Loool! Roastie just realized she can't go back!
Coalburner gets told
Other urls found in this thread:
>Announcing to the world that you're a coalburner
>it was a long time ago and I used protection
Sounds like she knew it was disgusting yet did it anyway.
You're not even posting the best part. Fucking SJWs commented to that that she was RAYCIS because she used a condom. If you don't get loads blown in you now, U RAYCIS
>I own color TV
fucking coalburner, he should eat his own eyes as punishment
Did it get deleted? Links dead. Who's got the crispy screencaps
Which one of you is this?
Wait, this was real? Thought it was a LARP.
Use the refresh on your phone browser, you pleb phoneposter.
>I own a color TV
I love these threads.
>I'm not racist
>I own a color tv
>this just happened in the current year
Roastie got BTFO'd
this is normal
racemixers should be shunned
the only people who racemix are...
1) hoes with daddy issues who want to get back at their parents by being as "free" and "open" as possible
2) faggot beta males who resort to picking up low-grade pussy via miscegeny (think white guys with asian girls)
>James B Rustle
Which one of you fags is this?
Once you go black, we dont want you back. Her toll will be paid in full
>I own a color tv
Pay the Toll
Dont tell them to lie about it. One of the goods things about Political correctness is that these dumb whores will admit everything openly.
This way we get to screen them for who is valuable as mothers to our children, and who is degenerate coalburning slags.
All the niggers can say in response is muh dick
topkek the fucking link is gold
>I own a color tv
My sides holy shit
The part where he says he isn't racist is fucking gay
They're so desperate to make racist mountains from molehills that they mistake something gender-related for race-related.
Generally, men don't like the idea of being with a vagina that some other dude already jizzed in. That's all there is to it, and women know this. No matter how progressive society gets, that instinctual deep-down revulsion will persist in men. So a woman says "We used a condom" to help mitigate a bit of that revulsion.
Plus, no matter how progressive society gets, we'll never get around the fact that virgins and monogamous couples will have far lower STD rates than people with multiple sexual partners. It is what it is.
This has nothing to do with race, but stupid American niggers can't see the world any other way.
I love the stages she goes through
>it was a long time ago
>I used protection!
>stop interrogating me!
>we could make this work out
>I hate you you bigot
idk it was pretty damn funny when he said im not racist I own a color tv desu
>I own a color tv
Jesus is this how chads texts?
>other than the muh dick comments the nigs keep bringing up android phones
wtf do nigs have against androids
Toll paid
Bear with me, I think I have autism: I can't discern the ironic profiles from the serious ones.
> there are multitude of these comments
Nothing really. It a slide at being a poorfag is my guess. So the course of action would be to see if obamaphoes are iPhones.
good he should fuck off the coalburner
spam her for "i used protection", this racist woman used protection because she things black people are dirty
what a disgusting person
iPhones are supposed to be super user friendly (they are for stupid people). That's why nogs don't like Android's. Android's be raycis n' sheeeeit.
Blacks are the biggest brand whores of all time. It's because they have ridiculously low self-esteem.
nigs get things they can't afford and act like they capitalistic af.
Niggers consider Android phones as poorfag phones since the average nig needs to compensate and "flex" by spending all of their gibs and small paychecks on useless expensive shit.
iPhones pander to retarded people so the normies feel like it's the better choice of smartphone
I swear to god 99% of twitter accounts are all made by the same beta faggot.
She's doing the Lord's work. Many young, impressionable female onlookers will not want to make her mistakes (known to the public) to increase odds of finding an employed mate.
spam her with this bullshit to turn her to our side and make her hate black people and SJW culture.
God this is pure gold!
Well there is something positiv about the whole liberal brainwash thing, it filters the ho's out!
Sometimes I think 99% of twitter users are bots.
Pics pls.
Wouldn't even be surprised if most social networks were just bots talking to other bots
gents, I think the lady is...a cat lady
HAHAHA look at them devouring each other over her remark about having used protection. Someone tells her that's racist, she replies it was in the context of safe sex, someone else nitpicks that was a past conversation so it's still her veiled racism.
Fuck me these people are head cases, I can't get my sailboat fast enough.
>that font
One time this type of discussion came up and a black friend got pissed when I said I wouldn't date a girl who dated a black guy.
I feel like I'm commanding some video game and watching the little pixel NPC's fight to the death.
>just yesterday in a thread another user wrote something got his jimmy rustling
>I returned that "Jimmy Rustling" would be a great pseudonym
>someone else on the same track
>I love you all (no homo)
ifa girl doesnt ONLY fuck black guys who cares? Most girls like black guys as well
Fking Hilarious! Oh, the impact! If it feels good do it girls!
No regrets no turning back.
That was quick.
Lmao all the niggers are salty about her response to him saying it was racist too. They call everything they possibly can racist
it shows poor judgment and bad up bringing
Same reason they spend $400 on Air Jordans instead of some $30 sneakers.
>get fucked by black guy
>black guy leaves you
>search for dependable man
>find someone, but he doesn't want you because of your past with black guy
>"n-no, that was in the past"
>SJWs turn on your because you said it like the black guy was a mistake
>live the rest of your life repeating this endless cycle, ocassionally getting ploughed by some random black guy
>die of aids or other STD in your 40s
Let this be a lesson to all the women of Sup Forums
>I'm not racist, I won a color TV
Stealing this one.
Although he kind of fucked up by making it so obvious. Should ask how many partners she's had and if she's dated outside her race, and then make up an excuse with obvious undertones. The problem with the texts is if she posted his name he's done for. Should have just said "I'm looking for someone who isn't promiscuous". That's what I do when I learn a girl has hooked up with a Black guy.
One time I matched with a Jewish girl on Tinder, decided to check her Facebook before meeting her and saw she had an ex who was Black and spent time in Africa. Told her she seemed to obsessed with Africa (lol) and that I wasn't interested any more.
Seriously, she'll understand what you mean but would be completely unable to (1) generate victim points in the victim market and (2) ruin your reputation forever.
Just say, "I'm looking for someone conservative", "you seem too promiscuous", "not attracted to you anymore". Say this AFTER she responds in the affirmative to the Black question. Otherwise it's WAY to dangerous, and honestly she doesn't deserve a proper explanation if she's a coal-burner, just toss her away.
>Most girls like black guys as well
Liberal hogwash. What more can we expect from Canada.
Damn son
The singularity happened long ago. The average human is just impossible stupid, so the average machine doesn't even need an AI to surpass them. They're already smarter.
Jews have them convinced that they're good women for having sex with blacks.
organic innit
this is also the reason they shoot you for stepping on their air jordans. it is the most costly thing they posess, and they're "poor" if they don't have it, kek
I don't get it. What does a color tv have to do with it?
every fucking time, also no; most girls do not like black guys
You would know this if if you spoke to girls and weren't such a loser. This isn't liberal hogwash. I said most like some black guys TOO, not prefer, just as well.
So true. How many of today's roasties follow this pattern.
lol, roastie got btfo
roasties will never be wife material. they are fucked in the head. no most white women do not date or fuck niggers. thats a meme certain (((people))) are trying to convince you is true. clearly its working on you
Are you retarded?
Fucking Leafs, i swear
Giving them tips on being shittier people?
Girl in your gif is underage.
All three of them?
Someone must be impersonating them and trolling. How can they consistently have the worst posts?
>leaf thinks he's funny by saying leaf
Alot do. I didn't say they PREFER, only that they like some AS WELL.
Blacks have no real identity outside of the color of their skin. Most don't have fathers and there are very few to no great works or past heritage that they can turn to for inspiration or consolation. The last time a group of blacks got together to build their own prosperity the Democrats sent in the klan to burn it down. They have virtually no options for success outside of the various variations of the Jewish subversion league. 99% of the people who try for those end up ruining themselves to be told sorry sambo go home. Or their inner lack of impulse control gets the better of them and they ind up state or federal nigger university.
I feel bad for them honestly, but they still need to get shipped back to Africa. The 1% of good black men in no way make up for having to live with niggers. They just don't belong here.
how do you know that?
do you think she likes black guys?
You ever ask a bitch to send you a pic without so much make up on? They get even more upset.
>caring about a font
I can't be bothered to change fonts. I actually don't even notice it. Can't even remember if I set that one myself or not. Only NEETs and spergs have time for that.
How would I know
>using protection is racist
I don't even understand reality anymore