original magistrate arrest warrant for Cantwell is exposed as being 90% lies/perjury. Jewish names heavily involved in all elements of prosecution/persecution. Dozens of Antifa paramilitary members in the audience, presence meant to influence trial
Update from Cantwell's trial
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Antifas wearing red are OPENLY intimidating witnesses during a break in the trial.
Who's Cantwell?
hopefully he gets life in prison
Word is that the first witness for the prosecution, Christopher Goad, was tripped up many times on the stand and was rekked by Cantwell's attorney during x-examination. Likely he perjured himself several times. Remains to be seen if there will be charges.
a CIA nigger white supremacist.
40+ surly looking anifa are crowding the court, unkempt and smelly. Obvious drug users in the bunch. They are pointing at witnesses for the defense and saying they will remember their faces. Obvious attempts to intimidate and harass.
Protesters targeted a Confederate statue in Court Square this morning ahead of white supremacist Cantwell's hearing
People in a known domestic terror group pointing at people during a trial saying they will "remember their face" is brazen witness intimidation and potentially even jury tampering. The reason Antifa is at the Cantwell trial in big numbers is to compel the jury to convict him.
kek, you mean gommi cucks
I suppose I could cocaine this thread, hope I don't get addicted
>Christopher Cantwell in court today for preliminary hearing on pepper-spraying charges - One of his accusers has admitted to giving false statements
Goad confessed on the stand to filing a false report before a magistrate. He should face perjury charges. His further claim, with no evidence, that Cantwell sprayed him is a lie and should not be taken seriously.
Can they sue back once he's free?
Fuck these people, they have no case
You have to be at least 18 to post on this site.
If Cantwell is acquitted today, I'll release the collection of video clips which prove the claims against him were acts of perjury.
Cantwell smoked crack, just a few weeks ago and he didn't get addicted. Don't worry desu.
why hasn't he released the videos already??
>I'll release the collection of video clips which prove the claims against him were acts of perjury.
Are there legal reasons why you don't do it now
>smoked crack
I believe he actually was putting small doses of meth in his rectum again...
Tbh former drug user, no interest in using Again but if I was in a cage like that and went free that would be my weakest moment
Someone should keep an eye on him for 72 hours after his release
because his accuser had not seen them and he wanted to BTFO xir in court. Now xe will get a perjury charge because the video proves xe was lying.
I get that Cantwell would have been great by Hitler's measure as a party member, but does he strike you as being a little *too* on edge sometimes? I mean get the stick out of your butt m8. Or your spare luger if that's where you keep it.
but why wait? they should've been used in court today.
It was just a prank, bruh!
Fuck this crybaby faggot and whatever fucked up faggotry he's peddling.
Loads of D&C replies in here.
what's your point? they tried to use his radio show as reason to deny bail
lmao what's cantwell been up to?
last time i listened to him was election night last year, when he was having a mental breakdown because he seriously considered committing a massacre at the Keene Democratic Party office.
Word is that Goad and Gorcenski totally blundered their testimony.
judge forbade video cameras.
She threw elle reeve from vice out of court for contempt because she used her phone for a call.
>they tried to use relevant information against him
That's how it works in developed countries.
Both Goad and Gorcenski lied in their complaints against Cantwell. This is now being revealed in court. Since both statements to the magistrate were false, the court in theory doesn't even have a case and has to dismiss everything.
Goad admitted on the stand that his complaint was false and then tried to say that he was sprayed by Cantwell anyway even though he lied about it earlier, thus totally ruining his already threadbare credibility.
However, this is a totalitarian clown society that we live in and the J-left mob runs Charlottesville, so there s no guarantee of justice here.
>She threw elle reeve from vice out of court for contempt because she used her phone for a call.
Good vice is full of liars probably was using a call as a cover to record it
How the hell is his show relevant
you cannot put someone on trial for a legal entertainment program they do that has nothing to do with the charges
You copy pasted part of this post didn't you?
Cantwell deserves prison for going to that shitty larpfest with Spencer then crying like a bitch on camera about it
is he out yet?
its shocking that america has reached this point of kike control
That sounds like something that should be forbidden in a court room, user. Lord knows they would take it seriously if a right wing group did it.
his show, what he says, what he does; it's all relevant to his character and motives. Which are relevant to the charges he's facing. Are you retarded?
Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!
all of it.
Hail Cantwell and Hail Spencer King of the altright and Sup Forums
what does it matter?
Cuntwell wants to be in jail
he was set up as the tough nazi fall guy
then cries on cam buhuhuhu, not so tough now huh
Cunty appeared as an actor on Colbert years prior playing an insane libertarian
some of you and the agents at TRS still defend him LMAO
>his character and motives
Completely immaterial to the case
Is the judge openly ignoring intimidation displays or what?
This is what you're up against nazis
When will we know how it ends?
All I have are Enoch's and Striker's tweets.
Bump for justice
Sup Forums loves you, Elle. /ourgirl/ forever.
>Completely immaterial
So you are retarded. I should have known by your flag.
It doesn't work like that here, I'm sure it doesn't work like that in the US, the only reason they denied him bail is because the appeal process takes longer than he'll be in jail.
Kikes do this shit because they get away with it, but it's not legal.
The biggest threat to justice is that the judge is a woman. There are rumours that most of the jurors are black too.
Nothing will happen. They are in commie central. It’s in all likelihood a kangaroo court
wtf how stupid are these commies
There aren't jurors at preliminary hearings. I can't find who the judge is though, aren't you thinking about the woman that denied him bail?
Black pill is true pill
Thanks for this info man. I’ve been trying to follow it.
I hope I’m wrong. I just want a fair judge.
You dirty fucking liar, he’s a libertarian who took his ideas to their logical conclusion.
>A fucking leaf
You're defending someone who is so obviously controlled opposition and you don't live in this country. You're a shill.
can cantwell get out of jail today
i miss the radical agenda so much
>Yes let's air unrelated dirty laundry in an attempt to have the courts come down on him harder
You have to remember this is the guy who got reasonable bail until they shopped around for a "wow just wow" tier judge who gave him no bail
At least he stood for something, you cuck would throw everyone edgier than you under the bus for “larping”. We “argument” is over.
hopefully, the first show once hes out will be absolute fire
that judge lays one finger on her, just one, I swears on me life, be trouble and strife..
>obvious means i dont have to validate my argument
Oh fuck off, what have you done coward? Eat tendies and call everyone else controlled opposition? I care about the only free country staying that way. Without MAGA, canada will never improve
Jew. Fuck off with your shilling. Nobody likes these people.
So is Cantwell gonna walk or what?
>responding to bait
I’m only fucking talking about cantwell you nigger tier imbecile. He’s been very open about his life and none of it screams cia nigger. Unlike your boomer tier, everyone more hardcore than John McCain is an evil nazi, cia goon.
Why are you so angry about a no name faggot? Because you're a shill.
Stop replying retard, how do you even manage to fall for obvious bait?
Lol, being a libertarian who knows no western country will have liberty without whites makes me a shill now. I guess i was a Ron Paul SHILL too?
i think its this guy hes a literal schizo make sure u dont engage with him or he will post 9000 times
Goddamn it I just want an update. I don't see shit on twatter or Gab.
latest i can see
Apparently the court the is trying to get out of the fact they have no case anymore and are going to drag out the hearing for as long as they can in hopes of Chris "I can't keep my fucking mouth shut" Cantwell says something that incriminates him
A sliver of hope remaining.
>Cunty appeared as an actor on Colbert years prior playing an insane libertarian
fuck you lazy nigger
Post a specific video I'm not watching all those videos
>Goad admitted on the stand that his complaint was false and then tried to say that he was sprayed by Cantwell anyway even though he lied about it earlier
well, that sounds fuckign retarded
>it's all relevant to his character and motives.
are you fucking retarded(yes you are)
the charges must be proved, every element. the only question is if he did what he was accused of, not any extraneous statements
do you even understand the concept of a fair trial? clearly not
whats this mean
It has zero relevance to the incident he's being charged for. KYS you antifaggot scum.
How long will this drag out until? He's gonna walk right?
Probably till tomorrow, if it's true that antifa is there, then it would be silly to rule today. Besides there seems to be a lot of hours of video footage.
The prosecution is probably trying to pile on non sequiturs about his character in an attempt to get this to go to trial despite their two "witnesses" recant their previous statements and perjuring themselves.
i think cantwells lawyer motioned for charges to be dropped after the commie "witnesses" and denied and they are now moved to cantwells witnesses