Is it race mixing if both man and woman are classified as Caucasian?
(Ex. Arab/Indian/Nordic/Italian)
Is it race mixing if both man and woman are classified as Caucasian?
if they aren't both from the same family it's race mixing
"Caucasian" is a Jewish term.
There is no "Caucasian" race but there is a white race and Semites like Arabs aren't part of it.
>There is no "Caucasian" race but there is a white race and Semites like Arabs aren't part of it.
>implying that you would not breed this
Kys op
arabs, north africans, indians. are caucasoids, in skull shape etc... more close to other caucasoids like white europeans than to asians or subsaharans but they don´t belong to the europid family... they (arabs) are semites.
that girl on the pic is a traitor to europa
i personally believe each group should stick to its members
If they aren't okey to breed with one another, then it isn't okey for non Poles to breed with non Poles, or non Irish to breed with non Irish, or non Persians to breed with non Persions. And also by that logic, America, and most first world western Caucasian nations are already mixed breed, and I'm not talking about niggers and gooks of course. Especially America.
Nice emotional fallacy. Lurk moar.
>says the arab rape baby
>non Poles to breed with non Poles, or non Irish to breed with non Irish, or non Persians to breed with non Persions.
I didn't you mean Poles to breed with non poles...ect?
((((Aryan Race))))
Aren't Caucasian in Iberia (Europa) closer to Moors (Africa) than they are Slaves (Europa)?
Geographic location doesn't change peoples race suddenly, espeically the gibraltar stait.
If you have a problem with caucasian types mixing, then you best say that poles only mix with poles etc.
Or just arrange you children to fuck one another if you're in a mixed caucasian country like USA etc
Have a (you), abbozoid. Any mixing outside of your sub racial group is racemixing
I meant
>Aren't Caucasian in Iberia (Europa) closer to Caucasian in Morroco (Africa) than they are to Caucasians in Lithuania (Europa)?
This pic lmao
Don´t project what you are on other's hideflag alien...
>Aren't Caucasian in Iberia (Europa) closer to Moors (Africa) than they are Slaves (Europa)?
No they are not, iberians are not related to moors or arabs genetically. (se pic)
Why would he breed with this when he could breed with Germanic and Celtic women you filthy jew?
You can find attractive women in most ethnicities.
Yes if the european has blond or/and have light eyes.
No if the european has brown eyes and/or dark hair since they have shitskin blood in them already
lel Be this dumb.... the purest europeans by far are not blondes or hav light eyes, --- they are the basque people.
she has such a lewd smile
>male europeoid(pontid)
>female europeoid(baltid)
You know you an idiot? U know?
Word u looking for is ethnicity. This is an ethnicity mixing.
Delete this
He is not pontid, go check the basics on phenotype. The guy is arabid.
Neither of those are from the Caucasus.
Iberians are closer to Norwegians than they are with Sicilians, and this already says enough about how distant they are with North Africans.
1 PT @ 4.097334
2 ES @ 5.321125
3 North_Italian @ 8.351245
4 FR @ 8.869403
5 Tuscan @ 14.608764
6 AT @ 17.288942
7 Cornish @ 18.835646
8 West_&_Central_German @ 19.063231
9 NL @ 19.573862
10 RO @ 19.757448
11 Serbian @ 19.801012
12 English @ 20.236576
13 HU @ 20.898699
14 French_Basque @ 21.568357
15 Orcadian @ 22.023098
16 IE @ 22.150290
17 Scottish @ 23.251104
18 DK @ 23.770628
19 NO @ 25.892271
20 South_Italian_&_Sicilian @ 26.324512
>Is it race mixing if both man and woman are classified as Caucasian?
no but it should be avoided
The Sardians are the modern Europeans with the closest genetic to ancient Europeans, and they are usually dark.
The whole blue eyes and blonde hair thing being associated with the purest European genetics is just bullshit.
Italians are white, retard.
>The Sardians are the modern Europeans with the closest genetic to ancient Europeans
Yes, because sardinians like basques are very old stock, the indo-europeans waves, didn´t reach to them.
Arabs aren't Caucasian.
yes because the guy in the pic is half Tunisian
Caucasian is a bs term here. Use European.
They are only if you are dumb enough to buy into the concept of “””Caucasians”””
Yes. Because there’s no such thing.
wtf where do arabs and berber fall into ?
You’re there under dunecoons, they just put poo pictures in your spot, and left the actual poo category out, though I suspect they also fall under d tier.
Why is there no mongrel tier?