Why does the average Sup Forumstard fail to understand this?
Why does the average Sup Forumstard fail to understand this?
She meant hate breeds hate but the retards here will not get it.
It's almost like... Blaming all whites for slavery is wrong, or something.
>If your intention is to stop the gassing, do not try to blame the whole population of Nazis for it because it cannot stop shoahs. It will radicalize more Nazis
- Malala Yousagoldstein
>don't blame me, it was my knife that stabbed you not me.
Great. We'll just fuckin kill em all then
The EU has located its nutsack
Why are muslims so retarded?
She may as well have just said 'death to the infidels'. All she's saying is Islam will kill you unless you are on board with it. Basically submit or die. Austria apparently is used to people telling them what they can and can not criticize.
>Don't blame the whole population of Muslims
>It will radicalise more terrorists
>Calling the whole population of Muslims terrorists
Resting on your chin?
Islam has no place in the West.
Why do they blame all whites for all problems then? Why do they ignore the actual problems and keep letting them in? If saying a group is prone to terrorism after they exhibit the highest amount of terror attacks causes more terror, will ignoring it make them go back to the baseline of more terror attacks than any other group? That doesnt seem effective.
One post by this ID, SAGED.
On the off chance you're not just trolling I have some questions. How many bombings has Sweden had in the last month? Who placed those bombs? Why did they place them? How welcoming has Sweden been to this group?
>If your intention is to stop white sypremecy, do not try to blame the whole population of whites for it because it cannot stop white supremecy. It will radicalize more whte supremests.
It's because you have a few camps in Sup Forums
Deus Vult camp who you can't talk sense into because they are basically white Jihadists
Gas the Jews (and brown people and anybody who doesn't look like me) because well they are scared of anything that doesn't look like them. No point in educating them either. I'd have an easier time teaching my do to talk.
The Meme warriors, oh have never met an actual Muslim in their life (or kissed a girl much either) and they just want to be edgy.
Then you have the ones that can't figure out, just like vietnam, that you can't bomb people into liking you.
The problem is you and her define "hate" as a country controlling its border and deciding they don't want to let massive numbers of muslims in.
Ive got a great idea... let's just fucking remove these kabobs - as they bring and give virtually nothing to our nations - then not interfere or associate with their politics outside of the occasional bombing to remind them who's boss.
Anything wrong this plan??
>inb4 but... they're the new pilgrims! They can't just go back!
>radicalise more terrorists
Freudian slip of the century, she's basically said all muslims are already terrorists.
>cant even screen cap the whole post
For fuck sake Portugal.
Reconquista 2 when?
it's not all mudslimes, just the 25 to 50% who want to fill infidels..
I hate this bitch, I wish the taliban had finished the job.
Calm the fuck down bong. Yeah we hate her too but just enough to shoot and miss. You need to see a therapist.