Food shortages

Post your face when the global carrying capacity for the earth reaches it's breaking point by 2050 and mass starvation and crime cause society to come to a screeching halt.

Other urls found in this thread:


>falling for the overpopulation meme


I fucking love these I want to make oc

(((United Nations)))

The earth does have a carrying capacity regardless. Without new tech the culling will come brothers. Rejoice and prepare


Is this ok or just rare. Never seen before


All Malthusian limits are highly eugenic. Industrious and intelligent Europeans would demographically benefit from global famine.

Can all shitskins please just stop reproducing? Stop creating more people when you can't even take care of yourself. No one's even asking you to stop having sex, just fucking pull out at the end. That's all. Is a tiny bit of self control too much to ask for in return for access to the white man's civilization? We practice much more than that by suppressing our desire to genocide all of you for your gross addition to rape and murder statistics. Can't we just come to an agreement for once and live in harmony?

Great news honestly

I saved it from yesterdays thread.

The biggest contradiction I hear on here is that globalists want to kill the family to control birth rates but are also pushing for interracial relationships. Is this a two birds on stone scenario or simply a meme.

Lmao muh ancestors evolved. Saved

Over population won’t be a problem in the next several years when planet Nibiru comes close to earth

Sauce? Interested in an interdimensional alien waifu


Just wait for peak phospherus to hit. And remember to have your own garden.

The funny thing is my shitty service caused this to load incrementally. Got any orc looking ones?

I do.


You bring up a good point in the post/pics what about our fucking killer bee problem

Ah man you made my fucking day. Thanks

I don't expect to see 2050.


Peak phosphorus is a meme, we can’t get rid of enough of it in waste water treatment

Because old, inform, or plans to an hero?

I may or may not have been posting the wrong image.
But my first pic would help against killer bees since it is a habitat for solitary masin bees that aren't africanized and still pollinate.

This is what the average human will look like in 2050 and it's beautiful

Looks comfy. Are you environmentally minded or just planning ahead

old, and blackpilled

Each day has the potential to be better than the last. Hang in there user.


Hopefully this will mean the global genocide of niggers and taking their land to feed Whites and Asians.

Both actually.
I really care about the enviornment, as everyone should, but that alone is not enough. The more I produce myself or buy near to me the more indipendent I become. It even saves money.

It will probably be more of a resource based purge but still

We can't sustain infinite nigger population.

That means niggers can starve now, or they can starve even more later.

>Just wait for peak phospherus to hit
One asteroid can have more phospherus than whole Earth.

Also a big fuck you to corporations, pretty smart German bro

You're not wrong. Expect an uptick in global gibs by 2030 and on

DARPA and others are trying to ruin this scenario with laser tech.

about half of the farmhands in America are illegal immigrants. these could be good jobs for American citizens, but to compete with bioengineering firms like Monsanto farm owner-operators cut costs by hiring people that are willing to be paid in cash.

that being said, the average tax-paying illegal immigrant pays about 2% more than the average american citizen. so there are actually some pretty responsible immigrants doing us a great service by keeping real food cheap enough for low-wage workers around the country. but this is a very small fraction of the overall population in question.

>Global carrying capacity

Never happen

>Food shortages

It surprises me how stupid folks want to be sometimes. The future is automotous hydroponics. Can grow a field of food in fractions of time, space, water, and nutrients.

Home system

the way they inflate these numbers is by counting all the leftover food from restaurants that the government PREVENTS FROM BEING SERVED.

McDonalds used to take their leftovers at night to the local church charities, cant do that now, you are REQUIRED BY LAW to throw it away after a set time has passed.

this is the vast majority of where those stats come from.

As countries develop their birthrate tends to decline because children become liabilities more than assets. They are no longer born to be free labor, but now cost money to raise.

Asians populations are as unsustainable as nigger populations, their high population densities are propped up by food imported from white farms. Asians are a much bigger threat to Europeans than niggers, so much of the benefits to us from a global famine will come from massive gook starvation.

>le 2%
I'm fucking dying Ahahaha

That takes a lot of energy and infrastructure.

They push the brown centric population to reproduce, for example every regional movie here is about a guy and a girl falling in love and forming a family.

The pattern kind of changes when it comes to Hollywood, you have got movies which lack the concept of family, even if you have those concept they are portrayed in the darker side, for example Raging Bull, De Niro wife hitting, screaming, Casino where the wymn is a bitch, a bit of MGTOW seasoning.

Jews have really done a lot of calculation when it comes to how a particular demography thinks, the not so intelligent one will look for drama and will adhere to regional movies, which includes shit like nuclear family concept, the higher IQ's will get bored from the usual story line and will resort to Hollywood tier shit, which have nothing but nihilism in them, Compare the present Hollywood scene with the John Wayne and other old classics.


>Carrying capacity
>Food shortages

This fucking meme has been going on for the past 300+ years. Please, stop. It's almost as bad as the "WE'RE ALL GUNNA EAT CRICKET BURGERS" or "SENTIENT AI IS GUNNA TAKE OVER" memes. You're not stupid for believing them, but you're fucking wrong.

A lot of brown people are going to die

Soylent Green when?

So many chicken littles.

And they told us that eugenics and population control were bad things.

The Jews doomed humanity. Remember that when you're fighting off hordes of dindu raiders from the local warlord's garrison.


Honestly, I think we have a greater chance of being struck by a meteor than some dumb fuck destroying the world with Sentient AI.

"The big greasy"


Compared to commercial farms now, its pretty impractical except for specialty crops. Although its handy for tomato and peppers.

>Implying we won't get ganked by topsoil erosion in the 2030s before anything else

>Moore's Law is pretty much dead
>What's physically possible to shrink a transistor to has almost been reached
>Quantum computers are theoretically good for certain algorithms like finding shit from a list, but are highly exaggerated
>Neural networks of computers are too slow to be comparable to human brains
>There's almost no market demand for sentient AI


I get ya. That'll probably change in the future though if there's enough demand for it.


you dont get it OP. they wont tell people whats happening. crime has been rising but police precincts across the country are just throwing out case files and they arent counted . colleges refuse to let law enforcement handle things like rape allegations and conduct internal reviews which almost 100% of the time they reject the accusation so the college doesnt look bad

government watch dog groups noticed this shit going on under the obama administration and it hasnt stopped. the government didnt even pursue charges against many in some states for cannibalism despite the processed remains being found again under the obama administration. that made it to the msm news cycle for 1 day and 1 day only