>get out my of country, beaner
No, YOU get out of MY country, gringo
>get out my of country, beaner
No, YOU get out of MY country, gringo
Other urls found in this thread:
If you can't properly defend that land, it ain't your's, bean boy.
t. Jew
u lost the war, its over spic, ICE is coming for you
It is our rightful Mexican clay fuck off an*Mefag bois
Mean while in Cartel Land—Sorry, I mean Mexico...
Isn't there a lawn you should be cutting?
Fuck off spic.
Saged for Kikeoldry.
>If you can't properly defend that land, it ain't your's
get out of any of the yellow states and you have a deal.
Actually it's rightful spanish clay
And that’s why Constantinople belongs to t*Rks right?
Pic related, I make six figures and am more successful than all of you. Could easily BTFO you but I'll have some mercy. This is your future America
Just because your piss ancestors lost or sold out your shit hole country doesn't mean anyone stole shit.
WAR is fucking war and money speaks louder than pussy rape baby feelings, Hector.
Seriously, you entitled beaners are the worst. You are owed nothing. Stop ruining things.
Also, you're NOT WHITE.
What’s up buddy? Did a few chinks happen to kick your ass. I thought it was your land?
We bought all that land from Mexico in 1848. No refunds.
Fuck you wab. We've had that land longer than Mexico ever did.
In order to claim lands you have to take and hold them, pussy.
Your Spanish ancestors should have fought harder.
But that's the Spanish for you, jobbing hard to the might of the Anglo empires.
Even the French did a better job of forming a worthwhile colony than you lot.
Christ almighty, how embarrassing.
How'd you make six figures landscaping?
I think you forgot the part where Mexico is a country made from stolen land.
Typical spic machismo arrogance. Six figures ain't shit you slug necked fuck, especially when you don't pay taxes and sell drugs.
then stop bitching about mexicans taking over the usa if all youre going to do is vote for trump and call it a day. u havent done shit to protect your land faggot
by your logic Mexico should be balkanized and become a hundred states governed by the indianest spics. Which means the US would get to keep all that desert, as they were empty back then.
Don't make us come down there and kick your sorry, worthless asses again.....
considering mexico is a poor country 90 iq isnt that bad, one generation later they will have a 100 iq after good nutrition
Yes, was that in question?
Pssst! You don't count the numbers to the right of the decimal when you boast like this...
t. 56% an*Mefags
Pic related, more aryan than you Tyrone
>Mexicans think they are Mexican.
>Can't even grasp that their ancestors died to the Spanish and their women were raped by the Spanishchadistans
>Think with their cucked ancestory they will claim anything.
You can't even defend your own country from itself and u want more land? Mexicans pride is the most hilarious thing in this world.
>Southwestern US is retaken by Mexico
>within 5 years is a shithole just like the rest of their country
>spics now have to jump the border to Canada for welfare
>freeze to death in hellish leaf winters
Sounds like a great plan Paco
How much do you usually charge for lawn care? I hope you're cheaper than the beaner down the street
That's what happens when you fight a war against people that wake up before noon
t. an*Mefag
You are probably a kike, the average Mexican is probably whiter than you Shlomo
You have to go back, I'm sorry. Even the Mexicanons will agree.
They hate you. We both hate you. The Mexicanons hate you and call you wetbacks and so do we. You have no where to go, filthy spic.
>Don't make us come down there and kick your sorry, worthless asses again.....
It's the only way they learn. Mexican pride is literally the equivalent of a fucking chihuahua.
The most "Mexicans" I respect I can only feel sorrow for because they actually work and their return is them losing their family to some fucking mexican gang. So much investment with literally no return.
How about we push you back to Mexico city?
Are you going to refund the Gadsen purchase?
Fuck off, spic. We're taking over the entire hemisphere.
No u
1965 was a mistake.
there wasnt anything when mexitard were there
Your sister does housekeeping right? I'll pay her in drugs
>Mexico killing Commiefornia.
You do that.
The claim that the US stole your land is based on a lie. For those who are unaware, the territory that comprises La Raza's so-called "Aztlan" was ceded to the United States in 1848 through the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that ended the Mexican-U.S. War. The ceded territory included what is now Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California, and parts of Colorado, Nevada and Utah, which the United States received in exchange for $15 million plus the U.S. assumption of millions of dollars of Mexico's debt. The fact that Mexico has seller's remorse does not negate the terms of the treaty. Too bad Mexico.
>Country is 52% white rapidly declining
>were taking over the entire hemisphere
The US acquired the Louisiana Territory from France and brought its western frontier to the Spanish Viceroyalty of New Spain, where the independent nation of Mexico would be created in 1821.
t. an*Mefag
The ChicANO man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.
Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his white skin. This white
skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the harsh climates of Yucatan, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The glowing white skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal aryan subconscious past.
The ChicANO man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man(an*Mefag dogs)
The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The ChicANO penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the ChicANO man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent IBERIAN seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the ChicANO man impregnates.
In total, the ChicANO man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.
All this is the reason why the ChicANO man is the epitome of masculinity.
Lol lets them be there .... Can't defend ... Same thing I guess
Eat shit spic, I remember the Alamo
The funny part to me is that it's irrelevant where the border is - whatever land the Mexicans take back will soon be flooded with drugs, crime and garbage. All taking that land back does is leaves you Mexicans will a smaller area to illegally enter. Nothing will change.
This, the Alamo was a racewar.
Why don't you all get out of my country
Are you retarded?
"Most common legal immigrants"
Even if they only let in a single immigrant in each state that state would be labeled with a nationality in that graphic.
Forgot pic
Came here to say this, and that OP is a massive cuntshunning babydick.
We have a goddamned receipt for that land, signed by mexico.
We bought and paid for that land with blood and gold. If you can afford it, you're welcome to try to take it back. Protip: you can't.
Is this a fucking joke? Most Mexicans are like 5'6" to 5'4". I could punt you like a football.
Return your land to Spain first pablo
Beaners don't have bad nutrition m8, they're even fatter in average than people in Burgerland.
Who fucking bumped this shit?
There was mexicans fighting on the side of the Tejanos. Alamo was really a part of the Mexican civil war.
>Claims robbed spanish clay as own
It was mostly white Americans that defended the Alamo, can you show one Mexican that was fighting for the Alamo?
Also what I should have said was it was a battle in the racewar that whites won.
Also it was apart of the Mexican civil war, but in what became Texas there was a lot of tension between the Mexicans and the white texans that lived there.
EuroAmeri-mutt reporting in. NAs didn't even invent the wheel, got mostly sick but also rekt, shit happens. I'm sure you're more NA than I am, why are you not taking the free gibs from the gubment? You can get a check without even living on a reservation, quit your bitching.
It's because we allow nearly no immigrants and the ones we do have happen to be one small family of African immigrants, who probably don't even live here anymore.
Mexico has no land then.
That land didn't have many Mexicans in it at the time anyway. It was just a few small cities and towns with a small population of Mexicans surrounded by Indians that the Mexicans didn't even concider to be Mexican.
this, its funny because the basic stereotype like the shit colored in the left dont have money or the interest on buying a computer, and even worse , "shitpost in /pol."
pic related.
time to go back, gringos
The majority of Mexico is Mestizo right?
Fak off mexica.
If you cant keep it, its not yours.
Righteous conquest, pendejo....
Righteous conquest.
wel... except for CISPLATINA
>Uruguay rightfull Brasilian clay. ACCEPT BANANA SOVEREINGTY
Yeah, but they LARP as natives....
For some reason
we'll likely split the country up in about 20 years. Heritage whites in one land, non-white and non-heritage whites in the other. so you'll get your wish.
then our standard of living will soar to untold heights while yours languishes down the level of barbarians. And you'll get mad and try to invade through immigration and we'll say 'lol nope'. then things will get violent. and then we'll have a war and we'll kill you by the millions and take it back.
the empire long divided must unite; long united, must divide.
>tldr: my grandsons are going to kill your grandsons and rape the everliving shit out of your granddaughters. so grats, your genetic line will be substantially improved in 50 years!
Yeah i see that too, but only when it is beneficial to them. Like the guy I responded to.
But is our duty, as Christians, to retake it.
Not ours yet, but soon a cross will be above Hagia Sophia again.
Mostly they are but you dont see them in good neighborhoods if you get to see one is because he foght his way there, down here everyone is pretty racist the Mestizos hate the whites because we work for our money while they see the easy way out and steal, rob, terrorize, not saying all of them but most of them do and that good enough for me to not trust any.
Yeah I get that, I've listened to a few podcasts on the Mexican people, but I think they have old computers at-least, even many African countries do.
Fuck I can't stand a bunch of smelly fucking beaners. Bringing your hoards you call families.
45.1 % of Mexicans use the internet.
I would say 5'7 but every day I get in the subway I find adults below 4'11 the shortest person I have ever seen was a native looking woman who was like 4'4 or 4'3
It was not a catholic church you faggot
> before war
and that is why you lost, weaklings. Retake the lands the cartels control before demanding more.
mostly on shitty phones like lg, motorola, nextel that cost less than 300 dollars, they don't have computers.
we have 55.3 million people in extreme poverty, thats 45% of pop, and in this numbers they don't include the normal poor guy that work in construction sites that % goes up almost to 80% of poverty in this country so yeah the fact that 45% use the internet does not mean they know how to use it.
There is a Spanish chan that is super popular though.
We fought each other for it and you all lost... and thats that. Since the beginning nations have fought wars over land and territory. The victories become the rightful owners, not the losers... like Mexico lost. Get over it. America is not your land.
DEUS VULT is arguably one of the primary reasons Constantinople fell in the first place.
It's our by CONQUEST, and has been for a hundred years; just like the rest of our land.
did I said CATHOLIC?
you moron
Fuck Spanish whites too. Both of you European goth albino fools get outvof Ameru
We are trying...
But addicts up there must stop demanding more drugs too.
Cartels control by the cia, fool.