Ok you fags, time to clear the record a bit. I recently just returned from Europe, i visited Spain and Germany. I am a half Anglo/Half Germanic white American. I quickly realized that a lot of people here on POL actually dont know what they are talking about. So I am going to clear up two misconceptions. 1. Spain is in fact mostly white, potentially more so than the US. 2. Germany is not as cucked as they say and there is still hope for that country.
The truth about Europe
Other urls found in this thread:
1. Yes Spain is majority white, especially northern spain, even portugal is mostly white, and there are not many black people in the these countries besides a few in the big cities, but even there they are pretty rare. Spanish women are white and beautiful, and not many fatties like here in the US. Yes you can tell a few people have moorish blood, but not as many as gets represented on POL, and honestly it seemed more homogeneously white then the US.
2. Germany is not as cucked as they seem. The average person is actually aware of the problems that the migrants are causing and they are pretty pissed off at the politicians. They are aware of everything negative and most people admit that the majority of migrants are shitty people. Germany has such a large population that even they have let so many migrants in, they can still recover and thrive in the future, if they start sending them back soon. The culture here is actually very good, everybody has a job that pays well, not many homeless people besides in a small area of the large cities. Everybody drives a nice car, its illegal to drive a car with even the smallest bit of rust on it. They are actually a very hard working people, they get things done and then when they get off work they also know how to enjoy their free time. So many people have jobs in Germany, that they dont have as many people who sit at home in their moms basements sitting on POL bitching, yes they care about the current political climate but they are so busy its harder to spend time dwelling on the negativity. I actually really enjoyed germany, and in some ways it is actually probably one of the most similar countries to the USA in the world. Also, Germany chicks are so fine....DAAAAAMN SMOKEY
As you can see from personal experience i have discovered that many shitposters on POL are lying sacks of shit, Yes there are some browns in Spain but its worse in the US actually, and yes German politicians have made some cucked decisions the past couple years, but that really doesnt reflect the general population as they are getting more and more fed up with everything, but just are kept so busy working and making money that they dont have as much time or outlets to widely express their frustrations.
>Spain is in fact mostly white
Of course.
>Germany is not as cucked as they say and there is still hope for that country.
Not so sure about this one. They reelected Merkel ffs
Large gains for AFD as well
Yeah yeah, large gains for a far-right party doesn't make you uncucked or France is the least cucked nation of western Europe (and it isn't obviously).
i didnt make it to france, besides right on the border with spain in the Pyrenees which seemed really nice as well, small homogeneous villages... obviously france gets its own share of critism from POL but i cant really speak on the validity of that, but i can say this, I really wouldnt mind living in Spain or Germany, they both seemed more comfy than alot of places in the US desu
i honestly wonder if they have the same problems in Germany with the voting machines getting hacked and manipulated, who knows anymore what goes on behind the scenes with voting. Merkel is the 100% globalist puppet and her masters would do whatever they can to keep her in place
>Go to Europe
>don't have a lot of money so only get a week
>go see Germany
>self profess expertise
>forget that It takes more than a month or a year to actually be an expert on even a country
>decide to go try to convince Pol that you are right and they are wrong
>autistic screech for 3 posts
everybody lies
Some place in western Europe are alright of course, some other are terrible (I'm from the Parisian suburb so...). Anyway, I always saw the shit said on Sup Forums as mostly banter and some people that got tricked by the one-sided view you get from echo-chambers.
>writing "POL"
>going to Spain and Germany but missing the GOAT country in between
actually i went there for two months
>I am a half Anglo/Half Germanic white American
So you're American.
>1. Spain is in fact mostly white
So you have fucking eyes in your head.
>2. Germany is not as cucked as they say
So you realize that Sup Forums has a tendency to exaggerate.
Gee, thank you very much for enlightening me about my own fucking continent. If it weren't for the great American telling me what to think, I'd never have figured this shit out.
live in germany
tell pol that merkel is conservative
she was against gay marriage for example
your welcome lad....actually this post is mainly meant for American basement dwellers who will never leave their moms basement let alone leave our country to see the world with their own eyes. but yes hopefully i will make it to your country as well next time
Two months doesn't make you an expert on anything besides being a tourist.
Please clean out the Cote d'Azur.
Was really disappointed it got turned into Algiers.
it was enough time to verify some of the claims made on here were bull shit....fuck off
shes against gay marriage but like any politician there are 100s of beliefs that will make your political ideology. its not as simple as 1+1=2
>glorified tourist
Once again observations for two months would be a piss poor case study. you didn't explore a majority of the country just stayed and did touristy stuff and gawked at women like the virgin you are.
so im still living in germany ...
it was an example.
until the afd was founded her party was the most riight wing in our fucking country.
she is like a moderate republican
>my anecdotal evidence is proof
yes well i fell for the bantz a bit, i honestly thought i was going to get to spain and it was going to be muslim/brown everywhere and then i thought germany would be packed full of refugees on every corner but i only saw a few here and there, obviously i know some areas are worse than the places i went, but I was actually pleasantly suprised through out the whole trip at what a great continent it actually is, I was very close to never going to europe in my life if I would have just listened to the bull shit spouted on Sup Forums
Bitche, please.
I have nothing against merkel. How yall decide to run your country is up to yall. At the end of the day the EU will be the downfall of your civilization with its weak litigation and legal framework. Go take a gander at your refugee and asylum seeking policies.
ok buddy, typical american Sup Forums poster so negative about everything, dont worry i get it we live in a shit country its tough to muster up a little bit of positively even for a thread trying to promote European/US relations
for countries that rely on tourism for a portion of their economy, the likelihood of you seeing any asylum seeker or migrants is pretty slim. These cities are huge and you can easily hide shit
>potentially more so than the US
Literally any European country is whiter than the US
La cote d'azur !
Fucking KEK one of the best french shitskin enclave.
If you want a mediterranean bitch without shitskin go to croatia.
>there's still hope for germany
top kek
I'm not being negative I have no problems with Europe just the EU and unfair policies to the people that live there. I have a problem with your assertions with little to no proof just some personal observations while on vacation
Marseilles was overrun with Bougnoules when I was there. It's a shame because the Mediterranean Coast is some of the most comfy areas in France.
what can I say, i fell for the bantz and almost didnt go, but decided to just go for it and was so suprised what a great continent you have there lad, I gotta have hope that things can get better for you all im done falling for the memes, obviously there is a lot of work to be done, just like in the US
>i didnt make it to france,
Then you can't realize. Paris is Africa nowadays.
Same for London
Of course Spain and Portugal are white. Only clueless tards would think otherwise. And Germany is cucked, but it is not lost, yet.
Just go to Liguria, avoid Genova though.
seeing as i literally walked across spain, 500 miles, walking 10-20 miles a day, its fair to say i saw a large percentage of the country not just the tourist spots, as for germany i actually knew people that lived there and they were the ones who told me from their direct experience living there about the current state of affairs
> I am a half Anglo/Half Germanic white American
There are plenty of Europeans on this board to tell us what's going on, we don't need the misguided opinion of you and Brad.
Also Poland is significantly more like America than Germany.
lol i always crack up at this, but i actually am famalam
yeah und you have some real informations right?
>2. Germany is not as cucked as they say and there is still hope for that country.
What does "Germany" mean? Germans have no say. Government decides how cucked "Germany" is. But nice of you to reach out to those two peoples.
>half Anglo/Half Germanic
>wither than you
ok so
born there
lived there years
watched rapes murders robberies
watched "asylum centers" forced into small towns
watched the decay before my very eyes
watched the govt integrate the invaders
watched laws get introduced to stifle natives in objecting
but you made a visit, so i must have been tripping
lol...i can say this italians are browner than spaniards....and louder....but I did meet a few cool ones tho
living there
feeling great
We really need to clean out Côte d'Ivoire. It's not white anymore despite the name. 100% niggerfied.
finally someone that isn't in complete denial
>and there is still hope for that country. (OP)
I don't think OP means bad considering the quote. Calm down lol.
I'll keep that in mind for next time.
did I make an assertion pertaining to anything besides EU policy that is public information.
What Germanic areas? My Germanic ancestors come entirely from Alsace, Westphalia, and Saxony. Very narrow arrow - Rhine and Danube watershed, feeding into the North Sea, across which is the source of the rest of my ancestors.
You're just an Anglo. Genetically it doesn't make much difference.
>homogeneously white then the US.
Yes, of course.
>56%, you guys lost in the end.
one of us, one of us, one of us
still doesn't make you or your "acquaintances" experts on the current state of affairs.
>be you
>pull same shit as CNN
>all everyone hears is autistic screeching
Many Germans are totally demoralized and cucked beyond relief.
>"user, of course advocating for growth of non-white population in our cities is not acceptable, but we also shouldn't aim to be majority white either."
My germanic ancestors come from upper saxony and also south east netherlands
lol...well id take someones word for it who lives in a country more than I would from an American poster on Sup Forums
he's obviously shilling
notice the
>german chicks are fine
one of the those says:
Human rights not right wing humans
Btw whats so bad about war refugees?
i dont like islam either, but whats the problem with refugees?
well actually i wasnt shilling, yes i think they should aim to be a majority white actually, im against refugees for Europe and the US, yes some of the traditional blond hair blue eyes germany women are very attractive, you dont see eyes that blue in the US since most of those gens have been watered down over the previous few generations...
Just like the Anglo-Saxons and the Normans. You're just an Anglo. Saying "I'm half-blank and 1/8th Irish!" erases our particular subrace, the Anglo-American race, and gives idiots more ammunition to mock us with. The mutt memes are fine and well-deserved, but Anglo-Americans need to reclaim our identity.
Nonetheless: Brother, I'm glad you know where you come from. God bless America!
>American visits turistic areas of europe for two weeks
>Proceeds to educate europeans about their own countries
Peak merica.
you do realize the majority of your "refugees" aren't syrian, right? Most of them are from pakistan and africa (morocco, somalia)
and even if all of them were war refugees (basically not even syrians are, since they stop being refugees once they reach turkey), they are actively replacing you. Now, if you don't have a problem with that, be my guest
but only a tiny minority of your migrants are from syria
i've lived in berlin and stuttgart for a year split (work)
good looking women are a minority, most of them look like men. Maybe you were just lucky
ahh like i said if you would have scrolled further into the thread, i was actually there for two months, not just in tourist areas and I didnt mean for this thread to lecture europeans it was for mainly americans who talk shit nonstop about europe when our country is actually potentially worse off then europe
Marseille is LITTERALY algeria. No joke.
I am.
Dude, the point is not to make broad assertions based on direct observation from you and a few mid 20 year olds or early thirty year olds. You aren't inherently right just because you observed something once. You should be skeptical of the world.
i know that most of the refugees are here because of economical problems or because the dont wanna live in the islamic state.
im fine with that.
and i dont believe that you can replace anything which isnt there
here are some (((official))) statistics
syrians are a minority and those are that appear as syrian
many of them got fake papers so they can get granted asylum status. Remember the Bataclan massacre?
2 of the bataclan shooters passed through Greece with fake papers (we made a deal with the EU some years ago, all the migrants that arrive here are sent to Germany/France/Sweden because we have no welfare and money to give them here)
what about frankfurt?
>i dont believe that you can replace anything which isnt there
kek i like you
kek, pretty funny seeing an american casually saying "bougnoule"
Close the gates greek bro, protect your country, make him 100% greek euro white again.
>"Germany is not cucked."
>Germans elect childless leader.
>Leader tells Germans to import other species because Germans aren't having babies.
>Groan, "Germany is not cucked tho'."
>Germany re-elects childless leader.
>Groan, "Germany is not cucked tho'."
>Germany re-elects childless leader.
>Groan, "Germany is not cucked tho'."
>Germany re-elects childless leader.
>Groan, "Germany is not cucked tho'."
i said "not as cucked" yes they are cucked, but the people i spoke to were actually more aware of the problem and they dont just openly embrace it, they just have limited options right now when their government basically has made it illegal to criticize anything to do with refugees
being aware of their cuckery not as cucked
that makes them even more cucked actually because they're self-aware but can't act
see and picrel
subhuman hiding his flag
i think she is right i voted for her party XD
On the race thing:
>Species: Human
>>Subspecies: Caucasian
>>>Race: Indo-European (Aryan)
>>>>divided into European as opposed to Indo-Aryan
>>>>>Subrace: Germanic (Nordic)
>>>>>>Ethnicity: Anglo (Anglo-Saxon/English)
>>>>>>>Nationality: American
Ethnicity and Nationality are here used as taxa, not descriptors of culture or citizenship.
Germans would branch from us at ethnicity, where they become Germans instead of Anglos, with Bavarians, Prussians, Saxons, Dutch (sorry for the crude lumping), Austrians, Swiss. Tyrolian, etc. Another Germanic ethnicity would be Scandinavians, with Icelandic, Faroese, Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian as nationalities.
A Frenchman from Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie or Normandy is not all that genetically different from us either, though. Under subrace he could very well be French/Frankish, though in ethnicity French, with Latin co-ethnics in the south who are of the Mediterranean subrace.
That's it! Don't forget, we don't have the equivalent of the 1st amendment here.
they are uncucked in my opinion because i thought i was going to get there and everybody would have their heads up there asses pretending like everything was OK, also i thought i was going to see refugees everywhere, but while i did see a few and i know there are now certain small towns they have taken over, actually there are many areas that are still mainly ethnic german...so basically i was just pleasantly suprised because i thought it was going to be worse, i almost didnt go because i thought i would basically be walking into a warzone essentially
>they just have limited options
Germans, by their very nature, are a "self-limiting" group. Once something becomes a law or tradition, they toe that line. Sure, they might gripe about it...but they won't do anything substantive to change it.
You should spend your vacation dollars elsewhere.
>i thought it was going to be worse
it will be way worse from 2020 to 2030 and then it's game over
that's sweden lel
20 people maybe
otherwise see
bonus for doubles
>. Germany is not as cucked as they say and there is still hope for that country.
>t. Country that literally borders Germany
I try to keep up my French skills. I probably sound like an 11 year old in person but I read a lot.
sir, you are impressive
I see this trait in Scandinavians, Britons, and white Americans as well. White trash, Slavs, Irish, not so much.
I think it has something to do with time preference the need for social conformity in a harsh environment. I call it Robotosis Germanica or Deutschesrobotbrain. Italians and Jews are masters of the law when it comes to playing with it - but Anglos are the only ones who go full autism with BUT THIS IS THE LAW.
>The Saxon is not like us Normans,
>His manners are not so polite,
>But he never means anything serious,
>Till he talks about justice and right.
>When he stands like an ox in the furrow,
>With his sullen set eyes on your own,
>And grumbles, "This isn't fair dealing,"
>My son, leave the Saxon alone.
It's a broader Germanic trait. It keeps us from having fun, but it keeps us stable and alive. Of course if it gets pointed the wrong way suddenly you have
>MUH treaty of versailles
>MUH Aryan master race