How did it happen that such a convenient and fertile piece of land, went to gypsies, mimicking under for Romans...

How did it happen that such a convenient and fertile piece of land, went to gypsies, mimicking under for Romans? In the world there are so many peoples who do not have their own state: Basques, Longbards, Indians, Pythonians, Aquitans, Britons, Ukrainians. And these gypsies have land in the center of Europe, where is justice?
Hey, you Masons? When already this Roman province will pass into the hands of a real caring owner, Where is the plan for the assimilation of this territory?

Other urls found in this thread:

2.5% of population is gypsy, and they never intermix.They are an underclass in romania, rarely ever receiving education, or being allowed to live in white neighborhoods. They mostly live in rural communities of only gypsies (like the borat movie, and where it was filmed).

This is disinformation, much like the amerimutt meme. Much of Romania's troubles comes from being under the Russians and because of communism.

Kys commie. USA numba 1



they breeded on turbo mode during ceausescus rule to have gibsmedats and now to escape jail, beacause women cannot go to jail for 9 months plus another 3 if she is pregnant or has a little gipplet. Let us not kid urselves they are 10-15 percent. fuck.

are you actually retarded vladimir, or is the vodka going to your brain? you russians have wanted to be "european" since the dawn of time. But the reality is, you're asian. Get over it. you'll never invade Romania without a NATO response. The missile shield is there, and you'll get fucked in the ass.

You can take hoholia and nobody cares because they're russkis. But romania? thats euro clay faggot.

We're descended from the Romans, stupid piece of shit R*ssian. Romania is named after the Roman Empire.

But Is there anyone else in Romania besides Gypsies?

so if you name it that way you will be...

What happened Ivan out of vodka?

Can't tell if you're serious or not. 2.5% of their population is gypsy minority, and their population is 20m.

Russia is only 80% ethnic russian. LOL
Retarded russki BTFO

I do not propose to populate Romania with the Russians, this role would have been approached by the Hungarians or Ukrainians

And we descended from the ancient Vikings

>And we descended from the ancient Vikings

I can't tell which is more butthurt on pol anymore.

Is it the Hungarians being butthurt about Trianon, is it the Argentinians for not being white, or is it the Russians crying because they're not relevant in the world anymore?

Arpund 10% of russian dna is scandi so yes, ancient ancestors were vikangs.


>Le 52% faze


Hungarians = Finns, Yes, they have turned a little black as a result of your policy of racial confusion.

That was sarcasm.

If you look at the haplogroup map of europe, the continent used to be proto-european. Proto european referring to the first-european-migration.

Then, the following migration came from asia, and went from russia all the way to portugal. The only proto european groups remaining in Europe are Nordics, Romania, slovenia, croatia, serbia.

So technically, based on dna, Slovenia, Romania, Sweden, Croatia, Serbia, and Norway are the only original europeans left. Everyone else is an asian mongrel.

The russkis pretend they're european vikings, but they're not.

truly our greatest ally


I can't hate on you, german guy, you do too many great things for me to judge the whole country based on a meme.

Amerinigger please stop talking about Europe if you are going to be divide and conquering.

1) It's a pretty shit piece of land by European standards.
2) Political bullshittery where European powers would rather have many small nations rather than another Balkan empire.
3) You don't get independence for existing. You get independence because people like you more than the other guys that could own your land.
4) Ukraine is independent. Perhaps they shouldn't be but that's another matter.



>USA numba 1
Yes 1 that's the percentage of white population you'll have by the end of the century.

fix your country first muslim

>he thinks russians live in the steppes and siberia
fuck off with your burger education you le 52% face

t 45% white mongrel that worships negro-jewish culture

My ancestors are on Trajan's Column in Rome,yours are on the vodka bottle.

we wuz romanz. Romania has had more abortions than people who currently live in Romania.


disgusting. take your shit genes back to Mongolia chink

Romania's only military victory. Sad.

Canada is a respectable member of the international community, and your country is more represented by it's worthwhile acts than it's invaluable ones. Your post does not change my opinion of your great nation.

Romania sent the most soldiers(beside Germany) in Operation Barbarosa.
After we liberated Basarabia we wanted to defend it,we had 2 rivers in our advantage,but Antoescu hoped that by helping Hitler he will re-think the treaty in which NW of Transilvania was given to Hungary.

We literally died for nothing there.Too bad we went there in the first place,fucking german and hungayan trrash.

Romania has a richer history than most other countries, Russia and America included

there's literally nothing wrong with being a mongoloid
at least we are not WE WUZ lapers like you

>only military victory
not really nigger

>we wuz hunz
>we iz not larping
>post blonde (probably dyed) woman
hungarians are the lowest scum in Europe. not to mention your shitty country gave birth to Soros

>there's literally nothing wrong with being a mongoloid

t. 98% scandinavian dna :) I'm more european than you, but yet again, Hungary has done a lot of good in Europe, so I will not judge you for it.

this is now a Romanian hate thread


mongoloids will rule the world Radu, the days of you gyppos and european w*thes are numbered

get the fuck out of here subhuman. go back to sucking a muslim or a dog in your sorry excuse of a post-national state

The us built the deveselu missile shield in Romania in like 2012. Romania is keeping canada and Europe safe from ICBMs. Perhaps you should rethink that, diaspora friend. :-)

Just like a typical gypsy stealing this time stealing European history

we are türkik to the core you subhuman gyppo
>he thinks it's matters where the eternal jew born or grows up in Europe

>>pretty shit piece of land by
Perhaps there are no nest dragons, bad lawns and cars go on the wrong side, But otherwise this area of beauty is not inferior to the Bavarian Alps

>One of Europe's largest mosques opens in Moscow

>Russia: Drone captures massive Eid al-Fitr celebrations in Moscow

>Russia: The World's Second-Largest Immigration Haven

>part of the plan /kebab warlord has his own 20.000 haji militia

holy shit lmao

No Muslims in western Canada. As a western Canada sepratist I assure you I'm pretty active in leaf hate threads as well

What ICBMs? The ones that could only reach eastern Canada? That's a good thing eastern Canada should burn especially Ontario and Quebec

you do realize the planet is a sphere right? The icbm doesnt fly across the drawn map LOL

the future of the country looks grim without a war happening soon

My ancestors :-)

>41,000 captured

We should replace the Hungarian flag with a white flag, kek!

Why do you place the gypsies on the columns of the Trojan?

Beauty =/= utility. If you can only grow grass and graze sheep then it's not a great bit of land.

this triggers the eternal Radu

Szekelyland is like a good pussy.
Hungarians will never get it.

google earth Romania, it's mostly plains with the carpathians in the middle and then transylvania is mostly plains. You don't know what you're talking about. But britain is pretty arable, i'll give you that.

Holy fuck dude atleast try to learn some english before shitposting
Half of what you said is unreadable

Are romanian gf worth the try?



I went to romania in 2009 and again in 2011 and 2012 for work. That's why I'm tired of the disinformation and the memes coming from people that have never actually been to europe.

Go there, and your mind will be blown how the average chick is a 8/10 by american standards. Id get a romanian wife if I knew the language, no joke.

philadelphia has a lot of romanians.




Claims send here-->
If I learn a foreign language, then it will be Japanese lng.

yeah but they're indistinguishable from other Americans once they live here for a while. Euro chicks that live in Europe are the best.

Holy fuck Slovakia bringing in the fucking heat.
What gives?

Leaf,on Trajan's Column you can see my ancestors fighting against the Romans.

>he thought I was saying my ancestors were the romans

That's what lack of knowledge and history does,maybe try reading a book not just the memes some hungarian spammed.



Romani diaspora go home and leave America alone. We have enough problems with the

>protest against ex commie mafia thieves by shilling for the "progressive" EU cock sucking liberals

??What do you try to achive?I'd rather have a Romanian communist steal my money than have EU and the jews steal from me.

Why not?
Hunz always shit on us for being butthurt so why couldnt we return it back?
This is a shit thread anyway, probably made by that albozerg living in Russia.

I'm 98% scandinavian dna, family been in the US since 1620s.

Just because I don't put up with your butthurt crying on Sup Forums doesn't mean i'm a diaspora. I'm more european than you, mongol friend :-)

How about neither? I would like a country like Poland. Do they revolt against excommunists and rusophiles? Fuck yeah! Do they have better salaries and lifestyle than Romania? Fuck yeah!

Poland is the perfect example that you can be in the EU and not be a cuck. And don`t tell me you support manele and all the gypsy voters.

The dog barks and the romani lies. Such is the way the wind blows

The hungarians like to shit on everybody because they got fucked so savagely by Trianon. Literally 75% of their country got divided up and given away for free to its neighbors. Then, the original populations got displaced, and now they're a tiny, irrelevant country with barely 9million population.

They were once an empire, and now they're back to being dogshit. This is why /pol is filled with their hatred and vitriol.

Imagine being rich with cars houses gold watches etc, and then losing it all and begging for money in front of a shop. That is Hungary.

That's why most of their stuff on pol is just hatred towards everyone. ignore them and call them huns, seems to work.

Sugeti pula, bozgori, turci si mongoli rusi. Tigani borati ce sunteti, voi ne-ati imputit tara cu capuse de-a lungul timpului

Poland recived much more gibs from EU,and Poland didn't pay back as much as we did thanks to our cucked weak spineless presidents and prime ministers.

I hate gypsies,I'd personally kick them out myself,we can't vote.

We have nobody to vote for.
>progressive sjws
>irrelevant "who"

We need a right wing serious party.

>They were once an empire
It wasn`t theirs in the first place.

Even the liberals voted against gay marriage in parliament. Only 2 loosers voted for. Ain`t nobody bringing cuck shit here. And if they do it will probably go down the shitter.

t. american that can't stand hungarians being butthurt on pol all the time. grow some balls and take the bantz, hun

As much as I hate gypsie, I have to agree with him. You can't have a functional, lasting empire when you have large amounts of land with way over 50% of an ethnic group that isn't yours. A lot of areas taken away by Trianon had populations way over 50% of non-Magyar. Ethnic conflict was the primary reason for wars during that time. Trianon was just one of the harsh methods implemented to quell ethnic tensions in Europe. They thought that by giving every major ethnic group it's own piece of land it would stop major wars in Europe. Kind of worked in most areas, not so much in others.


It's about the impact they have on the youth.I am 19,fresh out of highschool and I know how most young people think.
Since claus hohanis got elected I've seen an increase in people openly supporting homos,immigrants,listening to nigger trap music,doing drugs and openly shit talking the Church and God.

Who votes for liberals tho?The people with high "education"aka brainwashed in universities and prestigious highschools.

Their plan is to brainwash the people that will be economically stable.Why liberals never try to attract poor people and focus only on hipsters and rich cuck boys?

Our hope is the rural retards and middle class spergs.

I I scandinavian, a-aryan to the core you m-mut I can pr-prive it by saying a distant date :^)

considering I took a dna test and got 98% scandinavian, yeah, It would be factually correct saying that I'm more european than any hungarian. LOL you see how butthurt they are?

I still can't believe you are American. As an American who has spent a lot of time in Hungary and Romania you would despise Romanians if you spent any time around here.

OMG you are so buddhurted xD look at my image, that's my reaction hungol btfo so bad xD oh the butthurt

This meme is old. Romanians have genetically nothing to do with gypsies.

>proud to pay kikes to rob rights to own DNA

Way to sell your genetic code to a private company you fucking brainlet. Bet you spent $100 for them to not only profit up front, but also ass fuck you later on. Congrats user.

Don't get me wrong, Romanians are definitely turbo-shit in real life, the garbage on the streets, spitting on the ground, and generally rude people, crappy infrastructure, lack of traffic laws......but on Sup Forums, everyday i see hungarians crying about trianon and shitting on romanians.

a shitty country being butthurt about being cucked by another shitty country.

What's wrong, can't take the bant? ;)

Hungary is 3.1% gypsy. Romania 3.0% :^)

How is Canada any different. You guys are being flooded with muds too.