Why is the cradle of civilization now a shithole?

Why is the cradle of civilization now a shithole?

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Thats a very good question, do you guys recommend any books that explores this topic?

>hi titties
>o hai mrk

Jews, Muslims, and our (((government))) sticking our noses so far up their ass

islam and burgerland

Cuz one something gives birth it gets all loose and floppy

Because the people that civilized it is not the same people that inhabit it now.

The Quran

Islam, desertification, Mongol invasion, arbitrary colonial borders


muslims probably

Because its not the cradle of civilization you retarded leaf.

"do you know what happened?"
"yes....JEWS happened"

The centers of civilization shifted to the west and north, and to the east. The end result was Rome and Persia. The Mongol invasions also fucked things up wonderfully.

Because Melanin rich people live there now.


abrahamic religion 3.0

Climate change, it's not a fertile as it used to be for one
The Ottoman Empire
The "hey lets just draw some fucking lines on a map to make countries" post WWI

An inability to secularise

the mongolian sacks as well ruined the region

At one time the Ottoman Turks had more wealth than any kingdom in Europe.
>But see, Islam destroyed that?
Well I guess you could say Christianity destroyed the Empire of Spain then.

Yeah but the Ottomans built it up bigger and stronger after that, but the decline really hurt the region.

There were lakes in Iran?

Literally all the forests were cut down, all the land was over tilled and Islam.

It wasn’t “climate change” the idiots just cut down all the forests, it’s a little simpler than the climate changing.

oh no, i am not saying early Islam.
in 12th century Islamic countries were the most advanced ones in the world.
The Problem is.
>12th century
Today, It is the exact opposite

do not forget to add oil and pipelines to the mix...


Ancient Levantines differed racially from the Arabs

Find out in the new DLC for EUIV!

Islam and American magic

Soil degradation and over-dependence on irrigation.

Because you can't stay in the cradle forever - you need to grow up, learn to shit in a toilet, and move out into the world.


America dindu nuffin. We a good country.


We should do something about the semite question, taking too long.

based saudi.

revolt or kill a royal petrolnigger

you mean talmuldic magic

Anglos are more to blame then us, though we shouldn't have gotten involved anyway. The Anglo-French led post-WW1 treaties are the reason for most of the shittiness of the middle-east

Islam removing the previous checks on inbreeding Christianity had in place turned it into a gradual shithole. Pisslam ruins everything.

Something something Islam something something mongols something something incest

>Being this fucking retarded


World subversion

When we all become atheist communists, then there will be prosperity and peace on earth

When will you right wing and religious nummienuts realize this?

Information from inside: Islam

I agree with this. Shoving a bunch of people into artificial countries that had no identity. That was going to work.

TE Lawrence realized this. The Arabs would have done far better if they would have been allowed to create separate nation states after WWI, or a coalition government. Hell, they probably could have created a second USA (United States of Arabia)

Mongoloids from the north butting in everyone elses business and leaving shitholes in their wake

Did I mention even more islam? Theres like shittons of religions mixed together in middle east

climate change
p.s. are you sure you know what the climate there was 5000 years ago?

The people there won't stop breeding.


cradles carry babies. babies leave the cradle when they grow up.

Idiots! The Middle East used to be white. I don't mean fucking Arabs or Jews. I mean the Middle East used to have white aryans living there. That's why it was great. Interbreeding and immigration destroyed the Middle East.

Funny, when left to themselves the Muslims did pretty damn well.

balkanized by western powers to foster infighting rather than expansion


If by well you mean starting to attack each other and wrecking already devastated region into oblivion, sure. You guys are not well informed about the kind kind of shitstorm that was happening here before and after mongols

Ottomans literally enslaved whole middle east, most of the arabs hate them because of that



>cradle of civ
yeah let's disregard the Chinese and all the many civs that existed globally and their amazing stone architecture

What are you, Racist?

stagnation because of their shitty ideology

Islam, ever lasting tribal/sectarian/political wars, little resources, colonization, inbreeding, outsourcing, immigrant labor, miscegenation, Jews probably.

>Being this retarded
Yeah the region SHINED when Islam wasn't there yet, it was so prosperous and wooooow omg

Failed to industrialze properly. Hell they failed at progressing in any field that isn't ancient greece tier knowledge of medicine. They just became irrelevant and with irrelevancy comes poverty and thus becoming a shithole

Soo... they did the same shit the Europeans did. What I was saying that Islam wasn't the issue, politics where. Which goes back to if the Arab revolt would have been allowed to determine its own destiny instead of the Anglo-French borders that were placed post WW1, everyone would have been better off.

Jews also played a part.

Every place eventually became a shithole after the west industrialized.

What the fuck is up with Saudi flags talking like European fedora tippers?

>Why is a cunt that squeezed out a kid so fuckin devastated?

Meme flag. Just like yours.

why do people post after this post?

it was a fuckton of wars and royal inbred niggers

The Saudi flag isn't a meme flag

Literal idiot. Who do you think Egyptians were if not niggers? You are an idiot.

>Ottomans literally enslaved whole middle east, most of the arabs hate them because of that

Funny because if it weren't for the Ottomans, Islam as a culture/religion probably would have died, along with Arab influence outside of Arabia

The Ottomans just picked up where the Arabs left off. If Arabs have a problem with that, then maybe it's time for Arabs to do some soul-searching

fuck off controlled opposition, you're making classical marxists look bad.

Considering that you won't see any real Saudis posting on Sup Forums, then yes, it's a meme flag here.

civilisation left

What do you mean? They're VPNs? Sup Forums is blocked in SA?

Maybe if the mongrels called saudi family did not come to power all of this would not have happened.

There still was some sort of tolerance between muslims and other religions. Its gone now and it aint coming back for sure

How would have it died? Turks adopted islam long before ottomans, if not them some other desert nigger would have done the same thing - enslaving and spreading their desert religion


The mongols really messed shit up when they hit Baghdad. Not just burning libraries, but also destroying ancient irrigation systems that were never really rebuilt. There must be a billion reason the middle east went to shit, but this was a big one for the fertile crescent.

Because the Turks/Ottomans actually spread it pretty well, and had a prime geographical spot to call their home, collect taxes, and wage war from.

If it weren't for the zeal and rush of early Ottomans, the Byzantines probably would have pushed back into the middle-east. The Arabs were irrelevant by this time of the rise of the Turks.


^That's why.

>Why is the cradle of civilization now a shithole?

Because it always was a cradle of shit.
The cradle is never the best part.
Only the part full of shit and screaming babies.

the got culturally enriched

were they white? wasnt the middle east part of the european sphere before the turkic migrations?

It's not that they are a shithole, it's just that the west developed really fucking fast. Yes war made it worse but we had war in the 1900's as well.

I agree about their zeal and that brings us to another question:

Who allowed Byzantines to die out? And who got Byzantine that weak for it to die out I wonder

As Ive said this place was more or less religiously tolerant until some retards with crosses decided to barge in this region and start another shitstorm. Everything went to hell for non-muslims from that point

europe progressed farther than the middle east after islam took over and installed sharia law(and the bedouin arab tribal social system).

>inb4 middle east was better than muh dark ages.

yeah the byzantine empire and sassanid empires didnt have a complete societal collapse and barberian invasion until the mongol and timurid invasions. the bedouin tribal arabs copied from byzantine and persian civilization and had a massive empire so they amassed wealth but they still had a large rural tribal population with urban cities as well which they conquered from other civilizations.


white bitches be on my peepee

Alexander "The Great"

Because Arabs have displaced it's native inhabitants; also Islam, but it's synonymous with Arab, in my opinion.

Poverty, crime, corruption, uneducated superstitious people and such make a place shithole? But the ancient Mesopotamian civilizations were as much or rather even more poor, criminal, corrupt and illiterate as Middle Eastern countries today.

It always was a shithole.

That had nothing to do with Islam. It had to do with conquering a shitload of rich land you fucking idiot. Similar to how Spain suddenly became the richest power on Europe after its conquest of the Americas. Assblasting a bunch of extremely militarily inferior featherheads with gunpowder and taking their resources isn't representative or a nation's true capabilities. Islam fucked up the middle-east, period.

Arab culture and hostile nationalism/religious warfare

wrong, the middle east's arguably possibly greatest peak was during Islam which brought order to the chaotic

roman empire was the islam of europe, uniting the at the time most civilised parts of europe together under a mostly singular banner like islam did with the caliphate
then it crashed and the result was shit tons of war for hundreds of years due to cultural, religious, economical and political reasons until it led to relative peace
this is the stage the middle east is in right now, it'll be fine and peaceful like europe in 200-400 years since they are that much behind us in the timeline (roman empire crash 395AD - Rashidun crash 661)

I'm not even kidding, your flag changed after 8 seconds back to the Spanish flag.

And why exactly couldn't they just gather around by themselves and redraw the border while telling foreigners to fuck off?