German & Dutch military preparing European coup

>German and Dutch 'neo nazi' soldiers are preparing a coup right now
>They aim to take back Europe and revive the 'Third Reich' and Holy Roman Empire
>They claim to have hundreds of thousands volunteers from east, central and western Europe

Thoughts? They'll probably take Netherlands first (Belgium and/or at least Luxembourg included) I think France is going to try to stop them.

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Good luck

Hopefully it isn't just a staged larp to imprison genuine nationalists.

probably funded by soros

err no. they are most definitely against zionism, I'm sure they're against Trump's government as well.

even though this is probably fake and gay. it would be too early for something like this imo

I wish, but, this is another synthetic boogeyman drummed up by the left just like the "alt right"

It's not, there are videos out there showing military equipment and vehicles and all that kind of shit. They are going to march through major Dutch cities and take the parliament

>Hundreds of thousands.
Top larp

Remember the millions of non-Europeans who defected and sided with Germany in ww2

Hoe kan ik meewerken?

>take the parliament

Oh so it is a LARP

We'll see.

I would join if it was true.

I hope this is true, but it most likely is just AIVD or MIVD bait

>Zweren Geert Wilders te arresteren waneer 'het zo ver is'

klinkt als larp maar klinkt ook als echte nationaalsocialisten.

>have a super secret plan
>open speculation on the internet

Pick one. Sounds like fan fic

I want to believe.

I wish



Kan ik nog winnen?

I would buy a plane ticket right now if true.

come back when you have a life stream
good luck with the coup.

>ik geloof nog steeds dat socialisme hetzelfde is als marxisme, leninisme, communisme...

Oh merciful god please let this be true.

If only that were true.

100% controlled opposition operation.

100%, i small a rat when there is one.

If this is true, it would ignite a global race war. Americans would not only begin our own race war but would probably ship thousands of our own to help the European reconquest

Let the games begin

Dankje SP stemmer.

ik ben een NSDAPer.

>krauts and muzzies killing eachother

we'll use them to fight with us against the kikes and then send them to the middle east

Geloof er geen bal van.

A real military coup does and SHOULD NOT have `thousands` of people knowing about it.

Only 10~15 high to mid-level operatives, who would then have to ASSUME thousands of volenteers would join if they start it off.

With what? Plastic spoons?

>an off spring of weak pussies tells you to run away
color me surprised

Can I Join? You can kill me later when I am no longer usefull or kick me out of europe if you win

I fucking wish

I bet this is nothing more than to catch those that would try a coup, a trap to weed out those that will raise and try to retake Europe. Especially those who are in the top ranks.

Blijf dat jezelf maar wijsmaken maar je bent gewoon in SPer in denial

>send them to the middle east where they can multiply again
not a very good idea I reckon

unless you mean the krauts
in that case yes

>implying the cavalry will come and the hero will show himself
doens't work like that

ik ben en blijf een NSDAPer.

>steal the dutchies' bikes
>coup's cancelled

I want to believe

>third reich and the holy roman empire
The EU is the new HRE and Germany is even the emperor.

>tfw you’ll never be a qt migrant trap who gets taken as a sex slave when a coup happens

I hope they enough broomsticks for the this task!
Lets be real here...there is not one single EU State Army that could take over any country with the exception of Lichtenstein or Luxemburg.

Magapedes and Americunts stay away.

Ik ben een Stalinist.
Bijna hetzelfde als Nationaal socialist alleen iets meer socialist en minder racistisch.

Sinds wanneer is het in de mode voor neonazis om het socialisme uit het nationaal socialisme te halen ???

What do you suspect the coup is for exactly? Good coups intrigue me you know.

I pray that this happens but I doubt it, the public is too pozzed at this point to be saved.
They'll just reject their saviors as racist bigots

i wish, would love to join

Please be real and not just more leftie fear mongering

Drop het socialisme en hou het nationalisme anders ben je niet beter dan SP cucks

not enough of them to do anything, plus german people are way too cucked to ever win their public support and half the country is now muslim refugees anyway so really whats the point.

True. Many German Americans went to fight for Germany in ww2. If this was real and was not a larp you would have a lot of American support and funds.


Question is will they capture U.S. bases to secure control.

The Bundeswehr - despite having good soldiers - could not conquer a flowershop right now. Thus this post on 11/9 makes me a little twitchy because its a very special day in German history on wich things happened. Guess you know that OP, so kudos!

too early for this shit, unless it's very early preparations. but then in that case they need to sort their shit out if media's on them already. or controlled opps.

it's fine to prepare early as long as the trigger isn't pulled early. need to wait for the masses to get angry

To fight against the growing communist popularity. The people here will never drop on their national socialist beliefs for as long as there are actual communists in the country

To make an end to the endless Allied lies that have shifted everything

To stand up and fight against zionism. This isn't about 'muh muzzies must now leave us' whoever acknoledges and opposes zionism will be considered an ally, whether you're black, white, christian, muslim, it doesn't matter. This, while still supporting the idea of racial and religiousl separation of blacks, whites, christians, muslims, jews, etc

>Trump occupies Chicago and the entire state of California
>Jails pro-immigration politicians
>ICE deports Immigrants
>USMC executes the gangs of niggers and spics who rebel
>Gut Hollywood of its pedophiles
>Day of the rope
>Invades South Africa over farm murders
>Altright retakes Rhodesia
>Nazis reimpose third Reich in Europe
>Execute globalist scum
>Physically destroy the Frankfurt school and other Marxist institutes
>Retake Constantinople
>Japan becomes full blown Empire over night
>Entire Western world bans Abortion and rapes the childless left
>New generation wipes out African continent and colonizes it for resources

I hope their ordered to help the nationalists, any other president and there would be no hope

>tfw even if this happens the US and UK will probably go to war against them and prevent their control from lasting longer than five minutes

>Many German Americans

no one cares about them, I meant the 1.5 million Soviet soldiers (excluding the dozens of Russian Cossacks and Russian Liberation Army)

>picture from an ancient Russian Nazi churka beheading video
Fake news lads

This. The leaf is accurate.

>tfw ill never be a poor smol boy who escaped a war torn region to go to Europe
>tfw will never get on hormones without telling conservative muslim dad
>tfw will never work at his kebabary and go to school while getting more and more feminine until you look like a girl
>tfw will never break down crying and confess to dad only for him to hug you and say it’s okay
>tfw will never be bullied by cute nazis for being a migrant when walking around
>tfw a coup will never happen and put you in a detention camp seperated from anyone you know
>tfw you’ll never spend years after that in a war brothel for the servicing the nazi boys who used to bully you
it feels bad man

Well in that case, they have my support completely. Paramilitary support may be necessary.

Europe cucks will all fall under merkel then they will ally with Britain and Russia after the Queen and Putin are assassinated.
The bible has foretold this.

For some reason I do not quite trust Trump and I suspect neither do they.

What? It's already time for another European war. Well,well...time to renovate the alpen fortress.

On the same day as the beer hall putsch

Migrant trap?

Did the article just get removed?

but instead of a leader who wants his people to be strong its a bunch of sjw faggot kikes trying to destroy the genepool with shitskins

oranje boven!

Well I wouldn't be surprised.

>it's another the Swiss pussy out when their Germanic brothers need them most episode

Every time

Where is the gold mountain merchant?

>would probably ship thousands of our own to help the European reconquest
yup just like every single time in history jew ass vey is always on the lookout for opportunities to genocide whites in europe with justification.


I forgot Russia even existed for a minute.

You Ruskies would probably be the ones who'd invade Europe if this happened.

How did you end up on Bermuda however? I mean they are mostly Afro-Caribbean in origin.

Sociaaldemocratie hebben we het dan over, niet nat.soc.

Sweet jebus

>tfw North Korea declare support for occupied NL and Germany due to same opposition against US and any other kike controlled gov
>US freezes and starts handing out endless threats

Motivation uit de oude doos

Gewoon een ordinaire communist dus.


asjeblieft niet. Anton Mussert en de NSB waren een stel kankerjoden die zich voordeden als nationaalsocialisten om hun macht in Nederland te behouden. Zij hebben alles verkloot voor het Nederlandse volk.


>Hulp van de Norks willen.

Neck u zelf

Velen zijn commie tot ze vier dagen voor een brood moeten wachten. Loer meer mijn linkse nieuwvriend.


We kunnen, MOETEN iedermans hulp gebruiken.

>I'm sure they're against Trump's government as well.
Good, Trump is a kike shill. Only normie chumps still support him.

You mean we get to kick Germany's ass a third time in less than a century?


Godspeed to them if real


Meinoud Rost van Tonningen >Anton Mussert