Really makes you wonder

So this is why Muslims in the middle east are so pissed at the west? This is what christian US troops fight for?

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This is all part of the plan. Once the Jews can build the Third Temple, we wait for Jesus' return.

Your demon worshiping cult states Jesus is boiling in excrement. you lie and lie and lie, but we rejoice for the end is nigh

Diametrically opposed. Now that is God's work!

When I still had a TV in the 90s I was regularly watching the "news 20 years ago" program, where they simply reran decades old news shows during the night for historical education.
Every time this "conflict" came up it felt like watching news from the present with slightly altered names. Like they were simply copypasting the same texts since decades.
Only later I realized it was all propaganda brainwashing.


>im a jew
>you're not being a jew correctly!
Fuck off popsicle stick enthusiasts

What is Poland doing there?

if they are not strong enough to defend their land they aren't worthy of it

grim reminder soon kikes



my man, our paths meet again

>end is nigh
do you have autism faggot?

Yes this is why both wars were fought. It is time to name the REAL perpetraitors of the wars, the Zionist elites in France and Britain who were behind this plan the whole time; this goes back to the 19th century.

Chamberlain and FDR should be the "evils" of WW2, not Germany trying to defend itself.

Just waking up to the jewish agenda now?

lol believing in religion

I wish if Israel just hurries the fuck up, honestly.

Christians literally fighting for those who consider Jesus as a false messiah

>not being Muslim
you should kys expat

Not an expat, I am also not a Muslim.
All religions die eventually. Not my argument but that's the truth.

Muslims kill other Muslims every day. Shia vs Sunni, Killing the Kurds, Yazidis, Maʻdān and Houthis because they have a different practice of Islam. This has been happening for over 1000 years. The west is obviously to blame.

Yeah probably a dindu or an inbred fedora-tipping Arab who turned out like that after watching Sherif Gaber huh

Oh no. Those poor Muslims.

So if some Muslims wanted to take over a piece of American land the size of Israel I'd just have to color the USA in red and this taken over land in green and say "Oh no. Those poor Christians"?

yeah lets take a big chunk of land from any christian state and and kick anyone from there say look all those countries
have alot of christians in them , stupid mongrel there was people there it's not about arabs/muslims kill yourself

Here's more context for you lads

People fighting wars, winners get the land losers get jewed.

west won't allow israel to get jewed
>muh out numbered
>muh savage arabs muslims
>hurr durr israel democracy in me
all they want is no jews in europe and we don't want them here , death is the only way

All part of "Greater Israel" project

What the kikes did to that piece of land is also happening in white countries. This time it's hordes of thirdworld settlements. It's the same replacement plan.

>be Jews
>Rest of the world hates you for your success due to high IQ Ashkenazi genes
>Be driven out of many local communities
>Hear about Israel as the promised land
>Start immigrating to there since the rest of the world doesn't want you anyway
>There are some Palestinians living in small sand huts there, not much else
>Basically a big desert and some swamps
>Have thriving relationship growing oranges in peaceful relation to Palestine, thriving markets in Jaffa
>More Jews are beginning to arrive by the end of the 30s
>Holocaust happens
>6 million of your people die of disease, gas or starvation
>Ask the world for a safe country
>Are given said country in Israel
>Wait, we're cutting it in half to give to a people with next to no national identity
>Okay, whatever let's be friends
>All the neighbors immediately attack you and try to destroy your country
>Beat them off despite being much weaker and gain some land
>Palestinians start crying cause the side they wanted to win the war lost
>This happens 3 more times, and the Sinai peninsula is given back to Egypt as a peace offering
>Palestinians fuck like rabbits and there are now so many refugees that are used to delegitimize your state
>Give back Gaza as peace offering with all the agricultural machinery intact
>It gets torn down for scrap metal and now Hamas is firing thousands of missiles into Israel perennially


Stopped listening right there.

No I have been an atheist way before Sherif Gaber.
I have been well 15 years ago. I am in my mid 30s.
Not a nigger.
Not inbred as I am quite mixed race.

So tell me, why is your attempt to discredit me is to attack my character?

Are you secretly helping me?

Would jesus want the sacrifice of palestinian children?
>wait for jesus
>accidently worship antichrist

Get the fuck out of KSA and go to Sweden
Or just kill yourself

Hmm. You seem reasonable, normal even. Too bad you'll get thrown off a building because of where you live

Just because it wa Biritsh colony doesn't mean it wasn't inhabited by Palestinians you zionist pig. This is like saying because India was a British colony it is totally fair to arbitrarily divide 50% of India and give it to the Poles. Of course the indigenous people living their will revolt at this proposition.

>economic aid

Why would I go to Sweden? I fucking hate Europe.

No I wont.
Saudi Arabia is taking a different diection with the Mohammad bin Salman at the helm.

>le reformed Islam thanks to Mohammad bin salman meme
Lol, Islam is here to stay

No, it is not.
The fate that hit Christianity has hit Islam. And you are experiencing the beginnings of it.
This couldn't have been done without the extremists, honestly. The amount of viral videos of Islamic Police (Hayah), ISIS and Islamic Brotherhood fucking peoples lives proved to people unforgettably how horrid Islam or any religion can be when it's in charge.

The recent defeats of ISIS by the democratic forces and Assad forces, the evisceration of the Islamic Brotherhood by Arab nations and Saudi Arabia arresting extremest Islamist is making sure the future of Arabs is not tied to Islam.

Just breath in and take it.

Islam is literally all you guys have. Without it you have barely any history and are just brown 85 IQ subhumans.

Liberalism will just degenerate your nations and make sure you get drowned out by hordes of blacks, while global warming will absolutely BTFO your region.

Oh please man...
Islam actually went through worst than that. Yes extremism can generate some apostasy but don't think that it's a lot. The Middle East is still into this Shia/Sunni identity thing and religion.

The death of ISIS is actually a good thing for the religion, the entire death of extremism IS a good thing for Islam and Muslims.
You must be really delusional to think that Islam will go through the same process that hit Christianity in Europe and completely cucked it. Both defeniteley have different history and please... Just look at the polls, the Arab world and the Islamic world in general is too tied to Islam to give it up like that easily, even in nations that were ravaged by Shia/Sunni catfight are tied to Islam. Christianity in Europe suffered from a different way and for multiple reasons at the same times.

Again, Islam is here to stay. We're still at a point where apostasy can be sentenced to death, dw we have a long way to go before drowning into cuckatheism and degeneracy like Europe does.

And without Christianity Europe and North America barley has any history, it managed to do better without.

Who said anything about liberalism? pic related

Do you live in Saudi Arabia?
Mocking Islamists is public today and no one is stopping it. At best (for Islam) it will transform into a cucked version of what it once was.
I'll leave you with something to look out for. By the end of 2017 to early 2018, Prince MbS will take over and King SbA will step down or ... pass away. Then you will know the bell will toll for the death of Islam. Saudi Arabia will politically and economically transform into UAE like state. By 2030, you will see booze sold publicly and hookers at top floors of hotels.

Never forget that the kikes expelled Palestinian Muslims AND Christians. The Christians and Muslims in Palestine coexisted - and they still do. The International Jew stole their land.

Gtfo commie. Ever heard of private ownership?
Arabs owned majority of the land under the British and outnumbered jews as well.

How is that a bad thing you dumbfuck? Islamists are a pain in the ass for Muslims 1st then for anyone else. KSA is going to get jewed probably, nothing new, still I don't think it'll turn in something degenerate, th eclerics still have so much fucking power.
Also, you actually think that the strongholds of Islam are in Saudi Arabia? Lol, keep dreaming about your frustrations like that man

As if you werent losing until intervention from the USA

>atheists have no history

this is what retards actually believe

If Saudi Arabia is not the strong hold of Islam, we should probably raze Mecca and Madina, you know, the birth place of Islam.

Fuck off. Sup Forums is a pro Israel board now. Based Jews

Ahhh yes because KSA has Makkah and Madinah somehow it's the stornghold of Islam you know...

You literally can't complete your Islam without going to Mecca.
What are you talking about?

Bitch so what? Does that mena that if KSA gets cucked Islam will as well? Since when is Saudi Arabia the biggest Islamic influence in the world?

Since forever and will forever be leader of Islam.
I don't think you know much about Islam.
I don't think you are Muslim in the first place.

And I don't really know if you do know much about Islam. KSA only had its wahhabi influence when it came to the Islamic world and that's pretty recent, it struggling to rivalize with Iran in terms of influence and you think it will all of a sudden have some global influence on Islam.
Man even if 50% of Arabs wanted to get rid of Islam they just wouldn't succeed, Arabs are stupid, Arab society is fucked up and too ingrained in Islamic traditions.