ITT we post dangerous thoughts that bring the average Amerigoblin's brain to the point of overload
ITT we post dangerous thoughts that bring the average Amerigoblin's brain to the point of overload
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Yes and the "don't murder people" law was made at a time was slaves weren't considered people at all. Guess we should get rethink that one too.
shutup you stupid kraut, you wish you had freedom like America
This thread is now about how all the early influencers of America never intended to share this country with anyone darker than Italians.
Granting freed slaves citizenship was reparations.
You're right, they never should have been considered even 3/5th of a person. No voting privilege at all.
Person A's Vote counts as 1
Person B has 50 slaves and their vote counts as 51
Now you understand the 3/5's compromise
is there any evidence that they are more than 3/5ths of a person?
OP can't even talk about WWII without going to jail...
Yeah and Ghandi was also a rapist so international peace is also the ideology of rapists
That's how I read it, too - did we toss out the 3/5ths compromise unwisely? Let's reconsider it.
Germany is an American colony.
We literally occupy your country with military force.
You've been under our control since the end of WW2. Now get down on your knees and polish my knob, Sebastian.
>imblying Africans are even worth 60% of an ethnic European
OP doesn't realize the 3/5ths compromise eventually resulted in end of slavery.
Mohammed's thread failed before it even began.
I wonder why ALL Americans don't count as 3/5's of a vote.
If you can't find at least one person who agrees with you, why should your vote count for anything?
Maybe they did it to confuse niggers. I can see a mooncricket believing "tree fiffs is mo den wun."
I agree, blacks are still 3/5ths of a person and them being real people should be investigated deeper.
Without the compromise, it would have ended sooner with the Irish working the fields instead.
Faggot doesn't realize that if slaves were considered 0% of a person, Slavery would have ended much sooner.
You're either phrasing it badly or have no idea what you're talking about.
The 3/5th compromise was to determine state population counts, which in turn determined how many electoral votes and representatives a state received. Southern states would've had a huge advantage if their slaves were counted as people for that purpose. Slaves could never vote, and never gave their masters an "additional" vote.
No, niggers were always gonna work the fields because those were the only jobs available to their iq. It isn't until the latter half of 20th century that jobs were available that were dumb enough for niggers to perform.
We fought a civil war to change one of those, and if they think they will win a civil war against gun owners they are fucking retarded.
I couldnt agree more, slaves are 1/7th at MOST
I disagree. If there was no compromise, the south wouldn’t have been able to stop federal legislation to end slavery. They would have stopped importing Africans and switched to indentured servitude of the Irish. This has nothing to do with intellect, and everything to do with total cost of ownership.
For citation I use the last 40 years of increasingly technical jobs and niggers doing worse than they were before the nigger rights movement of late 50's early 60's.
Correct me if I am wrong, but nigger transplants were ended at time of constitution?
The Founding Father's were being overly generous here.
Also, mics were used to build railroad because they were working in harsh conditions and mics liked to get drunk, and wouldn't quit the job if they were provided enough booze.
>north didnt want to count slaves as people
>south wanted to count slaves as peoples
Really rustles those almonds
Wouldnt this only matter if the 2nd amendment were only valid for slaves at the time, instead of them not being protected by it?
No, it wasn’t until 1808.
Nobody is going to point out that they didn't write the Constitution (the 3/5ths compromise) and the Bill of Rights (the second amendment) at the same convention?
>what is the lower house of congress
but both of those were good things, what's the problem?
If we could go back in time and show the founders our world today?
>woman specifically prohibited from voting
>only educated white men allowed to vote
>Islam banned
>Judaism banned
>no civil war
>all slaves castrated or returned to Africa upon freedom
>only whites able to become citizens (the 1790 naturalization act would be amended and added to the constitution)
Then we'd have conquered the entire Western hemisphere.
Why did they count them as people at all?
The 3/5ths compromise was to DECREASE the voting power of the Southern states that wanted to keep slavery. It essentially was a numbers game that allowed representation to be stilted toward ENDING slavery. Be considered 3/5ths of a man was the best thing that ever happened to slaves in America. Look beyond the surface to understanding the realities of the day!
Then please explain why most of the constitutions of the former colonies guarantee the right of a person to protect "themselves, family, and state." These constitutions predate the US Constitution by a good decade.
Explain that.
>you can't
The only people for which the 2A matters are in places like NY, MD, and CA.
aufwiedersehen, vollpfosten
Freedom of speech was written at the same time.
For the same reason that the compromise was 3/5ths, it was a numbers game to increase regional representation therefore voting power.
I know man. 3/5ths is pretty generous, all things considered.
>another faghot european trying to take America’s guns
I don’t even understand what’s in it for them? I couldn’t care less about what euros do over there so why so obsessed with us? It’s pathetic.
Zero would have been more appropriate.
btw you are sentenced to 15 years for viewing far right propaganda, enjoy your freedom
^^^This, too! ^^^
Hey, OP. Texasborderfag here.
I’ll gladly drop you off in the middle of my ranch, and let you spend the night.
BTW: you’re not allowed any firearms.
Good luck!
"1 Post from this ID"
... Piss and run....
The 2nd Amendment was written at the same convention where they decided on separation between church and state so maybe it's worth reexamining.
Deus Vult
>German makes USA hate thread
>becomes German haye thread in an instant
the 19th amendment was written when women were relatively virtuous so maybe it's worth reexamining
Because the southern states wanted more representation in the federal government and could have walked away from the whole United States thing if they didn't get what they wanted. Thus the compromise.
One of the reasons plantation owners liked slaves so much in the first place was that white indentured servants had a tendency to fuck off as soon as they got to America. You couldn't keep them in chains and there was no Fugitive Irish Act to round them up if they left.
Gee, maybe they were on to something..
So basically whites get their guns taken away because blacks can't control themselves. So once we get our guns taken away, Tyrone will still have his even though he's the problem?
slaves were lucky they were considered any fraction of a person.
also RP because OP is a faggot
The bill of rights wasnt decided at the convention and it only reiterates and gurantees the god given rights we already have.
>you can eat raw meat without dying
It didn't give them voting privilege, it was for representative purposes. I guess nigger monkeys come in all colors, faggot
>ywn manifest destiny the entire planet
Why do eurofags care so fucking much about our funs when they get acid attacked and truck bombed every other week? Hell most of the homicides are done on gangbangers. Go back to sucking some nobles dick if an AR-15 scares you so much.
It is worth reexamination. Upon close analysis, it turns out blacks aren't actual people, and are about 3/4s as smart as white humans... hmmm...
2nd ammendment forever sage kys
that rule prevented the slave owning states from having majority in congress and electoral votes to decide the presidency since they didn't allow slaves to vote. Only the save owning southerners demanded slaves be counted equally. And German education was supposed to be good?
>eating raw American-raised meat
3/5ths seems a little generous.
what is this shit
So was the first amendment, so maybe it's time for some right wing death squads to take him away
PSA....If you think the USA has a gun problem. Most Brazilians can walk into a favela tomorrow morning and get a rocket launcher for a fair price
You Americans think you got freedom...shit, our most violent assholes have access to weapons that would make a nigger blush.
No it wasn't you goddamn fucking idiot.
Madison wrote the Bill Rights after the Constitutional Convention to ensure that the cons. would ensure the rights of the people.
If your going to make some bullshit argument, at least be historically accurate.