Well? Hmm?
Well? Hmm?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why is Newsweek obsessed with defending pedophilia? Well? Hmm?
because the alt-right despises it and wants to root it out in all its forms.
Heh, what's the matter, goy? Are you against pedos, you bigot?
Because it’s evil? What a stupid question, wtf
cause we are making 4chin great again
"Why are these bad guys over here obsessed with protecting the innocent and vulnerable from horrifying abuse?"
Newsweek deserves a total shit storm for that... perverts
Because the fucking left is BUILT on it
Why is the Left obsessed with white people?
>public relations know we will fight any attempt at normalising pedos
>our power is spreading
>Why is the Alt-right obsess with uncovering pedophilia?
Why do you care?
Newsweek sure seems to like defending pedos
anyone against pedophilia is alt-right now hmmmm.
>heeh hee, I made this article title imply the alt-right are the pedos! I'm so clever!
Because if you cut out pedophilia you stop most of the degenerates from becoming degenerates. Just about ever single gay, lesbian, or whore ends up with a story of how uncle joe touched them at a family party.
Then those degenerates go on to touch some other kid and the cycle continues.
>Stop trying to prevent our serial abuse of children you fucking Nazis!
The absolute fucking state of the liberal media establishment
>alt right is obsessed with pedophilia
>left actually comments pedophilia
This is a tough one to spot goys but I'll bet money this is an Iranian Jew. First name Alexander gives it away pretty big league.
Is Alt-Right supposed to be referring to people like us?
> if you dont like pedophiles abducting children, who are innocent, you are yourself, a pedophile
why are liberal so pedophilic?
because we want them all dead.
Because we've learned how widespread this disgusting evil really is.
Trying to associate anti-pedophilia with the alt-right boogyman shows that they're scared.
Alt-right is a convenient boogeyman for the left to get upset at. At this point, alt-right could include anyone that's not a child-abusing nutjob defending pedophilia.
That’s a total insult don't ever label me alt-right
Why are famous leftists obsessed with fucking children?
Beh meh meh meh and beh. How about theh media stands up and feght theh pedophilia industry evehr thenk abehout dat.
>why is the alt-right obsessed with exposing all things evil and fighting it
i don't know but it really makes you think
Because we don't want some pervert leftist touching our children.
It's a LARP name.
Because little girls are pretty cute. I need me some of that taboo cunny.
Because if you believe ethnicities do not matter, are a social construct, you are also verry likeley to believe age of concent is irrelevant.
We just want to show the left for what they really are - Criminals and mentally deranged.
>whoa, user, why are you obsessing about pedophiles?
>i heard the alt-right doesn't like pedophilia
>are you a member of the alt-right?
>what's your problem with two consenting people sharing love?
>love is love
>are you a nazi, user?
Top kek I realized that after posting. It's an Armenian name actually and 99% of Armenians are Christians but somehow there is this Nazarian/Nazaryan family that went deep into the muslim lands and race-mixed with Iranians and then somehow came out as Jews. Most bizarre story of a family in history.
Well... because some (((people))) are obsesed with childrens.
Because its sexy?
How is Newsweek 'defending' pedophilia? Fucking retard
Because it's implicitly Jewish.
alt-right is basically anyone who isn't drinking the kool-aid served by the media and institutions
It's odd actually, Sup Forums is quite intrigued with pedophilia, but for different reasons. Half of Sup Forums thinks all pedos should get the rope and the other half are closet pedos themselves
This nigga speaks the truth. Check out the numbers pic related's study, you can bet the numbers are even higher than that due to shame.
really boiling my noodles over here
>I'm Jewish, so this is simply my default outlook on life.
I'm not obsessed, I'm just sad that kids are getting diddled and no one seems to care. You can't look at pic related and think that everything is normal.
alt-right is basically a catch-all term for anybody on the right who isn't a civnat cuckservative faggot
Fucking lol look there you go. No LARP I had never heard of Alexander Nazaryan before this thread and had no idea if he was Jewish but just from the headline and the byline I was able to tell that this was Jewish propaganda from Jewish news.
(((echo))) is honestly one of the most important memes of all time. Teaching people how to recognize Jewish names at a glance, even very obscure and hard to recognize as Jewish names like (((Alexander Nazaryan))) is very important.
People who are against killing pedos are immoral.
>inb4 ancap posters
>pepperoni pizza
what did they mean by this?
>why is the alt-right protecting our children
Maybe because we've seen now that time and again people on the left seem to be pedophiles who deflect guilt by claiming a disadvantageous position such as being gay or trans to out victim olympics their accusers.
>why literal nazi so obsessed with finding pedophiles amongst people with power?!!!! Oy vey!
I dunno. Must be having something to do with pedophilia normalization that being pushed the same way as gay and trannies before.
Because we want to protect innocent children
There is an opportunity here.
They are asking "why are the obsessed with pedophillia" ..... drop subtle redpills to the JQ.
Personal experience most of 4chin used to run a cp
Why does the left like to tart up boys in whore regalia and call it progressive and healthy?
Because the Left is trying to normalize it blatantly and it's the most disgusting Hellish thing to fathom?
Because we've been telling the left that their degeneracy is in fact a slippery slope for decades now and joking that eventually you'll even be defending the animal and kiddie diddlers and now here we are.
Because pedophilia is the biggest taboo out there and the alt right exploits it by adding pedophiles into their made up conspiracy theories to bring in more attention
>Claims to be Jewish
>Armo last name
Faker, he's just appropriating Jewish identity to make his huge nose and hand-rubbing scheming seem more classy
>why do we hate bad things
guess i'll let them fuck kids
>le cia conspiracy theory meme buzzword
Armenians are worse than Jews. Can you think of anyone who has a worse influence on modern culture than Kim Kardashian? She encourages our young women to be sluts and coalburners.
let's get it clear, civnats and cuckservatives are different.
civnats are still part of the alt-right in the Jewish press. having anti-ZOG economic beliefs is fundamentally no different from anudda shoah, goy.
cuckservatives are the good goy neocons like karl rove and john mccain. fundamentally no different from hillary clinton.
Yeah, why are we so obsessed with drawing a line in the sand at "thou shalt not fuck children?" You're right, leftists. You should make pedophilia your next issue. Because that will seem totally reasonable to most people.
>Hey these pizza places have logos that look like the sign for pedophilia
>Oy vey shut it down you retarded right wing terrorists
It's the last type of crazy perversion that normies are still disgusted by. If we can prove that the other side is rife with pedos as they are, their narrative falls apart, we win.
Is this some sort of ironic Space Jew surname?
Because of a strong sense of justice
Obsessed as in passionately against it or what?
because the pedorasts need to hang. Everyone detests these people and you have Niggerweek and Salon covering for the fuckers. They all need to hang.
>Here's what you need to think about pedophilia...
Why is MSM so obsessed with the "alt-right"? Every new meme turns up in some kike's article in Vice or whatever within days, sometimes hours. Also this is bullshit, the "alt-right" isn't obsessed with paedophilia, everybody is. Try taking some photos next time you're at the pool.
Because the power structures are engrained with it. Just look at Hollywood, look at Saville and BBC. Look at your politicians being real comfy around Epstein.
I swear to god normies are fucking insane, they let anything pass.
Im not buying a Ticket to the movies ever again and im not even going to pirate Hollywood garbage. Fuck that!
Could be that they don't want their kids abused?
Why are mainstream media outlets obsessed with mass shootings?
They must love killing innocent people.
Immigration pedofila and taking bribes.
Its almost like they are the "please actually enforce laws" movement.
99% of armenian women are the exact opposite of kim kardashian though. they're extreme prudes, refuse to racemix, and are tradwives that accept domestic violence.
kim's armenian dad died and kim kardashian is basically a muttslut like her mom. she is:
and now her kids can add nigger to that list too. the product of a long line of women indiscriminately riding any cock they came across.
This is my surprised face.
last 2 digits of my post are the amount of seconds the author takes to die
Fucking child raping leftie fucks. The truth is going to come out. Child sex trafficking and organ farming. Its to late to try and normalize pedophiles. The fucking jig is up.
I think it's disgusting how her mum has started burning coal as well. I hope it's true what you say about Armenian women, there may still be some hope.
This Almost all of the pedophiles were touched when they were childrens or influenced by other pedophiles
>Why are people causing an uproar regarding recent events surrounding Democratic and Hollywood peoples that have been committing sexual acts on minors for many decades
Hmmm why are liberals so fucking retarded.
Because it's fucking degerenate and we'll weed it out at all costs; not hide behind Political Correctness. Your side likes to project it's own vile activities onto us. So when it's all said and done, the public will let them hang.
Because Alt-right wants to protect the weak...unlike the Left which simply victimizes entire nations under the guise of Social Justice
Haven't all of the people caught in the whole harrassment/rape scandal been Democrats?
>Well? Hmm?
We connected the dots from Dennis Hastert case to Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Island.
its big broblem, in even bigger scale that nobody have even imagined and it must be rooted out. these medias just have their asses on the line . fucking creeps