
Would you die for your country?

Yes/No and why.

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I would die for the ideas it was found on but I just don't know if it's worth fighting for this kike occupied browned shithole now


Definitely not

If I have to sacrifice myself and die early for something it won't be a goddamn flag

My uncle was at Iwo...

They were fighting to make the world safe for communism against the anti-Communist international pact members.

Last war Americans fought for America was the War of 1812. We lost to the bankers and the 2nd Bank of the United States (Rothschild) was created.

We've been the military arm of the bankers ever since.

And like the Jews who served them, we're on the bankers list for genocide.

Depends on the circumstances..

only in a civil war

Not a chance. My country is actively working against my interests on all fronts, it is no longer an entity worth protecting unless maybe if you are a muzzie on gibs - which is why the government is aggressively recruiting this dependant population into civil service jobs with race based hiring priorities.

On what?

I can understand dying for an idea if you truly believe in it. But I also understand countries are like people, overtime they change.

Why, not just Yes.

Ok scenarios you would then?

Why? So you wouldn't give your life over foreign invasion?

>my country more or less tells me to fuck off and die while at the same time catering to the entire third fucking world (at my expense of course) every day
Would i die for said country?
Let me give you the answer in the form of an image macro.

I’d die for my people, not my government. I don’t care about what happens to a member of the horse-naming committee, but I care a lot about what happens to the person who can’t name their horse what they want to name it.

I dont know exactly why , its a great country , could be better could be worse, I was born here and love Belgium. Most of the time it took care of me, i have some difficulties atm, but if shit hit the fan i'm not leaving I'm fighting for my homeland

Depends whether we fighting for the righteous government (the crown) or for the usurper jewish fake banana-republic.

In other words, a revolution or a civil: yes, of course and till my last breath.. A war waged by the jewgros against a foreign power: no


We should fight for our nation, our ideals, our ethnicity.
Not for the foking joos

Not for the current USA. Why die for Wall Street bankers, FED gangsters, Zionist war mongers and Israeli butt kissers?

Is belgium even a country ? how can i die for a country inspired by the devils name .

Rather die fighting against this country

>t. palestine olive nigger who isn't even recognized as full citizen in jordan


Hell no. The country I'd die for is a fucking naive dream world. Nothing will ever become a true utopia worth protecting.

We beat USA in the 2014 fifa world cup, so we'r real. French fries arn't actually from france but from belgium, We still have a king in case our democracy fail. Belgium may not be the best country but the situation is alrigt, lately our police forces stopped a terrorist attempt, they just shot the guy like ' Naaah not today sandboy ! " . still i respect your choice

>Would you die for your country?
fuck you nigger I will die for freedom, for ideas, for my people not my ((((country))). Countries are an illusion for the plebs, they are all run by (((them))) whom are international

Our royal bloodline sure is from around here,
fucking football? rly? you are that easily convincved?

The police stopping terrorist is supposed to make us proud, when they should not even be here in the first place

Also Belgium, Bel, Baal .

I like my people but thats pretty much it

Who do you consider your people? What if they have different ideas to you?

Yes, I would fight for Turkey.

I consider my people, to be those who consider themselves to be my people. Those with whom will fight and die for what I am willing to fight and die for.

You should to this YT channel it is run by Black Sun and the information there everyone needs to know

sorry I meant sub to

Absolutely no

>Why? So you wouldn't give your life over foreign invasion?
oh i absolutely would. i just don't think the US faces the threat of a foreign invasion. we are more likely to collapse from within.

"No one has ever won a war by dying for their country. They won the war by making the other guy die for his country"
Patton (movie no reality)

I'd be okay with wiping out the entire planet besides america and no tears shed.

Howse that

Canada? Fuck no. US maybe. I'm dual citizen.

If the old America still existed, yes.

Why does the whole of America get special treatment?

Thanks always interested in Watchers youtube channels.

We don't even have a country anymore to die for.

>If the old America still existed, yes.
So you wouldn't in current times?

Yes, Because after years i realized that thanks to the country you're living in you have and are what you've become today. This perspective belongs to me and my surroundings I live in. I would defend and die for my country, family and christian belief. I see my country as a person im in love with.

>Because after years i realised that thanks to the country you're living in you have and are what you've become today

So if you have a shit life then you wouldn't?

i dont even like football but its a simple proof we can acomplish things. Sure terrorist shoudn't be there but law-enforcement (the part i know anyway) do their best to defend order and keep the peace, I dont really believe in cults concept like god or the devil, so belgium could be renamed SATANLAND tomorow i woudn't give a fuck. My friends are great, my neighbors are great, i dont involve in identity politics so no group is really 'my people' after my family belgian citisen are my priority. but i think i can understand the feeling.
But i anyone want to say it i wont deny : Brussel is kinda sh*tty ,

yes but only if it was actually to defend the UK and not so Israel can get better oil deals by having me get my legs blown off in Iran

>Die for internationalist corporate/financiers/Israeli interests
Absolutely not.

np real eye opener, you won't believe the shit this faggots are doing and hiding

No. America is Babylon. Our government lies as a pretext for war- almost constantly meddling and interfering in the politics of other countries; fomenting revolutions, manipulating elections, overthrowing legitimate heads of state and installing (sometimes brutal dictators) others who are "friendly" to the US's agendas.
We covet resources that do not belong to us and exploit others (US troops are guarding heroin crops in Afghanistan as I type this. The Taliban, hideous as it is, had at least just about put them out of business. Can you say "opioid epidemic"? We did the same in SE Asia. We did the same with cocaine in Columbia. We trade guns and people to manipulate uprisings and insurrections- like ISIS, Iran-Contra).
We bomb people who don't even know who we are, let alone target us for anything and utterly destroy their infrastructure. We use weapons containing chemicals and depleted uranium, leaving them with birth defects and cancers that may continue on indefinitely.

We covet, lie, steal, kill, and destroy. Our government starves it's citizens of infrastructure and a functioning economy to do these things.
They serve the desires/ demands of other countries NOT the citizens of the US. They bribe the noisy minorities and special interests with privileges and welfare while the rest of us go straight to hell.
THEY know the government is corrupt and immoral to the core *and they cover for each other*.

Not, no but HELL NO. That's not being a "patriot". That's being a sucker, an enabler, and complicit in the filthy things they do.

Brussels is unironically going to be majority muslim in a few years.

It's my duty to make some dumb son of a bitch die for his country.

I would kill for it. I would defend it.
Nobody goes to war to die.

I will never raise a rifle against another white man. Unless he is on the side of non-whites or is actively invading my country

my people i just mean every well integrated human being that has respect for others.

But have fun keeping your eyes closed. You don't believe because you have been raised in a place which is empty of The Spirit.

But you might find it one day, are you might keep hiding from the Truth.
I know most people think my judgement is crazy but i seriousely do not care anymore.

Since the time is now

will watch after my night shift !

Seems like we can all agree that we cant possibly fight for our nations, in their current status (jewish puppets).

It'll be an interesting WW

That's not us senpai, it's the fuckin Jews.

>die for non-whites, white liberals and communists who hate you and want to destroy everything your forefathers built

Only if it was legit for my country i.e. Removal of Zionists and other Jew subversives, corrupt officials and institutions and so on.

Only after I have kid(s)

That means you are a coward who needs excuses for not fighting now, like: "If I were born a few centuries ago...".

I would still love it for only if I have my people/friends/family near me.

Things are just what you get afterwards when you achieve togheter. in other words, if you want to earn materials in a good way then it is impossible to get before you love you country, and therefore i still love my country even if i have a shit life. because thanks to that your country can evolve to a superior way of living. but you need to start somewhere even if it is being poor.

Brussel is not shit. most of the people from other countries that live in it are shit.

You're correct in that it's not MANY of us. Unfortunately, it is our government. And yes, they are owned and only represent Israel, the Saudis, Turkey…every country EXCEPT Americans.

I would, passionately and with Celtic glee, give my life defending my neighbors. I would hand over my government and the ones that are trying to undermine it even further without blinking.


It's heartbreaking, really. How in the hell did we get here and why is it so widespread? (I guess that's a rhetorical question)

I would lay on my sword.

No. 30% spic, 20 nigger+other. I'd kill them for my country, die, no, I got kids to feed.

very much it would depend on the situation, but by default i should say yes i guess, for my people.

For my race ? Sure. For the UK.plc trading company, no i'm good.

No way

lol no

Don't we wish that this thread would go on as long as the Calm Before Storm thread has (100+) and that someone would read every page at the UN?
I do. Sadly, the sorry SOBs don't even have the conscience required to feel ashamed. Or most of them don't.

Are you implying I'm baiting?


Yeah, :(
My life is also kinda hopeless, you'v a good attitude , i hope things get better for youthat's why i said kinda shitty, i pass by bruxelle-midi (zuid) everyday and its full of people speaking turkish or arab and some place smell like piss :/ , maybe other part of it are great because the one i was in sure sucked. nothing is set in stone, if people have the will it can still improve

"I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor, dumb bastard die for his country."


Currently? No

I just want to fight in the war for South Africa. That's the only just war I see coming.

Die for the interests of America's ruling elite? Hell no. Absolutely not.

Anyone who thinks people in most militaries fight to defend their friends, families and fellow citizens is delusional. Soldiers serve as nothing more than disposable cannon fodder for the government and its officials and they can call on you to die meaninglessly for them at their whim and pleasure, Light Brigade style, and you can't question them. If you get your legs blasted off or you somehow survive unscathed, you get maybe a small piece of metal for your troubles and that's it. The government all but abandons you to wallow in PTSD, depression and lack of education until you commit suicide, because veterans are a burden on society whom the government intended to die in whatever conflicts they sent them to - conflicts the government themselves start and propagate.

Patriotism that compels people to die unconditionally in military service under the guise of "Serving your Country" is the most disgusting attitude I have ever seen in a citizen of a nation. It's the height of blind obedience and ignorance and undermines you as a human being. I'll fight in a conflict to defend my friends and family, but it will be done on my own, by myself and on my own terms, defending my own directly. I do not follow the mindless orders of meathead puppets and their sociopath puppeteers.

This user is right, however if we have a civil war youd be stupid to think other nations wouldnt get involved. The Californian shitheads are already in talks with the chinese. We will wipe them out once and forall.

I would fight Japan in WW2 because they were an actual threat to our nation and people.

But I would never fight in Europe. We should have abandoned Europe in WW2 and let them all die tbqh famdablam.

The Europeans were the blight that sold themselves to our eternal death, the 100 year plan as it is. Winston Churchill is the biggest traitor to ever walk this earth in the past 100 years. He sold his people to damnation.

I wonder if this is why the suicide rate is so high with vets. Because you know they have revelations once they're over there and that's got to be very hard to take.

No but I'd definitely kill for it.

I'd rather not. Death is rather unpleasant. Would I fight for it? Definately.

No. I will have a smile on my face when I see my country being oppressed. All the progressives daughters will be wearing a burka, Welfare state will have failed, the NHS will be dead and education a distant memory. The gays and trannies will be rotting in a ditch and equality will be non-existent. They had the gall to call me a fascist when I spoke about it.,I will laugh when they reap what they sow.

This x 2.

I would not fight for this republic, but for my people, my family, absolutely.

I would die for the fascism in my country
But not for the kikes.

Would HAPPILY give my life for the Greater G00D.

I'm confident I've adequately exposed the corruption I made you aware of AND it was EVEN BIGGER than I suspected. As you know I ALWAYS expected it to land in OBAMA's lap. Rt 1 "Road Wars", Trenton, Jan 6 2016 made that pretty clear. The govt was trying to "Clean Up the Spill" via Black Ops/Kill List.

As I warned you 7 months prior, "ISIS will Respond". A bomb did explode in my town, the day I came home last year by an ISIS terrorist. That's when I became certain there were ramifications well beyond our borders.

If there's anything else you think I should do, now would be a good time to let me know.
>>>I will CONSIDER it

Yes because I love my country and my life here

presently? no.
in order to shape it into what it should be? yes.

Pour le pays réel!

For country? Yes.

For some fatass politician's bloodlust or greed? No

For mongrels to continue to flood the country and bleed it dry? No

Otherwise, I'm going to finally clean the house, find a way to get the trail of blood off the carpet & get the damage to my truck fixed.

Yeah probably. Wouldnt be appreciated though, i anything my grave would be spat upon by the 'people' of these oh so hallowed isles.

For my country and my people? Yes.
For our politicians and EU? Hell no.

No. I don't know what Australia stands for and it seems to be less and less likely that the soil I bleed for will even be owned by Australia. I don't even believe it's possible to die for Australia at this point, unless you're a coast guard. Those guys are crazy, love them.

I should add that I probably would die for any other human regardless of race or age in the hypothetical 'jump in front of the bus' scenario but in terms of fighting in a war I wouldn't.

I'd die for childs smile, flag - no.


I won't and will not lay down my life for the european "utopia" i want if at all die for my country and only when we are in conflict directly with a nation.

This is the only German flag I'd be willing to die for.

I would die for my country, I love it for what it's supposed to stand for even if I don't agree with every government decision or dislike what the media is doing to push a bigger divide in the people. Even if I don't agree with the things that people say here in America on both sides of the aisle, I can still stand by their right to say it even if I vehemently disagree with it. To me that is what freedom is.

We don't have a military junta, dissenters to the state aren't thrown in prison for writing on their blog about government corruption, and people are entitled to their opinions. I do wish America could stand united, and get past all of the problems that make us not see ourselves as one whole nation. Some day we might get back to where we were.

tl;dr: yes.

t. nigger

I would rather live freely as my birthright than to serve a bunch of psychopaths thinking they can rule over me , thanks

also,death to all governments and their supporters