16 years today, press F to pay respects to the worst atrocity to befall America this century ;_;

16 years today, press F to pay respects to the worst atrocity to befall America this century ;_;

Things that have happened since:

>a fucking white male became president
>wojak and pepe were born
>Germany continued to try and destroy Europe again
>people who weren't even old enough to remember it grew up and had sex already
>the Jews have still been at it

Other urls found in this thread:



9/11 in USA date format you spaz



You are 1 month and 29 days too late retarded bong

you aint no mooslim bruv

why did the other thread get 404 ed?

he kept us safe

Trump did this.


Eurofat education every body. Eurofat education.

I cant find a copy of this movie anywhere?

This is the second thread I've seen of faggots thinking 9/11 happened today.

At first I hoped it was trolling, but you're genuinely serious.

The absolute state of Sup Forums.


>lose two towers
>only remember to rebuild one of them
>doesn't even look the same


This is pretty funny


so sad

good job, lad - good job!

what are you on about?
it's 9/11 look at the date


fucking americans man
can't even remember bushday

>american education

This is the projected asbestos fallout plume from the 9/11 attacks. Asbestos is known to cause a deadly form of lung cancer known as mesothelioma, which can have a latency period from 20-40 years.


If you're on this map, how fucked are you?

if you kill your enemies, they win
canada is heading for glory

JFC you eurofags are eurofags
>SEPTEMBER 11th, 2001

The Islamic religion is not compatible with western society. People need to wake up.

9/11 happened in September.

However you choose to organize your fucking calendar, the (((current month))) is November

Go fuck yourself

its the 9th of the 11th

Well we celebrate it on 9/11 here in europe.
If you wanna be retarded and celebrate it on 11/9 that's fine with me I guess...

rly maeks u tink

Well you euros are fucking dumb. Case & point.

Us Burgers will make sure to celebrate your next terrorism on the wrong day, too. Eat shit

>the 50 million people who will get lung cancer sometime around 2030 from 9/11 ash exposure win because they died

Explain yourself.

reminder that the jews did 9/11

when can i celebrate 7/7

F. I will never forget the day those towers fell nor will I ever forgive those fucking terrorists. You never broke our will, only made us stronger bitches! America is number one! We own this world and we owned you fucking ragheads when we blew up your god damn country! Fucking cowards did 9/11 and their piece of shit countrymen paid for it. Start shit and get hit YOU mother fucking faggots!


So days are bigger than months?

Americans prove themselves dumb again. Colour me surprised.

Or should I say, colOr me surpriZed.

This thread made me chuckle.

ITT: Americans choke on bait like it's their wife's boyfriend's cock

that's a big pumpkin drumpfkin

AKSHUALLY, they built both of them into one tower.

Sun+Moon=Morning Star (Sirius - the only animal to die on 9/11)
Boaz+Jachin=Entry to the temple

The original two pillars outside the Temple of Solomon (compare - Twin Towers outside Soloman Bros Building) were destroyed on Tisha B'Av - Ninth Day of the Eleventh Month.

Do you know where the word "cabal" comes from?
