Comet Ping Pong under official investigation for child pornography?
I always thought pizzagate was a bunch of hot air, but this really has my raisins rolling.
Comet Ping Pong under official investigation for child pornography?
I always thought pizzagate was a bunch of hot air, but this really has my raisins rolling.
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oy vey
Sup Forums is always right
Eat shit elephantits
they've had a YEAR to clean up any evidence lol.
>after a thorough investigation, we've found NO EVIDENCE of pedophilia ring at CPP, so Pizzagate is now officially debunked.
what a joke
this, it's a year too late ffs. After the shooting false flag all evidence was scrubbed and gone
Captcha knows
The evidence has already been cleaned up. In a pure stroke of coincidence some wack-job supposedly went inside the store, shot his rifle once and managed to hit the hard-drive of a computer system.
With just one staged event they got rid of their material ( which were 50 - 200 mb encrypted rar files hosted online ) and got the media on their side as a victim.
Smells minty in here...
Way too late
Shit has been wiped clean
But then again these wackos are probably addicted like methheads and are bound to fuck up sooner or later
>I always thought pizzagate was a bunch of hot air
That's because you're fucking leaf, the lowest form of life to have a consciousness.
What am I reading here, user?
The detective that is investigating is going to end up suiciding himself with 2 bullets in the back of the head.
This picture totally doesn't raise any red flags
The truth floats to the top of the shit's how this stuff works. and by god, we've created the largest god damn pile of shit in the history of man kind.
>aaand buffering...ofc buffering
>you know what, fuck you youtube, you guys can't censor the information for ever
How many of these pizzagate-guys are legit schizophrenic?
>YouTube video as a source
Kek you guys are the biggest retards on this board
you mean /x/. this shit was all /x/, Sup Forums just jumped on the bandwagon when the shit blew up.
You fucking retards are either Kremlin agitators or bone-jarring stupid.
Kek no. Sup Forums didn't jump on shit. You mentally future hobos from /x/ came here and shit this place up with your mentally ill ranting and calling everything a false flag. Nobody on Sup Forums wants you fucking mouth breathers here, how delusional can you be? For all we know you rape children too, we have as much evidence of you raping kids as you have to support this pizzagate chimp orgy.
>we've created the largest god damn pile of shit in the history of man kind.
It has been an honour serving with you in this great enterprise, Brother.
You’re god damn right mr layhee
>image of investigative detective attached
A lot probably are, but it's useful
>Possible pedo rings are paranormal activity
>this is the pinnacle of shill intelligence
kek have a BUMP OP
Is that really one of his paintings? Hadn’t seen this one
Sup Forums was right again
Can we meme YouTube out of service for hosting softcore cp next?
This. This is our next main target.
Palestra means gym in italian
Here's a interview with the guy that hacked the CPP-site
On the wall of CPP in the bathroom it said
STAY CALM AND FUCK kids(the last word was added, but not erased)
So is Democratic Senator Robert Menendez for sleeping with underage hookers in the Dominican Republic. Makes you think....
old bread
Appreciate spreading the info OP
t. previous OP
Thanks for the old thread friend
All of them. The rumors are so unsubstantiated that it's absurd to even bring it up in polite society. Hillary Clinton has NEVER been associated with pedophiles.
Ô> oy vey !
Shooting a hard drive doesnt wipe it, you can still pull data off it although it would be difficult and not perfect. Its very difficult to completely whipe a hard drive with conventional means or destructive techniques
If you watch the video he says they fucked up removing the cp and left traces up on the Amazon cloud hosting server
Yeah, that would be all good and well but one of the diggers early on broke into that hidden file cache they hosted on their website and downloaded a copy of it. He even posted it for a brief day or two for those brave enough to copy it, and Im positive he handed a copy of it over to law enforcement. This would've been within the first few days of the story breaking.
These people were dealing with aren't exactly the brightest tools in the shed. I'm very certain Alefantis is a complete moron
>Dennis Hastert
>friends with founders of nambla and also close with attorneys at nambla
Fuck off nigger
They had the presence of the mind to false flag the restaurant server
They had the presence of the mind to produce a 'fake' menu
Its unwise to underestimate them
He is, he has called people threatening to hurt them or their families for investigating this shit. He openly talks about his connections and power and is a dick head for trying to intimidate peiple because people have just recorded it.
These cunts are stupid, they were keeping cp on an amazon server for one thing, so even if they wiped the files they had locallly there would still be shit in the cloud
don't post your IP here
Daily Dose:
Ben Swann:
So what are the chances that a Rothschild faces justice, and why is it not zero?
There is an investigation... there hasn't been one before.
Shit is getting as real as it can get.
I'm sure they're getting help covering this up, but James is a god damned retard I am sure of it
Megan Rouse is John Podesta's daughter, she sits on the board of the Dublin East Bay Unified School District in California.
1 post by ID
Suicide attack?
Self proclaimed pedophiles declare pizzagate pedogate pedowood untrue and false
They are also debating pedophilia
I need diggers to shitpost facts
Any anti pedo anons plz respond
2 questions:
1. How do we know that email screenshot is legit?
2. He also claims child porn has been found on their server. Where is the evidence for that?
I dont know man, the way he manipulated Ryan in the Pegaus Museum case.
threats and manipulation:
Is Ben Swann dead?
Guy posted a video of himself hacking into thr server. It was already known that there was a hidden directory on websites linked to alephantis and commet ping pong but it was passworded and you needed admin privileges. The video was on youtube, not sure if it's still there
I'm @socialistcancer
Sure, but stirring the pile means we get to pick out the gems.
>He also claims child porn has been found on their server. Where is the evidence for that?
watch the interview with the hacker on Titus/Dean channel
Voat bread
They point out the timing of this happening, the storm and all
Im reserved about Q because he never spoke about pedos but i bet hell come over now that its out, like he did with saudis.
It worries me that Q seems to think that Uranium One is what is going to take these people down.
As If
>emergency state
is a good idea. As if lefties wouldnt just rally behind poor Killary and her aides if they went down for fraud,
the mid-left will rally behind this. There is literally noone unironically for more pedophilia.
Sure. I'm also Seth Rich is still alive in Comets basement. Wait, there is no basement. LOL pizzafags BTFO.
Pedo shill detected.
Not sure about ben but it thought id take this opportunity to ask anons THESE questions again
Perhaps, but there's no denying he made some very dumb mistakes. I used to believe the elites were geniuses and their method of control foolproof, but since last year they appear vulnerable to me, like Xerxes bleeding in 300. Once enough people see that they're vulnerable it's game over for them, wolves have no power if the cattle swarms them
>Xerxes bleeding 300
Yes. But what happened to Xerxes in this movie rendition of the story? Vs real history...
This is real. Thankfully yes there is a human error element to all of this. But the only way to make them make mistakes is to keep the pressure on them.
Dont let them pussy out like Alex had to and then let them dangle that in your face.
the feds will clear it because if they ever admit there was something there it will be the end of trust in federal law enforcement
you have an actual source other than some numale youtuber
At this point we really need to reconfirm Podesta family ties. Especially as it relates to DC police and Vegas Incident
You mean the basement where they store their farm fresh ingredients?
*camera rattling intensifies*
Who are these pedophiles
Interview with the hacker
Pic related is a thumbnail to the investigation vid, because Titus/Dean was livestreaming this so he had no other way of adding this.
can someone shoop him with the brendan frasier hair
anyone know of a good pizza place with fresh delicious pizza?
Anons ask yourselves this:
What are the secular arguments against pedophilia? (hint: there are, but its better to arrive at them yourself)
Why arent they in the bible?
Shouldnt it be obvious why?
Why do inmates treat pedophiles as the worst among them?
Wait what?! You have got to be kidding me!
I knew YT was jacked up, but holy cow.
Why would,Pizzagate get kicked off Reddit, abovetopsecret, and many other sites if it had no,legs whatsoever?
Papa johns
Because they are cancer
I'm not gonna believe this until an actual news source reports on it
and even then idc until the arrests actually come in
so I'll wait
Its not that far off as you might think
msm is waking up to this
Sup Forums has always been right you fucking maple syrup. Even its craziest theories are absolutely correct much crazier than pizzagate are completely true, but since Sup Forums is in a constant Jewish assault, newfags like OP could never understand that everything in this website is taken seriously.
"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact" is said ironically. Everything should be taken seriously here.
Here is another secret, reptilians are 100% real and live in the material world we do.
Fine to be sceptic. But what if your scepticism puts the investigation at risk.
If sharing this and putting it into the spotlight protects the witnesses and investigators, and prevents the bad guys to 'an hero' them, then denial or passivity puts those same people in harms way.
Anyway, what is even there to not believe?
That titus would lie about the investigation?
That the hacker would lie about what he saw or what happened to him afterward?
again, watch the interview and investigation vid in OP and i dont think youll have doubts. We are officially at war with pedoes.
What is this, the 934th pizzagate prediction that will turn out to not happen?
Call it what you want there are many Hollywood/DC types that fuck children. Many children are sold to the highest bidder. If there is demand (middle east, Hollywood, DC) there will be a supply (US streets, Haiti etc.) Econ 101. These sick fucks must die
For those interested in figuring out the trafficking networks:
/HTG/: (ignore shill threads)
/ATG/: (stands for anti-trafficking general and looks at all of the different trafficking networks)
>Detective Jeremiah Johnson