believe” and the answer was invariably “we have no reason to doubt”. Why do you ask tho, how is that relevant?
No Sad French poster we love you
sacrificial lamb do distract from something else?
He is extremely popular and has a Trump like personality. He may lose a few votes but not enough to lose the election.
mmmmm sexy roy moore getting in on, lmao
Sorry, I would rather people still think I am a kissless virgin NEET loser than to have people think I was fiddled with by that old bag.
>Too many allegations that turned out to be false have been made in recent history. People won't fall for this.
That's insanely naive Hans
Ask Merkel now that ISIS is that when the "Syrians" will go home. This is about the same level of naivity
Hide yo kids
Hide yo wives
They raping everyone in Hollywood.
They can stay, women are hot and the men are quite intelligent and masculine. They would need to have the Mongolian weeded out though.
I like your despair, it makes me happy, the fact that you clocked in after 1200 too.
They aren't paying you that much since you haven't learned yet that you have IDs.